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Big action

[dà dòng zuò]
Chinese words
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Big action is a Chinese word, pronounced d à d òòò n g zu òòò, which is a metaphor for major measures. [1]
Chinese name
Big action
dà dònɡ zuò
Metaphor of major measures
It refers to the overall partial major change measures



A metaphor for major measures.
The big action also refers to the overall and partial big change measures.
Difference between big action and fine action
Fine movements and big movements belong to the baby's motor skills, that is, the behaviors that require physical muscle activities. Large movements refer to movements involving arms, legs, foot muscles or the whole body, such as climbing, running, jumping, etc. Fine movements are smaller movements, such as holding things with the thumb and forefinger, rotating toes or tasting with the lips and tongue, feeling objects, etc.
The development of big movements and fine movements is closely coordinated, because many human activities need to coordinate the use of these two skills at the same time. When your baby is 3 months old, you may notice that when he lies down, he puts his hands on his chest (i.e. big action) and then plays with his hands (i.e. fine action). For another example, when the baby is about 18 months old, the shape box game that he can play also requires him to use big movements to keep his body stable, tightly grasp the building blocks, and then use fine movements to rotate or change the shape in order to put it into a suitable hole.


Jiefang Daily 》July 22, 1987: "In order to meet the needs of opening up and revitalize the economy of Ningbo, please see some 'big moves' taken in the past three months."《 Shenzhen Special Zone Daily 》November 19, 1985: "The Director of the State Price Bureau announced that the market prices will be stable this winter and next spring, and there will be no major movement in price reform next year."