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Multiband remote sensing

Remote sensing technology for synchronous imaging of ground objects using sensors with more than two spectral channels
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Multispectral remote sensing, also known as multispectral remote sensing, is a kind of synchronous imaging of ground objects using sensors with more than two spectral channels remote sensing technique It divides the electromagnetic wave information reflected or radiated by objects into several wave spectrum segments for receiving and recording.
Chinese name
Multiband remote sensing
Foreign name
multispectral remote sensing
Multispectral remote sensing
Its principle is similar to "color separation photography". Usually using Multiband camera Multiband scanner or Multi band TV camera system To achieve. Multi band photographic images or scanned images can be obtained, and false color images can be formed after color synthesis. It provides more abundant remote sensing information than single band photography. Usually, visible and near-infrared wavebands are used, and their respective advantages are combined. In this spectral range, the sun Radiant flux density It accounts for more than 85% of the total radiation flux density, and the imaging effect is good. It has been widely used in space remote sensing, such as the multi band scanning system (MSS and TM) on Landsat, which is the main sensor to provide space remote sensing data.