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Suborder of Trichopoda
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Annelida One category, or Trichopoda The first item of. Body length, such as worm The cross section of the body is round or round and slightly flat. Annelida Polychaeta As a general term for species, there are more than 5000 apparent links, which are differentiated from homorhythmic segments to heterorhythmic segments, which are divided into head and trunk; Or head, chest, abdomen, tail, etc. The head is composed of Preoral lobe and Circumoral segment , or further formed by the healing of several individual segments connected with it. There are warty feet in the body mass of the trunk.
Animal kingdom
Chinese name
The cross section of the body is round or round and slightly flat

brief introduction

Annelida One category, or Trichopoda The first item of. Body length, such as worm The cross section of the body is round or round and slightly flat. The general name of polychaeta in Annelida, with more than 5000 apparent segments clearly distinguished, which differentiated from synrhythmic segments into heterorhythmic segments, divided into head and trunk; Or head chest , abdomen, tail, etc. The head is composed of Preoral lobe and Circumoral segment , or further formed by the healing of several individual segments connected with it. There are warty feet in the body mass of the trunk. At the end of Somite —— Anal ganglion There is a pair of long Anal tentacle (anaerobic, anal cirrus), oral cavity The inner wall of the pharynx is covered with cuticle. For carnivorous species, this part can be turned out. There are multiple denticles on the inner wall of the mouth (the outer wall when turned out), and a pair of jaws on the left and right of the inner wall of the pharynx. There is a pair of blind tubes on the esophagus, and the intestine is sunken and thin at each joint, forming a scar. anus It is opened at the end of the anal segment. Nervous system Some species are located in the epidermis and belong to ladder like nervous system. The closed tube circulates the vascular system, but a few species have no circulatory system (called sanguia).


blood Due to inclusion Hemoglobin And green, or containing hemoglobin It is red. nephridium At least within several individual nodes. Hermaphrodite (rarely hermaphrodite), Gonad Born on the body cavity wall, some with intrinsic Genital canal Some renal tubes act as reproductive tubes, and some ovulate or ejaculate through the rupture of the genital segments. produce Trochlear larva However, various types of asexual budding can also be seen. Almost all of them are seafood. according to animal Ecology can be divided into Wandering class (Erran tia) and Sessile class (Sedentaria), but this classification is only a stopgap measure. Accessible Oligochaeta Collectively referred to as Trichopods
 Polychaete Polychaete Polychaete Polychaete Polychaete