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abnormal sweating

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TCM Symptoms
Dreaminess refers to a kind of disease characterized by unrealistic sleep, disordered dreams during sleep, and many frightening things. It is the most common sleep disorder disease in clinic. Multiple dreams can be manifested in various diseases as symptoms, or can exist alone as a main disease, often with palpitations, insomnia, amnesia, vertigo and other diseases. [1]
TCM disease name
abnormal sweating
Common causes
Emotional damage, improper diet, excessive labor desire, and chronic illness can disturb the mind, make the mind restless, and lead to mental dystrophy.
common symptom
Unreal sleep, disturbed dreams during sleep, feeling dizzy and tired after waking

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Lang Na | Deputy chief physician

Department of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to examine

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Chi Huiyan | Deputy chief physician

Department of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to examine

essential information

TCM disease name
abnormal sweating
Common causes
Emotional damage, improper diet, excessive labor desire, and chronic illness can disturb the mind, make the mind restless, and lead to mental dystrophy.
common symptom
Unreal sleep, disturbed dreams during sleep, feeling dizzy and tired after waking

clinical manifestation

Insomniacs complain of dreaming all night or having too many dreams, or being easily awakened by too many dreams.


one Sleep disorders , including difficulty in falling asleep, lack of deep sleep, easy to wake up after sleep, consciously dreaming, Wake up early It is difficult to fall asleep after waking up, feel uncomfortable or tired after waking up, or feel sleepy during the day.
2. The above sleep disorders occur at least three times a week and last for more than one month.
3. Cause obvious distress, or affect the efficiency of mental activities or social function
4. Exclusion Somatic disease Or other accompanying symptoms of mental illness.

Etiology and pathogenesis

1. Little is known about sleep knowledge and the relationship between sleep and dream sense.
2. Personal emotional state Related: Mental stress, excitement, depression, fear, anxiety, boredom and other mental factors can often cause dreaminess.
3. Excessive concern for one's own health and dream sense leads to enhanced dream sense. In turn, it aggravates the fear of health and insomnia, thus forming a vicious circle.
4. At REM( Fast wave sleep : Also called Heteromorphic sleep Or fast phase sleep, abbreviated as REM) sleep and later awakening are more likely to recall the content of dreams.
five Individual function State difference: different individuals have different dream feelings, even the same individual has different dream feelings in different periods and different functional states. Therefore, some people will feel that they have more dreams in one period of time and less dreams in another period of time.
Feeling powerless during the day after dreaming at night is actually a kind of psychological factor Caused by. The dreamer always associates the content of the dream with the unhappy things in his own mood, which aggravates the burden of thought and depresses his mood, thus causing various uncomfortable phenomena.

Treatment based on syndrome differentiation

Syndrome: insomnia is easy to wake up and dreamy, palpitation , forgetfulness, dizziness, tired limbs, tasteless diet, pale complexion, Pale tongue The moss is thin, Pulse sedimentation thin and delicate. Therapeutic principle Invigorate spleen and qi Nourishing blood and calming nerves Principal: Modified Guipi Decoction
2. Syndrome of phlegm heat disturbing spirit
Syndrome: Sleepless and dreamy, Head weight dizzy Cough with phlegm Chest tightness Stupidity , upset and regretful, Bitter mouth , dizzy, Lingual redness The moss is yellow and greasy, Vein slip Number. Treatment principles: Clearing away heat and resolving phlegm Calm down and settle down Principal: Qingxin Ditan Decoction or Huanglian Wendan Decoction
Syndrome: Insomnia , dreamy, depressed, happy to sigh, Pale complexion , easy to fatigue, weak tongue, weak pulse. Treatment principles: Soothing the liver and regulating qi . Nourish blood and calm nerves. Main side: Suanzaoren Soup with Chaihu Celastrus tuberosus Mother of pearl Etc.
4. Symptoms of mental deficiency and fear
Syndrome: insomnia, dreaminess, easy to wake up, timidity, palpitations, and trouble Be apt to startle , shortness of breath and tiredness, Clear urine , pale tongue, The pulse is thin Treatment principles: Nourishing the mind and calming the nerves Principal: Amber Heart Nourishing Pill Add and subtract.
5. Zhongjiao disharmony syndrome
Syndrome: Insomnia and dreaminess , epigastric stuffiness Belching abdominal distention Discomfort, uncomfortable stool, thick and greasy fur, Pulse string Slip. Treatment principle: regulate the stomach. Principal: Pingwei Powder Jiashenqu Hawthorn charcoal Stir fried malt


1. Light and rich protein vitamin A good diet.
2. Participate in Qigong, Taijiquan, etc Mental power Exercise can improve the ability of nerve regulation.
3. Have a regular life, go to bed regularly, don't eat too much at dinner, don't go to bed drink tea And coffee Irritating beverage
4. It is not advisable to wash your hair before going to bed. Washing your hair before going to bed will stimulate the brain nerves, causing excitement and affecting the quality of sleep. The correct shampoo time should be half an hour after waking up to restore energy.
5. You need to relax and not pay too much attention to dreams. You should not think about problems or read books between half an hour and one hour before going to bed, Should be proper physical activity Avoid nervous mental activities. You can also eat some food to prevent such as milk, fruit Syrup Millet Congee Sour jujube kernel porridge Lotus seed porridge Etc.
6. Do not use hypnotic and sedative drugs easily, because the drugs will lead to drowsiness after getting up in the morning Addiction , rebound after drug withdrawal and other side effects. If you have many dreams, look for reasons from your own psychology or seek help from a doctor.