Bull market

Securities market with long-term upward trend in price
zero Useful+1
Bull market( bull Market), also called bull market, refers to the long-term upward trend of prices stock market The general trend of price changes is to keep rising, characterized by large rises and small falls.
The overall operating trend of the bull market is upward. Although it has declined, it has risen from wave to wave. More buyers than sellers, more demand than supply, more popularity, investors Chasing high Strong will, the number of new accounts is increasing, and new funds are pouring in. Investors should try their best to avoid frequent operations in the bull market, and their holdings will rise.
Chinese name
Bull market
Foreign name
Bull Market
bull market
Large rise and small fall
Refers to the securities market where prices have been rising for a long time
investment strategy


  1. one
    Small cap stocks Start the rising trend first, and new high prices will appear continuously.
  2. two
    When the news of adverse stock market spreads frequently, but the stock price fails to fall Bull buying opportunity.
  3. three
    good news The share price rose when it was announced in newspapers and magazines.
  4. four
    The stock price keeps rising sharply, and then rises sharply after a small return band Push up.
  5. five
    Individual stocks continue to Plate rally In a way that will index Step by step.
  6. six
    The popularity is constantly gathering, and investors have a strong desire to catch up.
  7. seven
    The number of new accounts is increasing and new funds are pouring in.
  8. eight
    Legal entity Big family Mobilization and purchase.
  9. nine
  10. ten
    Moving Average Both Multiple Arrangement , day, week, month Seasonal line Arranged in a parallel upward direction.
  11. eleven
    6th RSI Intervention between 50 and 90.
  12. twelve
    The overall economic situation has improved significantly news that causes a rise in the stock index or in a particular stock Frequently.
  13. thirteen
    Local stock market and surrounding areas equity market Synchronously, the economy among regions is on the active trend. [1]

Operation strategy



Bull market basic investment strategy Is shareholding. As long as it is not confirmed that the market is out of the long position, do not sell stocks. Each fall is a valuable buying opportunity, and you don't need to pay attention to the rise. Don't think you can sell stocks if the stock price rises a lot. In a real strong situation, the stock price can rise again, even to a level you can't believe. If you sell some profitable stocks in the middle of the rising trend, unless you stop buying or exchanging shares, you will generally cut off a portion of your due profits. In essence Bull market In the process of rising, this kind of wrong operation that has to be made up with higher costs after selling stocks in the middle is important for the rising market impetus [1]

Stock selection

Bull market
In the whole process of strong operation, stock selection is also a crucial operation link. Generally speaking. The initial stage of strength should be High-quality stock Take the lead in rising. If high-quality stocks do not perform well, low price small stocks with speculative themes will jump in turn. It means that the current market is likely to be a speculative upward trend. In this case, you should be ready to ship at any time; However, sometimes the big long market may also be triggered by speculation, but then the first tier high-quality stocks must be able to keep up in time. Then take the lead in the upward direction, and give the second Triple strand Make room for improvement. Pull the market all the way up, if First tier stocks And the rising trend of second tier high-quality stocks should always rely on the low price Speculative stock And volume Overly distributed in speculative stocks, it is difficult to sustain the upward trend. Pay attention to these important market signs in operation. Don't be carried away by the market performance of the temporary boom. [1]

Sell shares for cash

Bull market
In the middle of the bull market. The stocks with the most vigorous rise are generally equity Smaller second line High-quality stock Is many. Especially those with favorable themes Small disk Blue chip stock In a bull market, there is always a chance to be a star in the last round. Therefore, after the bull market enters the main upgrade stage. It is advisable to purchase and hold such small cap blue chip stocks. however. Even for this kind of stocks, we should try our best to choose stocks that are less restricted by the price comparison relationship. Although some stocks are indeed small and excellent, their price comparison relationship before and after is relatively fixed. The rise is often not strong enough. The last stage of the long market is often a crazy speculative boom. The main feature of the market is the jumping of the third tier low-cost stocks. Of course, you can participate in this speculative game at this stage, but you must not catch up with the third tier stocks that have been hyped up. On the other hand, you should always consider selling shares to cash out and leaving the market at this stage. [1]
When the stock price continues to rise and the trading volume continues to increase for a period of time, it is necessary to pay attention to some omens of the rising trend to the top at any time. The typical top omens are in addition to the rising tide of speculation First tier stocks In addition to rising much more slowly than the index, the trading volume has remained at a high level, but the rise of the big market has stopped. During this period, special attention should be paid to Daily chart If there is a typical Reversal Patterns Such as“ M head ”、 Top of head and shoulder We should be very careful not to be confused by the market atmosphere. Of course, in the whole process of the upward trend, the stock price will have several downward adjustments. It is difficult to distinguish the downward adjustment from the upward trend Strong adjustment Generally Decline Limited, and the turnover will decrease during the adjustment period. In addition, the adjustment is mainly reflected in the stocks with a large increase in a short period of time. The high-quality stocks with a small increase will not fall too much, and the time for the fall adjustment will not be too long High horizontal plate Market Chasing high Too little money, Aftermarket It may go down. [1]
Generally speaking, you don't have to worry too much about the decline of stock prices during the period when the strength has just formed, Downtrend It often happens when 100% of the people in the market are in a profit state, and once the decline occurs, the initial decline is very fierce, but then comes an excellent short-term rebound opportunity. After the rebound is completed, it is really impossible to fight. [1]

Investment Skills

In the first segment of the bull market, most stock prices will get rid of Short market The index of the whole stock market rose sharply due to the excessive depression of rise Larger. Usually accounts for the whole bull Market situation About 50%. Corresponding investment strategy Yes, quickly invest the remaining wait-and-see funds into the stock market, especially those highly risky stocks and small Growth stocks Because high-risk stocks have a high probability of going bankrupt, they may be hit hardest in the short market. Investors holding such stocks are very easy to escape from the stock market under such circumstances and make the stock price fall to a very low and abnormal level. Once the bull market appears and investor confidence recovers, such high-risk stocks will return to a normal level. [1]
In the second segment of the bull market, Market index The increase of is often more than 25% of the bull market, but stock selection becomes more difficult. During this period, most risk stocks have risen close to their actual value price level Compared with other shares, it is no longer investment value Therefore, the stock selection must be based on the long-term outlook. The corresponding investment strategy of the second segment of the market is to invest funds mainly in growth stocks, especially small capital growth stocks. Because at this time, people are generally optimistic about the market situation and economic prospects, while small capital enterprises are more optimistic than Large industrial enterprises With greater growth, small capital growth stocks can attract more Bid So as to make its share price rise faster. [1]
In the third segment of the bull market Increase It is often less than 25% of the overall bull market, and only a few stocks continue to rise. The investment strategy corresponding to the third segment of the market is to slowly sell the second-class growth stocks and transfer some funds to the blue chip growth stocks with the ability to maintain price in the bull market; Or withdraw some funds for cash. Because in this market, most of the fluctuation of the stock market has ended. At this time, buying and selling stocks must be selective. Only high performance growth stocks can be bought, as well as those that can still benefit from the future economic difficulties. In short, we must begin to be prepared to bear the risk of short markets. [1]
In the next fourth segment of the market, the stocks that should rise have almost risen, so it's lucky to earn 10% or 20%. At this time, only blue chip growth stocks and a few stocks that can profit from economic difficulties can continue to rise. The investment strategy corresponding to the fourth segment of the market is that it is better to sell all the stocks held to see the changes, and put them on various bonds and deposits with more stable yields, so as to make a new round of investment when the short market ends. [1]

matters needing attention

matters needing attention
At different stages of the stock market operation, the bull market, especially at the beginning of the bull market, is undoubtedly stock investment The best time for. However, there are still many investors. In view of the fact that the number has fallen sharply and has lasted for a long time, the share price of most individual stocks has shrunk significantly, and almost all the chips held by investors are in the quilt to varying degrees, while they lack confidence in the future of the stock market. In fact, the stock market is in a slow bull market period, so we should grasp this stage investment opportunity It is particularly important to win in the stock market.
In the running trend of bull market, Excessive speculation In order to change the trend in stages and correctly grasp the investment opportunities in the early bull market, we should first understand the market characteristics in the early bull market. Since 1992, the cumulative increase of domestic stock market is no less than that of any other country's stock market, such as Japan's stock market, the United States Stock market The rule of bull market is all related to this trend of population change. And once you step into Aging society Will lead to the retirement tide Economic stagflation , cause old-age pension A bear market scene of cash out but no takers.
In general, there are three characteristics of the initial market:
First, investors' confidence is generally insufficient, and the market transaction is sluggish. Not only are there a few small and medium-sized stock transactions Number of shares Rare, and some Large cap stocks Investment and trading are also inactive;
Second, stock price Rise and fall range Smaller;
Third, when the market rebounds, the index tends to rise less but individual stocks rise more, and there is an obvious first between different sectors and individual stocks General inflation , repeated round of increase and subsequent supplementary increase Market pattern
On the basis of clarifying the market characteristics of the early bull market, the key to correctly grasp the investment opportunities in the early bull market lies in the operation, and the key to grasp the position in the operation. Initial basis of bull market Stock quotation software The heavier the position principle, the better. The specific position proportion needs to vary from person to person. For investors who have follow-up funds to keep up with, they should try to fill their positions. They can also replenish funds and buy stocks every time the market and individual stocks fall; For investors without follow-up fund supply Bin control In principle, it should not be less than 50%. [2]

Transaction History

At 14:39 on December 5, 2014, A-share The turnover exceeded 1 trillion yuan, with 598 billion yuan in Shanghai and 407.7 billion yuan in Shenzhen. [3]