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Biochemical terms
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Exopeptidase , also called Peptide terminal lyase , or Telolytic enzyme , Yes Proteolytic enzyme Category I, catalytic Polypeptide chain end Peptide bond Hydrolysis.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Telolytic enzyme
Peptide terminal lyase Telolytic enzyme
Exopeptidase , also called Peptide terminal lyase , or Telolytic enzyme , Yes Proteolytic enzyme One, catalyzing the end of polypeptide chain Peptide bond Hydrolysis, free end amino acid According to the amino end or carboxyl end of the peptide chain sheared, it can be divided into Aminopeptidase and Carboxy peptidase In addition, it also includes Dipeptidase , cutting dipeptide from the end of polypeptide chain Dipeptidyl peptidase