
[wài lái yǔ]
Words transliterated or simply translated from other languages
zero Useful+1
Loan word is a Chinese word, which means that a certain language is transliterated or simply translated from other languages.
Chinese name
A word transliterated from another language or simply translated from another language
wài lái yǔ
English translation
loan word
Common loanwords

Basic definitions

During its development, English has absorbed a lot of loanwords from other languages, including: wok -Wok (Chinese), alcohol( Arabic )、 dock -Wharf( Dutch ), coup d'etat coup (French) jasmine -Jasmine( farsi )、 land -Land (German), sputnik- Artificial earth satellite (Russian), robot- robot ( Czech )、 tatami -Tatami (Japanese), zebra (Bantu) yogurt - Yogurt ( Turkish )Etc. [1-2]

English loanwords

English is the most widely used language in the world vocabulary The largest language. Strong English Openness and Inclusion It constantly absorbs all kinds of foreign words that are useful to it, thus greatly enriching and developing its own vocabulary. Most English words originate from other languages, such as Latin , German, French Greek , Italian, Chinese and more than 50 languages.
On《 Oxford English Dictionary 》(The second edition in 1989), there are more than 1300 English words with Chinese as the source. Not long ago, the United States "Global Language Monitor"( GLM )The organization claims that since 1994, Chinese has contributed 5% to 20% of the new English words, more than any other source. English words from Chinese can be roughly divided into the following categories:
From ancient times to the present, Chinese people are very particular about clothes and food; Its forms and contents are even more varied and dazzling. There are many English words from Chinese, such as cheongsam The gown )、dudou( Bellyband )、 silk (Silk) nankeen ( nankeen ), bok choy/petsai (Chinese cabbage) dim sum (dim sum), spring rolls( Spring Rolls )、chow fan( Fried rice )、chow mein( Stir-Fried Noodles with Vegetables )、jiaozi ( Dumplings )、wonton( Wonton ), chop suey, kaoliang, Maotai( Moutai wine ), tea, oolong( Oolong Tea )、 souchong ( Small tea )、ketchup( ketchup )、Peking duck( Beijing Roast Duck )、 longan ( longan )、lychee/litche( litchi )、 gingko ( ginkgo )、 ginseng ( Ginseng )Etc.
Time-honored Chinese history We can see the influence of Chinese history and culture on English by giving rich connotations to culture. These English words are Confucius ( Confucius )、Confucianism( Confucianism )、Laozi( Laozi )Tao, Laozi( Laozi )、 I Ching (《 I Ching 》)、Tao Te Ching(《 The Scripture of Ethics 》), yinyang, feng shui, Kwan Yin, xiucai lama (Lama) kowtow (kowtow), Mandarin, China, Long, Qilin( unicorn )、 chopsticks (Chopsticks), Spring Festival, etc; These words can be understood without special explanation to native English speakers.
These English words often reflect the temper of times For example, Yamen, Tuchun( Governor ), running dogs brainwashing (brainwashing), Great Leap Forward, Red Guards( Red Guards )Gang of Four, reform and opening up policy, township enterprises, peaceful rising guanxi (relationship), etc. Chinese Monetary unit ABCD (jiao) and ABCD (yuan) have been received English dictionary Medium; Interestingly, yuan has experienced the process of expanding its meaning in English, and can be used to refer to money in general.
Traditional Chinese Art With its rich local flavor, honest artistic connotation and vivid historical traces, it is loved and appreciated by people all over the world. Such English words are pinju( Pingju )、Yuju( Henan opera )、Erhuang( Double spring )、Peking opera( Beijing opera )、Jingbai( Jingbai )、wudan( Wudan ), chou (Chou), qinyi (Qingyi), hualian (Hualian), daomadan( Dao Ma Dan ), pipa, erhu, guzheng, etc. China Kungfu Online Be famous all over the world; Kungfu has almost become Chinese martial arts A synonym for Kung Fu movie star Bruce Lee Be a leader; The essence of Chinese martial arts includes Sanda/Sanshou, Tai Chi, etc.
Science and technology
Abacus It's traditional in China computing equipment It is also a great contribution of the Chinese people to the world's science and technology; The abacus has become one of the earliest English words from Chinese. When the Chinese are about to take the first step in space English words taikonaut (Astronaut), appearing frequently in the reports of "Shenzhou VII" around the world; It is composed of the Chinese pinyin "taikong" and the Greek word "naute s" (voyager). Western media are increasingly using this new term Chinese astronaut This newly born English word has been included in mainstream English dictionaries.
Internet English
Internet catchwords often used by Chinese netizens have become common after being translated into English Expression For example, online shoppers( Taoke )、angry youth( Indignant youth ), digit head, human flash search( Cyber Manhunt ), knock off, play hide and seek, get soy sauce, ungelivable, pear big Representativeness And many people use it. This kind of online English is characterized by its strong current affairs.
Chinglish (also called Chinglish“ Chinglish ”)Finger band Chinese phonetics , vocabulary, grammar, etc Pidgin Language. For example, lose face, no can do long time no see Good good study, day day up( study hard and make progress every day ), no wind, no waves, people mountain people sea, etc. The first three phrases have been integrated into mainstream English. GLM highly evaluates Chinglish from the perspective of global vision and English development, believing that it will enrich English expressions.
English words borrowed from Chinese usually use transliteration, free translation, phonetic paraphrasing and transliteration plus affix These four ways come into being. After these words entered the English language, they were more or less "anglicized" to a certain extent and basically integrated into the English language Lexical system And pragmatic expression system.
I remember well-known scholars in China Zhou Haizhong The professor once Academic speech Zhong said: English words with Chinese as their source are both Chinese and English language contact The inevitable product of cultural fusion The inevitable result of; along with Chinese nation With the increasingly frequent communication with the English nation, there will be more and more English words and expressions from Chinese, which will further promote the internationalization and diversification of English. Lin Lin Written on Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong

Chinese loanwords

Like many other languages, Chinese vocabulary is based on the nationality Proper word As the main body, it also properly absorbs foreign words to enrich itself. However, most Chinese words have their own meanings, and transliterated loan words without meaning are hard to accept in Chinese speakers' psychology, so they are pure Transliterated word The proportion in Chinese vocabulary is very small, and the number of common words is even less. Some transliterated words that were once popular in one place at a time are gradually replaced by words created by oneself. For example: plug, steam Microphone (microphone, Loudspeaker )、 Penicillin (penicillin, penicillin )。 The common way to absorb foreign words in Chinese is: ① transliteration plus class names, such as truck Beer (beer)、 Ballet ballet )、 Golf (golf);② Half transliteration, half transliteration, such as neon lamp, motorcycle( motor -cycle);③ Imitate translation, that is, use Chinese morpheme Translate the components of the original word, such as basketball horsepower horse -Power), steamboat( steamboat )、 Machine gun (machine gun) 。 The last semantic translation is especially common.

Japanese loanwords

There are many Chinese words in Japanese, most of which have been introduced from China for a long time since ancient times and have become an important part of Japanese.
Some of the loanwords introduced earlier have been fully integrated into Japanese and are not recognized by Japanese as loanwords. This kind of vocabulary was often used Hiragana Or Chinese characters.
For example: た ば こ (tobacco), ん ぷ ら (tempura), か っ ぱ( Synchondrosis ), じゅばんん (Ruhuan)( Smoke pipe
Words that have become Japanese but still have the feeling of coming from a foreign language are generally used Katakana Writing. Of this kind of vocabulary Morphology It is relatively fixed.
For example: ラ ジ オ, ナ イ フ, ス ー ト, オ ー バ, ゘, ガ ラ, パ, ア, ノ
Words that obviously have feelings from a foreign language. This kind of vocabulary is often not fixed in form (i.e. writing method), but some words with customary writing method are generally written in accordance with customary writing method. This kind of vocabulary may be written with syllables that are not available in Japanese and Chinese. These special syllabic kana are used to write loanwords, foreign place names and person names that are closer to the original pronunciation or spelling method. [1-2]

Common loanwords

From Sanskrit karma. The word "ye" in Buddhist terms especially means "artificial". We move with our hearts and minds, and do all kinds of actions with all kinds of hearts for the external environment and troubles. Behavior can be divided into body, mouth and mind: doing with the body, speaking with the mouth or thinking in the heart. These are actions, called affectations, also called karma. Such an artificial process will make people feel the future consequences. From the perspective of the consequences, there is a so-called cause of karma; The karma, which means that the karma and external factors form the karma, is called karma. [3] Sanskrit karma is related to Sanskrit krnoti, Avesto kerenaoiti, and ancient Persian kunautiy, and comes from the original Indo European root * kwer - (do, form). [4] It is homologous with Lithuanian keras, ancient Church Slavic č aru, English Prakrit and the second part of Sanskrit, Greek teras, and English prefix terato. [5]
in the first place
Transliteration of mongolian ire. It means "coming". [6]
As a Buddhist term, it comes from Sanskrit Sakrdagamin. [7 ]
One gram
The transliteration of Mongolian "Da". [8]
From Latin Asia. Latin Asia comes from Greek Asia, presumably from Akkadian asu (come out, rise), which means the place where the sun rises. [9] The earliest person who used "Asia" as a geographical division was Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79), a naturalist in the Roman Empire. In his book Natural History, Pliny used "Asia" as a synonym for the eastern continent to describe the area of Anatolia Peninsula, the eastern side of the Haiqin Sea today, which is what we call Asia Minor today. Since then, the word "Asia" has entered European English, French and other national languages, and its scope has also been expanding, and has become the main concept of European geography describing the eastern continent. The theory of "Asia" and other five continents first came into China with the world map drawn by western missionaries. [10]