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Extraneous Inline

Abbreviation of the policy of foreign introduction and domestic combination proposed and implemented by the special economic zone
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The policy of introducing foreign capital, technology and management methods, as well as the process of mutual cooperation among various regions in China, is the abbreviation of the policy of introducing foreign capital and combining domestic capital proposed and implemented by special economic zones.
The term "external introduction" refers to the introduction of funds, technology, equipment and scientific management methods from foreign countries, Hong Kong and Macao. It is an important part of China's opening-up policy. The introduction of capital is often accompanied by the introduction of technology, equipment and management methods; The introduction of equipment is often accompanied by the introduction of capital and technology.
The first is the economic and technological cooperation relationship between the Special Zone and various parts of the country, such as the joint establishment of factories between the Special Zone and the mainland, so as to enhance the ability of introducing foreign resources, transfer advanced technology, develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, give play to the dual advantages of the Special Zone and the mainland, and promote the common development of the Special Zone and the mainland. Secondly, it also refers to the domestic non special range of economic union. We should make use of foreign capital, introduce advanced technology, equipment and scientific management methods, unite with domestic non special zones, and make full use of the human, financial and material resources of the mainland. The radiation effect of "two sectors" is the two main contents of the activities of special economic zones.
Chinese name
The policies proposed and implemented by the special economic zones to introduce foreign countries and unite domestic enterprises
Extraneous Inline
Diversification, etc
It plays an important role in the development of the special zone

Mainly including

The introduction of foreign and domestic products includes two aspects. One is to introduce foreign advanced technology, equipment and advanced business management methods, absorb, digest and innovate them, and transfer them to the mainland. [1]


1、 Expanding "external introduction and internal connection" plays an important role in the development of SEZ [1]
First of all, external and internal connections are the two wings of the economic take-off of the Special Zone. The goal of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is to build an industrial oriented, multi-functional, export-oriented and comprehensive special economic zone. The development of export-oriented economy, especially export-oriented industry, plays an important role in the industrial structure of the special zone. The outward oriented economy means to establish close ties with the international market. Therefore, economic development must take the path of economic internationalization. At the same time, if the SEZ wants to stand firm in the fierce competition in the international market, it must take the vast inland hinterland of the country as its backing, use its special geographical location and policies, implement the combination of external and internal links, make it a hub connecting the domestic market and the international market, and play the role of "four windows." and "two sectors.". In terms of aspect: Shenzhen is the region with the largest number of foreign capital utilization in China and the largest density of "three foreign investments" and "enterprises". From 1979 to 1988, it introduced 2.2 billion dollars of foreign direct investment, accounting for 40% of the capital construction investment in the city, which is equivalent to 1/7 of the foreign capital utilization in the country during the same period. The total industrial output value of the enterprises reached 6.961 billion yuan, accounting for 58.3% of the city's total industrial output value, of which the output value of exported industrial products was 4.418 billion yuan, accounting for 65% of the city's total industrial product exports. In terms of internal relations: By the end of 1989, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone had signed an internal relations cooperation project with 25 ministries and commissions of the central government and 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The actual investment was more than 3 billion yuan, and more than 3900 enterprises of various types had been established. In 1989, the industrial output value reached 3.87 billion yuan. "Introduction from outside to inside has played an extremely important role in the economic development of the Special Zone.
Secondly, the core issue of building an export-oriented economy is to enhance the ability to earn foreign exchange through exports. To be able to produce a large number of export products that are competitive in the international market, the main way is to rely on external and internal links. In general, Shenzhen has a weak industrial foundation, low technology and management level, and few competitive products can enter the international market. Only by introducing foreign capital at a higher level, better introducing foreign advanced technology and management methods, and at the same time effectively using the rich resources, strong technical force and existing industrial and agricultural production base in the mainland, can the degree of export-oriented economy of the special zone be fundamentally improved.
2、 Features and trends of external introduction and internal connection
(1) Features and trends of external introduction. The introduction of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to the outside world took 1985 as the time limit and went through two stages. Before 1985, the focus of the work was basically on "laying the groundwork and laying the foundation". Since 1986, the focus of the work of the Special Zone has shifted to focusing on production, upgrading the level and seeking benefits. Shenzhen's foreign economic ties and cooperation have entered a new stage of development: foreign economic ties and cooperation have developed in depth; the use of foreign capital has increased significantly; Industrial projects play a leading role in the introduction of foreign capital: the sources of foreign capital tend to be diversified; The selection of introduced projects is relatively large. With the in-depth development of the external introduction work, there are the following trends: First, foreign investment will further increase. From 1979 to 1988, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone introduced foreign capital with an average annual increase of 17.8%. In the next few years, the world economy will grow at a low speed, which will provide excellent economic conditions for the continued growth of the economy of the special zones; The interest rate in the international capital market is stable with a slight decline, which will be more conducive to Shenzhen's introduction of foreign capital; The further adjustment of the world economic structure is conducive to the import of applicable advanced technology in the Special Zone and the adjustment and upgrading of Shenzhen's industrial structure. Second, the source of foreign investment will be further expanded, and industry will continue to be the focus of foreign investment. International consortia and multinational companies have set foot in Shenzhen, and the proportion of large and medium-sized industrial projects and advanced projects has increased. According to statistics, more than 20 foreign banks were registered in Shenzhen in 1989. These will lead to a new pattern in the export work of the SEZ: the introduction of foreign resources will shift from a quantitative growth model to a quality and technology advanced model, the export market will shift from mainly relying on the Hong Kong and Macao markets to a situation where the Hong Kong and Macao markets and the ocean market keep abreast, and the economic ties and cooperation relations with the Hong Kong and Macao regions will rise from the low-level stage of loose links to the high-level stage of close links.
(2) Features and trends of inline. Since the establishment of the Special Economic Zone, the internal connection has developed rapidly. In the process of development, it has the following characteristics: First, diversification. The combination includes not only the combination of industry and commerce, industry and agriculture, and agricultural trade, but also the combination of technology trade and trade technology. The form of union has developed from regional to cross regional, cross industry multilateral union, from single industry union to multilateral union of industry, agriculture, commerce and technology: the second is collectivization. Many enterprises began to move towards cross industry alliances, and a group of conglomerates such as Hualian Textile Group and SEG Group emerged. They took the path of collectivization and socialization. Third, "Chinese and foreign" enterprises developed rapidly. By the end of 1988, they had reached 1784, which played an important role in the export of foreign exchange. Fourth, they were two-way. Not only mainland enterprises come to Shenzhen to unite, but also Shenzhen enterprises go to the mainland to unite with enterprises in provinces, cities and autonomous regions. By the end of 1988, 86 enterprises in Shenzhen had set up industrial and commercial enterprises and branches in the mainland, with an agreed investment of more than 100 million yuan. With the development of the economy of the Special Economic Zone, the prospect of internal liaison work is even broader. But there are also some noticeable problems. First, the proportion of trade or industry and trade comprehensive projects is large, while the proportion of industrial projects is small. Generally speaking, the industrial structure is unreasonable. Second, there are more general projects, high-tech, and less risk investment. By the end of 1987, the city's intranet belonged to scientific research, and there were only 23 comprehensive technical service projects. In the first half of 1988, although there was a significant increase, it only accounted for 4.9% of the number of projects and 11.3% of the number of investments; Third, the management system of internal enterprises has not yet been straightened out, internal friction is serious, short-term behavior is common, the desire for reinvestment is weakened, and the development potential is insufficient.
3、 Countermeasures for further strengthening external and internal connection
In order to meet the requirements of developing export-oriented economy in special zones and improve the quality of inward and outward connections, corresponding countermeasures must be taken.
(1) In terms of external introduction. First, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity work. By holding trade fairs, expos, technical exchanges, conferences and necessary exchange visits, it is necessary to publicize the investment environment of the Special Zone, and promote major projects such as the Futian Free Trade Zone, Yantian Port, and the airport, so as to create a good impression of Shenzhen to the outside world and expand cooperation objects. The second is to sort out a number of well run enterprises and projects to attract foreign investment. Third, actively attract foreign capital to participate in the shareholding reform of enterprises. Fourth, for the key projects in the city, we should actively contact influential international consortia, strive for funds, and try to make use of the assistance loans and export credits from foreign governments and the World Bank. Fifth, further improve the service work of foreign investment. The Municipal Investment Promotion Center and the Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment should think more ways and take more measures in this regard to help investors understand the "soft and hard environment" of Shenzhen investment as soon as possible, improve efficiency and solve practical difficulties. Sixth, continue to improve the soft environment for investment, improve the efficiency of government departments, continue to improve the policies and regulations on foreign investment, and enhance the attractiveness of the special zones.
(2) In terms of internal connection: we should study and formulate more preferential policies, take more active measures, and create a more optimized investment environment. We should encourage mainland provinces, cities and some large enterprises to invest in Shenzhen, engage in high-level and large-scale development, and develop high-tech and export-oriented enterprises; Encourage mainland provinces and cities to set up wholly-owned enterprises or "Sino foreign joint ventures" in Shenzhen; encourage domestic enterprises to expand the path of export-oriented economy, establish export product bases in provinces and cities, further establish and improve cooperation networks, and strengthen regional cooperation or industrial cooperation with the mainland. We should strengthen the contact with the mainland offices and liaison agencies in Shenzhen, and give play to their role in information exchange and material exchange; It is necessary to organize the responsible comrades of the city and relevant departments and units to "go out" in a planned way, carry out visits and investigation activities, and actively do a good job of internal liaison.