Summer sayings

Politician, litterateur and cabinet chief assistant in the middle of Ming Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Xia Yan (July 14, 1482 to November 1, 1548), with the name of Gongjin, No. Guizhou, Guixi County, Guangxin Prefecture, Jiangxi Province (today's Jiangxi province Guixi People [154-155] Ming Zhengde Jinshi [157] the ming dynasty metaphase politician Litterateur To the son of Xia Ding, the young master.
In the 12th year of Zhengde (1517) Pedestrian Department Pedestrians. Migration Section In progress , known for their integrity and daring to speak. Ming Shizong After taking the throne, he was ordered to eliminate the redundant staff, check the royal family's manors, and move Shaozhanshi to serve as a scholar in the Imperial Academy. Push“ Great Rites ”Events, great favor and migration Wu Yingdian Bachelor , Minister of Rites, Prince and Daughter in Chief, and a young teacher Doctor Tejin Guanglu , Shangzhu State. In the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), he became the cabinet Primary and secondary We have made great achievements in improving the cabinet, curbing eunuchs, rectifying the administration of officials, and consolidating border defense. Honest in heart, heroic and strong, gradually lost favor.
Jiajing Twenty seven years (1548), supporting recovery Hetao He was framed by Yan Song and executed at the age of 67. Muzong of Ming Dynasty He succeeded to the throne and was able to rehabilitate the country“ Wen Min ”。 [156] His poems and prose are grand and neat, and he is famous for his poems and songs《 Guizhouji 》And《 Nangong Script 》Handed down from generation to generation. [1]
The source of the pictures in the overview is Xia's Genealogy [2]
Xia Gongjin Xia Wenmin Xia Guixi Xia Guizhou
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Shuntian Mansion (Today's Beijing)
date of birth
July 14, 1482
Date of death
November 1, 1548
Key achievements
Get rid of corruption and participate in locomotive maintenance
Main works
Guizhouji 》、《 Nangong Script
True name
Summer sayings
Posthumous title
Wen Min
Native place
Guixi, Jiangxi

Character's Life


Early experience

Summer sayings
Chenghua Xia Yan was born on June 29, 2018 (July 14, 1482) in Lianzi Lane, west of the capital city [3] He is alert and sensitive by nature and has outstanding literary talent. [4] Because Xia Yan's family is Military status , the Ming Dynasty had to do it again Minister of War To break away from the old practice of military status [5] Xia Yan has been carrying the hope of the whole family since childhood. Xia Ding once taught him: "You should study hard, and you will become a minister, and the common people can leave our army." Under the supervision of the elders, Xia Yan worked hard since childhood. [1] [6]
Hongzhi In the eleventh year (1498), Xia Ding was awarded Zhejiang Yanzhou Mansion Tui Guan and Xia Yan also went with their father. When he occasionally learned the local dialect, Xia Ding severely scolded him: "Many of the former participant in the classics colloquium Difficult to understand the obscure dialect, unable to participate in the debate tactfully. You must correct your pronunciation in time so that you can do it in the future In progress To play a story and Speaker " Xia Yan obeyed her father. [7]
In the 13th year of Hongzhi (1500 years), Xia Yan returned to Guixi, Jiangxi Province, to prepare for the local examination. [1] In the 14th year of Hongzhi (1501), Xia Yan failed in the local examination for the first time, and then continued to study hard at home. [8]
virtue In March of the first year (1506), Xia Ding Linqing He died of illness. [9-10]
Xia Yanzhi in the autumn of the fifth year of Zhengde (1510) The Book of Songs And won the sixth place in Jiangxi provincial examination. [11] In the ninth year of Zhengde's reign (1514), Xia Yan went to Beijing to participate in the examination and failed, and then went to Nanjing Imperial College to study. [12]

New to officialdom

In the 12th year of Zhengde (1517), Xia Yan passed the examination Jinshi , appointed as pedestrian In the 13th year of Zhengde (1518), he was ordered to investigate Huguang, Yungui and other places, and returned to Beijing the next year. [13]
In October of the 15th year of Zhengde (1520), Xia Yan was promoted The military division is in the middle of the matter And take it as our duty to speak frankly. [4] [14] Jiajing At the beginning of the year (1522), Shangshu requested to abolish the maladministration of the Zhengde Dynasty. At the instigation of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty, Zhage officials ran rampant and eliminated 3200 people. Nine opinions were stated in the above letter, and the government and the people were eliminated. [15] In the same year, he was ordered to check the fields, return all the misappropriated civilian property to the people, and put forward measures to limit the expansion of the imperial villa. [16] In the leap April of the second year of Jiajing (1522), he was promoted to the Military Department Right in the middle [17] Xia Yan impeached the Shangshu successively when he was an admonitor Wang Qiong Wang Xian The act of bribery and collusion with servants [18] , and the eunuchs Zhao Ling and Jianchanghou Zhang Yanling The act of taking bribes and bending the law rescued Guo Jiugao, the arrested magistrate of Yongping. Ming Shizong once asked his birth mother Be kind and filial to the queen Servant's younger brother is hereditary Royal Guards a thousand households Xia Yan argues that it is inappropriate. Most of the words in these memorials are honest, and they are widely read. [16]
In May of the third year of Jiajing (1524), Xia Yan returned home after his mother Kuang died of illness Dingyou [19] In October, the request for exemption from military status was granted. [20]
In May of the seventh year of Jiajing's reign (1528), Xia Yan ended Ding You and continued to fill in the military department. Later, he was promoted to the ritual department and the military department. [21] In leap October, I went to Qingyang Mountain to investigate and punish traitors. [22] In February of the eighth year of Jiajing (1529), the court was also ordered to return [23] In December of the same year, the transferred officials were assigned to work. [24]

rapidly go up in the world

February in the ninth year of Jiajing (1530) [25] Shizong wanted to separate heaven and earth for sacrifice. Xia Yan was inspired by the Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty. Despite the opposition of his officials, he submitted a letter of agreement. Ming Shizong will oppose Huo Tao In prison, praise Xia Yan and order him to supervise the construction Temple of Heaven and Ditan Xia Yan has been favored by the Ming Shizong since then. [26]
April, Yansui In case of famine, recommended by Xia Yan Jindu Imperial Historian Li Rugui let Governor [27] Later, Xia Yan was nominated to take over as the Imperial Historian of Jindu. Xiong Jue, the Imperial Historian, said that Xia Yan recommended Li Rugui for promotion. Shizong scolded Xiong Jue, but Xia Yan still refused the appointment. [26]
Xia Yan Image
At that time, Zhang Chong Only Xia Yan refused to be inferior to the most senior officials. Zhang Cong envies Xia Yan for being favored, and Xia Yan also hates Zhang Cong for promoting Peng Ze instead of himself. Since then, there has been a rift between them. In July of the ninth year of Jiajing (1530), Xia Yan submitted a letter to impeach Zhang Cong and the minister of the official department Fang Xianfu [28] Shizong mediated from it. But Xia Yan and Zhang Cong Fang Xianfu The contradiction of Huo Tao still exists. [29]
In October, Shizong promoted Xia Yanwei Bachelor of Attendance He was responsible for compiling the ceremony of suburban sacrificial rites, explaining the classics and history in front of the emperor, and still served as an official in the affairs. [30] In addition, Xia Yan helped Shizong reformulate the ancestor's sacrificial rites. [29]
In March of the tenth year of Jiajing (1531), Xia Yan was promoted to Shaozhanshi and a scholar in the Imperial Academy. He was in charge of the academy and still explained the classics and history to Shizong. She has beautiful eyes and eyebrows, a beautiful beard, and a loud mouth. She doesn't speak dialect. Shizong wants to reuse him every time he lectures. therefore Zhang Chong He hates Xia Yan even more. [31] In early July, Pedestrian Department Si Zheng Xue Kan It was written that "Shizong has no children, so we should appoint the sons of the clan as the crown prince in case of accidents". Shizong was so angry that he ordered the law department to investigate the behind the scenes envoy. Zhang Cong took the opportunity to cooperate with Peng Ze Wang Xuan Framing Xia Yan is the mastermind. Since Xue Kan and Xia Yan both denied this statement, Shizong ordered court inquiry. When the truth came out, Shizong dismissed Zhang Cong and released Xia Yan. [32]
In the late July of the tenth year of Jiajing (1531), the altar in the four suburbs was completed, and Xia Yan was promoted Left Waiter of the Ritual Department , still in charge of the affairs of the Imperial Academy. [32] In September, he took over Li Shi let Minister of Rites [33] Xia Yan began to admonish officials and became a minister of the six ministers in less than a year, which was unprecedented in history. [31]


Xia Yan not only gained the holy family by virtue of her superior intelligence, but also gained the support of the courtiers by courtesy of the wise corporal, and united them against Zhang Cong. In December of the tenth year of Jiajing (1531), the imperial historian Yu Xili Stone gold by Great Rites The guilty minister in. Shizong is furious and wants to punish them. Xia Yan intercedes for them. [34] Although his action did not impress Shizong, he won praise for himself. When Xia Yan was minister of the Ministry of Rites, he helped Shizong formulate rites and music Li Shi Zhai Luan Almost no participation. In addition, Xia Yan was able to quickly write memorials or write poems in response to the imperial edict. He often echoed Shizong's poems and was good at catering to Shizong's political views, so he was very popular. Shizong gave him a silver seal as the proof of sealing the letter, praised him for his "great knowledge and talent", and gave him rich rewards. [35]
At that time, Zhang Cong Fang Xianfu They have become the first aide of the cabinet one after another, and they are afraid of Xia Yan. Soon, the two became officials. and Huo Tao Still fighting with Xia Yan. In July of the 15th year of Jiajing (1536), Ying Tianfu Yin Liu Shuxiang was framed and sent to prison. Liu Shuxiang, suspicious that Xia Yan was setting him up, wrote to accuse Xia Yan because he and her relatives were not at peace. Xia Yan suspected that Huo Tao was behind this. [36] So Xia Yan and Huo Tao blamed each other, and finally Huo Tao was demoted one grade. [37] Xia Yan became more arrogant and asked for a decree that would make him at odds Doctor Zhang Yuanxiao Li Sui All officials were demoted. Prince Zhu Zaiyeng When he was born, Shizong rewarded Xia Yan and successively granted him the title of Crown Prince Young Fu and Prince and Fu In leap December, Xia Yan holds the concurrent post Wu Yingdian Bachelor , join the cabinet to participate in maintenance. [38]
In April of the 17th year of Jiajing (1538), Xia Yan paid a visit to the imperial mausoleum with Shizong. On his way home, a fire broke out in his kitchen and spread to Lord Wuding Guo Xun Li Shi's tent. Xia Yan was blamed by Shizong for not taking the blame alone. [39] At that time, Xia Yan took over the power of the court, and assisted Li Shi and his cabinet officials Gu Dingchen I dare not fight with him. In the winter of the same year, Li Shi died and Xia Yan succeeded him as Cabinet Chief Assistant [38]
In the first month of the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), Xia Yan was granted the title of Junior teacher Doctor Tejin Guanglu Upper Pillars [40] Since the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a minister who worshipped the State of Xanadu, and this name was coined by Xia Yan. [41]

Return three by three

Guo Xun Get the favor of Shizong and accompany him Yan Song Compete with Xia Yan for favor. March, the 18th year of Jiajing (1539) [42] Xia Yan and Yan Song followed Shizong to Chengtian on a southern tour. After Shizong paid a visit to Xianling, Yan Song insisted on asking the officials to congratulate him, while Xia Yan suggested that he would do so after returning to Beijing. Shizong agreed with Yan Song and gradually disliked Xia Yan. [43]
In May of the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), Shizong visited Dayu Mountain, and Xia Yan was late for the ride. Shizong was furious and scolded Xia Yan for being disrespectful. He criticized him for not using the silver seal bestowed by the emperor when he was making secret memorials on the computer, and pursued the instructions previously given to Xia Yan. Xia Yan wrote a letter of confession in fear, imploring not to pursue the silver seal and the manual. Her words were very sad. Shizong's anger still lingered. He suspected that his instructions had been destroyed. He ordered the Ministry of Rites to demand them and deprive him of the honor of being a junior teacher, so that he could become an official as a junior guarantor, minister, and scholar. So Xia Yan handed in more than four hundred copies of the manual and silver seal. [44] A few days later, Shizong's anger subsided and Xia Yan was allowed to resume work. Xia Yan wrote a thank-you note, and Shu Zhong said he was "dedicated to doing Solitary minister Was resented by everyone ", and was blamed again. [45]
The first page of the body of the memorial to Guizhou written by Xia Yan [46]
In June of the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), thunder and lightning destroyed the Fengtian Temple. Shizong summoned Xia Yan and Gu Dingchen, but Xia Yan was late and was reprimanded by Shizong. [47] Later, Shizong returned the silver seal and ink treasure recovered before. [43]
November, the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), Hejian, Jianghuai Chongming Good news came one after another. Shizong restored Xia Yanshaoshi and the crown prince and promoted him to minister of personnel and Huagaidian Big bachelor, let him receive the salary of big bachelor. [48-50]
In the spring of the 19th year of Jiajing (1540), Zhai Luan entered the cabinet for the second time [51] , very respectful to Xia Yan. [52] April, Nine temples In case of fire, Xia Yan refused to obey the imperial edict and beg from Chen on sick leave, but was not approved. [53] August, Empress Dowager Zhaosheng Death. Xia Yan was severely criticized by Shizong for the wrong words in the memorial when she answered the prince's funeral etiquette. So Xia Yan confessed her mistake and asked to go back to his hometown for treatment. Shizong was so angry that he ordered him a second time resign from an official post Xia Yan was frightened and submitted 14 articles about border defense Game theory [54] And go to Xiyuan to kowtow and thank you before leaving Beijing on the ninth day of September. At that time, Xia Yan wrote Qing Ci Such articles are most in line with Shizong's mind, while Zhai Luan, another cabinet minister, is not the one Shizong is eager to use. [55] So Shizong forgives Xia Yan and asks him to go back to his private house to recuperate. [56]
Guo Xun and Xia Yan are at odds and make friends Huo Tao Fight Xia Yan together. [52] In April of the 19th year of Jiajing (1540), Guo Xun was impeached by the prosecutor one after another. Shizong allowed him to plead, but Guo Xun refused to admit his mistake, which angered Shizong. At this time, Xia Yan's bosom friend and Gao Shi exposed more than a dozen of Guo Xun's crimes of taking bribes and bending the law. [57] On September 12, Shizong put Guo Xun in prison. [58]
In October of the 19th year of Jiajing (1540), Gu Dingchen Huo Tao died one after another. [59-60] So Shizong reinstated Xia Yanshaofu, the crown prince, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the great scholar of Wu Yingdian, and let him work in the cabinet after he recovered from illness. [61] Although Xia Yan is still on sick leave, most cabinet affairs are decided by him. Guo Xun's case was handled at his instigation. [57]
In the spring of the 21st year of Jiajing (1542), when Xia Yan had been an official for nine years, Shizong praised and rewarded him, restored all his official ranks, and held a banquet for him in the Ritual Department. At this time, although Shizong gave preferential treatment and courteous treatment to Xia Yan, his favor was not as good as before. [62]
Ciqing Cining After the death of Madame Lianggong, Guo Xun once asked to give one of them to the prince. Xia Yan thinks it is inappropriate, which is in line with Shizong's mind. At this time, Xia Yan changed her mind again, which upset Shizong. After Guo Xun's imprisonment, Shizong ordered his release [63] Xia Yan, however deliver a false order He said that he did not need to obey the edict and tried every means to weave Guo Xun's accusation, which made Shizong suspect that the magistrate was also under his command before impeaching Guo Xun. Xia Yan and Eunuch Gao Zhong Make good. Before that, Gao Zhong said jade articles on behalf of Xia to celebrate his birthday; In the same year, Xia Yan also introduced Shizong's plan to build Daxiang Hall The words that there is no need to write imperial edicts leaked to Gao Zhong. Because of these two things, Shizong believed that they colluded with each other. In addition, Xia Yan also made it illegal to take a sedan chair in Xiyuan. The next day, Shizong asked the minister on duty in Xiyuan to tie his hair with fragrant leaf scarves and make shoes with leather cotton. Xia Yan also thought that this was not the official dress stipulated by the etiquette system and refused to accept it. In addition, when Shizong did not go to court, Xia Yan did not go to the cabinet, but worked at home. [64] Shizong accumulated these grievances and wanted to dismiss his officials. thus Yan Song Got a chance to push him out. [65]
Yan Song and Xia Yan are both from Jiangxi. When Xia Yan joined the cabinet, he recommended Yan Song to replace him Minister of Rites Treat him as a doorman. Yan Song looks respectful to Xia Yan, but secretly he has a grudge. After Xia Yan fell out of favor, Yan Song flattered Shizong with flattery Tao Zhongwen The method of conspiring to slander and replace Xia Yan. When Xia Yan learned about this, he ordered the Imperial Historian to impeach Yan Song many times, but Shizong refused to listen. Yan Song cries to Shizong about Xia Yan's insult to himself and exposes Xia Yan's fault. Shizong was really irritated. [66]
In June of the 21st year of Jiajing (1542), Shizong wrote an edict to the Ministry of Rites, recounting Xia Yan's sins. [64] Xia Yan panicked, wrote a letter to admit her mistake and begged for her old age to return home. Eight days later, on the first day of July, a solar eclipse happened. Shizong thought it was a sign that the lower level bullied the higher level, so he ordered Xia Yan to be dismissed from his post and stay idle [67] , and admit his three kinds of mistakes and announce them to the world. same day, Imperial Historian Qiaoyou, Gei Shizhong Shen Liangcai They submitted a letter to impeach Xia Yan, and requested that they be removed from office because the speech officer had failed to investigate Xia Yan's behavior. [68] So Shizong was relegated and demoted to 13 officials. Gao Shi was only demoted to a remote place because he had impeached Guo Xun. [66] In August of the 21st year of Jiajing (1542), Yan Song replaced Xia Yan and entered the cabinet. [69]
Xia Yanjiu occupies a high position, lives a luxurious life and has a wide range of friends. After the dismissal, he was not recovered for a long time, and the local officials treated him a little coldly. Xia Yan is unhappy. Every New Year's Day and Shizong's birthday, he would give congratulations and call himself "Cao Tuchen". Shizong gradually took pity on him and restored his title of minister and bachelor. [70]
In September of the 24th year of Jiajing (1545), Shizong noticed Yan Song's greed and indulgence, and called Xia Yan back to court. [71] In December, after Xia Yan arrived in Beijing, Shizong restored him Junior teacher Yan Song was also appointed as a junior teacher in all the official positions, as if he paid equal attention to Xia Yan. [72] As soon as Xia Yan came back, he took the lead over Yan Song, instructed that the official documents would not seek Yan Song's opinions, and wantonly reprimanded and banished Yan Song's promoted and appointed people. Yan Song dare not directly oppose him, but he hates him to the bone. At that time, the scholar officials were resenting Yan Song's greed and malice. They thought Xia Yan could suppress Yan Song, so they were very happy. However, after Xia Yan returned to his position, he was determined to eliminate dissent, and more than ten people were dismissed and punished by him, including Tourneau , Wang Wei, Wang Yongbin He Ao And these punishments are unfair. So the scholar officials in the court began to fear Xia Yan. [73]

Suffer from injustice

In December of the 25th year of Jiajing (1546), Shaanxi Governor Zeng milling Request to send troops to recover Hetao [74] Xia Yan's character speak in excitement emotion He is willing to make contributions and support this matter. Su Gang, Xia Yan's stepfather, made friends with Zeng Xian and tried to praise him. Xia Yan believed that Zeng Xian could succeed in this matter, so he secretly recommended him. He thought that there was no more loyal minister. [75] Shizong suspected that Xia Yan was selfish and disloyal because of his words. [76] Therefore, although Shizong affirmed Zeng Xian's strong courage, he asked him to prepare only for defense next year. [74]
In May of the 26th year of Jiajing (1547), the Mongol tribes who had milled out of the fortress to attack the Hetao area won the victory. [77] In June of the 26th year of Jiajing's reign (1547), Zeng milled the second time to ask for the recovery of Hetao, [78] The memorial mentioned that the local military expenditure, generals, weapons, soldiers and training degree were all lacking. [79] Shizong therefore believes that sending troops to repeat is not the best policy. [80] In July, Zeng Milled raised the matter of duplication again, [81] The budget is high. [82-83] At his insistence, Shizong ordered all generals to discuss the matter of duplication. [81] In November, Shizong's attitude changed due to the unanimous agreement of his officials to repeat. [76] [84] He repeatedly praised Zeng Xian and ordered the Ministry of War to discuss the duplicate scheme in detail. [85] Zeng Xian was encouraged to fight more resolutely. [75] On December 14, the marquis of Xianning Qiu Luan He was impeached by Zeng Xian and arrested by Shizong. [86] However, in the first ten days of the first month of the 27th year of Jiajing (1548), Shizong again confirmed his view that it was not suitable to repeat it because of the failure of the Ministry of War to answer key questions such as the source of logistics and the assurance of victory. So he issued an edict to scold the officials in a stern tone. [84]
At that time, Yan Song Waiting for an opportunity to defeat Xia Yan. Xia Yan tells Shizong's young eunuch lord it over others However, Yan Song courteously treated and bribed them, so these eunuchs always praised Yan Song and belittled Xia Yan in front of Shizong. Xia Yanjin Qing Ci Often not in line with Shizong's wishes, Yan Song wrote Qing Ci more seriously. [87] At this time, Yan Song surmised Shizong's intentions, and insisted that Hetao could not be recovered. He said Xia Yan had done much to the state affairs, but he had not participated in any of them, so he asked for his dismissal. [88] Xia Yan was very afraid and apologized for his mistake, arguing that Yan Song had not objected before. Shizong criticized Xia Yan for coercing monarchs and officials. [75] So Yan Song was able to speak frankly that Xia Yan was autocratic [89] Xia Yan also tried to explain. However, Shizong has been blinded by Yan Song's false accusation, and it is difficult to eliminate his anger. [75] He stopped all discussions about recovering Hetao, let Xia Yan take office as a minister, and deprived him of other official positions. [90]
At first, Shizong had no intention of killing Xia Yan. Xia Yan, late in the first month of the 27th year of Jiajing (1548) His Majesty's Speech , board a ship and leave Beijing. [91] Rumors spread to the palace that Xia Yan complained and slandered Shizong when she left. Five days later, Yan Song took over Qiu Luan Draft and submit a letter, [75] Impeach Zeng Xian for failing to report his defeat and being greedy for military pay, and entrust Sugang to bribe Xia Yan to conceal his crime. Shizong ordered Zeng Xian and Su Gang to be arrested, and ordered the Royal Guards to investigate the failure to report the defeat and greed for money. [92] In March, after the trial, the Royal Guards Governor Lu Bing Reported that Qiu Luan's impeachment was true. So Shizong ordered Su Gang to go to the remote areas and send the Royal Guards to arrest Xia Yan. Soon, the judicial department formulated the charge of Zeng Xian, saying that there was no proper charge to sum up his crime, and requested that he be beheaded by analogy with the name of the general guarding the border who fell into the city stronghold. Shizong said that Zeng Xian's crime was unusual, so he made a new plan. So the judicial department said that Zeng could be used to collude with cabinet officials. [93] Shizong agreed. [94]
In April of the 27th year of Jiajing (1548), Xia Yan was arrested and arrived Tongzhou , I heard that Zeng Xian was accused, be frightened and change color He wrote to tell his grievances, recounting Yan Song's gang and Jingshan Marquis Cui Yuan The seven treacherous schemes that framed him, and demonstrated through the time line that the so-called memorial of Qiu Luan was forged by Yan Song. In addition, Xia Yan also exposed Yan Song's crime of taking bribes and perverting the law, accused him of inconsistent words and deeds, treachery, and dishonesty, hoping Shizong could save his life. [95] But Shizong did not wake up after receiving his argument. The case has been decided, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has issued a letter Yu Maojian , Zuo Du Imperial Historian Tu Qiao When he was about to be executed, he quoted the clause that senior officials and officials could be exempted from punishment, and asked for exemption from Xia Yan's death penalty. Ming Shizong refused to listen and criticized and punished Yu Maojian and others. [96]
On October 2, the 27th year of Jiajing (November 1, 1548), Xia Yan was beheaded in Xishi at the age of 67. [97] His wife, Su Shi, was exiled to Guangxi, and his nephew, Xia Kecheng, and nephew, Xia Chaoqing, were both demoted to the people. [98]
Longqing In the first year (1567), the newly enthroned Muzong of Ming Dynasty To make clear to Xia Yan, the minister of the official department was reinstated and his exiled family was pardoned. In the fourth year of Longqing (1570), after the application of Xia Yan's family, Mu Zong issued an imperial edict to restore his former officials and granted Sacrificial burial , chasing Posthumous title "Man Min". [99]

Key achievements



Centralized head and auxiliary
Since the Ming Dynasty Renzong After the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the power of the cabinet became more and more important. [100] When Xia Yan came to power, the cabinet system was finally complete. [101]
Ming Shizong At the beginning of his succession, Xia Yan asked the ministers of the cabinet of the Ming Emperor Shizong to discuss the verdict with each other. Even if the king has his own ideas, he must consult with the cabinet before implementing them. In the 18th year of Jiajing (1539), Xia Yan became Cabinet Chief Assistant In order to maintain the power of the cabinet, the military and the state all take decisions in person on important matters, and Cifu, like his subordinates, obeys his orders, forming a centralized system led by Xia Yan. [101] At this time, the cabinet has been equivalent to Secretariat , although there is no first assistant Prime Minister The name of the prime minister, but the reality of the prime minister. [102]
Cracking down on eunuch power
Xia Yan vigorously attacked the eunuch force. He restricted the power of the chief proprietors and supervisors, and proposed that "the cabinet should draw up the purpose exclusively, and the chief proprietors and supervisors should make progress exclusively". He investigated the relatives of eunuchs who worked in the Royal Guards under the false pretense of merit, objected to the excessive interference of eunuchs in justice, attacked the eunuchs in charge of the Imperial Villa, banned the eunuchs in charge of the mines, and dismissed the unqualified eunuchs in charge of the capital. [101]
Eliminate obstruction
When Shizong ascended the throne, Xia Yan played "Please follow the instructions of the ancestors to end the policy", and proposed that the monarch must listen widely and not be biased. Du blocked the throne to understand the situation, so as to prevent the lord from stealing power and improper punishment and reward. [103] Xia Yan also attached importance to the role of Yan officials in the grand politics of the imperial court and the rectification of imperial discipline. about In progress He believes that they should not only meet author of the history Zizhi Tongjian The requirements of the saying "first, do not love wealth and honor, second, cherish honor and honor, second, know how to govern the body" should also dare to speak out and take responsibility. [101]
Rectify the administration of officials
In the middle period of the Ming Dynasty, the corruption of officials prevailed. Xia Yan tries hard to fight against corruption and uphold integrity, put an end to petitions, and severely punish traitors, hoping to achieve the goal of political clarity. [104] In the second year of Jiajing (1523), he proposed that corrupt officials should not only be dismissed from office, but also be given economic punishment, and publicized in their hometown to show shame. [105]
In addition to corrupt officials, there are also some mediocre officials who are living on their own. For this reason, Xia Yan advocated a strict system of official assessment and selection. Examining officials in actual government affairs [103] And remove incompetent officials. [101] Under his advice, the court restored the old practice of the Xiaozong Dynasty that "the official department and the military department made the resumes of the ministers in the two capitals and the civil and military officials abroad every quarter and presented them to the emperor". [16]
To investigate and take risks
virtue During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, the phenomenon of abusing one's official duties was very serious, which not only corrupted the discipline of the imperial court, but also made the national storage empty and the border equipment obsolete. In the early years of Jiajing (1522), Xia Yan wrote a new policy book called "Chongming Imperial edict to punish traitors in order to promote new policies", which was intended to investigate reform and take risks. [104] In the end, he checked out more than 31800 flag schools in the five prefectures, the Royal Guards and other pro military guards, and saved hundreds of thousands of grain reserves at the age of; In addition, there are 148700 craftsmen and miscellaneous workers in Zhage, who have lost more than 1.52 million stones of grain. More than ten years later, Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty asked the great bachelor Li Shi Li Shi, who was stored in Taicang, replied, "It can be spent for several years because of your Majesty's edict to cut down redundant staff in the early years.". [101]


Consolidate border defense
In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, military readiness was slackened. Most of the soldiers are old, weak, sick, disabled or market scoundrels, while the officers are all hereditary dandies who are unfamiliar with the military. In view of this grim reality, Xia Yan proposed that "carefully select generals and officials to enrich Xuanfu da tong Yulin Grain reserves of border guards in other places [103] And strengthen the management of war horses, and depose the abusive personnel in the army. [104] Since then, Xia Yan has also published the "Shu on Preparing for Captives" about the fourteen policies of the imperial frontier. [103]
Appease the rebels
On the issue of dealing with local rebellions, Xia Yan generally advocated the strategy of combining suppression with pacification, and focusing on pacification. [105]
In July of the seventh year of Jiajing (1528), Qingyang Mountain Uprising Burst. In October, after the uprising was suppressed, the court sent Xia Yan to deal with the aftermath. Xia Yan first investigated the merits and sins of the generals in detail, and the punishment and reward were fair. Secondly, he pardoned the surrendered Rebel soldiers. Xia Yan believed that most of the residents in the mountain were good people, and only because the government did not handle them properly could they cause chaos. [106] Through Xia Yan's efforts. Shizong released the "Qin You Tie Wen", and "no longer investigated" all the Rebels except Chen Qing. Xia Yan asked Shizong to relieve Qingyang Mountain, an area suffering from war, and set up a county to develop production so that people could live and work in peace and contentment. [105]
In the 12th year of Jiajing (1533), Datong Mutiny Shizong dispatched troops to quell the chaos, but failed to conquer Datong. Xia Yan, then the minister of the Ministry of Rites, persuaded Shizong to stop attacking the city and only commit "the worst". Before long, Xia Yan tried to eliminate the public opinion and suggested sending officers to Datong to investigate the merits and sins, pacify the army and the people, and relieve the poor. Shizong took his advice and ordered the minister of rites Huang Wan This matter was carried out so that the Datong mutiny was handled properly. [105]


Check Zhuangtian
orthodox Since then, kings, xun qi and eunuchs have expanded the imperial manor in various names, occupied civilian fields, and levied high silver rents of five cents, seven cents and even two cents per mu from tenants, which has brought heavy burdens to the people. [104] In the early years of Jiajing (1522), Xia Yan was ordered to survey various fields in the Eight Mansions of Shuntian and others, and found a total of 2909119 hectares of royal manor, 28 mu, which was returned orthodox to Chenghua Hongzhi virtue The people's land occupied by the dynasties totaled twenty-two hundred twenty-nine hectares and twenty-eight mu, which alleviated social conflicts. [103] In the process of surveying Zhuangtian, he also put forward the idea of thoroughly removing the imperial villa and restricting the land of Xun Qi, but unfortunately it was not adopted. [101]
Restrict official business
Xia Yan proposed to get rid of those official businessmen who made profits in the name of "Huangdian" and "Huangyan", and let them all register in the Ministry of Household and accept management. He also suggested that the daily expenses in the palace should be provided by the Ministry of Household instead of being purchased from official businesses. [103]
develop agriculture
Xia Yan asked Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty to put the development of agricultural production in the first place. In the ninth year of Jiajing (1530), he asked Shizong to change the manor attached to the imperial palace into a "pro silkworm factory" and a "public mulberry garden", and encouraged the people to develop agricultural production through the ceremony of the emperor cultivating and the empress raising silkworms. [25] [104]


Memorial ceremony
In the ninth year of Jiajing (1530), Xia Yanshangshu quoted the Rites of Zhou Dynasty and the edict at the beginning of Emperor Taizu's accession to the throne, saying that the winter solstice should be in the southern suburbs Round Hill Altar Sacrifice to heaven, the summer solstice in the northern suburbs of the Fangze Sacrifice, strongly supported the Ming Shizong's idea that heaven and earth should be sacrificed separately, and was praised by Shizong. [25] [103]
Development education
Xia Yan devoted himself to the development of education when he was minister of the Ministry of Rites. There are mainly four measures as follows: (1) Increase the number of imperial examination places in remote areas and add Confucianism in the local areas, which has promoted the cultural development of remote provinces. (2) Improve Academic officer Status. (3) We should improve the criteria for selecting students, correct the style of writing and rectify the style of study. (4) Strengthening Imperial College To supervise school discipline and rectify problems such as truancy, cheating, forming cliques and leaving early; And compulsory education shall be provided to the descendants of princes who have not yet taken over their duties. [101]
Suppress Buddhism
In the 15th year of Jiajing (1536), Shizong wanted to abandon the Great Good Buddha Hall in the palace. Xia Yan asked that the Buddha statue and Buddhist bone Buddha head tooth relic of Buddha All of them are buried in the suburbs to put an end to people's superstition in Buddhism. Shizong thought that landfill was not enough to suppress Buddhism, so Xia Yan proposed to burn all of them, and Shizong agreed. So, under the auspices of Xia Yan, there were 169 gold and silver Buddha statues and more than 13000 jin Gold Letter Silver Letter The head and tooth of Buddha stored in the street were burned. [107]

International Relations

Xia Yan has always been tough in foreign affairs and has promoted cut off one 's country from the outside world However, the results of our policy are not satisfactory. [100]
In the second year of Jiajing (1523), Ningbo, Zhejiang Province The battle for tribute [108] Xia Yan believes that, Shibo Division The reason for the unrest was the opening up of the People's Republic of China and the relaxation of the coastal military preparedness. He asked the court to consider whether it was necessary to end trade with Japan, and asked the coastal areas to take strict precautions and actively prepare for war. [109] The Ming government adopted his advice and abolished Fujian and Zhejiang Shibo Division Only one place is reserved for Guangdong Shibosi. [110] This incident led to the disconnection of the normal trade channels between the Ming Dynasty and Japan. [111]
Western Regions
During the Jiajing period, there were many tribes in the Western Regions with strong national strength, Turpan , Tianfang Samarkand There were more than one hundred and fifty kings in other places. These kings value the Ming Dynasty Mutual market To the Ming Dynasty tribute trade In the second year of Jiajing (1523), Xia Yan believed that if things went on like this, it would waste the financial resources of the Ming Dynasty and increase the burden of the post office staff. Therefore, he proposed to recognize only one king of the Western Regions and prohibit other "kings" from paying tribute. The Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty took his advice and reprimanded those who claimed to be kings without being enfeoffed by the Ming Dynasty. However, this decree was virtually nonexistent after it was issued. The countries in the Western Regions, relying on their strong troops, did not listen. They still sent trade as before, and even invaded the border and disturbed the people until Wanli This has been the case for years. [112-113]
Since the 11th year of Jiajing (1532), Annam and the Ming Dynasty had territorial disputes in Guangxi for many times. [101] In the 15th year of Jiajing (1536), Xia Yan did not pay tribute to Annan for many years, and Mo Chao For the reason of usurping the throne, we strongly advocate to fight against it. So Shizong ordered Mao Bowen Wait until the whole army is ready to go. In the following years, Mo Dengyong Many times he begged for surrender, but Shizong hesitated between appeasing and sending troops, and changed his attitude four times successively. And the officials did not reach an agreement on this matter. Shizong was so angry that he said, "It was Xia Yan's proposal to invade Annan, and you all agree with it. Now you are secretly laughing at me for listening to Xia Yan and being lazy." The officials were terrified, so they compromised that they could attack first, and if Mo Dengyong surrendered, they would not be investigated. Shizong was finally satisfied. [114]
In the 19th year of Jiajing (1540), Mao Bowen led his army to Nanning, accepted the surrender peacefully Annan Map, household registration, and those returned by Annan Qinzhou Four Cave Area. Shizong's great joy, change Annan by Annandu General Envoy , but local autonomy is allowed. [115] At that time, the governor of Qinzhou Lin Xiyuan He urged the garrison to occupy Annam, but Xia Yan thought there was no need to engage in militarism, so he withdrew the Ming army. [101]
Xia Yan adopted the strategy of strictly guarding against Mongolia and taking the initiative to attack. Trade between Ming Dynasty and Mongolia Hongzhi It was interrupted during, altan Four requests for tribute were rejected. [116] The Ming government hoped to weaken Mongolia and prevent it from intruding on the border by breaking off the economic sanctions imposed on Mongolia by Gongshi. However, as the national power of the Ming Dynasty had declined, the effect of sanctions was counterproductive. Mongolia has repeatedly made large-scale offenses with no excuse for the exchange of markets. [100] Under such circumstances, in order to resist the invasion, from the 25th year of Jiajing (1546), Discussion on Hetao Was put on the agenda. [74] Xia Yan disregards the negative attitude of Ming Shizong [117] And financial difficulties [118] , adhere to the strategy of recovering Hetao, and add Yan Song's slander [119] , and finally, unfortunately, he was born elsewhere. [98]

Artistic attainments



Xia Yan's Running Script Self written Poem Scroll
Xia Yan has more than 1600 poems, which are generally embodied in the style of "Xiujun". [1]
From the stage of creation, Xia Yan's early poems were simple and unadorned, mostly spoken, and had the characteristics of folk songs. During the official's travel, his poems showed his appreciation of the people's feelings, with distinctive Realism Style. For example, he wrote in "An Xiang Dao Zhong Guan Women Planting Fields": "In the south village and the north village, the bride and sister-in-law are competing to plant grass, the bride and sister-in-law are also grandmother, the green skirt is wrapped in white, and the hand is throwing new seedlings like a shuttle; the drums are beating and singing incessantly, which seems to be more common than men. Since ancient times, men and women have worked hard together. Alas! There are many girls in Chang'an who don't move their fingers and are covered with gold." This reflects the social contradictions at that time. In the middle period, Xia Yan's poems had obvious traces of carving, and he worked hard in the direction of elegant poetry style. As he ascended to the top, his works and Poems to be made They also emerged in large numbers. During the period when he was dismissed from office and stayed idle, most of his poems were about sightseeing, which was intertwined with the contradictions between officialdom and seclusion, advancement and retreat of traditional Chinese literati, and had formed his own unique poetic style of beauty, freshness, solemnity and elegance. In his later years, Xia Yan still had nearly 80 poems after he was imprisoned, which showed the change of mood from hope, homesickness to despair, and finally completed his last writing in the form of folk songs. [1]
From the perspective of poetic genres, Xia Yan's poetic creation has not been completely divorced secretariat style The habit of Chaling Sect Come here and accept at that time The first seven sons The influence of the retro school. From the perspective of literature, Xia Yan intended to pursue retro. He admired Li Bai Du Fu and meng haoran His poems of Tang Dynasty pay attention to the lofty style of poetry and the heroic emotion; Song poetry that does not like words and reason; He also imitated the ancient poetry of Han and Wei Dynasties. His five character ancient poetry has the characteristics of high antiquity, charm, and quality without slang. His Yuefu folk songs reflect the fresh and bright style. [1] Wang Shizhen He once said, "His poems are like spears and swords in the arsenal, with few sharp weapons. They are also like the summer tripod, which has an ancient meaning." [120] From the perspective of artistic techniques, Xia Yan's poems are based on the rules and habits of antithesis. He likes to use reduplicated words and numbers, and has a large number of rhyme and rhyme poems. In terms of emotional expression, he is good at using metaphor, and does not talk about it in a straightforward way. All these constitute the characteristics of Xia Yan's poetry. [1]
There are 368 extant words in Xia language, which are of various types. Among them, the main part is the libretto, which involves people's livelihood, frontier fortress, learning, friendship, entertainment and other topics; In addition, there are should be made Ci, Yong Huai Yong Wu Ci and Zhuhe Ci. He is Bold and unconstrained words and Euphemistic words Achievements in all aspects, both Jiaxuan Advocates of fashion can also create fresh and meaningful works. Wang Shizhen On《 Yiyuan Zhiyan 》The comment on Xia Yan in the poem said: "I was famous for Ci in the Ming Dynasty... Xia Wenmin is the most famous male. Compared with Xin Jiaxuan, he feels less thoughtful." [121] Although Xia Yan's words "its prowess is not in the bone but in the skin", [122] However, some of his bold and unconstrained ci poems were sincere and simple, which played a role in turning the tide of the prevailing ci circles at that time. [123]
Xia Yan was famous for his songs, and was called "the Duke of Songs" by the time. [124] His monograph opera sung in southern tunes , existing now Xiaoling Twenty eight songs, seven in sets. His Sanqu Most of them express the mood of enjoying seclusion and leisure, and sometimes they also show depression. Its style is "literary but not literary, vulgar but not vulgar", relaxed and natural, quite naive. [125]
Xia Yan's articles are less sentimental, and most of them are written in response to regulations and memorials, so they can be called "macro integration". [1] Wang Shizhen The evaluation of his article is "like climbing a hill, showing the plain, but it is easy to talk". [126]


Xia Yan became the first assistant because of his outstanding talent. People all over the world value his calligraphy. His inscriptions and scriptures are as beautiful as the arched wall. His regular script running script Both are elegant and beautiful, but fat and sluggish, old and childish; and inscriptions on a wooden plaque Particularly impressive. [127]

Historical evaluation


Evaluation of historical records

The True Record of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty: He has heroic words and talents, and he is able to debate extensively. At the beginning, he was informed by his words in Jianyuan, and was more courteous than praise, so he paid special attention to him. The superior is intelligent and does not like the similarity between his officials and his subordinates. When Fang Zhang Fujing used things, no one dared to contradict him, so he quarreled with him in everything. He thought that he was not a party member, but he was very useful because of his generous treatment. However, he has more talents but less knowledge. He is arrogant and arrogant, and he is free and fearless. He can't afford to go up to the range, and he is slightly targeted. Speak without fear. After a long time, the leader was tired of being scolded and scolded repeatedly. He came and went without any courtesy to the assistant officials. He is not ashamed of his words. When he entered the government again this year, he was bent on mending gratitude and resentment, and everyone looked at him sideways. He was framed by Song, so his head was different. Although the world takes this evil Song as its name, it also takes words as ignorance, which is enough to kill itself. [128]
Ming History 》: ① People can't bend when they speak boldly and boldly and have talent. Having received special family members, Chuai the emperor didn't want to be compared with his officials, so he fought against all the distinguished officials. The emperor thought that he was not a party member, and when he met Yihou, he was killed by Yan Song. If you talk about death, Song will bring disaster to the world, and you will cherish your words for a long time. [129] ② There are also many ceremonies that can be adopted. However, his ambition and arrogance overflowed, and his soldiers were crowded by Song. To study the nature of all people and what they say are right and wrong, the two are solid and do not cover the clouds. [130]

Personal evaluation

Yan Song : The public side is a pioneer for the rain, setting the aspirations of the Yao and Shun monarchs and the people, and matching the career of the ancient famous officials, in order to praise the prosperous governance of Zhongxing, the Holy Son of Heaven. so-called Ma Zhou Memos and notes Su Shi It is not fair to cover this article. [131]
He Qiaoyuan : ① If you don't see Fei Hong, you don't know how big he is; Without Xia Yan, I don't know how to respect each other. ② Xia Guixi and Yan Fenyi are the middle-aged and later ministers of Jiajing. Guixi started out as a giver. Seeing the talent, he swore not to run around among the powerful, but also to give something when it was appropriate. Isn't he a gentleman. Do not protect their personal identity, and in case of disasters, take the Lord's favor as their own, as well as private property. Guixi is steep and gradually inferior. It is inferior and degenerates into disloyalty. Anger comes from the top and anger comes from the bottom. [132]
Shen Defu : When it came to Jiajing, Xia Yan criticized Zhang Fujing with the story of Shaozhan. After being jailed, Xia Yan pardoned Zhang Fujing, and soon paid homage to Zhang Fujing. Later, Xia Yan was called back three times after three, and he would die if he was jailed again. For more than 200 years in this dynasty, the prime minister Meng Shu's family was killed by Jifa, but Xia was the only one. [133]
Zodiacal week : Since ancient times, when he was born in the Ming Dynasty, the prime minister who had no great reason to bow down his axe was the only one in the Han Dynasty Liu Quyuan And Xia Yan'er, the first emperor. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was determined to empty Hannan. He doubted that the Prime Minister would fall from the Northern Expedition, so once the law was broken, he would kill Qu. Shizong is determined to abandon Hetao and is suspicious of provoking Xuanxiu, so he will punish Xia Yan once he breaks the law. [134]
Bust of Xia Yan [135]
Gu Yingtai : ① Guizhou is plagued by the incense crown, and it is appropriate to recall the call of cranes. [136] ② The Emperor Shizong was very conceited, and the Ming Dynasty began to kill auxiliary officials, starting with Xia Yan; The killing of remonstrance officials in the Ming Dynasty began with Jisheng. [136]
Ji Yun : At the beginning of his speech, he was known for his talent, but after he used it, he became arrogant, arrogant and self reliant, and died to defeat. His career was unparalleled. He is very knowledgeable and has been paying attention to stories for a long time. At a time when Shizong was determined to reform the system, many decisions were made on the ceremony. For example, the Southern and Northern Suburbs divided the worship, the Confucian Temple revised the ritual, the Da 禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘禘31128. Finally, the emperor promoted the Ministry of Rites and promoted his position. There are many pieces of paper to be read before and after. [137]
Xia Xie : His words are straightforward, he works with Song at the beginning, and he always suppresses them when things happen. Many people call his words. After the great use, he repaired the gratitude and resentment, so he didn't understand the agreement. He Song pressed his words until he died. He monopolized bribery and brought disaster to the world. He has been a talker for a long time. [138]
Cai Dongfan : ① Both Shizong and Xia Yan had just lost their love. Shizong had just died, and almost suffered from the change of killing rebels. Xia Yan had just died, and had been wronged repeatedly. He was only strict, soft and treacherous, like a towering respectability. Shizong could not candle his evil, and Xia Yan wanted to defeat his power. All of these were trapped by jujitsu. He fell into the trap without realizing it, and was fooled without doubt. [139] ② Repeated discussion, Zeng milling It is created first, Xia Yanzang is later, and it is also a good chance to secure the edge Shizong started from the discussion and later went to Songyan. He killed Daoji and destroyed the Great Wall, and killed his ministers and Jin poison. He made mistakes again and again. Why is he so confused? [140]

Anecdotes and allusions


have an agile imagination

When Xia Yan was fifteen years old, his father Xia Ding won the first prize, and the same candidates on the list were Meng Chun, Ji Chun and Zhou Ding. at that time Li Dongyang It was the examiner who held a banquet for the guests and improvised a couplet: "Meng Zhong and Ji Chun are only Shaozhong." No one could answer. Only Xia Yan immediately put out the second couplet: "The tripod of Xia, Shang and Zhou has no business alone." This dialogue is widely spread in the capital, and is considered to be a natural marvel. [141]

Extravagance and disdain

Xia Yan has done it for a long time Primary and secondary His family is rich. He built luxurious gardens, raised many maids, concubines and singers, and selected clothes, carriages and food like princes. According to the old practice, the imperial court gives member of a privy council Prepare wine and food. Xia Yan's family is rich and luxurious. He doesn't eat the food provided by the imperial court, but brings his own wine and delicacies, which are all dressed in gold vessels. Yan Song worked with him as a colleague for two years. He ate with him every day. He ate the food provided by the imperial court himself, which was very simple. Xia Yan didn't give him a spoonful. [142]
Yan Song did it Minister of Rites Xia Yan was invited to the banquet several times, but Xia Yan disagreed. Sometimes Xia Yan agrees first, but refuses to go at the appointed time, which makes Yan Song collect rare delicacies, such as Red Sheep Pi civet Bear elimination Stack deer All this has gone to naught. One day in Zhifang, when it was almost time to leave work, Yan Song dared to ask. Secondary subsidiary Zhai Luan He also helped to intercede. Xia Yan said, "One day, when I leave the cabinet, I will visit your house and not go home." On the appointed day, Zhai Luan went to Yan Song's house first and waited in the West Chamber for a rest; Xia Yan went back to her home and slept in her concubine's room. In the evening, he went to Yan Song's house to take a seat. Just after drinking three spoonfuls of wine and one spoonful of soup and touching his lips, he suddenly stood up, bowed proudly, and ordered his servant to prepare to leave in the sedan chair. Zhai Luan did not dare to lag behind and followed him. The three didn't even talk. Yan Song hates this very much. He was right Xu Stage He said, "I have been humiliated by Xia Yan countless times in my life, and the most unbearable ones are these two." [143-144]

Thinking and using justice

Three years after Xia Yan gave up, Ming Shizong wanted to recover him. One day, Shizong wrote "Gongjin" on several cases. "Gongjin" is the word of Xia Yan. The left and right attendants guessed Shizong's intentions and left these two words. Shizong smiled when he passed several cases again. The left and right attendants secretly reported the matter to Yan Song Although Yan Song hated Xia Yan, he had to flatter himself and said, "Xia Yan, the former assistant minister, can be used." So Xia Yan was called back. [145]

A deathbed vision

It is said that the night before Xia Yan's execution, Shizong stood up several times in the palace to observe the three stars, and the stars were brilliant without abnormality. So Shizong passed a decree of execution with a writing brush and fell asleep with his quilt. Just after the announcement of the will, the dark clouds came together, the rain poured down, and the water in the West Market was three feet thick. For this reason, people in the capital said, "Poor Xia Guizhou. You won't leave when it is sunny or dry. You should wait for the rain." [146]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Family background
Gao Zu
Xia Yuanyou
Marry Xu. [1]
Great ancestor
Xia Zixin
Marry Wu. [1]
Xia Yungong [2]
let On-Site Inspection [147] The original couple was Rao, and his successor was Xu. [1]
Xia Ding
Word Rumei [10] , named Xiangfeng, once served as Linqing chief of a prefecture [130]
According to the General Book, she has two sons and six daughters. [1]
Xia Yang
The word Rulin is good at composing words. There is a volume of "Kui Xuan Ci". [121]
Peer generation
younger brother
Summer travel
She has a son named Xia Kecheng and a daughter named Xia Shuxiu. [1]
She has four sons and one daughter. The four sons all died early. [121]
Be diligent and thrifty in running a family. [121]
The daughter of Su Gang. It was originally a concubine's room and was righted after Zhan's death. [1] The Su family was exiled to Guangxi after Xia Yan abandoned the city. [130]
cui [148]
After pregnancy, she was married to another family by the Su family and gave birth to Xia Yan's fifth son. [149]
eldest son
Xia Yushu
Died prematurely. [16]
second son
Xia Jinying
Died prematurely. [16]
Xia Jingcheng
It was originally named Xia Yubi. He died when he was a student of Taitai. A child dies early. [16]
Brother Xia Jiu
Died prematurely. [16]
The five sub
Xia Xiancheng
My concubine said that Xia Yan was taken back to Xia's home after her death. He looks like his father and died early. [149]
Xia Shuqing
Marry Wu Chong. [1-2]
Wu Yilin
In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, Mr. Xia Guizhou's Collected Works was printed. [1]

Main works

Xia Yan has many works handed down from generation to generation, including 21 volumes of the Memorial to Mr. Guizhou Guizhou Memorial 》14 volumes [46] 2 volumes of Memorial to Suburb Sacrifice《 Nangong Script 》5 volumes, 24 volumes of Guizhou Poems, 10 volumes of Cixiantang Draft, 50 volumes of Mr. Guizhou Essays《 Collected Works of Mr. Xia Guizhou 》18 volumes, 4 volumes of "Ying Zhi Ji", 6 volumes of "Guizhou Ji", 1 volume of "Guizhou Ci" and 7 volumes of "Guiweng Ci" (including "Ouyuan New Song"). [1] Compiled by Huangming Jingshi 》There is also a collection of Xia Wenmin's Official Documents. [150-151]

Commemoration for future generations

Xia Yan Tomb
Main term: Xia Yan Tomb
Xia Yan Tomb Lianhua Mountain, located in Wushi Village, Qinfeng Town, Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, was listed as a county-level cultural relics protection unit in 1984. [152-153]

Historical data index

Mingshan Tibetan ·Volume 72 [132]
Ming History Volume 196 Biography 84 [130]