
The only archipelagic state in the United States
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synonym Hawaii (The 50th state in the United States) generally refers to Hawaii
Hawaii State U.S.A Unique archipelago State, by the pacific ocean 132 islands in the middle. The capital is located in Oahu On Honolulu Honolulu )。 Hawaii is the only archipelagic state in the United States, consisting of 132 islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The land area is 16700 square kilometers. Hawaii has an island climate, which is regulated by the monsoon all the year round. The annual temperature is about 26 ℃ - 31 ℃.
The earliest inhabitants of Hawaii were Polynesian After 1778, European and Asian immigrants moved in one after another. Built in 1795 Kingdom of Hawaii It was annexed by the United States in 1898. Belonged to the United States in 1900. In 1959, it became the 50th state in the United States. Today, the majority of residents are European, American and Japanese, followed by mixed race, Filipino and Chinese.
Located at the "crossroads" of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is a sea and air transportation hub between Asia, the United States and Oceania, with an important strategic position. among Honolulu It is the trunk line and important port of the Pacific route. Oahu Island is a concentration area of industrial and agricultural production. Honolulu, located on the southeast coast of the island, is the largest political, economic and cultural center of the state. With University Of Hawaii Etc.
On March 29, 2018, the Hawaiian Parliament passed a bill to legalize "medical assisted suicide". [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Hawaii State
Administrative Region Category
Federal State
geographical position
hawaiian islands (132 islands)
16700 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Hawaii, Honolulu City and County, etc
Government residence
Area Code
Postal Code
nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and three
climatic conditions
Tropical marine climate
population size
1211537 (2000)
Famous scenic spot
Polynesia Cultural Center
David Iger [3]

Historical evolution

In 1778, European navigator james cook The Hawaiian Islands were first discovered.
In 1795, Hawaii Chief Kamehameha unified the whole country hawaiian islands , and claimed to be the King of Hawaii King Kamehameha I At this time, the European navigator Cook landed on Oahu Island in Hawaii.
In 1818, Kamehameha I admired the meter flag pattern of the British flag and painted the flag of the Kingdom of Hawaii into a meter flag similar to the British flag, which is also the origin of today's state flag of Hawaii.
In 1819, Kamehameha I died Kamehameha II Ascend the throne.
In 1840, the Hawaiian government amended the law to change the original imperial system into a constitutional monarchy.
In 1843, the British government publicly claimed the sovereignty of Hawaii.
In 1849, the French government claimed to occupy Hawaii and own part of the sovereignty of Hawaii, but this claim caused dissatisfaction among the residents of Hawaii at that time.
In 1893, the United States Christianity The missionary led all church members to overthrow Kingdom of Hawaii
In 1894, the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii was established. The first and last queen of Hawaii was forced to abdicate. Du Heng was the first president of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii.
In 1898, the United States formally merged Hawaii.
On December 7, 1941, Japanese naval aviation attacked Pearl Harbor, the base of the US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii.
State emblem of Hawaii
On August 21, 1959, Hawaii officially became the 50th state in the United States.

administrative division

Hawaii has 5 counties: Hawaii County Honolulu Kalawao County Maoyi County Kauai County [4]
The capital of Hawaii is located in Honolulu (Honolulu), the main cities are Shiloh Honolulu , Kahului, Waipahu Lijuane Etc.
Administrative Division of Hawaii

geographical environment


physical geography

The Hawaiian Islands are Volcano eruption Formed, including 8 large islands and 124 small islands, stretching 2450 kilometers, forming a crescent island chain. Hawaii Island is the largest island with two active volcanoes. The climate is mild and pleasant all the year round, and the precipitation is greatly affected by the terrain. There is a great difference between different regions, and the forest coverage rate is nearly 50%. The state is composed of 19 major islands and coral reefs, located in the central Pacific Ocean.


Hawaii has a tropical marine climate, which gives the United States a cold, warm and hot three zone territory.
The temperature in Hawaii does not change much throughout the year. There is no season. February and March are the coldest, and August and September are the hottest. Generally, the rainfall is the largest from October to April of the next year, and it may rain at any time.


Hawaii's main industries include tourism, defense industry and agriculture. Pearl Harbor on the south coast of Oahu Island is the largest military port of the United States in the Pacific Ocean; Honolulu, the state capital, is the industrial and commercial center of Xiazhou.
Agriculture is the pillar of the local economy, producing sugarcane, pineapple Coffee , bananas, etc. Hawaii is suitable for sugarcane growth. Two thirds of the archipelago's land is planted with sugarcane, producing about 1 million tons of crude sugar every year. It is equivalent to 10% of the total annual sugar consumption in the United States, so it is called the sugar island of the United States. The industry is dominated by food processing industry, and there are a few oil refining, chemical industry, cement, etc. Both grain and major industrial products are dependent on imports. Due to the pleasant climate and beautiful scenery, the tourism industry is very developed, with an average annual number of tourists reaching more than 7 million person times. Oahu Island is a tourist concentration area.
According to the calculation of the Bank of Hawaii, the spillover effect of tourists' tourism expenditure in Hawaii is 2, that is, every $1 spent by tourists will increase the local gross output value by $2. Tourism revenue accounts for 60% of the gross domestic product, making Hawaii's economic growth rate always higher than the average growth level of the U.S. economy.
As tourism plays an important role in Hawaii's economy, the state government of Hawaii attaches great importance to protecting the environment, protecting tourism resources, and developing "clean" industries, such as marine science Aquaculture, tropical agriculture, financial services, business centers, etc., to promote the development of tourism and economic development.




In 2000, the permanent population of Hawaii was 1.212 million, and the floating population was 1.334 million (including tourists). The Japanese are the largest Asian nation in Hawaii, followed by Filipinos, aborigines, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Laotians and Thais. Urban population accounts for 86.5%. About 80% of the population of the state is concentrated on Oahu Island.


Hawaii State University
The most famous university in Hawaii is the University of Hawaii, whose main school districts are located in Hilo, Manao and West Oahu. In addition, famous private universities in Hawaii include: Brigham young university hawaii (Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus); Chaminade University in Honolulu and Hawaii Pacific University (Hawaii Pacific University); Hawaii Loa College in Ouhu, etc.


Hawaii City Traffic Map - the latest erlinyou version
Hawaiian air traffic plays a very important role. The routes between islands are mainly operated by two airlines: Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Airlines. Honolulu International Airport, the most important aviation hub in the state, is the destination for most routes between the United States mainland and Hawaii, and it is the connecting point for flights to other islands. There are also flights to major cities in Asia and Oceania, such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Seoul, Taipei, Auckland, etc.
The expressway system in this state is different from that in the United States. The numbering starts with H for identification, and does not follow the coding principle of even east-west direction and odd north-south direction. Instead, the construction sequence is used as the coding basis. Three completed projects are located on Oahu Island, namely H-1, H-2 and H-3.


Hawaiian hula dance
In old Hawaii, the social hierarchy was strict. The Karp system divides people's ranks and stipulates that men are superior to women. The highest social ranks are chiefs and priests, the lowest are slaves, and the middle are civilians. The Kapp system stipulates where people of different grades fish and hunt, where they farm and harvest, where they swim and play, what they eat, and how they dress. Violators are capital offences. Hawaiians believe in gods and fatalism. They believe that the power of God depends on the seniority and age of God's family, so the status of people depends on the status of the family in society and the seniority and age of people in the family. The older the seniority, the older the qualification. Hawaiians believe that anything that has life has "mana", which is the air and spirit obtained from the ancestors and gods. Hawaiians believe that after death, the soul of the ancestors will always come back to bless their descendants. But ordinary people have little patience. They can't always get it from the gods in the sky like the chief. In order to protect their numbness, people are very taboo about giving their personal clothes to others.
Many modern traditional Hawaiians still believe that pillows cannot be trampled or sat on. When a man goes fishing, his family should not ask him where he is going, nor entertain guests when he is away from home. People who go to sea should not take accompanying bananas, or they will have bad luck.
Modern Hawaiian customs have been integrated into the customs of people all over the world. When you visit a Hawaiian family, you must take off your shoes before entering. In Hawaii, suits are worn only when attending weddings, courtrooms and funerals, which is a compromise between Hawaiian local customs and Western customs.




Night sky in Hawaii
Honolulu, the capital of the state, is a tourist resort. The most attractive place is Waikiki Beach. The wind and the beautiful water are blue and the sky is blue all year round. It is suitable for swimming, surfing, boating and fishing. Every year, there are about 2000 ships in and out of Honolulu. Every day, there are up to 400000 passengers in and out of Honolulu International Airport.

Main attractions

Dule Fruit Plantation( Hawaii Dole Pineapple Plantation