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Xiahou Shichang

Hongru and Jingxue in Han Dynasty
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Xiahou Shichang (the year of birth and death is unknown) was born in Dongping (now Shandong). Chinese Confucian classics in the Western Han Dynasty [1] Confucianism. [2 ]
Xia Hou Shichang was a disciple of Yuan Gu, a scholar of Qi Shi. Learn the Five Classics, and teach Qi Shi and Shang Shu. After the death of Dong Zhongshu and Han Ying, Xiahou Shichang was put in high position by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In the fourth year of the Tianhan Dynasty (97 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Liu Xuan, the youngest son, as the King of Changyi and Shi Chang, the Duke of Xia, as the King's Taifu. The summer marquis begins to grow and ends in old age. The clan son Xia Housheng and postdoctoral Cang are his disciples, both famous for Confucianism. [1]
Xiahou Shichang is good at deducing the disasters between yin and yang, and discussing politics with the disasters between yin and yang is a distinctive feature of the politics of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty compared Shichang, the Xia Hou, with Liangsima and others. He thought that they were widely known, knowledgeable, good at writing, and highly praised. [1]
Western Han Dynasty
True name
Xiahou Shichang
Hongru , Scholar
Xiahou Shichang (the year of birth and death to be examined), Western Han Dynasty State of Lu (now Qufu, Shandong). Famous Han Dynasty Hongru , Confucian classics.
Pass the Five Classics and Be Quilted Martial Emperor Select Ren Taifu. He learned the Five Classics of Confucianism and taught his disciples with Qi Shi and Shang Shu. since scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations After his death, he was highly regarded by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was appointed as Changyi King Tai Fu. As a Taifu, he paid special attention to the education of the outstanding children of the Xiahou family, and set up a school for the children of the family to teach and research. It had a great influence on Confucianism in the Han Dynasty.