
Estados Unidos Mexicanos
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The United Mexican States (Spanish: Los Estados Unidos Mexico, English:, The state has cities (towns) and villages, with Mexico City as its capital. In 2023, Mexico will have a total population of 130 million. [1] [10] [16]
Mexico is the American continent Indian One of the ancient cultural centers. In 1521, it became Spain colony. [1] In 1821, Mexican War of Independence After, establish Mexico's First Empire , 1823, was military coup d'etat The overthrow, in 1824, established the United Mexican States. In 1848, US Mexico War Later, he was forced to cede nearly one-third of the territory in the north to U.S.A [1] In 1863 France Established with the support of Second Mexican Empire Outbreak in 1910 mexican revolution , overthrew the dictatorship, and finally contributed to the formulation and implementation of the 1917 Constitution Political system Establishment of. [1]
Mexico is a major economic country in Latin America North American Free Trade Area )Members, one of the most open economies in the world, have signed free trade agreements with 50 countries. [1]
On the evening of June 2, 2024 local time, according to the preliminary vote counting results first released by the Mexican National Electoral Commission on the evening of June 2, 2024, Claudia Simbaum, the presidential candidate of the campaign alliance of the Mexican ruling party, the National Movement for Reconstruction, took the lead in the presidential election. The National Electoral Commission subsequently announced that, Simbaum won the general election. According to the electoral process, the final results of the presidential election will be officially announced from the 5th to the 8th of this month. It is worth noting that, Simbaum is the first female president in Mexican history. [19]
Chinese name
Estados Unidos Mexicanos [1]
Foreign name
Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Spanish)
The United Mexican States (English)
mexico city [1]
major city
Guadalajara Monterrey Veracruz Puebla Leon etc. [1]
National Day
September 16th [1]
National anthem
Mexicans Respond to the Call to War
Country code
official language
Spanish [1]
Mexican Peso
Time zone
UTC-6 to UTC-8
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Andres Manuel Lopez Ovlador [1] President
population size
130 million [10] (2023)
Population density
66.3 persons/km2 (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Indo European Indian [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
1964400 km²
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $1.4 trillion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $11000 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
central bank
Bank of Mexico

Historical evolution



About nine thousand years ago, in ancient times Mexican Domesticate corn and promote Agricultural revolution , which led to the formation of many civilizations. These civilizations developed into cities, architecture, astronomical research, mathematics, and army Famous civilizations like Olmec, Theotihuakan, Aztec and Maya.
1. Olmec Civilization
Olmec civilization is the oldest known American civilization. It existed from about 1200 BC to 400 BC and is located in what is now central and southern Mexico Tropical rain forest Medium, famous for large head statues. The Olmec civilization originated in the tropical jungle of the San Lorenzo highland in Central America around 1200 BC. San Lorenzo, the center of the early Olmec civilization, was destroyed by violence around 900 BC after about 300 years of prosperity. Then the center of the Olmec civilization moved to Raventa near the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec civilization finally disappeared around 400 BC, and was replaced by the Abi Olmec culture. The specific reason for its disappearance is unknown, but it has affected a large number of Central American civilizations. Many characteristics of the Olmec civilization, such as Pyramid And palace construction, jade carving, jaguar and Feather snake god Worship was also a common element of later Central American civilizations. Most scholars believe that the Olmec civilization is Maya , Sappork, Theotihuakan and other civilizations. However, some people believe that the relationship between the Olmec civilization and other Central American civilizations is a sister relationship.
2. Teotihuakan Civilization
Teotihuaac á n civilization started around 200 BC in the central part of present-day Mexico. It was born after the collapse of the Olmec civilization, about the same time as the Mayan civilization. The Teotihuacan people built a city with a population of about 50000 between the first year of the Western Yuan and 150 years, It can be called the earliest urban level settlement in the whole American region, and it has built many pyramids. However, unlike other ancient Indian civilizations, the genealogical context is relatively clear. So far, the origin of the Teotihuakan people is still a mystery that has not been clarified, and no one can confirm that the civilization once owned words and left data records. The reason why we know the existence of this civilization today is not only because they left huge relics for analysis and proof, but also because some other surrounding civilizations at their same time mentioned things about Teotihuakan people in ancient books or paintings, which is another key reference. The Teotihuakan people do not use this name to call themselves. This name is the successor civilization that existed in this region after the demise of this civilization Toltec They used Nahuatl (a native Indian language in central Mexico) to call their predecessors, which means "the place where gods created people". Although in Toltec and later Aztec At that time, the ancient civilization had long disappeared without trace, but they still regarded the ancient cities where Teotihuakan people once lived as holy places, so they would have such a name.

Spanish rule

In 1519, the Spanish invaded Mexico. In 1521, Tenochtitl á n, the capital of Aztec, was conquered by Spain and the main enemy of Aztec, the Tlaxcalteca. However, Spain did not completely conquer Aztec, but did not complete it until two centuries later. There were two main reasons for the Spanish victory.
  1. one
    Aztec Because it is believed that the universe will continue to operate only with constant sacrifice of living people, many people are sacrificed every year, most of whom are prisoners of war. But in times of peace, Azrek resorted to a form of "ritual war" to obtain prisoners of war. Therefore, the Tuscaltecans were willing to join the Spanish forces against the Azreks.
  2. two
    Another important factor is that the Spanish brought various plagues and infectious diseases to America, smallpox influenza plague measles Hundreds of thousands of natives are infected, and these epidemics may cause about eight million local deaths.


The Mexican War of Independence began in 1810, and it was not until 1821 that the Rebellion entered Mexico City. The whole War of Independence was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Initiated the uprising on October 1, 1810, and tried to overthrow the Spanish rule. However, the plan of the uprising in September started early in Dolores town on September 16 because the traitors leaked the information. After the success, the First Republic was founded, Guadalupe Victoria As its first president.

US Mexico War

US Mexico War The war lasted from 1846 to 1848 because Texas The relationship between independence and American expansionism, which is absorbed by the United States Republic of Texas It is the 28th state and is far away from Mexico California and New Mexico After the war, Mexico lost most of its territory [5] As a result, Mexicans still hate Americans, and a new politician has emerged. They have got rid of San Anna He ruled Mexico and established a free republic in 1857.

French aggression

French puppet in Mexico: Maximilian I
In the 1860s, France When Mexico was in civil war, it controlled Mexico, but it was overthrown without complete control. In 1867, democracy was restored, Juarez (Ju á rez) won re-election and continued his reform. In 1871, he was elected for the second time. His opposition party, the Liberal Party, believed that the electoral process was undemocratic. One year after Juarez's death, Miguel Lerdo de Tejada succeeded him.

Dias dictatorship

In 1876, Tehada was re elected and defeated Diaz. In 1876, Dias rebelled against the government and announced plans to overthrow Tehada as president. After Dias overthrew the original government, Tehada fled the country, and Dias became the new president. Thus, more than three decades (1876-1911) of dictatorship began. The relative prosperity and peace of this period greatly improved the country's infrastructure, which depended on foreign investment.


After passing Boferio Dias After a long period of dictatorship, mexican revolution It finally broke out in 1910. The revolutionary armed forces defeated the federal army, but there was an internal struggle, which plunged Mexico into civil war for 20 years. After the revolution, Mexican Revolutionary Institutional Party (Partido Revolucionario Institutional, PRI) gained power and ruled Mexico until the end of the 20th century, when the first party rotation was achieved in 2000.
On July 2, 2006, the Mexican presidential and parliamentary elections began to vote. On September 5, the Mexican Federal Electoral Court officially announced that, National Action Party presidential candidate Felipe Calderon Innohosa He won the presidential election and was elected the new president of Mexico.
On July 1, 2012, the opposition party Revolutionary Institutional Party presidential candidate Enrique Penia Nieto Participate in the presidential election. His election platform takes "reform" as the core content -- opening to foreign countries Petromex The monopoly of the oil industry, the increase of taxes and the reform of the labor market, as well as his young and handsome image, have kept his popularity ahead of the other three presidential candidates. Finally, it won the presidential election with 38.21% of the votes. For the second time, the political party rotation was achieved peacefully. The Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) took power again after 12 years in the wilderness.
In July 2018, left-wing candidates Andres Manuel Lopez Ovlador the president elect. [2]
On January 1, 2023, Mexico will no longer be a member of the Security Council. [6-7]

geographical environment


Regional location

Mexico Satellite Map
Mexico, with a territorial area of 1.9644 million square kilometers, is the third largest country in Latin America, second only to Brazil and Argentina , ranking 14th in the world, is located in the south of North America and the northwest of Latin America. It is the only place for land transportation in South America and North America, known as "land bridge". North to the United States, south to the United States Guatemala and Belize , connecting the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean , facing the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California The coastline is 11122 kilometers long. Among them, 7828 kilometers are from the Pacific coast, and 3294 kilometers are from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean coast. East, west and south Madre Mountains Surrounded by, the center is Mexican Plateau , the southeast is flat Yucatan Peninsula There are many narrow plains along the coast. 3 million square kilometers exclusive economic zone And 358000 square kilometers continental shelf famous Tevantepek Isthmus North America and Central America Connect into one piece.
Mexico belongs to the West 5 time zone. The local time is 14 hours later than Beijing time, and the implementation of daylight saving time is 13 hours later than Beijing time. [3]

Climatic characteristics

Mexico has a complex and diverse climate. Due to its many plateaus and mountains, the vertical climate is obvious. Mexico has a complex and diverse climate. The plateau area is mild all year round, with an average temperature of 10-26 ℃; The northwest inland has a continental climate; The coastal and southeast plains have a tropical climate. Most areas are divided into two seasons: dry season (October April) and rainy season (May September). The rainy season concentrates 75% of the annual precipitation. The driest month of each year is February, and the precipitation is only 5 mm. The most rainy month is July, and the precipitation is about 170 mm.
70% of the places have dry climate. The average annual precipitation in the northwest region is less than 250 mm, 750-1000 mm in the mainland, and 1000-2000 mm in the central part of the Gulf Coast and the southern part of the Pacific Coast. In the land area, hot and humid areas account for 4.8%, hot and dry areas 23%, temperate areas 23.1%, arid areas 28.3%, and extremely arid areas 20.8%. Mexico is known as the "Pearl of the Plateau" because it is mostly plateau terrain, with no severe cold in winter, no intense heat in summer, and evergreen trees all the year round.
Street View of Mexico City
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico City, is a plateau area with an altitude of 2240 meters. The average temperature in May is 12-26 ° C, and the coldest month is January with an average temperature of 6-19 ° C. [3]

natural resources

Mexico is an economic power in Latin America and an important mining producer in the world. Mexico's main energy mineral resources include oil, natural gas, uranium and coal; Metal minerals include iron, manganese, copper, lead zinc , gold, silver antimony , mercury, tungsten molybdenum vanadium Etc; Non metallic minerals include sulfur, graphite, wollastonite, natural alkali and fluorite Etc. The world's largest reserves of minerals include: silver ranks first in the world; Copper and graphite rank third in the world; Sulfur and barite rank sixth in the world; Molybdenum, lead and zinc rank seventh in the world; Manganese ranks 11th in the world.
Oil and gas resources are Mexico's most important mineral resources. According to the statistics of the Mexican Ministry of Economy, by the end of 2011, Mexico's remaining proved recoverable oil reserves were 2.062 billion tons, ranking 18th in the world; The remaining proved recoverable reserves of natural gas are 332.514 billion cubic meters, ranking 31st in the world; The recoverable resources of conventional oil are 11.4 billion tons, ranking eighth in the world; The recoverable resources of conventional natural gas is 5.53 trillion cubic meters, ranking 13th in the world. In addition, Mexico has 3.8 billion tons of oil resources to be discovered and 1.32 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.
In terms of regional distribution, oil and gas resources are mainly distributed in the northeast offshore areas, and coal resources are mainly distributed in the northeast Coahuila State And southern Oaxaca , gold deposits are mainly distributed in the central plateau and Sierra Madre Occidental Among them, the largest gold mine is the real de Oro mine in Mexico. In addition to gold deposits, lead, copper, manganese, antimony, tungsten tin , bismuth, mercury and other non-ferrous metals are the most important non-ferrous metal resources in Mexico.
Mexico is an important producer of non-metallic mineral products in the world. According to the statistics of the Mexican National Bureau of Statistics, the output value of non-metallic mining industry in 2012 was about 13.4 billion pesos (about 1.02 billion US dollars), of which non-metallic minerals accounted for 23% of fluorite, 16% of salt, 14% of sulfur, 13% of silica sand, 10% of calcium sulfate, 9% of phosphorite, 4% of gypsum and 11% of others. In 2012, the non-metallic mineral output increased significantly, including silica sand, gypsum, celestine, etc.

administrative division



Administrative divisions of Mexico
The country is divided into 32 states (Mexico City, the capital, has been changed from a federal district to a state), with cities (towns) and villages under the state. 32 states are named as follows: Mexico City Aguascalientes Baja California Norte Southern Baja California Campeche Chiapas , Chihuahua State Coahuila State COLIMA Durango Guanajuato Guerrero , Idargo State Halysco Mexico Michoacan Morelos Nayarite Nuevo Leon Oaxaca Puebla Queretaro Quintana Roo St. Louis Potosi Sinaloa Sonora Tabasco Tamaulipas State of Tesla Veracruz Yucatan Zacatecas


The capital of Mexico is Ciudad de M é xico. [1]

Important cities

There are many famous cities in Mexico. Here are some of the most important big cities, which can undoubtedly be called the most important cities in Mexico.
Important cities
Ciudad de M é xico
Mexico City is not only the capital, but also the largest city in Mexico. It covers an area of 1525 square kilometers, has a population of about 22.8 million (including satellite towns), and is 2240 meters above sea level. There are buildings, historic sites, museums, palaces, monuments, shopping malls, government buildings in Mexico City. The water garden of the Xochimilco Canal is the largest tourist attraction in the city, as well as landmark buildings such as the Eranhel Independent and the Independent Angel Victory Column. Mexico City is the headquarters of many large media companies and Spanish newspapers. About one fifth of Mexico's population lives in Mexico City, so this city also The city that never sleeps And famous.
Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico Halysco (Jalisco). The core of Mexico's cultural roots can be found in this city, because it is the production center of most authentic Mexican products. The most famous example is the one originated in Guadalajara tequila Colonial center, Lake Chapala (Chapala), the square, church and cathedral are the famous tourist attractions in Guadalajara. In addition to historical attractions, Guadalajara also has exotic restaurants, shopping malls and dynamic nightlife.
Monterrey is Nuevo Leon (Nuevo Le ó n) is the third largest city in Mexico. This city is famous for its beautiful caves such as "Grutas de Garcia" and the world-famous waterfall "Cascada Cola de Caballo" that looks like a horse's tail. The unique Cerro de la Silla is the landmark of Monterrey. Besides art galleries, museums, forests and historic sites, Monterrey is also the location of Mexico's industrial capital and some large industrial headquarters.
Le ó n
Leon is the capital of Monterrey and another major city in Mexico. The Sacred Jesus' Heart Redemption Reserve (Expiatorio) is one of the famous scenic spots in Leon's neo Gothic architectural design. The Municipal Palace and the Hero Coronation Arch are also symbols of the city. Lyon is famous internationally for producing high-quality leather (especially leather shoes).
Puebla is Puebla The capital of Mexico, is Mexico's main industrial center. In the past, Puebla was only famous for its textile industry. Today, Puebla is still the commercial center of the automobile and steel industries. Puebla is located in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains and volcanoes. Puebla also has The Renaissance , classical to Baroque period Historic sites and other cultural heritage. Art museums, churches and antique shops also make it an attractive tourist attraction. [3]

National symbol


Country name

The United Mexican States (English: The United Mexican States, Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexico)

national flag

national flag
Mexican Flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 7:4. From left to right, green, white and red are parallel and equal Vertical rectangle group Yes, the white part is painted in the middle Mexico National Emblem The design content comes from the legend about Mexican history. Green symbolizes independence and hope, white symbolizes peace and religious belief, and red symbolizes national unity.

national emblem

national emblem
The national emblem of Mexico is a winged eagle with a snake in its mouth, one claw holding the snake body, and the other claw stepping on the cactus grown from the rock in the lake. This group of patterns depicts Mexican Ancestors of Aztec The history of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Legend has it that a long time ago, Helios In order to save the Aztecs, the ancestors of the wandering Mexicans, we asked them to settle down in that place as soon as we saw an eagle standing on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. The Aztecs living in northern Mexico, inspired by the sun god, found the place depicted in the pattern and settled down Lake Teskoko Tenochtitl á n, which is now mexico city (Ciudad de México)。 Cactus is Mexico's national flower, symbolizing the Mexican nation and its indomitable fighting spirit. The lower part of the design is the branches and leaves of oak and laurel, symbolizing strength, loyalty and peace.

national bird

Golden Eagle
The golden eagle is characterized by golden feathers on its head and neck. Black eyes, yellow wax film, gray beak. Big yellow feet, feet covered with feathers, big and strong claws. With a wingspan of 2.3 meters, it is the national bird of Mexico.
In North America, the habitat of golden eagles starts from central Mexico, spreads along the Pacific coast to the Rocky Mountains, and extends to northern Alaska and Newfoundland. There are also a few distributed along the Appalachian Mountains to the south of North Carolina.
As the number of golden eagles is rare and endangered, the United States federal government enacted laws to protect them. However, in some areas, because golden eagles attack sheep, they are allowed to be killed.
In Europe, gold eagles are raised in Norway, Scotland, Spain, the Alps, Italy and the Balkans. In addition, there are golden eagles in northern Africa. However, the number is not as large as that in Siberia, Iran, Pakistan, southern China and Japan.
The golden eagle's nest is built in a cave on a cliff, or on a lonely tree. Golden eagles are all white and brown, and each nest produces about 1~4, usually 2. Male and female eagles hatch in turn. After 40 to 45 days, small eagles can come out of their shells and begin to grow feathers three months later. Generally, only one or two can survive.

Population and nationality

In 2023, Mexico will have a total population of 130 million. Indo European mixed race people and Indians account for more than 90% of the total population. [1] [10]




Mexico The presidential system is implemented. The President is the head of state and government, with a term of office of six years, and can not serve again for life. There is no vice president position. In July 2018, National Reconstruction Movement Party candidate Lopez was elected president, took office on December 1 of the same year, and served until September 2024. The Lopez government takes the "fourth reform" characterized by promoting anti-corruption, eliminating privileges and benefiting the people as its political platform. [1] [10]


In 1824, the first constitution after independence was promulgated. In 1917, the Constitution of the United Mexican States was promulgated and has been implemented since it was amended many times. The Constitution stipulates the separation of legislative, administrative and judicial powers; The President is elected by direct election; Land, waters and all other natural resources belong to the state. The federal states make their own constitutions, but the powers of state governments are bound by the national constitution. [1] [10]


The Mexican Federal Parliament is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives, which exercise legislative power. Members of both houses of Congress may not be re elected, but may run for re-election at alternate terms.
[Senate] 128 members, with a term of 6 years. The current Senate will be elected in June 2021, with 60 seats for the National Revival Movement Party, 20 seats for the National Action Party, 12 seats for the Citizen Movement Party, 9 seats for the Revolutionary System Party, and 27 seats for other parties. The current President of the Senate is Ana Lilia Rivera Rivera of the National Reconstruction Movement Party, who will take office on September 1, 2023 and serve until August 31, 2024.
[House of Representatives] There are 500 members, 300 of whom are elected by majority vote, and 200 of whom are elected according to the proportional representation system of political parties. The term of office is three years. The current House of Representatives was formed in June 2021, with 201 seats for the National Revival Movement Party, 114 seats for the National Action Party, 69 seats for the Revolutionary Institutional Party, 41 seats for the Green Ecological Party, 33 seats for the Labor Party, 27 seats for the Civil Movement Party, and 15 seats for the Democratic Revolutionary Party. The current Speaker of the House of Representatives is Marcela Guerra Castillo of the Revolutionary Institutional Party, who will take office on September 1, 2023 and serve until August 31, 2024. [1] [10]


The current government was established on December 1, 2018. The main cabinet members are the Interior Minister Luisa Mar í a Alcalde Luj á n (female), the Foreign Minister Alicia B á rcena Ibarra (female), the Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval Jos é Rafael Ojeda Dur á n, Minister of Navy, Rosa Icela Rodr í guez, Minister of Public Security, Rogelio Ram í rez, Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Ariadna Montiel Reyes, Minister of Welfare Mar í a Luisa Albores Gonz á lez, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Miguel Angel Maciel Torres, Minister of Energy, Raquel Buenrostro, Minister of Economy V í ctor Villalobos Ar á mbula, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Jorge Nu ñ o Lara, Minister of Transport and Communications, Roberto Salcedo Aquino, Minister of Public Functions, Leticia Ram í rez Amaya, Minister of Public Education Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela, Minister of Health, Marath Baruch Bola ñ os L ó pez, Minister of Labor and Social Security, Rom á n Guillermo Meyer Falc ó n, Minister of Rural, Land and Urban Development Minister of Culture Alejandra Frausto Guerrero (female), Minister of Tourism Miguel Torruco M á rquez, etc. [1] [10]


Ruling type
date of establishment
Party leader
Movimiento Regeneraci ó n Nacional
ruling party
July 9, 2014
Mario Mart í n Delgado, Chairman of the Party (October 2020), and Citlalli Hern á ndez, General Secretary (October 2020). In July 2018, the party's candidate Andr é s Manuel L ó pez Obrador won the general election and was officially inaugurated as President on December 1.
Partido Revolucionario Institutional: Opposition
International member of the Socialist Party
Founded on March 4, 1929, he was in power for 71 consecutive years from 1929 to 2000, and was in power again from 2012 to 2018 after 12 years.
Alejandro Moreno, Party Chairman, Alma Viggiano, General Secretary
Partido Acci ó n Nacional
opposition party
Founded on September 15, 1939, he was a member of Christian Democracy International and was in power from 2000 to 2012.
Marko Cort é s Mendoza, Chairman of the Party, and Cecilia Patri ó n Laviada, General Secretary. [1]


The Mexican judiciary is divided into three levels: the Supreme Court, regional courts (circuit courts) and regional courts. The President nominates 18 candidates for the Supreme Court Justice, 11 of whom are appointed by the Senate for a term of 15 years. The Supreme Court elects one person from among its judges every four years as President, who shall not be re elected. The current President of the Supreme Court, Norma Luc í a Pi ñ a Hern á ndez (female), will serve until December 31, 2026. The judges of the regional courts and district courts are appointed by the Supreme Court for a term of four years.
Mexico has a General Prosecutor's Office and a Federal District Prosecutor's Office. The Attorney General is nominated by the President and appointed by the Senate. The current Federal Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero. [1]


Andres Manuel Lopez Ovlador: President. Born in Tabasco, Mexico, on November 13, 1953. Bachelor of Political Science and Public Administration, National Autonomous University of Mexico. From 2000 to 2006, he served as Mexico City Mayor. In July 2018, as the presidential candidate of the Alliance of "We Create History Together" composed of the National Reconstruction Movement Party, the Social Consensus Party and the Labor Party, he won the general election. He took office in December 2018 for a six-year term. [1]


Coin pattern
Mexico is a major Latin American economy, a member of the US Mexico Canada Agreement (formerly the North American Free Trade Area), and one of the most open economies in the world. It has signed free trade agreements with 50 countries. The industry category is complete, and the petrochemical, electric power, mining, metallurgy and manufacturing industries are relatively developed. Traditional agricultural country is the origin of corn, tomato, sweet potato and tobacco. According to statistics, in 2022, the GDP will be 1.4 trillion US dollars, up 3.1% year on year, the per capita GDP will be 11000 US dollars, the inflation rate will be 8.8%, and the unemployment rate will be 2.8%. [1]
On September 16, 2023 local time, the "Group of 77 and China" summit ended in Havana, the capital of Cuba. The summit adopted a separate statement agreeing that Mexico should rejoin the "Group of 77 and China" mechanism. [9]

foreign trade

Mexico mainly exports crude oil, industrial products, petroleum products, clothing, agricultural products, etc., and its main export targets are the United States, Canada, the European Union, Central America, China, etc; It mainly imports food, pharmaceutical products, communication equipment, etc., and its main import source countries are the United States, China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, etc. In 2022, the total foreign trade volume will be 1182.81 billion US dollars, including 578.19 billion US dollars for exports and 604.61 billion US dollars for imports, with year-on-year growth of 18.5%, 17.2% and 19.9% respectively. [1]


The official currency of Mexico is the peso mexicano, 1 dollar ≈ 16.7 pesos. [1]

People's life

In 2022, the national birth rate will be 16.6 ‰, and the mortality rate will be 6.2 ‰. [1]




The main language used in Mexico is Spanish. [1]


88% of Mexican residents believe in Catholicism 5.2% believed in Protestantism. [1]


Mexico City Independence Monument
Festival name
January 1st
New Year's Day
Año Nuevo
Western New Year
February 5th
Constitutional Day
Día de la Constitución Mexicana
In 1917, the Mexican Constitutional Assembly adopted the Constitution
March 21st
Juarez's Birthday
Natalicio de Benito Juárez
The birthday of Benito Ju á rez, a Mexican patriot, is also the beginning of spring
April 6th
Viernes Santo, Good Friday
Thanksgiving Day is the Friday of the 40th week from March 1 of that year
May 1st
labor day
Día del Trabajo
labor day
May 5th
Dragon Boat Festival
Cinco de Mayo
The anniversary of the defeat of France in 1862
September 16th
Independence Day
Día de independencia
Independence from Spain in 1810
November 20th
Revolution Day
Dia de la Revolución
Commemoration of gaining independence under Spanish rule in 1816
December 25th
Birthday of Jesus (a.k.a Christmas )


Mexicans eat "wishing grapes" to welcome the New Year social customs and habits Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. In Mexico, people eat "wishing grapes" to celebrate the New Year. Grapes are an essential food for every Mexican family at the end of the year. Every time the bell rings to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, people will eat a "wishing grape", a total of 12 grapes. They will make a wish every time they eat a grape, pray for "peace", "happiness", "health" and "wealth", and pray for good luck every month from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
jarabe ”It is the most representative folk dance in Mexico. Men wear traditional national costumes and wide brimmed hats. They are enthusiastic and dedicated, chasing female companions; The woman wore a wide, plump and gorgeous homespun skirt, pretending to be shy and avoiding gracefully, and she often threw out various flower patterns with her skirt.
Mexico is the hometown of corn, and the local people have deep feelings for corn. Over the past 5000 years, maize has become the world's third largest food source from an unknown wild millet, which is inseparable from the hard work and wisdom of Mexicans. The Mexicans also created Maya and Aztec Civilization Mexicans often say: "corn was created, and corn also created us. We are corn people".


Maya Ancient City Site
Mexico is America country with an ancient civilization , once bred Maya, Aztec Toltec Olmeca, Teotihuakan and other ancient Indian cultures. Mariachi music and Zapatero dance combine Spain and Indian The characteristics of music and dance have become Mexico's unique national art form. Mexico has 21 historic sites that have been declared as "human cultural and natural heritage" by the United Nations.
Mexico's large-scale folk dance has been evergreen for 58 years. The large-scale historical and cultural dance named "Mexican Folk Ballet" was choreographed by the famous Mexican artist Amalia Hernandez in 1952. The dance drama integrates the distinctive folk culture of Mexico and represents the historical evolution of Mexico since the 200th anniversary of its independence. For 58 years, the dance drama has been loved by Mexican people and foreign tourists. At the same time, it has also been highly praised by Mexican domestic and international critics, who believe that dance drama is an important artistic achievement in Mexico.
Mexican literature is unique in Latin America. writer Octavio Paz (1990 Nobel Prize for Literature) juan rulfo and Carlos Fuentes They are all masters of modern Spanish language. Mexico's murals are world-famous, Rivera Orosco Sikaros is an outstanding muralist.

folk song

Herding Cattle at Dusk
How Happy
Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Little Angel
Jump together Jump


Mexicans' living habits Catholicism In addition to other influences, it also retains its unique traditional color. In Mexico, although many people can speak English, they want to talk in Spanish. If you receive a letter from the other party in Spanish and reply in other words, it will be considered impolite. Smiling and shaking hands are the greeting methods of Mexicans. A man should never kiss an unfamiliar woman's cheek and hand; Kisses and hugs are only used between acquaintances.
Mexico's national flower is cactus The national bird is an eagle, and the national stone is obsidian. Their favorite color is white, their least favorite color is purple, and their most annoying number is 13. It is forbidden to give yellow and red flowers to others.

delicious food

delicious food
agave For Mexico, it is of great significance. The leaves of tequila can be used to make paper, while the flowers of tequila are very sharp and are said to be weapons. Today, the most important role of agave is to manufacture tequila (Tequila)。 Tequila wine made from agave bulbs is a major specialty of Mexico. Tequila wine has a high degree of strength. It will have some spicy and sweet feelings around the tongue and lingering in the throat. Those who love drinking may want to try it. [15]
Western food in Mexico
When it comes to eating western food, people may patronize French, Italian, German and Russian restaurants, but Mexican cuisine Lack of understanding. However, in the eyes of today's world's authoritative gourmets, Mexican cuisine is one of the five major cuisines in the world as famous as French, Indian, Chinese and Italian cuisine.
Mexican cuisine is mainly spicy, and mainland residents often eat turtles, snakes turtledove squirrel Stone pheasant Stir fried cactus and cactus are the most characteristic vegetables. Mexicans are also famous for drinking. When guests come to the door, they are used to receiving wine first. In Mexico City, you can buy specialties from all over Mexico, such as pepper, tequila and seafood.
Taco and tortilla
For hundreds of years, corn has been the leading role in Mexican food. Tortia cake made from corn is also the most basic and unique food in Mexico. This is a pancake fried with corn. When eating, customers can add carbon grilled chicken strips or beef sauce according to their own preferences, and then add tomato, shredded lettuce, corn cake cheese and other ingredients. It looks very colorful, just like a piece of art. After wrapping, put it in your mouth and bite it. The outside is crispy, while the inside is full of fragrance, spiciness, sour and sweet. The combination of hardness and softness is mixed with many flavors, which really makes people "love you".
Spicy Beef Steak
Most people usually eat steak in restaurants without any seasoning, and sometimes only a little salt is added. But the beef steak in Mexico is different. You can see that it is first marinated with pepper, salt and other spices. After frying, it is very delicious even without sauce. It is worth mentioning that New Zealand beef is generally considered to be top grade. In fact, Mexican beef is on a par with New Zealand beef, which is tender and fragrant.
Insectivorous country
In many parts of the world, people have always maintained the tradition of eating insects. In Mexico, this custom has a history of several centuries, because the number and species of Mexican insects are world-famous.
In some high-end restaurants in Mexico City, people can taste Mexico's most representative insect, the "Chaplin" locust. The price of this kind of locust is expensive, as high as $9 per kilogram, which is higher than the price of beef. In the market of Oaxaca, Mexico, locusts of different sizes are often seen: the large ones are about 2cm long, and the small ones are less than 1cm long. According to the consumers, the smaller the taste, the better. The price of small locusts is the highest, which proves this. In Oaxaca, "Chaplin" pizza is becoming more and more popular.
"Humir" mosquito is an insect of Hemiptera, and there are more than 10 kinds of edible mosquitoes in some areas of Mexico. But in terms of taste and nutritional value, the best one is "Humir" mosquito living in the mountains around Tasco. The mosquito is 1.5 cm long, eats the juice of leaves, and hides in the trunk, plants and roots of trees or under the dry leaves on the ground. The "Humir" mosquito is highly valued locally, especially in Tasco Humir Mountain in the suburb. The first Monday of November is the "Humir" Festival, which is held in the church in the mountains mass The capture activity starts.
"Escamor" is the ant egg of many kinds of ants, especially those on dry land. April is the best time for local people to dig ant eggs from underground ant nests. The people who collect these ants' eggs, which are similar in size to grains of rice, have high skills. They follow the ants who go out to look for food. When they find the location of the ants' nest, they dig until they find a hole woven by ants with branches, mud and leaves to lay eggs. Sometimes one kilogram of ant eggs can be dug out in one nest.
 tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila tequila
Different brands of tequila



national defense

The Mexican army was founded in 1821 and was called the National Army. In 1913, it was renamed the Constitutional Army.
According to the Constitution, the President armed forces The supreme commander has the right to declare a "state of emergency" and“ State of war ”To decide on troop mobilization, defense expenditure and the appointment of generals above the general level.
Supreme National Defense decision-making body It is the "National Security Cabinet Meeting", led by the President and composed of defence secretary , the Minister of the Navy, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other relevant government ministers.
The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Navy are the highest military administrative organs and military command organizations. The Ministry of Defense leads and commands the army and air force, and the Ministry of Navy leads and commands the navy.
For a long time, the Mexican army has basically not engaged in foreign operations and is mainly responsible for maintaining domestic stability.
Implemented in Mexico Conscripts and volunteer A combined military service system. All male citizens aged 18-45 are required to perform military service. Volunteer service lasts for one year, and volunteer service lasts for 3-9 years. Mexican military It is a medium-sized national defense force in Central America, with about 190000 active troops, 300000 reservists and 14000 militiamen. The system of compulsory military service is implemented, and volunteers are recruited at the same time. The service period of compulsory soldiers is one year, and that of volunteers is three to nine years. The President, through the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Navy, exercises leadership over the national armed forces. The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Navy are appointed by the President and served by four-star generals in active service.
The Army doesn't Main battle tank It is mainly armored vehicles and artillery, and the Navy has three destroyer And 8 Cruiser As the main force, there are also 100 patrol boats and 9000 people Marine Corps The Air Force has 10 F-5 fighters, 80 helicopters and 35 transport aircraft. Generally, it belongs to the military scale of passive defense U.S.A The gap in military strength is huge, so the army is not built with the idea of confrontation, but is based on existence while cooperating with anti drug and anti smuggling operations.

military strength

land force
As of 2014, there were 144000 troops in the Army. It is divided into 12 military regions and 44 military subdivisions. It has 3 armies, 4 armored brigades, 1 airborne brigade, 1 military police brigade, 9 infantry brigades, 3 artillery regiments, 80 infantry battalions, 1 mechanized infantry battalion, 19 armored battalions, and 44 special air mobile units.
By 2014, there were 37000 sailors (including marines and naval aviation). It is divided into 16 military regions. It has 2 fleets and 17 sub fleets.
air force
As of 2014, there were 11800 Air Force personnel. There are 18 squadrons. It is equipped with 107 combat aircraft and 71 armed helicopters.

Military expenditure

The defense expenditure in 2005 was 3.09 billion US dollars, and the defense budget in 2006 was 3.32 billion US dollars.

Command system

The Constitution of Mexico stipulates that the President is the supreme commander of the armed forces and has the right to declare a "state of emergency" and a "state of war" throughout the country, and decide on major matters such as troop mobilization, the appointment and removal of senior generals, and defense spending. The National Security Cabinet Meeting is the highest decision-making body for national defense, led by the President, and consists of the Ministers of National Defense, Navy, Interior, Foreign Affairs and other relevant government ministers. The Ministry of National Defense and the Navy are the highest military administrative organ and the highest military command organ of the government. The Ministry of Defense leads and commands the land and air forces. The Admiralty leads and commands the Navy. The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy are appointed by the President and served by active four-star admirals. The President leads and commands the national armed forces through the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Navy, and coordinates national security and military issues through the Presidential Staff.




The bus system in Mexico is well developed and cheap. Pay attention to whether the bus is Local or De Paso before taking the bus. Local means that the bus departs from your station; De Paso is a shuttle bus that leaves from other stations, and tickets cannot be purchased in advance.
The bus can be simply divided into three grades: the luxury car (Servicio Ejecutivo), the first class car (Primera Clase) and the second class car (Segunda Clase). Luxury buses offer royal treatment, including reclining seats, catering, air conditioning and movies. The first-class bus is very comfortable and convenient. You can ask at the ticket window whether the bus has a bathroom and air conditioning. Second class license plates are cheaper, but crowded. It is better to keep the ticket stub for ticket checking after boarding. [3]


Driving in Mexico is very dangerous. The speed limit is usually 100 kilometers per hour, but usually those signs are only for reference.
In other regions rainy season (May October) You should be particularly careful when driving. The road conditions were very bad at that time, and potholes were very common on the road. Pay special attention to the dense fog on the road near Mexico City, and don't take it lightly when you see the sign of slowing down. After passing a single lane bridge, the first car with flashing lights will have priority. Even if you encounter a truck on a double lane road, let the truck pass, but be careful that some roads have no shoulder at all, and you will have to stop on the gravel road full of plants. You'd better not drive at night, because it's easy to hit people or livestock. In addition, please remember to prepare a spare tire, which is very easy to use.
Highway Palomales and Tuxtepek and Oaxaca The road between Baja and No. 3 highway (Rte. 3; the whole road is full of potholes).
Highway 40 (Rte. 40) between the Pacific coast and Dulango city.
Avoid taking Sinaloa Highway 1 (Rte. 1). [3]


There are many taxis in big cities, and the price is reasonable. However, since the bus is so convenient and the route is wide, it is better not to take a taxi unless it is late at night or in a remote place. If you really want to take a taxi, you'd better negotiate the price before getting on the bus to avoid being trapped. Moreover, it is necessary to haggle over the price. Don't promise to calculate according to the meter. In addition to saying that the meter is expensive, some unscrupulous people have the opportunity to use the meter to bully unreasonable passengers. In addition, Mexico City has had a series of robbers of green taxis, and similar incidents have occurred in other places, so be particularly careful. The best way is to call Taxi de Sitio a taxi at a legal stop or hotel, rather than stopping at the roadside. [3]


Trains in Mexico are operated by the Mexican Railway Bureau (Ferrocariles Nacionales De Mexico; FFNN), but there is no train between cities in Mexico except for two sightseeing routes, and its main means of transportation is buses.


Mexico's air transportation is relatively developed, with domestic and international routes extending in all directions. Centered on Mexico City, the capital of the country, the routes lead to all parts of the country, and there are branch flights between major cities. Major airports include Benito Juarez International Airport Felipe Angeles International Airport Cancun International Airport etc. [17]

water transport

Water transportation, especially sea transportation, undertakes the task of transporting some goods, domestic goods and outbound passengers in Mexico. According to the statistics of the national port system, from January to December 2013, the load of freight containers in China totaled 288 million tons of goods, up 1.6% year on year. Among them, the carrying capacity of oil and petroleum derivatives alone is 122 million tons, accounting for 42.5% of the total freight volume; The bulk mineral products are about 78.36 million, accounting for 27.2%; Agricultural products totaled 13.56 million tons, accounting for 4.7%. In addition, Mexico's coastal ports and international cruise ships received 56710 ships in 2013, with a total of more than 9.96 million passengers. After the privatization reform in the 1990s, Mexican ports have successfully completed the modernization, and various domestic terminal facilities have been relatively advanced. Regular or irregular passenger and freight liners have been set up with many countries in Europe, the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the Far East, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia. There are 198 ports and docks in Mexico, including 140 seaports, 29 inland ports, 29 inland lake docks (according to the statistics of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation of Mexico), and 117 Mexican seaports and docks. Among them, there are 58 ports and docks along the Pacific coast, and 5 ports and docks in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. [3]




Morelia Cathedral
There are about 300 newspapers and more than 100 national publications in China. The average subscription is 14.4 per 100 people. The main newspaper is the National News, which was founded in 1929. Mexican News Agency It is an official news agency and belongs to the Ministry of the Interior. 1365 radio stations were approved nationwide (1997).
The main newspapers and periodicals are the National Newspaper, which was founded in 1929, and is now an official newspaper with a circulation of more than 38000 copies. The Zhibao Newspaper, the Supremacy Evening News, the Mexican Sun, the Financial News, the Voice, the News, the Cosmos, the Consumer News, and the Daily News, which were founded in 1917, have more influence among young people and college students. The Mexican Herald Permanent, Progress and Shock, which were founded in 1953.
The Mexican News Agency is an official news agency belonging to the Ministry of the Interior.
1365 radio stations (1997) and 556 television stations (including cable television stations) were approved to be established nationwide. Treviso and Aztec are two major television groups in Mexico, and they have more than 95% of the national television audience. Mexico publishes 12000 kinds of books and periodicals every year, with a total circulation of 250 million.


Public education in Mexico is basically free. All textbooks for compulsory education are free. The Constitution stipulates that the 12 year compulsory education system from 3 years before school to junior high school will be implemented from 2008.
National Autonomous University of Mexico It is the largest and oldest university in Mexico. According to the Spanish Council for Higher Sciences CSIC, the university is also one of the best universities in Latin America. The predecessor of the school was the Royal University of Mexico, which was established with the approval of the Spanish Regent Felipe II in 1551. Later, it was renamed as the Royal University of Mexico and the National University of Mexico. After several changes, it became autonomous in 1929, called the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has been used since then. [1]


On June 13, 2018, FIFA officially announced at the congress that the United States, Canada and Mexico (jointly bidding) defeated Morocco and won the right to host the 2026 World Cup. [4] 2026 World Cup It will be jointly organized by the United States, Mexico and Canada Mexico's three host cities are Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey [8]

International Relations


foreign policy

It has long pursued an independent foreign policy, advocated safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, respected the right of peoples to self-determination, and pursued diversified foreign relations. It advocates the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
Mexico is a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of Twenty, APEC, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization of American States, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Pacific Alliance and other mechanisms, and an observer of the Non Aligned Movement. [1]

Relations with China

China and Mexico established diplomatic relations on February 14, 1972. In December 2003, Premier Wen Jiabao visited Mexico and the two countries established a strategic partnership. During President Xi Jinping's visit to Mexico in June 2013, the two heads of state jointly announced to upgrade bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. In August 2004, China and Mexico established an intergovernmental standing committee between the two countries, which has held six meetings so far.
China is Mexico's second largest trading partner, and Mexico is China's second largest trading partner in Latin America. According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, the total trade volume between China and Mexico will reach 100.2 billion dollars in 2023, including 81.5 billion dollars of Chinese exports and 18.7 billion dollars of imports. China mainly exports electronic components, kitchen supplies, motor vehicle parts, etc. to Mexico, while Mexico mainly imports petroleum crude oil, electrical equipment, medical instruments and other products.
Mexico is an outbound tourist destination for Chinese citizens. In 2022, there will be 56000 Chinese tourists to Mexico. There are three direct flights between China and Mexico, namely, China Southern Airlines has opened Guangzhou Mexico direct flights, Hainan Airlines has opened Beijing Tijuana Mexico City direct flights, and Mexico Airlines has opened Mexico Shanghai direct flights, which are currently suspended. [11]

Relations with Peru

On February 24, 2023, Peruvian President Boluat announced that, in view of the repeated statements made by Mexican President Lopez to interfere in Peru's internal affairs, the Peruvian government decided to recall its ambassador to Mexico and downgrade the diplomatic relations between the two countries to the level of agent.

Relations with Ecuador

On April 5, 2024, Mexican President Lopez announced through social media that Mexico and the Ecuadorian government had broken off diplomatic relations [12-13] On April 11, Mexican Foreign Minister Balsena said that Mexico had formally filed a lawsuit with the United Nations International Court of Justice against Ecuador for suspected violations of international law. [14]

Relations with Switzerland

On May 29, 2024 local time, Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Sommerfeld announced that Switzerland agreed to become a "diplomatic channel" between the governments of Ecuador and Mexico to resolve the diplomatic conflict between the two countries. [18]


Mexico is one of the ancient cultural centers of Indians. The world-famous Mayan culture, Toltec culture and Aztec culture were all created by Mexican Indians. Mexico is located in the south of the North American continent. It is adjacent to the United States to the north, Guatemala and Belize to the southeast, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. 5/6 of the land area is plateau and mountain, with an average altitude of about 1800 meters. There are many islands along the coast. Among them, in the Pacific Ocean, there are Rivelia Chihedo Islands, Guadalupe Island, Sedros Island and Tres Marias Islands; in the Gulf of California, there are Tiburon Island and Angel De Guada Island; in the Caribbean Sea, there are Mures Island and Kosumier Island.

Maya Historic Site

Qiqin Itza Maya City State Site It used to be ancient Mayan Empire The largest and most prosperous city-state. The site is located in Yucatan Peninsula central section. It was founded in 514 AD. The main historic sites of the city-state are: Thousand Column Square, which once supported a huge dome shaped roof. This shows the size of the building. The Samurai Temple and the leaning stone statues of two gods in front of it. The 9 storey and 30 meter high Kukulkan Pyramid is a stepped pyramid. As well as the holy well (limestone vertical hole) and the Mayan ancient astronomical observatory built on the high platform in the form of a snail, known as the "snail platform".

Pyramid of moon

Pyramid of moon be located The Pyramid of the sun Next is the place to worship the moon god, which belongs to the product of Aztec civilization. The architectural style is the same as the Sun Pyramid, which was built 200 years later than the Sun Pyramid. It faces south from the north. The site is 150 meters long, 120 meters wide, and the tower is 46 meters high. It is also divided into five layers. The stacked stones outside are painted with many colorful murals. The broad square in front of the tower can accommodate tens of thousands of people. When climbing the pyramid, you must take your time. It's easy to get dizzy due to lack of oxygen when you hurry. It's windy on the top of the pyramid, so I feel cool when I go there in summer.

Durun Ancient City

Durun Ancient City yes Mayan Culture The important site of the later period is located in the northeast of Yukatan Peninsula, about 130 kilometers away from the famous resort of Cancun, a big city Caribbean Coastal cliff edge. It was once a religious city at the end of the Mayan culture in the 14th century. Today, the site is well preserved, including more than 60 stone buildings. But of course, the Great Temple of Castillo, which stands 12 meters above the cliff, is the most famous. In addition, Templo de las Flesco Temple is also very complete, becoming the main tourist area.


Morelia It was a famous cultural and artistic center during the colonial period. Many streets, squares, palaces, churches, arch bridges, viaducts, etc. in the city still maintain the original architectural appearance of the colonial period. In 1991, Morelia was listed in the UNESCO《 World Heritage List 》。
It is an arch bridge viaduct in Morelia, the capital of Michoacan State, Mexico. In 1785, Morelia built this 5km long arch bridge viaduct to alleviate the drought, which was later stopped at the end of the 19th century due to insufficient water. Today, it is the landmark of Morelia.
Morelia Cathedral is the largest and most striking building in the city, baroque The perfect combination with the style of Churigala makes it one of the most classic colonial buildings in Mexico. The cathedral was built in 1660 and was not completed until 1744, with a construction period of 84 years.


Monterrey It is the capital of Nuevo Leon in northeastern Mexico, the ninth largest city in Mexico, and the commercial center in northern Mexico. The city is a highly developed city, which is relatively rich in Mexico.
Monterrey is considered to be the most Americanized city in Mexico. Its rich and colorful history and culture are its biggest characteristics. It has many pleasant natural beauty and humanistic tourist attractions. The Grand Square, the Commercial Lighthouse, the Monterey Museum of Modern Art, the Blast Furnace Park, the Presidential Palace, etc. are all must see places in Monterrey. Monterrey is an international metropolis with many museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Mexican History Museum, the Governor's Palace Museum, the Northeast Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Glass Museum, the Monterey Regional Museum, the Alpha Planetarium and Museum, the Mexican Professional Baseball Hall of Fame, etc. In addition, there is the Art House of Nuevo Leon Art Center and Art Gallery of Civil College.

Qiqin Itza Ancient City

Chichen Itza It is the site of an ancient Mayan city, located in the south of Yucatan, Mexico. It is 3 kilometers long from north to south, 2 kilometers wide from east to west, and has hundreds of buildings. It is the site of ancient Maya culture and Toltec culture. "Qiqin" means "wellhead". The natural well is the foundation of the city, which is divided into two parts by the existing roads.
The old Qiqin Itza on the south side was built from the 7th to the 10th century AD, with Mayan cultural characteristics. The famous buildings include the pyramid temple, the column hall hall, the stadium, the market and the elliptical astronomical observatory, mainly decorated with stone carvings; The new Qiqin Itza on the north side is a gray building with the characteristics of Toltec culture, including Kukulkan Pyramid, Warrior Temple, etc. It is mainly decorated with simple lines and carved with plaster of the feather snake god.
Chichen Itza was the shrine of the Mayans in ancient Greece and Rome. Its heyday was about 500 to 700 A.D., which had a significant impact on the entire Usumbura River Basin. Elegant architecture, superb technology and light reliefs all illustrate the Mayan myth.

Constitution Square

In the center of the Constitution Square, there is a huge Mexican flag, and around it are important buildings, including the National Palace, the Supreme Court and the cathedral. Many traditional clothing vendors in Indian national costumes and Indian folk artists in colorful costumes are the unique scenery on the square.
Located on the east side of Constitution Square National Palace It is a silent witness of Mexico's vicissitudes. To the north of Constitution Square is the largest Catholic church in Latin America, the Cathedral Metropolitana.


cancun (Cancun) is a famous international tourist city in Mexico. It is located in the north of the Caribbean Sea, at the northeast end of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. In the past, it was just a narrow island in the Caribbean Sea near the mainland, 21 kilometers long and 400 meters wide. The whole island is serpentine, with bridges connecting Yucatan Peninsula in the northwest and southwest. Across the Yucatan Strait, the island faces Cuba from afar. The city is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with beautiful scenery. Cancun is recognized as one of the top ten beaches in the world, and enjoying the sunshine of the Caribbean on the white coast is the highest level of people's leisure vacation. In Mayan, Cancun means "the earthen pot hanging at the end of the rainbow", which is considered as a symbol of joy and happiness. The sea surface here is calm and clear. Because of its depth, the condition of sea creatures and sunlight, it presents white, sky blue, dark blue, black and other colors. You can also visit Larivira Maya to discover Kalmen Beach, Scaret and Silha, the only Maya cultural city facing the sea with walls, and the fascinating archaeological area Tulun. Qiqin Itza in the northeast of Yucatan Peninsula, as well as world-famous Kukulcan Pyramid Kukulkan means "the snake god with feathers" in Mayan, and is considered by local people as a symbol of good weather. In addition, there is the Toulon Site 130 kilometers away from Cancun, which is said to be the best preserved Mayan and Toltec The ancient city of.

Chichen Itza

Qiqin Itza Ancient City The site is an ancient religious site in Mexico, 120 kilometers east of Merida City, Yucatan Peninsula, southeast Mexico. The peninsula belongs to limestone zone, without rivers and lakes, but there are many natural groundwater pools or wells formed due to rock collapse. The Itza tribe of Maya people can settle down and build a city here, relying on these underground pools for water supply. "Qiqin Itza" means "the wellhead of Itza people" in Mayan language, hence the name of the city.
The ancient city was first built in the 5th century, and then abandoned with the decline of the Mayan Empire. At the end of the 10th century, the ancient city was once prosperous. The orientation of the ancient city is determined by the astronomical phenomena. The layout is tight and the structure is reasonable. The main buildings are mostly around square natural wells or on both sides of the road leading to water sources. The ancient city is 3 kilometers long from north to south and 2 kilometers wide from east to west. The most important buildings in the site are the castle pyramid, the tiger temple, the hall hall, the court, the stone pillars, the holy well, the nunnery, etc., as well as some circular buildings, all of which are eye-catching with magnificent style and exquisite carving decoration inside and outside the building.

mexico city

mexico city Located in the center of the plateau area in central Mexico, it is the capital of Mexico, the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the country, and one of the largest cities in the world. The city is a highly developed city in Mexico, with about half of the country's industry, commerce, service industry and banking and financial institutions.
Mexico City is surrounded by green mountains. Because of the high terrain, there is no cold winter and hot summer. The flowers bloom all the year round, and the scenery is beautiful. Mexico City is a world famous tourist city with many places of interest. The Constitution Square is the center of Mexico City. There are national palaces, municipal buildings, museums and cathedrals around the square. All kinds of buildings integrate the past and the present, and the scenery is unique. The relics of ancient Aztec culture in the city, European style palaces and churches in the Spanish colonial period, and high-rise buildings built after independence complement each other, forming a historical picture of the Mexican nation. The tourist center of Mexico City is Chapultepec Park, which is a quiet place reserved in the densely populated, bustling downtown area, known as "the lung of Mexico City". The famous historic sites in the suburbs are the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid, which attract thousands of tourists every day.
Mexico City is known as the "mural capital", with 80% of the murals in Mexico.