
Capital of the Autonomous Region of Andalusia, Spain
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Seville( Spanish : Sevilla), yes Spain Andalusia Autonomous Region and Seville The capital of Spain, with an urban population of about 1.3 million, is the fourth largest city in Spain. It is also the only city in Spain with a river port. The city has a population of 650000. Seville is located in Iberian Peninsula South Guadalquivir River Downstream valley, southward Cadiz Bay About 120km. Guadalquivir River It flows through the city, and the buildings in the ancient urban area are still preserved centuries ago moors The traces of domination. The valley is open and flat, below 100 meters above sea level, and is rich Alluvial soil January Average temperature 11 ℃, July 28 ℃, extreme Maximum temperature 47.2℃。 Annual precipitation 539 mm, with precipitation concentrated in winter half a year.
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities 329 on the list. [1]
On May 22, 2024, Chongqing will join the ranks of international sister cities. [3]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Juan Espadas Sahas

brief introduction

Seville (Spanish: Sevilla) is an ancient capital, industrial, commercial and cultural center in southwest Spain Andalusia Autonomous Region and Seville The capital of Atlantic Cadiz Bay About 120km. It is not large in area, but it is the fourth largest city in Spain and the first largest city in the southern region, with an urban population of about 1.3 million. It is the only city in Spain with a river port. The whole city is divided into two parts by the Guadalquivir River. The river flows through the city, and the valley is open and flat, with an altitude of less than 100 meters. The temperature is 11-28 ℃. Annual precipitation About 539 mm, the precipitation is concentrated in the winter half year.
The bus network in Seville is based on the four buses C-1, C-2, C-3 and C-4. They travel around the bus network in Seville. There are buses leading to the city center in all directions. major bus stop It is concentrated in Nuwa Square and Laankanashihong Square in the center of the old city.
There are flights to Seville every day in major European cities, Madrid and Barcelona.
Fifteen high-speed trains arrive in Seville every day in Madrid. From Madrid E-5 expressway You can also go to Seville. The two places are 538 kilometers apart.
The land is fertile Alluvial soil Farming and animal husbandry in the nearby valley are relatively developed, rich in grain Grape olive , cotton, tobacco and sheep, for Processing of agricultural products and entrepot The buildings in the ancient city still retain the traces of the Moorish rule several centuries ago. Seville was once an important port (the ancient capital of Seville, also known as Barros Port in ancient times. On August 3, 1492, Italian Christopher Columbine King of Spain He set out from Barros Port and led the expedition westward to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish fleets transported large quantities of gold and silver from the New World, which were transported to Europe through Seville.
Today, Seville's main industries are shipbuilding, aircraft and Machinery manufacturing , and electrical appliances petrochemical industry Production and cotton Wool textile , cigarettes and Food Processing Etc. Is world-renowned well-known wine Sherry ”The place of origin of; The southern region is Transport hub There are many magnificent ancient buildings on the side of the city. A literary masterpiece《 Don Quixote 》It was written in the city, which is famous“ Flamenco Dance ”The birthplace of; The west side shows the modern urban style with a full sense of motion. With good greening and wide, beautiful and tidy streets, the tourism industry is very prosperous. There is one of the four major tourist areas in Spain, "the Sun Coast", across Magala Province. It was held here in 1992 International Exposition It is still an important economic, trade, tourism and cultural town in southern Spain. University of Seville Here too. The current population is about 700000. Castilian is widely spoken. Most residents believe in Catholicism.

Development history


Historical evolution

Seville is a city that thrives and thrives because of water. In the 7th century BC, there were residents living there. It was built in 43 BC. It was successively occupied by the Romans and Visigoths. In 712 AD, it was invaded by Arabs. In the 11th century AD, a tribe of Moors established an independent kingdom here. Most of the existing ancient buildings are relics of that period. In 1248, King Castia Fernando III In the "Recovery War", the city was captured, the Moors were driven away, and it was established as the capital. From then on, the city gradually flourished. In 1492, Columbus After the discovery of the American continent“ Indies (i.e. America) Trading House, monopolizing Spain overseas trade This is the heyday of Saicheng. After the "Trading House" moved to Cadiz in 1717, the city of Cyprus had declined for a time since the 18th century. At the end of the 19th century modern industry Driven by the wave of development, it has come to life again. In 1928, Guadalquivir River After consolidation, the city of Seville resumed overseas trade. It was held in Saicheng in 1992 International Exposition It is an important economic, trade, tourism and cultural town in southern Spain, with automobile, machinery and other industries, University of Seville Here too.

historical event

1091-1147 The reign of Almoravid.
1147-1148 Almohad dynasty Reign.
The hyacinth tower was built in 1184-1988.
In 1248, he was recovered by Christians, and Ferdinand III lived in the great castle.
1364 Pedro I Build "Pedro I Palace" on the original site of the great castle.
From 1401 to 1507, the cathedral was built on the original site of the mosque.
Built in 1584 and later became the Indian Archives exchange
In 1785, it was changed into Indian Archives.
Held in 1992 International Exposition
On May 22, 2024, Chongqing will join the ranks of international sister cities. [3]


city proper Public transportation Developed, first in Spain high-speed railway Madrid Seville high-speed railway It only takes 2.5 hours to commute between Seville and Madrid.


Mayor: Juan Espadas Cejas [2]


University of Seville With a history of more than 500 years, it is located in Spain Andalusia The famous tourist city Seville, Seville is the fourth largest city in Spain and the largest city in the south Tourism culture An important town. This is a place with strong humanistic atmosphere institutions of higher education , each department is located in every corner of the city, educational structure Mature and perfect, it is an ideal place for students all over the world to study, and many international students study every year. News, market research technology, construction technology administrative management Etc.
Spanish public universities Undergraduate education is Free tuition Yes, foreign students only need to pay a small amount Registration fee The tuition fees for master's degree courses in public universities are set by the universities themselves, generally about 2000-3000 euros per year. Doctoral education takes about 3-5 years. International students can also enjoy tuition free and various allowances and scholarships. In addition, Spain implements the same policy for overseas students as its own citizens social welfare

Scenic Spots and Historical Sites

The streets in Seville are wide, beautiful, clean and well greened. There are many historic sites in the city.
In 1987, it was listed as World Cultural Heritage
Urban parasol: Seville's famous modern architectural art
significance: Seville Cathedral And the unique Architectural form , Yes Christian Culture A model of integration with Islam; Archivo General de Indias Precious historical data are preserved.
This is Seville. Like many cities in Europe, there is a church that marks the Center point The magnificent church always has a spacious hall church And the towering bell tower to set off her momentum. Seville Cathedral is spectacular in these aspects, but what really fascinates people is the bell tower called La Giralda.
It is said that the Moors who believed in Islam ruled Seville for about 500 years from the 8th century AD and built a magnificent mosque later catholic Re enter Seville and transform the mosque into catholic church , Mosque Minaret It becomes the bell tower of the church. More than 100 years later, an earthquake destroyed the church, and the Seville people built a more magnificent church on the original site.
The new church was built on the basis of the original church. The original bell tower, also known as the earlier minaret, was built higher. The clock tower is about 100 meters high, and the lower part is a large gray brown wall, plus several Horseshoe shape Doors and windows, and a little Stucco Carving seems monotonous. The upper part is full of geometric carvings highlighting the Moorish architectural style The highest part of the clock tower, from the columns, arches to the dome, is Renaissance style Architectural style.
This is Godiva( Cordoba ), a city in northeastern Seville. Before Seville rose to be an important town of Islamic forces in Andalusia, Costa Rica was once a major Islamic city in the world and had brilliant years. In the eighth century, the Moors conquered Andalusia They bought a church in Cordoba and transformed it into a mosque over 200 years. More than 200 years later, Catholics re ruled the land. They changed the mosque into catholic church , but it retains the appearance of the mosque habituation It is called La Mezquita. Mezquita from arabic , that is, English mosque The source of.
This is also a famous navigator Columbus The cemetery of.
Originally an Arab castle, the Castile Kingdom was renovated as the king's palace from the 14th to the 16th century. The most important thing in Seville Islamic Culture Heritage.
As early as 712 AD, when the Arabs invaded Seville, it was only used as the residence of military leaders. From the 11th to the 12th century, the castle was greatly expanded. Especially after Pedro I, the Western King, regained Seville, he made a drastic reconstruction of the palace in the middle of the 14th century. However, most of the expanded buildings were destroyed due to earthquakes and fires in the 18th century.
The whole palace has the architectural style of combining Arab, Mudhar and Gothic styles, with unique external shape, exquisite internal decoration, carved beams and painted towers, and resplendence. The palace has several unique courtyards and halls. In particular, King Carlos V and the Embassy were decorated magnificently historical value
Spanish Plaza
In 1929 Ibero America The location of the Expo. The whole building is Semicircle The exterior is inlaid with various tiles, representing the original 58 provinces of Spain. There is an artificial small one around the buildings city moat There are several small bridges on it, which are extraordinary and unique.
art gallery
From the 16th to the 17th century Monastery It was changed to the Seville Museum of Art from 1838. The pavilion has Baroque architectural characteristics, with more than 20 exhibition halls. In addition to sculptures, a large number of Spanish classical and modern works are displayed. The collection of paintings in the art museum is a treasure, which plays an important role in the Spanish art treasure house.
Santa Cruz
Originally a Jewish residential area, it is the most distinctive and unique residential area in Seville. The houses in this area are whitewashed with lime. All the alleys are well arranged and very quiet; There are flowers and plants planted on the windowsill of each house, which are blooming all the year round. When visitors arrive, it is like entering a painting.
Gold Tower
Built in 1220, it is a fortress shaped building in Arabic style. This used to be a gold vault Latin America The returning ships unload gold here and hand it over to the royal family.
the World Expo
World Expo Center
In 1992, Spain held the world famous Seville world 's fair To hold this the World Expo The Western government invested 2 billion US dollars and spent seven years to develop a magnificent exhibition site in a barren land.
There are 112 Expo countries and regions 23 international organizations, 17 Spanish autonomous regions and 7 large multinational companies participated in the exhibition. The Expo has 98 pavilions with a construction area of 650000 square meters. More than 600 architects from all over the world participated in the design and construction of the world's greatest architectural complex.
PS10 solar power tower, the world's first commercial solar power plant
The Expo is rich in content and novel in form, demonstrating the traditional culture And the essence of modern technology. At the Expo, Chile Pavilion A piece of ice, weighing 100 tons and with a history of thousands of years, was displayed from the Antarctic; British Pavilion A large water church was built; Russia The museum has built a staircase that can change colors and shapes; French Pavilion A 25 meter deep mirror well film screen was excavated in the museum; China Pavilion Showing the spectacular First Emperor of Qin terra cotta warriors And magnificent Annular film Japan built a wooden castle without nails; Morocco Pavilion It looks like an Arab palace. The exhibition halls of other countries also have their own characteristics. In addition, many countries also exhibited a large number of high, fine and sharp Scientific and technological achievements , especially modern communication and Film and television technology During the 176 day World Expo, the number of visitors exceeded 40 million, which is unprecedented in scale and influence.
At present, some of the exhibition halls have been demolished, but some of them have kept their original appearance for tourists to enjoy.
like Reading Literature Everyone in the works knows Don Juan, and the story of Don Juan originates from Serbia Arna Avenue is famous in the empty space between Arna Avenue, Triana Door and the Golden Tower Maslonsa , which is famous in Serbia bullfight District, Spain is a country of bullfighting. You must see bullfighting when you come to Spain. Maslonsa is a must. This bullfight square is an 18th century building. There is also a statue of Carmen standing here. There is also a story about Carmen. It is said that Jose killed Carmen in this place. There is another one here Bullfighting museum There are various pictures and objects of bullfighting on display, as well as some bull heads and horns and some matador The life story of. In addition to these, there are some works of art on display. A cloak of Picasso is also a treasure here.
Columbus, the greatest navigator in the 15th century, argued endlessly about his hometown in more than 30 cities in Europe. However, Spain has always insisted that Columbus was born in Triana , Tiana is in Spanish Chinese means three rivers, which means that the three rivers meet here. Of course, some people say that Tiana is Roman emperor This place was originally developed by him, so it is named after him. Tiana is the birthplace of Flamenco and bullfighting.
Jiacheng, Italy
Today, there are only some ruins here, but we are still amazed by the beauty of these ruins. We feel the rise and fall of history here. Jiacheng, Italy Founded in 206 BC, it was built by Ancient Rome It was founded by General Hippico of Amphitheater It can accommodate 25000 audiences. Imperium Romanum This shows the prosperity of. It is still part of the ancient city that is open to the outside world. In the Middle Ages, when Serbia rose, many buildings came here to collect stones, and this place was damaged to a certain extent.
Address: Santiponce, the Western Holy Land of Seville.
alcazar castle
Alc á zar
Acasa is Spanish, which means moors The history of this beautiful building can be traced back to AD 913 Islamism as well as Catholicism Dynasty, Muslim culture and Catholic culture, the mix of two different sects adds to her charm. It is located in the center of Sevilla, next to the cathedral. In 1987, the Islamic palace here was the United Nations Cultural and educational organizations are designated as world heritage sites.
Compared with other palaces in Europe, there are many differences Mural decoration Blanket and roof carving skills make it the most complex building in Europe and even the world, and of course the most beautiful building.
Its courtyard is covered with green grass, Flowing fountain Its palace is quite magnificent, and the decoration of each room is different. Enough for every visitor here to feast their eyes.




The most famous festivals in Seville are Holy Week, Seville Market and April Festival. The solemn and beautiful procession of Seville Holy Week and the colorful and vivid market held two weeks later have international popularity. During the fair, families, traders and various institutions set up large tents in which people drink, dance and get to know each other. Traditionally, women wear elaborate Flamingo Dresses, and men wear the best suits. The big tent was set up in a fixed outdoor playground, and the street was named after a famous bullfighter.
San Mariano Festival is a special festival in the region of Seville, Las Idiota. In the second week of August every year, people gather in the city center to sing and dance, carry out a parade, sing the praises of San Mariano, and insert pomegranate flowers

delicious food

Seville is a City of Gastronomy , whose cooking is based on the production of nearby provinces and cities, including those from Cadiz Seafood from Hahn Province Of Olive oil , and from Jerez - Drafrontra's Sherry
Tapas is one of the important cultural features of the city: people go from one bar to another and taste the small dishes called tapas - Spanish The literal meaning of "lid" has an interesting source: in the past, people liked to sit outside and drink Beer But there are many flies outside, and they keep flying into the cup; People came up with the idea of covering the cup with a small dish containing food to prevent flies from flying in. Slowly, this small dish evolved into a Spanish characteristic tapas.
local special dishes Fried seafood or barbecue Seafood (including squid and octopus Swordfish and dogfish ), with sauce Of barbecue Spinach Chickpea Andalusia Ham (Jam ó n ib é rico), with sherry sauce Sheep kidney Snails, and Spanish cold vegetable soup
Seville orange, which is used to decorate the city scenery, tastes too sour and is usually only used for manufacturing Jam


Seville and the most important and traditional Gibso Triana are the main centers of Flamingo's development.
Seville in Literature