Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County

Counties under the jurisdiction of Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
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Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, under the jurisdiction of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Kashgar region , on Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Southwest, northwest, southwest and south respectively Tajikistan Afghanistan Pakistan The three countries are connected, and the southeast and east are connected with Yecheng County Shache County Connected to the north Aktau County to be connected.
Tashkurgan, which means "stone city" in Uygur, is named after the ancient stone castle in the north of the city.
The administrative area of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County is 25000 square kilometers, [19] At the end of 2019, the registered population of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was 41188. [19] There are Tajik, Kirgiz, Uygur, Han, Hui and other nationalities. The county has jurisdiction over 2 towns and 11 townships (including 1 ethnic township).
In 2019, the regional GDP of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was 1678.19 million yuan, the added value of the primary industry was 95.7 million yuan, the added value of the secondary industry was 506.57 million yuan, the general public budget revenue was 144 million yuan, and the general public budget expenditure was 2338.77 million yuan. [19]
Qiaogeli Peak is 8611 meters above sea level, the second highest peak in the world.
On September 25, 2018, it was awarded the honorary title of "2018 E-commerce into Rural Comprehensive Demonstration County" by the Ministry of Commerce. [2] On January 25, 2019, it was selected as a national "safe agricultural machinery" demonstration county in 2018. [3] On January 24, 2020, the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region agreed to withdraw Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County from the poverty county list. [4]
Chinese name
Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County
Foreign name
Tajik Autonomous County of Taxkorgan
Administrative Region Category
autonomous county
Kashi Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
geographical position
Western Xinjiang
25000 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Abati Town, Tizinafu Township, Waqia Township, etc
Government residence
Tashkurgan Town
Area Code
Postal Code
eight hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and fifty
climatic conditions
Plateau alpine arid semi-arid climate
Famous scenic spot
Chogory Peak Kalakuri Lake Stone City, etc
License plate code
New Q
1678.19 million yuan (2019)
Administrative code
six hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred and thirty-one
41188 persons (Registered population at the end of 2019)

Organizational evolution

Western Regions in Han Dynasty Puli State Land.
From the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, it was the land of Hepantuo.
In the Tang Dynasty Shule Town The next Congling Mountain is guarded and captured.
Song and Yuan belonged to Tian.
Genus of Ming Dynasty Yeerqiang Khanate
In the Qing Dynasty, in the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1902), the Puli Defense Department was set up Shache Mansion
In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), it was established in Puli County Kashgar Road
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the People's Government of Puli County was established in March 1950, under the jurisdiction of Kashgar Prefecture;
On September 17, 1954, Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was established under the jurisdiction of the Southern Xinjiang Administration;
In 1956, the Southern Xinjiang Administrative Office was revoked, and the autonomous county was under the jurisdiction of the Kashgar Special Administration; After the "Cultural Revolution", it was under the jurisdiction of the Kashgar Administrative Office. [5]

administrative division

The county under the jurisdiction of Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is called Taxian for short. It is the only Tajik autonomous county in China and the only county with borders with the three countries. [1] As of 2013, Ta County has jurisdiction over 2 towns and 10 townships.
 Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County
Map of Taxian County

geographical environment


Location context

Taxian County is located in the southwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region the pamirs Southeast of. The geographical coordinates are between 35 ° 37 ′ - 38 ° 40 ′ north latitude and 71 ° 20 ′ - 77 ° 01 ′ east longitude. Externally and Tajikistan Afghanistan Pakistan The three countries are bordered by each other, and the border line is 888.5 kilometers long; Inner vs Yecheng , Shache and Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture Aktau County is adjacent to. The county is 484 kilometers long from east to west, 329 kilometers wide from south to north, with an administrative area of 25000 square kilometers, 1756 kilometers away from Urumqi, and 290 kilometers away from Kashi City. [5] [19]
Tashkurgan Town

topographic features

Taxian County is located in kunlun Tashkurgan uplift zone of the fold belt, here is Karakoram Mountains Hindu Kush Mountains and Alai Mountains At the junction of, there are continuous snow peaks and ravines in the territory. [1] The terrain inclines from southwest to northeast, and the mountains extend from southwest to northeast. The terrain mainly includes mountains, valleys, basins and hills. [5]


Taxian County has a plateau cold arid semi-arid climate. The winter is long and cold, dry and rainless, with sufficient light energy and lack of heat; Spring and autumn are short and windy, with a little rainfall; No obvious summer. It can be roughly divided into cold and warm seasons. The annual average humidity is 30-35%; The annual average sunshine hours reach 4434.7 hours; The temperature difference between day and night is large, the average daily range is about 14.7 ℃, and the maximum daily range is 25.2 ℃; The average precipitation is 68.1 mm; The average wind speed is 2m/s; The average frost free period is 113 days. [5]
Topography of Taxian County


The main rivers in Taxian County include Tashkurgan River, Taherman River, Waqia River and Kuleqing River. River recharge is mainly based on Alpine glacier And snow melting, supplemented by deep groundwater recharge. [5]

natural resources

Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County covers a total area of 25000 square kilometers. [1]
Sketch map of territory area of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County (blue part)

mineral resources

As of 2012, the explored Metallic ore There are 24 kinds, including iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, vanadium, titanium, cobalt, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, gold, silver, niobium, tantalum, beryllium, lithium, strontium, rare earth, arsenic, pyrite, uranium, thorium; There are 30 kinds of non-metallic minerals, including coal, crystal, beryl, corundum, colored tourmaline, Tianhe stone, garnet, jade, sodalite, blue crystal, iceland stone, sulfur, fluorite, barite, celestite, serpentine, quartz, muscovite, talc, graphite, zeolite, mineral water, geothermal hot springs, etc. [5]
Taxian Tourist Hotel
The reserves of black jasper, black jade, blue white jade, etc. are more than 10000 tons, and the reserves of Dongling jade are more than 100000 tons, ranking first in Xinjiang. [1]

Hydropower resources

As of 2012, the total runoff of rivers in Taxian County is about 3.7 billion cubic meters. The cumulative amount of underground spring water is 12 m3/s, the runoff is about 320 million m3, the buried depth of underground water is 22 meters, and the water yield is 450 liters/s. [5]
There are 8.3 billion cubic meters of available surface water resources and 150 million kilowatts of water energy, ranking first in Xinjiang; In 2012, geothermal resources were recognized by experts as second only to Yangbajing in Tibet, ranking second in China. [1]

Animal resources

The wild animals include snow leopard, brown bear, argali, northern goat, gazelle, wild yak, plateau snowfish and other rare species peculiar to the plateau. [1]

plant resources

Plant resources include wild seabuckthorn, angelica, codonopsis pilosula, palm ginseng, wolfberry and other characteristic plateau Chinese herbal medicine resources. [1]

Population and nationality



In 2013, there were 12778 households in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Registered population 39662, an increase of 621 people or 15.91 ‰ over the end of 2012. Permanent population 37193 people, 653 people were born in the whole year, and the birth rate was 17.63 ‰; 172 people died, with a mortality rate of 4.64 ‰; The natural growth rate is 12.98 ‰. [8]
At the end of 2019, the registered population of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was 41188. [19]
In June 2020, the total population of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was 41000. [1]


By 2013, Taxian County had Tajik The main multi-ethnic areas are Tajik Uygur , Kirgiz, Han and other 14 nationalities.

Economic industry

In 2013, Taxian County GDP 822060000 yuan, an increase of 12.79% over 2012. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 11004 million yuan, up 5.79%; The added value of the secondary industry was 419.53 million yuan, up 8.69%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 29249 yuan, up 21.80%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 13.4% of GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 51%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 35.6%. [8]
In 2019, Taxian County was lifted from poverty. The gross output value of Tashkurgan County is 1.67819 billion yuan, an increase of 5% over 2018. The per capita disposable income of urban residents is 30815 yuan, and that of rural residents is 8537 yuan. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents is 6.02% and 9.02% higher than that of 2018, respectively. [1]
In 2019, the added value of the primary industry and the secondary industry of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County was 95.7 million yuan, 506.57 million yuan, 144 million yuan of general public budget revenue and 2338.77 million yuan of general public budget expenditure. [19]

primary industry

In 2013, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Taxian County was 168.5965 million yuan, 13% lower than that in 2012; The added value was 110043800 yuan, up 5.33%. Including: Agriculture The total output value was 34.524 million yuan, up 32.58%; Animal Husbandry The total output value was 124222500 yuan, down 21.59%; The total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 9.85 million yuan, down 0.68%.
Natural Scenery of Taxian County
Crop planting area is 73700 mu. Among them, grain planting area is 64100 mu, vegetable planting area is 1100 mu, cotton planting area is 4000 mu, and other crop planting area is 4500 mu. The output of grain crops was 16224 tons, an increase of 19.53%, including 8418 tons of wheat, an increase of 21.15%; The yield of corn was 2462 tons, an increase of 4.14%. The vegetable output is 1354 tons; The cotton output is 392 tons. The output of fruits is 1748 tons, including 1628 tons of apricots and 120 tons of red dates. The livestock stock is 202500 head (piece).
In June 2020, a corner of Sarek Kexia Ranch, Dabudar Township, Taxian County
The output of meat is 5210 tons, the output of milk is 6750 tons, and the output of leather is 113800 pieces. [8]

the secondary industry

In 2013, Taxian County Industry The added value was 180 million yuan, an increase of 1.53% over 2012. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 137.84 million yuan, 1.18% higher than that in 2012; The added value of industries below designated size was 42.16 million yuan, up 2.67%. Industrial power consumption reached 35 million kilowatt hours, up 117.12% year on year.
In 2013, the new construction of urban security comfortable Housing Project 2320 housing units (households), 1220 urban affordable housing projects have been basically completed. [8]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2013, social consumer goods in Taxian County retail The total amount was 131.92 million yuan, an increase of 15% over 2012. According to the statistics of business location, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas were 106.07 million yuan, up 16.1%; The retail sales of rural consumer goods were 25.849 million yuan, up 11%. According to the consumption pattern, the retail sales of goods were 126.25 million yuan, up 13%; Catering revenue was 2.555 million yuan, up 53.2%, and accommodation revenue was 3.115 million yuan, up 243%.
Scenery of Taxian County
The total amount of post and telecommunications business was 16.4586 million yuan, up 13.59%.
The balance of various deposits of financial institutions was 1447.5016 million yuan, up 9.18%; The balance of various loans of financial institutions was 217.909 million yuan, up 37.49%. [8]

social undertakings



In 2013, there were Ordinary middle school 2, with 2429 students and 899 graduates. There are 13 primary schools with 4204 students and 812 graduates. There are 8 kindergartens with 1161 students. The enrollment rate of primary school age children is 99.99%, that of junior high school age children is 100%, that of primary school graduates is 100%, that of junior high school graduates is 46.4%, and that of junior high school graduates is 80.8%. [8]


In 2013, there were Health institutions 17 (including township health centers), including 14 hospitals and health centers, 1 maternal and child health care institution, 1 disease prevention and control institution, and 1 health supervision institute (center). There are 206 beds, including 206 beds in hospitals and health centers. 263 health technicians. There are 13 township hospitals with 106 beds and 166 health technicians, including 23 licensed (assistant) doctors and 21 nurses. [8]

Infrastructure construction



By the end of 2013, Taxian County highway The traffic mileage is 980km.
In 2013, Taxian County completed 13 million person times of highway passenger traffic, an increase of 10.17% over 2012. [8]
In 2019, Xinjiang Airport Group established the construction headquarters of Tashkurgan Civil Airport Project. At the end of April of the same year, Tashkurgan Airport The construction is commenced, with a total planned investment of about 1.63 billion yuan. [9-10]

water conservancy

In 2019, all 8212 households of farmers and herdsmen in the county were connected with tap water, and the rural drinking water safety project was fully covered. [11]

Customs and customs

Tajik housing
Xinjiang Tajik housing , generally divided into village housing and ranch housing. Among them, village houses are mostly stone wood structures and civil structures. The house consists of courtyard and house. The courtyard is surrounded by walls, and a small number of willows, poplars and apricots are planted around it. The wall foundation is paved with stones, and the wall is built with adobe. The roof is composed of main beams, auxiliary beams and wooden rafters. The housing is generally composed of lobby, main room, guest room and warehouse. The ranch houses are mostly yurts that can be moved at any time, or small rectangular mud huts.
Tajik costumes
Tajik women wear a "Kuleta" hat on their heads, most of which are round hard shells, with exquisite patterns embroidered on the top and around the brim. Women like to wear dresses, mostly red. Married women often wear triangular embroidered belts when they go out. Older women wear a braid. Middle aged women wear sideburns. Unmarried girls do not wear sideburns. The braids are often connected with small copper chains or silver chains. Women wear large jewelry, and some elderly women wear "Aleka" round silver jewelry on their chest.
Tajik costumes
Tajik Men There is a "vomit" on his head. The inside is made of black lambskin. The top and sides of the leather hat are made of flannelette. The top of the hat is embroidered with red threads in circles. Men wear "form loops", that is, collarless, pocketless and buttoned long clothes. A triangular waist scarf is also tied around the waist of the right loop. The waist scarf is also embroidered with patterns and patterns. He also wore a pair of magenta Joruk boots.
Tajik etiquette
Tajik people use "kiss" as Meeting gift Men of the same generation should shake hands and kiss the back of the hand when they see each other, and those who are close to each other should embrace warmly; When you meet someone you don't know on the road, you should put your thumbs together and say "More Alley McGuz"; When meeting the young and the old, the younger generation should step forward quickly and kiss the elder's hand, while the elder kisses the younger's forehead; When women meet, peers kiss each other on the cheek, younger generations kiss the palm of older generations, older generations kiss the forehead and eyes of younger generations; When men and women meet, they usually shake hands to say hello. When young women see male elders, they should also kiss their palms. When a man salutes, he puts his right hand on his chest and bows, while a woman puts her hands on her chest and bows. When children meet their parents, they should kiss their parents' palms to show respect. When dining, the elders and guests sit at the table, and others sit around, with a meal sheet in the middle. Serve tea and rice according to the seat order. If there are men and women in the dining guests, they usually have separate seats, but the dining method is the same as the food.


Stone City, Tashkurgan County
Stone City, Tashkurgan County It is one of the three most famous stone cities in Chinese history. The Stone City is an irregular square and round shape, and is littered with stones. It is divided into inner city and outer city. The outer city has been severely damaged, and only the remains of the city wall, fort and residential buildings can be seen. There are many layers of broken or continuous city walls built outside the city. The stone hills between the partition walls overlap and the rubble piles up. [12]
Taxian Stone City
On June 25, 2001, the Stone City Site was listed by the State Council as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [13]
Golden Grassland along the Ancient Silk Road
Golden Grassland along the Ancient Silk Road It is located in Dabudar Township, Taxian County, on both sides of Tashkurgan River, and belongs to a wetland on the Pamir Plateau. [14]
Princess Castle
Princess Castle It is located 60 kilometers south of Taxian County and on the Bashpamir Mountain in Tagdun. The ancient castle covers an area of more than 2000 square meters. It is built according to the mountain terrain and along the slope. It runs from west to east, from high to low. The front wall is built with stones, and the west wall is made of locally sourced materials, with layers of shrubs and branches mixed with soil. [15]

Historical culture

Taxian County is the place where the film "A visitor on an iceberg" takes place. [16]

Famous people


Honorary title

On September 25, 2018, it was awarded the honorary title of "2018 E-commerce into Rural Comprehensive Demonstration County" by the Ministry of Commerce. [2]
On January 25, 2019, it was selected as a national "safe agricultural machinery" demonstration county in 2018. [3]
On November 22, 2021, the proposed naming of the demonstration units selected in the ninth batch of national unity and progress demonstration areas was announced name list. [20]