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basic industry

General name of each industrial department
The basic industry is to provide raw material Power and foundation conditions Industrial sector The general name of. It mainly includes agriculture, energy, raw materials, medical treatment Transportation And education and other industrial sectors. Features: large investment and construction Long cycle , slow to take effect. economic structure It is very important for the development of other industries and is the basis for the development of other industrial sectors; Most products belong to primary products or Intermediate products ; Compared with the products of processing industry, its labor added value Low. [1]
Chinese name
basic industry
Restricting the development of other industries
by worker Provide employment opportunities
Agriculture, manufacturing, heavy industry, energy

Basic Introduction

The basic industry refers to the basic position in the national economic development of a country, which restricts and determines the development of other industries and determines other industries Development level Of Industrial cluster , its products usually become the follow-up Industrial sector Inputs indispensable in processing, reprocessing and production or consumables , usually non renewable. The more developed a country's basic industries are, the more sustainable its national economy will be, the more effective its national economy will be, and the people's lives will be more convenient, Quality of life The higher. Therefore, a country must first develop its basic industries if it wants to maintain a long-term, rapid, coordinated and effective development of its national economy.
Basic industries refer to industries that provide conditions and opportunities for other sectors, or those that lead to national economic growth due to their insufficient supply capacity Loss of opportunity Industry. The basic industry is the foundation to support the operation of social economy, which determines and reflects the development direction and running speed Basic industries such as energy, transportation, and raw materials account for Total state-owned assets 70%. It is the material guarantee for national rejuvenation and the rise of great powers, and is the "foundation of the country".

Understanding connotation


Foreign scholars

Around the middle and late 1940s, in development economics, Balanced growth theory Rosenstan Rodin, the pioneer of“ Social overhead capital ”The concept of industrial investment The accumulation of infrastructure that a society should have before ". Rosenstan Rodin proposed that infrastructure plays a decisive role in the process of industrialization. Social advance capital includes all basic industries such as electricity, transportation and communication. The development of these basic industries must precede the direct and faster gains Productive investment It constitutes the infrastructure structure of the social economy and the shared cost of the national economy as a whole.
Albert Hirschman in his《 Economic development strategy 》The book makes a more profound analysis of basic industries. He clearly proposed "social indirect capital" and "direct capital" Production activities ”Division of. Hirschman believes that social indirect capital is generally defined as those that carry out primary, secondary and Tertiary industry Basic services indispensable to activities. He believes that social indirect capital in a broad sense includes law, order, education, public health, transportation, communication, power, water supply, and agricultural indirect capital such as irrigation drainage system Wait for all public service However, he also believes that the core of social indirect capital can be strictly limited to transportation and power. He also believes that if the output of social indirect capital investment can be measured, then the ratio of investment to output is very high, and because this investment is technically indivisible, it needs to have a considerable scale to concentrate.
In order to analyze and demonstrate his“ On the stages of economic growth ”, put forward the "department analysis method", and using this method, he concluded that Economic growth stage The conclusion of the relationship between the sequential replacement of and the sequential change in the importance of economic sectors.
Nan Liangjin, a Japanese scholar, also studied basic industries. He believed that basic industries can be called social indirect capital, generally represented by transportation and communication, which are indispensable initial conditions for economic growth.

Domestic scholars

China's basic industries
Since the 1980s, with the Industrial policy research With the deepening of theoretical research on basic industries by domestic scholars, people have gradually attached importance to basic industries. Renmin University of China Professor Yang Zhi《 Introduction to Industrial Economics 》It is pointed out that the development of social economy requires not only direct productive investment, but also indirect Social Investment, which gives rise to the concept of social capital. To be exact, "social capital" is social indirect capital. It is said to be social because of productive investment or Productive capital Most of them are private investment The investment of social capital is made by the state, local government or Public utilities Public investment. It is said to be indirect because it indirectly affects the productive activities of productive capital. The assets formed by social capital investment are also infrastructure.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Zhou Shulian In his book "China industrial policy Research pointed out that we must pay attention to the research of industrial policy. In the subject he presided over, the meaning of basic industry is very clear, that is, energy, raw materials, transportation and other departments. In the research of some members of the research group, the scope of basic industries also includes agriculture.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Li Jingwen and Zheng Youjing In his Research on Technological Progress and Industrial Structure, the researchers divided the industrial structure into four categories: priority industries, basic industries Export earning foreign exchange Industry, general industry. They think that basic industry refers to the development of other industries dependence It is relatively high, and the demand for it will grow steadily in a long period of time. It is a large-scale industry, and it is in the "supply" position in the industrial structure. They pointed out that agriculture, raw material industry and energy industry But they put transportation Posts and telecommunications power industry Listed in the priority industries.
Fan Gang The doctor referred to basic industry and economic infrastructure as the "basic sector" of the economy, including energy (including electricity), transportation, basic raw materials (including building materials, steel Chemical materials And other production sectors, as well as other economic infrastructure, such as telephone communication, urban water supply and drainage system, etc. He believes that basic departments and processing industrial sector The proportional relationship between Social production One of the most basic proportional relations in“ Infrastructure ”。
Feng Lanrui The professor believes that the meaning of basic industry is certainly different from what we used in the past, including metallurgy, oil, coal, machinery and other equipment heavy industry Its own basic industry is not completely equivalent to the current international infrastructure. She thinks that infrastructure The term "infrastructure" means infrastructure or infrastructure. Infrastructure has broad and narrow meanings. Infrastructure in a narrow sense refers to transportation, communication system, energy and other infrastructure. Infrastructure in a broad sense also includes some sectors that provide intangible products, such as education, culture, science, health, etc.
To the foundation Industrial research More in-depth and systematic is the National Development and Reform Commission Macroeconomy "Basic industry construction" composed of research institutes and other departments Fund raising ”Research group. The basic industries they mentioned include basic industries and infrastructure. The former includes energy industries such as coal, oil and electricity, and steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals petrochemical industry And other raw material industries; The latter includes roads, railways, airports, ports, postal services, communications, etc. With the rapid development of logistics industry and the recognition of the role of logistics in economic development, some experts believe that logistics industry should also be an important part of basic industries.




basic industry
Whether it can provide public products and services for the whole society is the fundamental sign of measuring basic industries.

Contribution rate

The basic industry is the first to produce basic effects on the growth of the national economy Contribution rate

Employment ratio

This refers to how much an industry can accommodate Social labor force And the proportion in solving the problem of employment arrangement.

Correlation degree

This refers to the degree of restriction and relevance of an industry to various sectors of the national economy. This is also an important symbol reflecting basic industries.


This is also the main feature of basic industries.

Economic technology

The basic industry has the following attributes:


Types of basic industries
This is the most general economic feature of modern basic industries. The reason why basic industries are "basic" is that they are national economy It is located in the "upstream" link of the industrial chain, through the network serving various users transmission system , especially pipeline water supply, power grid, gas, telecommunications, drainage and railway communal facilities Provide services. Infrastructure is the national economy and civil life And Basic industry The product of is other Production department Required Input

Asset specific

In most cases, the above transmission system is dedicated, that is, it can only transmit one thing. Investment in transmission systems is the least likely to be repaired, because they cannot be used for other purposes or transferred to other places. Once the investment is made, this Partial cost It will "precipitate". As these transmission systems form a network, the matching service flow (traffic, power, communication signals) is crucial to fully exert its effect. This internal connection also means that the income from investment in one point of this transmission network depends to a large extent on the service flow and the ability to provide services at other points.

monopolistic competition

One time investment in basic industries fixed cost Very large, but in operation Variable cost Small, when the output reaches the design Supply capacity Previously, due to marginal cost lower than average cost , the average cost of its production decreases. such cost structure This makes it impossible for the market to support more than one supplier in a given region, thus making the only service supplier a monopolist. The scope of competition in the provision of basic industries varies greatly between different sectors, technologies or within sectors, and provides services for each new user in various outputs Unit cost Where it falls, scale economy To be realized - this is natural monopoly The important reasons for its formation. For example, it is hard for us to imagine that there are two subway operators with the same lines in the same city, or two water supply companies in the same community compete. This kind of monopoly caused by decreasing cost is natural monopoly.
All departments Settling cost This is another potential reason for the formation of natural monopoly. For example, in the railway and port sectors, for rolling stock and cargo handling As far as equipment investment is concerned, sedimentation cost is less important than fixed facilities investment. The company can easily enter or exit the low cost operating activities In order to compare with other potential market forces Competition. Such business activities are called "competitive" activities. Technological and economic differences in production enable a sector to have natural monopoly The part of is separated from the part that can compete.


In basic industries, energy and Raw material industry belong to capital-intensive Department, which needs a lot of investment; While transportation (such as railways, highways, airports, ports, etc.) and Urban infrastructure Large scale investment must be made at one time, and sporadic investment is often ineffective. So called investment“ Inseparability ”Means, because“ Social shared capital ”The scale of the project is huge, and it is interconnected, interdependent, and indispensable. It must be completed at the same time to play a role, so it needs to have Minimum A large amount of investment as founding capital.

Lead effect

Basic industries in industrial structure The system is responsible for Industrial growth And development provide the basic function of intermediate demand, so generally speaking, it should have a certain advance. Because only when the basic industry has advanced development, can it Industrial development To provide them with the necessary intermediate needs. On the contrary, the development of basic industries lags behind, and when other industries need intermediate demand, there may be a structural shortage, forming a "bottleneck" in the process of industrial structure development.

External public welfare

The construction of network infrastructure has obvious Externalities And public welfare social results Is often significantly better than economic performance , due to the External benefits It is difficult to calculate accurately, and the payment fee for using the network is not closely related to the size of the network traffic and the network operating cost. in other words, network service The pricing cannot completely adopt the market law, and the network cannot be adjusted completely through the supply and demand relationship Service price Therefore, it is difficult for investors to get all Return on investment


Basic industry Input and output Its characteristics determine the necessity of monopoly and regulation. This is true all over the world, but the scope and degree of regulation are different. Some data show that in Japan, the regulated industries, especially those with high degree of regulation, are mainly basic industries. Electricity, gas, water, Mining industry Transportation The communication industry is controlled by 100%, 100% and 96.3%.


The government and public sector still play an important role in the infrastructure industry dominance But at the same time, the government should support the reform and development of infrastructure industry in terms of system and law.

economic development

Basic industry, even if it can't be called influence economic activity Our locomotive is also the "wheel" to promote its development. For example, the United States and Japan Input Output Table It shows that telecommunications, electricity and water supply are used in almost every economic sector Production process Transportation is an input for every commodity. Users need infrastructure not only for direct consumption, but also to improve productivity.

Mixed goods

The vast majority of basic industries are mixed goods. Although almost all of them can be exclusive, they have a certain degree of Non competitive , its crowding coefficient is between 0 and 1, that is Consumption Before reaching their supply capacity, consumers' satisfaction is not affected by each other. This characteristic of the basic industry makes it become the national economy and social development And governments of all countries have intervened in different ways to different degrees, public investment It is one of them. Especially in developing country , due to economic base Weak, public wealth Of Accumulation rate Low, market Investor It is difficult to invest in basic industries due to the lack of strength for large-scale investment and the ability to bear greater risks. If the government cannot invest in basic industries, the development of domestic basic industries will lag behind and eventually drag down the development of other economic sectors.

Investment mode

Investment mechanism of basic industries
The most critical issues of investment in basic industries are investment and Operation mode , which is not only directly related to Investment efficiency , which also determines the investment Source of funds It is worth noting that different investment and operation modes actually mean different cost compensation modes. From the practice of various countries, Investment mode Mainly:
direct investment , provided free of charge
That is, directly conducted by the government Infrastructure investment , free of charge to the public, and the government bears all costs. This is the most basic and traditional one Government investment mode It is suitable for infrastructure projects that generally benefit the public and have roughly the same amount of benefits. At this time, the government actually relies on tax financing.
Direct investment, non-commercial operation
It refers to the direct investment by the government public sector Conduct non-commercial operation. The so-called non-commercial operation is not for profit. Business entity Charge users equal to or less than Operating costs The cost of. This method is suitable for those who are generally benefited by the public but have different benefits exclusiveness But it is not appropriate to Private sector Infrastructure projects operated. At this time, there are actually two ways of project cost compensation: tax and Royalty
Indirect investment , commercial operation
That is, the government only provides credit for investment , invested and operated by the private sector in a commercial manner. It is suitable for general infrastructure and private sector operation that are not universal and exclusive enough to benefit from Basic industry Project. At this time, the project cost compensation actually comes from the provision of Project Services Price of.
In addition to the above basic ways, in practice, there are many other basic industries Portfolio investment Operation mode, such as BOT Government investment and financing Etc.