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Capital of Schleswig Holstein, Germany
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synonym Kiel (Northern German city) generally refers to Kiel
Kiel, northern Germany Schleswig Holstein The capital of Germany port city one of. be located the Baltic Kiel Bay , distance in Haikou 11km. It covers an area of 118.65 square kilometers and has a population of 239000 (2013). Was Hanseatic League One of the cities. along with Kiel Canal With the opening of the North Sea Baltic Sea River, the economy has developed rapidly and gradually become a domestic Railway junction Fishery base
Kiel's industry focuses on shipbuilding and Machinery manufacturing Mainly, shipbuilding industry Second only to Hamburg. In addition, the main industries are marine economy And marine science and technology, biotechnology and medical technology, new energy, logistics, machinery manufacturing and other industries.
Kiel is also famous tourist city , every June of the Gregorian calendar traditional festival Kieler Woche Week (German: Kieler Woche) is the world's leading sailing event. At the same time, the cultural activities held by Kieler Woche also attract more than three million tourists from Germany and even around the world to come to revel.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
Capital of Schleswig Holstein State
Northern Germany
geographical position
118.65 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Lubeck, Freiburg, New Minster, etc
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
239000 (2013)
Famous scenic spot
Olympic Sailing Field, Nikolai Church, Warrior Soul Sculpture, Kiel TV Tower
Kiel Airport (military)
train station
Kiel Railway Station
License plate code
Mainly standard German, with a few Danish accents
Important activities
International Sailing Competition, i.e. Kiel Week

Development history

Kiel was the first town named Tom Kyle established by Adolf IV, Earl of Schauenburg, in 1233 AD, and has been granted the city right since 1242; Since 1284 Hanseatic League Until it was expelled in 1518 for conniving at piracy in the port.
In 1431, the Kiel Fair was held for the first time. Later, it became the most important market in Schleswig Holstein area. It gradually began to lose its importance until 1850. The last fair was held in 1900.
From 1773 to 1864, the city belonged to Denmark King, but was not incorporated into the Danish mainland, so although Kiel belongs to Germany King of Denmark Governance; Although the emperor was abolished in 1806, the Danish king continued to rule Kiel as Duke of Holstein; In 1848, Shile Suyige And Holstein against Denmark, Kiel became Schleswig Holstein Capital; During the Second Schleswig War in 1864, Kiel, Schleswig and the rest of Holstein were Austrian Empire and Prussia After the conquest of the Royal Alliance, Kiel was briefly managed by Austrians and Prussians, but in 1866 Austro-Prussian War As a result, Kiel was annexed by Prussia in 1867.
On March 24, 1865, King Of Prussia William I Prussian Baltic Fleet The base moved from Danzig to Kiel; In 1871, King William I of Prussia became German Empire Emperor, he chose Kiel and Port William As an imperial war port. Since Kiel is the center of German shipbuilding industry, Kiel Canal At the end of the eastern section of the city, the city has been serving as the main German naval base since the 1860s, so the size of its city has grown rapidly, and most of the old city center and surrounding areas have been razed and rebuilt. This is also the end of 1918 when the naval mutiny (historically known as Kiel Sailor Uprising )The place.
As Military harbor And submarine manufacturing base, Kiel the Second World War During the period, it was heavily bombed by the Allies, and the city buildings were severely destroyed. After the war, the original buildings were not found Design drawings , so it is a pity that it is not like Schleswig Holstein Other towns completely restore the original appearance of the city.
In 1946, Kiel became the seat of the government of Schleswig Holstein State, and officially became the capital of the state in 1972; Since 1975, Kiel has held Kiel Fair again every year. Now it is a bustling city full of music, food and traditional customs.
Sailing City Sign

Main landscape

Aerial view of Kiel Bay
Kiel is in the Baltic Kiel Bay , is the center of German shipbuilding industry Kiel Canal The end point of the eastern section of naval base The sailing competition here is very famous. The Kiel Week Navigation Festival held every June is one of the largest sailing events in the world. In 1936 and 1972, Olympic Games In Germany Berlin and Munich When held, rowing events were held in Kiel. Kiel or quantum mechanics The birthplace of Max Carl Ernst Ludwig Planck, the founder of.

Kiel Canal

Kiel Canal , also known as Nord Ostsee Kanal, is an important waterway connecting the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Located in northern Germany, it starts from the North Sea in the west Elbe River Oral Brensbittelkog , extending 61 miles eastward to Heldanau. The total length is 98.7 km Face width 103m, 13.7m deep, navigable canal draft It takes only 7-9 hours for a 9-meter, 20000 ton seagoing ship to pass through the canal Oresund Strait Kattegat Strait Skagerrak Strait The voyage was shortened by 685 kilometers. There are 8 ship locks and 7 high bridges over 40 meters high on the canal, which can pass sea ships. Construction was started on June 3, 1887, and the project was completed and opened to navigation on June 22, 1895; Germany built this canal for military purposes. German ships do not have to detour after opening Jutland Peninsula Free travel between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea has shortened the voyage from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea by as much as 756 kilometers. The river bed was widened and deepened in 1907, and in 1914 the First World War It was completed a few weeks before the outbreak, and it has been able to pass large ships.
Before the First World War, Kiel Canal It is owned by the German government. After the First World War, according to 1919《 Treaty of Versailles 》The canal is internationalized, but managed by Germany. In 1936, Hitler overthrew the relevant provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and closed the canal. the Second World War Later, the free navigation of ships in all countries was re established. In terms of commerce, it is now the shortest, safest, most convenient and most economical waterway between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Located on the busy shipping line in Europe, the Kiel Canal has the most ships International Canal , Yes Northern Europe Of Finland Sweden Central Europe Of poland as well as Eastern Europe Of Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania Waiting for the Baltic countries to Atlantic A shortcut to the sea.
From 13:00 to 23:30 on December 12, 2015, we are going to visit the seventh stop of Globegroup - Portugal Lisbon Of Chinese Navy one hundred and fifty-two naval vessels formation Jinan Ship , Yiyang Ship and Thousand Island Lake Ship passed through Kiel Canal from east to west and entered Germany Elbe River This is the first time that a Chinese naval ship has passed through the Kiel Canal.

Kiel University

Christian Albrechts Universitat zu Kiel (German abbreviation: CAU English abbreviation: Kiel University) is named after its founder, Christian Albrecht of Schleswig Holstein Gottorf. She was founded in 1665 school badge It is reminiscent of the war years when it was founded: the whole picture symbolizes peace -- a woman holding Palm The branch is full in the other hand icker Of Horn work In addition, it is also printed with Latin PAX OPTIMA RERUM (peace is the most precious wealth).
Kiel University has a long history, Disciplines It is one of the traditional universities in Germany. A group of prestigious scientists have taught here, such as Max Planck (Max Planck)、 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (Heinrich Rudolf Hertz), built the first "Geiger" in Kiel in 1928 Counter ”Hans Geiger of Nobel Prize Otto, the chemist of· Dears (Otto Diels), he is the last of six Nobel Prize winners who have taught in Kiel. During the Second World War, almost all the university buildings were destroyed by air raids except the university hospitals. After 1945, except for the hospital affiliated to the university, the rest of the school buildings were rebuilt and expanded on a land of about 80 hectares in the northwest suburb of Kiel; Except for a few departments, all the colleges, departments and clinics of the university are arranged in new buildings equipped with modern facilities.

Germany's largest shipyard

Hovaz Germany The shipbuilding company HDW Nobiskrug GmbH is the most modern comprehensive shipyard in Europe and the largest shipyard in Germany. It can build various types and levels of merchant ships and naval ships Container ship And non Nuclear powered submarine In terms of construction, it is in the leading position in the world, and pays special attention to submarine construction technology, such as reducing noise radiation, improving detection accuracy of detection equipment, and increasing self-supporting power. The most famous person in history is Kiel Germania The proud work of the shipyard: the Nazi navy German cruiser Prinz Eugen

Other buildings

Nikolai Church (14th/15th century)
Sculpture of Warrior's Soul: Ernst Barlach It was made in front of Nicola Church.
Castle ruins: a 16th century castle, World War II Not rebuilt after.
City Hall Tower (right)
city hall (1911)
World War II Of Air raid shelter (Not open to tourists)
There are also many beautiful scenic spots near Kiel, such as Kiel Beach Shirk Lake (Schilksee), etc. Laboe, a small town 20 kilometers north of Kiel, also has a spectacular naval monument and a World War II submarine U-995 for visiting.

traditional festival

Kiel Week is an annual international comprehensive Sailing competition Because in the Baltic Of sea town Kiel held it, so it got its name.
Kiel week is History of Germany Time-honored traditional festival It is held on the Saturday of the second week of June every year for 8 days. From the first Kiel Week in 1882, more than 100 years ago, to the present age, a variety of literary and artistic activities have been added during the festival, making every Kiel Week as lively as before Christmas. Not only sailing ships, but also official ships and military ships from all countries will be invited to come here, gradually forming an international comprehensive exchange art week.
On June 17, 2016, the 23rd batch of Chinese Navy Somalia Gulf of Aden Maritime escort formation Type 054A frigate Xiangtan Ship Arrived in Kiel, Germany, and participated in Kiel Week for the first time on behalf of Chinese officials.

Sister city

France Brest
Kaliningrad, Russia
britain Coventry
Estonia Tallinn
Germany Stralsund
Finland Vasa
China Qingdao




Shihezhou The railway node of. Due to its proximity to Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany, Kiel mainly uses short and medium distance vehicles to other regions in the state and Hamburg, supplemented by ICE , IC or EC can be directly reached or passed Berlin Cologne Frankfurt Munich, Kerlsruhe Dortmund Hanover Dresden Mannheim Germany and other big cities also have direct access to Switzerland Zurich Train number of. More optional long-distance or international trains can be transferred to Hamburg.


The city has developed Public transport lines Network, corporate name by KVG At the entrance of the central railway station in the city, there are a lot of bus lines, which can reach almost any corner of the city, and the beaches around the city are no exception. The roads outside the city also extend in all directions, and you can drive directly to the beach in the north or other cities; To the west to Beihai; Go south through New Minster to Hamburg; To the west, you can reach the second largest city of Shihezhou Lübeck

water transport

Large cruise ships in ports and international routes
There is a special beach for viewing the sea in Kiel Bay Tourist routes It can be directly connected to the Central Railway Station not far from the harbor and several beaches around. In addition, as a seaport city International routes , take a huge luxury cruise ship to major cities and ports in Northern Europe, such as Copenhagen Oslo Etc.


There is an airport in the northwest of Kiel, but it is not open to the public at present. Passengers who choose to fly can choose to take trains or airport buses that run almost every hour Hamburg Airport Take the plane. You can also choose to drive to the airport.