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Town planning

It is a blueprint for urban development in a certain period
Town planning, also called city planning Urban Planning studies the future development of the city, the rational layout of the city and the comprehensive deployment of various urban engineering construction. It is a blueprint for urban development in a certain period, an important part of urban management, the basis for urban construction and management, and also city planning urban construction Urban operation The leader of three stage management. In order to build a good city, we must have a unified and scientific urban plan, and build in strict accordance with the plan.
Chinese name
Town planning
Also called
city planning
Study the future development of the city
Within a certain period urban development Blueprint for

Planning process

Urban planning, also called urban planning or urban planning, refers to the pre consideration of urban space and physical development. Its object focuses on the material form of the city, involving the regional layout of industries, the regional layout of buildings, the setting of roads and transportation facilities, and the arrangement of urban projects in the city.
The knowledge of ancient Chinese urban planning is based on ancient philosophy, which combines Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and other thoughts Harmony of Heaven and Man Tao follows nature. City is the product of the development of human society, economy and culture to a certain stage.
The academic circle has not yet reached a final conclusion on the causes, time and functions of the origin of cities. It is generally believed that the social productivity of cities can not only meet people's basic survival needs, but also Remaining products Is its basic condition. City is the center of social, political, economic and cultural in a certain region. The formation of cities is a leap in the history of human civilization. The development of cities is the process of the continuous evolution of human living environment, and also the process of human consciously and unconsciously planning and arranging the living environment. In Shaanxi Province, China Lintong County Chengbei Neolithic Age settlement Jiangzhai Site Our ancestors used original technical conditions and ingenious operations in village site selection, land use, architectural layout and orientation arrangement, opening of public space and construction of defense facilities to build a living environment suitable for the social structure at that time. It can be considered that this is the bud of residential environment planning.
Urban planning is a policy, scientific, regional and comprehensive work. It should foresee and reasonably determine the development direction, scale and layout of the city, make environmental prediction and evaluation, coordinate the relationship between various aspects in the development, make overall arrangements for various construction, so that the construction and development of the whole city can achieve the comprehensive effect of advanced technology, reasonable economy, "bone and flesh" coordination, and beautiful environment, and provide urban people with housing, labor, learning, transportation Create good conditions for rest and various social activities.

Planning objectives

Take the development of key regions and key urban industries as the main focus to accelerate the development of urban industries. The basic conditions of cities and towns, the level of industrial development, scale and quality differ greatly, and the ability and level of gathering elements are also different.
Accelerate the development of cities and towns according to the requirements of industrial cluster development Industrial agglomeration development. Industrial agglomeration development is an important law that must be followed by industrial development. According to the requirements of industrial cluster development, vigorously develop supporting industries, enhance the development capacity of competitive industries, and expand the scale of industrial agglomeration.
In accordance with the requirements for the development of characteristic industries, we should do a good job in planning the development of urban industrial agglomeration, enhance the pertinence of investment attraction, take the development of industrial agglomeration as the main goal of investment attraction, increase the support of funds and policies to drive enterprises and supporting industries, and strive to break through the bottleneck constraints of insufficient industrial supporting facilities on industrial development.

Urban system planning

China's new urbanization path should adhere to the principle of coordinated development of large, small and medium-sized cities and small towns, make full use of their respective advantages, and build a urban system with complete structure, perfect functions, and coordinated operation. The planning of the urban system must be based on the existing level of urbanization and economic development, and must conform to the regional reality.
1. National strategic layout of new urbanization in the east, middle and west
The country's strategic layout for new urbanization will optimize and improve Beijing Tianjin Hebei Changjiang delta and Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration And gradually build a more internationally competitive urban agglomeration; In areas with strong resource and environment carrying capacity in the central and western regions, we will foster and expand a number of urban agglomerations. On this basis, give priority to the development of small and medium-sized cities with obvious regional advantages and good basic conditions, focus on the development of small towns, and gradually develop central towns in the eastern region, counties in the central and western regions and important border ports into small and medium-sized cities.
Focusing on the strategic layout of urbanization in the future, the country will promote the construction of railway, highway, water transport, aviation, oil and gas pipelines and urban transportation infrastructure as a whole, so as to play its supporting and guiding role in the development of urbanization.
Main functional area Planning as a guide and constraint for the future population distribution Economic layout The overall plan of land use and urbanization pattern will become a new way for local governments to implement macro-control, which has a profound and substantive impact on regulating space development behavior.
At the end of 2010, the central government issued《 National main functional area planning 》In China, the decision-making level has released a signal to promote the construction of new urbanization, among which the most clear is to propose to build a new type of urbanization with the land bridge channel and the Yangtze River channel as two horizontal axes, and the coastal, Beijing Harbin Beijing Guangzhou and Baotou Kunming channels as three vertical axes“ Two horizontal and three vertical ”The main urbanization strategic pattern should promote the development of the Bohai Sea Rim Yangtze River delta At the same time of optimizing the development of the Pearl River Delta, three megalopolis have been formed Yangtze and Huai rivers , the Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and other regions have formed a number of new large urban agglomerations and regional urban agglomerations.
3. Planning principles of new urban system
In the planning of the new urban system, the role of the central city should be prominent, the type of functions should be clear, and the development of each city should have its own characteristics, complement each other, and cannot be replaced by each other. The planning of the urban system should focus on the coordinated development of the whole urban cluster, rather than simply overlapping the development paths and industrial characteristics of each city in the cluster or competing against each other.
The structure of large, medium and small cities and towns should be rationally allocated, the number of medium-sized cities should be appropriately increased, the bridges between cities and towns should be built, the quality of cities and towns should be improved, and the functions of cities and towns should be strengthened; Control the number of super cities and megacities and enhance the role of their regional centers; Focus on developing small towns with good foundation.
At the same time, the construction of the urban system should be supported by infrastructure, especially transportation and communication facilities. We should vigorously build a fast track network, including high-speed railway networks, expressway networks, air corridors, huge ports and information superhighway Promote the construction of urban system with transportation network and information communication network as the "skeleton".
4. Urban spatial layout strategy
(1) In areas where economy, population, resources and environment are suitable, implement the strategy of urban agglomeration. Optimize and integrate the existing urban agglomeration, encourage the intensive use of resources, independent innovation, circular economy cleaner production And improve the quality of urban development. On the basis of optimizing the original urban agglomeration, continue to cultivate and develop new urban agglomeration, emphasize economic development and quality benefits, employment and industrialization and urbanization, social and ecological environment, etc., and formulate preferential policies to encourage and attract population entry and concentration in employment placement, social security, education and culture, medical and health care, etc.
(2) For areas with weak ecological carrying capacity, the speed and scale of urban development should be limited. Focus on the development of existing central cities, and restrict urban development Population size And formulate subsidy policies for housing, employment, social security, education, health and other aspects to guide local residents to move out or live in a centralized manner.
(3) For special nature reserves and geological disaster prone areas, urban construction activities are strictly prohibited. The focus should be on ecological environment protection, combined with the employment training, transfer guidance, counterpart support for migrants Ecological migration And other relevant policies to vigorously carry out population emigration in a variety of ways.
5. Advocacy Industry city integration To realize the systematic planning and management of industrial park towns
"Industrial park" is an important form of agglomeration to perform urban industrial functions, which is improving Regional investment environment The introduction of foreign capital, the promotion of industrial restructuring, industrial upgrading and the development of regional economy play a radiating, exemplary and driving role. It is a booster of urban economic take-off and a form of urbanization. It is a faster and larger urbanization process that industries are concentrated in the park, relying on the expansion of the park and the demand for employment to drive the construction of new towns and population concentration directly matching it.
The specific forms of parks are diverse, mainly including development zones, science and technology parks, industrial parks, industrial bases, characteristic industrial parks, industrial new towns, science and technology new towns, etc.
(1) In terms of industrial development, we should expand the industrial chain up and down, broaden the front and back extension of the industrial chain, enhance the attractiveness of industrial supporting facilities, and form an industrial cluster.
(2) Accelerate the development of finance, logistics, etc. according to the construction requirements of the new urban area Productive services At the same time, improve infrastructure, supporting services for living, etc., and transform from a single functional industrial zone to a modern comprehensive functional zone.
6. Improve the level of urban-rural integration New countryside Community integration into urban system structure
New rural community It refers to that two or more natural villages or administrative villages are moved and merged within a certain period of time after unified planning and according to unified requirements, and have the function of community service and management New farmers The community of production and life (also known as the "central village") forms a new rural residential mode, service management mode and industrial pattern. New rural community, different from traditional Rural communities It is not only based on agricultural industry, but also connects industrial agglomeration, industrial development, service industry development and agricultural and rural development. It is an important part of the modern urban system. It can not be equated with village renovation, nor is it a simple population settlement, but focuses on changing farmers' life and production mode, improving farmers' quality of life, intensive Save land, adjust and optimize the industrial structure, develop the secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, promote agricultural modernization, promote farmers to transfer jobs locally and nearby, accelerate the narrowing of the gap between urban and rural areas, so that farmers can enjoy the same public services as urban people, live like urban people, and share the material and spiritual achievements of economic development and social progress.

Key points of planning

1、 Scientific planning. Determine the direction, scale and function of urban development. It is necessary to give full play to the role of planning, adhere to the city's planning as a whole, formulate urban planning as a whole, and guide urbanization construction. We will improve the urban and rural planning system. Comply with the trend of urban regionalization and regional urbanization, bring all urban and rural areas into the planning scope, make the planning vertical to the end and horizontal to the edge, and achieve the connection between urban and rural planning and economic and social development, land use, environmental protection and other planning. Improve the overall planning, and scientifically prepare the regulatory detailed planning and construction Detailed rules And establish a unified and perfect urban and rural planning system that combines industry and agriculture, integrates urban and rural areas, coordinates regions, and achieves Urban system planning , urban planning Small town planning , village planning and other planning levels are all covered in the city. Improve the level of planning preparation. Set up the concept of "rich planning, poor construction", based on the status quo, long-term perspective, reflect the characteristics of the times, accurate positioning, reasonable qualitative, overall orientation, one step in place, leaving enough space; Reflect scientificity, handle the relationship between part and whole, need and possibility, economy and society, construction and protection, inheritance and innovation, and ensure that the planning can stand the test of history and practice; Grasp the characteristics, give full play to the advantages, plan the characteristic cities and towns of transportation hub type, commercial circulation type, resource development type, professional market type, agricultural and sideline products processing type, and highlight the individuality and connotation of cities and towns.
2、 High standard construction. accelerate Urbanization The foundation of. We should make the central urban area bigger and stronger, accelerate the development of county towns, select the best to develop key towns, and strive to improve the overall level of urban construction in the city. Expand the central urban space. Overall coordination, different emphasis, dislocation development, and promotion of integrated development. We will accelerate the development of county towns and small towns.
3、 Foundation first. Strengthen infrastructure construction, constantly improve urban functions and enhance carrying capacity. Optimize the road network structure. The road network structure determines the layout of urban form. We must take the transportation infrastructure as the guide, reasonably design the regional road network, open the urban framework, and optimize the urban layout. Construction includes expressway, railway, airport inland water transport The internal transportation network system covers urban areas, connects villages, and enables all counties and districts to be connected to expressways, and all villages and towns to be connected to oil roads. In combination with the construction of the national road network, open up the external communication channels of cities and towns, develop the channel economy, and promote the comprehensive economic and social development of cities and towns. Supporting and improving infrastructure. insist Regional coordination Joint construction and sharing, transfer the focus of infrastructure planning and construction to the urban-rural fringe and key towns, strengthen the link role of small towns, promote the transfer of agricultural and rural resources to industry and cities and towns, build the countryside into an ecological area of the city, gradually eliminate the boundaries between urban and rural areas, and effectively narrow the urban-rural differences.
4、 Industrial support. The development of cities and small towns will become water without source and trees without roots. We should implement the strategy of "prospering the city through industry" and adhere to the principle of "one town and one industry"“ One Village, One Product ”Adjust the product structure, extend the industrial chain, cultivate leading industries, and constantly strengthen the regional economic strength. Innovate the concept and management mode of the park, and form a "garden for garden, garden for garden, garden for city" Operating mechanism And guide enterprises to support production and gather for development. We will build a sound market system, develop large commerce and trade, large circulation, and large markets, and form a new dynamic industrial system with the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries supporting each other.
5、 Cultural boost. An important yardstick of urbanization development level. We should take the path of connotative development, take urban culture as an important measure to improve the quality of the city, vigorously support and carefully cultivate it, and provide spiritual power and intellectual support for the sustainable development of the city. Create a city cultural brand. Strengthen the protection of historical relics and historic buildings, keep the original appearance of the original site as far as possible, reflect the development context, pay attention to cultural accumulation, and enhance the sense of urban history.
6、 Improve the mechanism. From mainly relying on government investment to relying on policy, market and social investment, we will gradually establish a multi-channel and diversified investment mechanism with financial funds as the guide, market financing as the main body, national support as the supplement, farmers' fund-raising into towns, and enterprises and individuals' active participation.