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Urban consumers

The sum of all consumers directly and indirectly served by the city
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Urban consumers refer to the sum of all consumers directly served and indirectly served by a city Permanent population A more general concept. The direct consumers of a city include two types: one is the people who live and live in the city; Second, consumers from other cities, villages and even other countries come to travel, shop or participate in other activities.
Chinese name
Urban consumers
City Marketing
People living in cities and outsiders
Integration of urban consumers


One of the key concepts in the field of city marketing. from city From the perspective of the essence of development, the competition between cities is actually for consumers. A city Indirect consumers in a city refer to those who buy products or services produced by enterprises in the city but come from consumers outside the city. [1]
The "radius" of consumers determines the real boundary of a city and its development potential. The ability of a city to serve urban consumers is the core of urban competitiveness. [2]


When urbanization has become a national strategy, fierce competition between cities is inevitable, so it must involve carrying out Marketing To improve the competitiveness of the city. As far as urban marketing is concerned, it is necessary to make clear several basic issues in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort.
Marketing is to establish competitive advantage. From the perspective of the essence of urban development, how many people a city can serve will form how much consumption, which will determine the supply of your enterprises, capital and land. In other words, population is the fundamental dividend of urbanization. Of course, at present, the dividend generated by the population is not enough to become the key supporting factor to promote China's economy and urbanization, and the quality of population will play a more important role in the new urbanization. [3]
Although the population that can generate consumption is the core resource in urbanization, we often see in the real world that urban governments seem to compete with enterprises, and they seldom care directly about population absorption or service issues, that is, in the view of government leaders, enterprises are the urban resources that the urban government really attaches importance to.
The expansion power of many cities is insufficient. If the city government cannot formulate the urban development strategy from the perspective of expanding and serving the urban consumer group to promote the sustainable development of the city, attract investment Has become increasingly difficult to achieve.


It is a basic requirement for a city with core competitiveness to continue to provide attractive products to enable its consumer groups to expand or at least maintain a reasonable scale. From the perspective of urban consumer change, we can easily see the rise and fall of cities.
Cities relying on resources, resources It can never become your core competitiveness. When resources are exhausted, consumers will naturally abandon you without mercy, and the city will start to shake. Because resources themselves cannot help cities establish any emotional communication with consumers, consumers do not have any attachment, and the city itself is highly replaceable, it is difficult for resource-based cities to get rid of this curse of decline. For example, some residents in resource exhausted cities have already bought houses in other areas. First, they are prepared to provide for the elderly in places with better environment for long-term consideration; Second, start businesses in other places, and be ready to transfer to other regions with good economic development environment assets And career.
For cities with floating population as their business target, many tourism cities in China are still in the "sightseeing stage", and the renewal and R&D of tourism products are very slow or not at all. It is difficult for such cities to have core competitiveness. The city government has no idea how the psychological state of tourism consumers will change in the future. Therefore, the city's marketing is still old-fashioned, promoting the beautiful scenery and spending money in various media advertisements without knowing what is going on.
Cities with unique industrial advantages may have unique competitive advantages for a period of time, but may not have core competitiveness. Some of these cities have developed industrial chains. A large number of products have been sold to the whole country. They buy raw materials and need labor. The core work of such cities is to promote the continuous innovation of products and constantly meet the changing needs of consumers. In other words, they should constantly develop various products and constantly lead the changes of consumer needs. At the same time, the government should monitor the development of the industry so that the industry strategy does not deviate. For every enterprise, although it has a good strategy, it has little understanding of the industry strategy, because such research work has great externalities and needs government investment to support such research to avoid the decline of the city.

Birth, aging, illness and death in cities

From urban consumers [4] From the perspective of, the urbanization process of a city is the process of increasing the number of consumers in the city, and the process of expanding the consumption radius. When a city is sick, it means that consumers are extremely dissatisfied with your city, full of complaints and indignation. At this time, the city must be sick. The "old" of a city means that the growth process of the city has stopped, or even started to reverse growth, that is, when reverse urbanization becomes the mainstream, the city will become old. If the number of consumers in a city gradually decreases, and the consumer radius continues to decrease, this indicates that the city has entered the stage of death, but the stage of death is long and short, and the process is simple and complex.