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City Information System

Computer technology system
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The urban information system is a computer technology system that inputs, processes, manages, analyzes and outputs various information related to the city in a certain format according to the spatial distribution and attributes with the support of computer software and hardware. It is an information system used to reflect the size, production, functional structure, ecological environment and its management of the city.
Chinese name
City Information System
Computer software and hardware
Computer technology system
Related Systems
Underground pipe network information management system, etc
A wide range of comprehensive and professional. However, information sources all include socio-economic and natural resources information. The establishment of urban information system is not only necessary for planning, management, decision-making and reasonable distribution of social services, but also for high-quality information on land, environment, population, residence, society, economy, social services and infrastructure, which is necessary to increase national economic income, improve people's material and spiritual living standards and reduce social labor expenditure. Information systems have been established in large and medium-sized cities in some industrialized countries, and even in most small cities. Many important cities in developing countries have also begun to establish information systems. The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements has held several seminars on urban and regional data management in Bogota, Colombia and Madras, India. In December 1986, the Economic and Social Council for the Asia Pacific Region (ESCAP) and the Ministry of Urban Development of India jointly held an international seminar on urban and regional planning information systems in New Delhi to summarize the current experience of countries around the world, Promote regional and urban information systems in developing countries. Some major cities in China, such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, are carrying out research on urban information systems and starting to establish departmental and public utility information management systems, such as underground pipe network information management systems, urban Geocoding system And for macro research and management Geographic Information System Etc.