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Urban transportation

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Urban transportation is a major with urban transportation planning, system engineering, urban planning, etc. as its main courses, and the length of schooling is three years.
Major code
five hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and six
Length of schooling
three years

Professional Introduction

Urban transportation Cultivate engineering and technical personnel and management personnel who can meet the needs of national economic construction, social development, and scientific and technological progress, master the theory and methods of system engineering, have knowledge of management, transportation organization, etc., and can be engaged in transportation organization, command, decision-making and operation management, as well as transportation of vehicles, application testing and management.

Practical teaching

Urban transportation planning, system engineering, urban planning, urban transportation economy, transportation enterprise management, transportation ports and hubs, transportation laws and regulations management information systems Transportation safety Traffic engineering , traffic control and management, urban traffic survey, driving practice, traffic management information technology training, graduation practice, as well as the main characteristic courses and practice links of each school.

Training objectives

Cultivate senior management professionals who have the theoretical knowledge and skills necessary for urban transportation and can engage in urban transportation management.

Professional competence

Urban traffic planning, design and transportation management capabilities.