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Chengshan Ancient City

Chengshan Ancient City, Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province
Chengshan Ancient City Tourist Area is located near Wandetun, Chengshan Town, Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province. It is 15 kilometers away from Zhuangxiu Road, 25 kilometers away from Dazhuang Expressway, and 40 kilometers away from Zhuanghe City. The transportation is very convenient. The total area of Chengshan Ancient City Tourist Area is 31.5 square kilometers. The area gathers ancient city relics, temples and landscapes, and is divided into three parts: the front city, the back city and Jiahe River. The front and back mountain cities are facing each other from afar, with dense forests, towering ancient trees, steep mountains and deep ravines; The winding Jiahe River is clear and bright, with winding ileums; Natural strange peaks, strange rocks, caves, like uncanny workmanship, various forms, beautiful; It is an ideal tourist destination because of its unique tourism resources.
Chinese name
Chengshan Ancient City
To Zhuangxiu Road
To Dazhuang Expressway
From Zhuanghe downtown

brief introduction

Chengshan Ancient City
Chengshan Ancient City was built in the Yixi period of the Jin Dynasty, with a history of 1580 years. It is divided into the front city and the back city. In the former city, there are Nanchengmen, Dongchengmen, lookout tower, the Forbidden City, beacon tower, commanding tower, water prison, barracks, etc. It was a military important place in the Sui, Tang, Liao, and Jin dynasties, and it is a rare ancient battlefield site in China. There are two temples in the ancient city: Fahua Temple and the Five Old Men's Palace. Fahua Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty as a Buddhist temple, and the Five Old Men's Palace was built in the early Republic of China as a Taoist temple. The temple building is magnificent, with carved beams and painted columns, and has the reputation of "the first temple in southern Liaoning". Surrounding the front and back cities of the whole tourist area, the mountains are steep, towering and straight. The clear Jiahe River runs through the valley. The uncanny workmanship of nature has created many strange peaks, rocks and caves here, which are in a variety of forms and beautiful. Wild hares and pheasants multiply freely, squirrels and cuckoos play on the branches; The Buddhist Fahua Temple is full of incense and the Taoist Five Old Palaces are solemn and grand. Looking at the whole tourist area, it is really steep mountains, ravines and valleys, long and deep gorges, winding streams, and majestic power across the sea; The ancient walls are winding, the winding paths lead to secluded places, the towers are high, the temples are exquisite, and the Shengguan Temple is built in southern Liaoning; Green mountains and green waters, birds singing and flowers fragrant, quiet and elegant, picturesque scenery, can be called a fairyland on earth.


Chengshan Ancient City
The Koguryo people are ancient Chinese Chinese nation As a member of the big family, Koguryo regime is the local regime of ethnic minorities in Northeast China. In an era full of romance and advocating heroes, the opportunities created many outstanding kings and leaders in Koguryo; Or imitate the rule of literature and scenery to recuperate; Or we can mention the teachers of tigers and wolves, who have made indelible contributions to the management of the rich land in Northeast China.
After 700 years of painstaking efforts, the Koguryo regime has established a complete set of military defense systems to meet the needs of outward expansion and resistance to external intrusion. Among them, there are more than 170 in Liaoning and Jilin provinces of China. The characteristics of Koguryo mountain cities are that most of them are built in the natural direction of steep mountains, and most of them are centered on a larger mountain city, connecting several small mountain cities, so as to echo each other, increase the elasticity of defense and form the overall function; In terms of the scale of the mountain city, it can be divided into three types: large, medium and small. The ancient city in Dalian is a large mountain city.
Chengshan Ancient City
Jili City has steep mountains and is high and dangerous. It sits on the bank of Biliu River, which is rolling eastward. It controls the north bank of the vast Yellow River, and faces Weiba Mountain City across the river in the south. It looks like a pair of giant tongs, which will make the Chishan Mountain City in Gaizhou, Sunjiawobao Mountain City, Tiantun Gaolicheng Mountain City on both sides of the upstream Biliu River less than 100 miles away; It is less than 200 li to the southwest of Beisha City, Jinzhou, and less than 300 li to the east of the estuary of Yalu River. The northeast is connected with Niangniang Mountain City and Phoenix Mountain City, forming a complete defense system, forming a castle with both attack and defense, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Jili City can stop the Sui and Tang armies from attacking along the Biliu River Valley from the sea. Therefore, its strategic position is very important. Jili City is divided into front city and back city. Surrounded by the valley of the back city, it is suitable for garrison troops in each valley; The front city crosses the ridge, which is convenient for lookout and commanding operations. The back city and the front city echo from afar, complement each other and complement each other.



Northwest Observatory

The northwest observatory is near the ridge in the center of the north wall of the northwest city. This square stone terrace, formerly known as the "Dressing House", and said that Gai Xiuying, Gai Suwen's sister, used to dress up here, is actually a typical Goguryo architecture.
Climb onto the top of the platform, look far and near, all within sight. In wartime, the situation of the four sides of the enemy can quickly gather here, and the command order can quickly convey to the four sides. The lookout command is very prominent, and it is the wartime command center.


There are eight round corner pagodas in the city of Tallinn. The pagoda is 3.2 meters high, which looks solemn and solemn. Pagoda is a Buddhist building, which originated in India. It is called "Tapa" in Sanskrit, and it is a place where Buddhist relics or scriptures of eminent monk who passed away are worshipped. Wood, brick and stone are mostly used in buildings. The plane is square, round and octagonal, and the floors are usually singular.

Front city wall

Front city wall
The city wall in front of the ancient city of Chengshan is constructed according to the mountain topography. Except for the south and southeast, the other three city walls in the west, north and northwest are built with steep cliffs, which are integrated with the cliffs. The residual height of the old city wall is about 1-3 meters, and the highest one can reach more than 9 meters. From the ruins of the city wall, we can see the high building level of the ancient Gaoquli people.

South Gate

South Gate
There are five mountain gates in the ancient city of Chengshan, and the south gate is also the main gate. The repaired South Gate is 6m high. The buildings in the city are enemy towers, also known as archery towers, which are places to watch the enemy and shoot arrows to kill them. Facing the gentle slope to the south, the tower is more magnificent. The tower is engraved with four large characters, "City, Mountain and Ancient City". The font is strong and powerful, and the ancient color is delicate and fragrant, which makes people feel nostalgic for the past.


Fahua Temple is located in Nancheng, a Buddhist temple. Fahua Temple has two temples, the upper and the lower. The Lower House was built in the 42nd year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1614 AD), and the Upper House was built in the eighth year of the Republic of China (1919 AD).
The lower courtyard of Fahua Temple is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty. The Fahua Temple is full of Buddhist customs and cigarettes, which add a lot of historical fragrance to the ancient city. Fahua Temple is surrounded by green pines and cypresses all the year round, giving people a kind of artistic conception of "a little red among ten thousand green trees". A poem praises that: the temple is far away from the jungle, and the old monk makes his stick stand in the twilight. Linxi asked about Zen Family Music and smiled at the clouds on Spring Mountain.

Five Old Men's Palace

Five Old Men's Palace
The Five Old Men's Palace, a famous Taoist temple, was built in the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932 AD) in the northwest of Fahua Temple. The building area is 1500 square meters. The upper courtyard is a pavilion, and the middle courtyard and the lower courtyard form a stone sculpture building group with stone walls, stone steps, stone railings, stone lions and stone archways. Its engineering and technology are bigger than other temples in southern Liaoning, and it has the reputation of the first temple in southern Liaoning. The stone memorial archway stands in the middle of the lower courtyard with the momentum of a mountain gate. The design is magnificent, with dragons and phoenixes flying, towering and imposing. The memorial archway is inscribed with the following words: "Purple comes from the east", "Tao always exists", "Good weather", "The country is peaceful and the people are safe", giving pilgrims a sense of good luck.
In addition to attracting people with extraordinary architectural art and religious art, the main thing of the Five Old Palace is that people cherish their ancestors and pray, making it a place of worship and sightseeing for Chinese people at home and abroad.

The Stage of Appointing Commander

The Stage of Appointing Commander
Dianjiang Terrace is located at the northernmost end of Chengshan Ancient City, which is also one of the highest points of the city. In those days, the Koguryo garrison built a general platform here, and later generations built a two-story ancient building with a roof. In those days, the commander of the Koguryo army ordered generals here and waved flags everywhere. There were many soldiers, golden drums and trumpets. The scene must be spectacular. Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the ancient city. It is a good place to take photos and view the scenery.
Liu Yuxi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once said that mountains are not high, and immortals are famous; The water is not deep, but the dragon is the soul. There are eight immortals left behind in the mountain, and the remains of the King of Tang in Jiahe River. In the Qing Dynasty, Wang Erlie, a talented scholar from Guandong, visited Chengshan. Mr. Tian Han, a modern dramatist and lyricist of the national anthem, has visited the city and mountain. Tourists who follow the footprints of these heirs and celebrities to visit the city and mountain will surely be blessed by them. From then on, they will continue to be blessed and have peace all their lives.


"Beacon fire plays on princes"
It is said that Gai Xiuzhen (the first name is Gai Xiuying), the sister of Koguryo general Gai Suwen, was sent here by her brother Gai Suwen to guard because of her bravery. Before leaving, I warned her to guard the city well and not slacken off. Whenever someone attacks, he can light the beacon fire, and then he can summon the surrounding soldiers to support him in the future. However, when Gai Xiuying was young and energetic, she had nothing to do. When she thought of her brother's words, she did not know whether they were true or not, so she was on the spur of the moment and lit the beacon fire. When the elder brother found the alarm signal, he immediately led the troops to come over and have a look. It was nothing at all. It was the younger sister who was joking. She was very angry and walked away. As a result, the enemy did come, and my sister lit the beacon again. This time, my brother thought that her little sister was acting foolishly again, so he ignored it. The position was immediately breached. [1]