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The most basic form of three-dimensional composition
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Concept of block: block is Stereoscopic composition The most basic form of expression, it can most effectively express the three-dimensional shape of space. The characteristics of the block: it has a long, wide and high three-dimensional closed entity. It also has a continuous surface. Compared with wire and surface materials, it is stable, stable and substantial.
Chinese name
Stereoscopic composition The most basic form of expression
The concept of block: it can most effectively express the three-dimensional shape of space. The characteristics of the block: it has a long, wide and high three-dimensional closed entity. It also has a continuous surface. Compared with wire and surface materials, it is stable, stable and substantial.
Why is the block the most basic material in three-dimensional composition?
The blocky material is the most basic material for three-dimensional composition. Due to the obvious space occupation characteristics of blocky materials, they have a stronger visual expression than the surface and line shapes, and have a heavier visual component. In addition, since the blocky material has continuous faces, it can provide more possibilities for shaping and produce more visual changes. The bulk of the block gives people a stable psychological effect.