
Food name - block
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Chunlei, the name of the food, is a kind of folk food that is popular in most areas of Hebei and Shanxi and some areas of Henan, Shandong and Northeast China.
Chinese name
Epidemic area
Most areas in Hebei and Shanxi
Definition of words
Chunlei is a popular folk food in most areas of Hebei and Shanxi, and some areas of Henan, Shandong and Northeast China. Local conditions oat noodles Or wheat flour or corn meal The irregular lumpy and blocky food is made by mixing and steaming the noodles with vegetables, wild vegetables, elm or locust flowers. Serve with Garlic juice , chili sauce, etc., with unique flavor. Due to different accents, different places have different names, such as "kui lv", "kuo li" and "ku li".