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Necrotizing enteritis

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Name of medical condition
Necrotic enteritis is a sporadic disease, which mainly causes intestinal mucosa necrosis in chickens and turkeys. The pathogen of this disease is Clostridium perfringens type C, also known as Clostridium welchii.
TCM disease name
Necrotizing enteritis
Foreign name
Necrotic enteritis
Common causes
An acute infectious disease caused by Clostridium welchii
common symptom
Depressed, anorexia, unwilling to walk, fluffy feathers, short course of disease, often acute death
Infectious Diseases

brief introduction

Necrotic Enteritis, also known as enterotoxemia, is an acute infectious disease caused by Clostridium welchii. The main manifestation is that the sick chicken excretes black feces mixed with blood, and the sick and dead chicken small intestine It is characterized by necrosis of the posterior mucosa.


Gram staining positive, 4-8 μ m long and 0.8-1 μ m wide, is a blunt round short and thick bacillus with two ends, arranged separately or in pairs. In nature, the formation of spores is slow, and the spores are oval, located in the center or near end of the cell, and formed in the body Capsule It is an important feature of this bacterium, but it has no flagella and cannot move. It often does not form spores on the artificial medium. The most suitable medium is blood agar plate. Clostridium welchii can be isolated by anaerobic culture at 37 ℃ overnight. Clostridium welchii forms round and smooth colonies on the blood agar, with a diameter of 2-4mm. There are two hemolytic rings around, the inner ring is completely hemolytic, and the outer ring is not completely hemolytic (mostly rabbit and sheep blood).
It can be carried out with identification medium Clostridium welchii Identification of. Clostridium welchii could ferment glucose, maltose, lactose and sucrose, but could not ferment mannitol and could not ferment salicin stably. The main sugar fermentation products are acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid. Liquefied gelatin, decomposes milk, does not produce indole Yolk agar medium It can produce lecithinase, but not lipase. Neutralization test of toxin and antitoxin can be used to identify the type of toxin of Clostridium welchii.
The alpha toxin produced by Clostridium welchii type A and the alpha and beta toxin produced by Clostridium welchii type C are the direct causes of the characteristic pathological changes of intestinal mucosa necrosis in infected chickens. Both toxins can be found in the feces of infected chickens. The experiment proved that the α toxin obtained from the supernatant of Clostridium welchii type A broth culture could cause intestinal lesions in common chickens and sterile chickens. In addition, this bacterium can also produce fibrinolytic protease, hyaluronidase, collagenase and DNase, which are related to tissue decomposition, necrosis, gas production, edema, disease expansion and systemic poisoning symptoms.


Clostridium welchii can be found in normal animal intestines. It is a resident of many kinds of animal intestines. Therefore, there is its presence in feces, which can pollute soil, water, dust, feed, bedding, all utensils, etc. In addition, chickens with other diseases are mostly 2-3 weeks old to 4-5 months old Young chicken The effects of various stress factors inside and outside their receptors, such as coccidiosis infection, increase of protein content in feed, intestinal mucosa injury, oral antibiotics, increase of Clostridium welchii in polluted environment, can cause the occurrence of this disease.

Clinical symptoms

The chickens from 2 weeks to 6 months old often have necrotizing enteritis, especially the free range broilers from 2 to 5 weeks old. The clinical symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, unwillingness to walk, fluffy feathers, short course of disease, and often acute death.

Classification of necrotizing enteritis

1. Immature gastrointestinal function of premature infants:
Premature infants have low gastric acid secretion, poor gastrointestinal motility, low protease activity, high permeability of digestive tract mucosa, and low digestive absorption and local immune response. Therefore, under the influence of infection, intestinal wall ischemia and hypoxia, improper intestinal feeding and other pathogenic factors, intestinal injury may easily lead to NEC.
2. Infection:
When sepsis or intestinal infection occurs, bacteria and their toxins can directly damage the mucosa or indirectly increase the release of inflammatory mediators such as platelet activating factor (PAF), interleukin (IL), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), etc., causing intestinal mucosal damage. In addition, intestinal distension caused by excessive reproduction of bacteria in the intestine can also aggravate intestinal injury. The more common bacteria are Escherichia coli, Clostridium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Clostridium perfringens, viruses and fungi can also cause the disease.
3. Anoxic ischemia of intestinal mucosa:
Blood is redistributed when the body is in hypoxia to ensure the supply of heart, brain and other important organs. At this time, mesenteric vasoconstriction and intestinal blood flow decrease to 35% - 50% of normal. If ischemia persists or reperfusion occurs after ischemia, intestinal mucosa damage can be caused. Therefore, perinatal asphyxia, severe cardiopulmonary disease, severe apnea, hypothermia, polycythemia, shock and umbilical artery intubation can all cause intestinal injury.
4. Intake of hypertonic milk and hypertonic solution:
Preterm infants ingest formula milk with high osmotic pressure (>460mmol/L) through mouth, stomach, or intestine, as well as high drugs with high deep pressure such as vitamin E, aminophylline, indomethacin. A large amount of liquid is transferred from blood vessels into the intestinal cavity, affecting intestinal blood flow perfusion and damaging intestinal mucosa. Hypertonic milk and hypertonic solution can also directly damage immature intestinal mucosa. [1]

pathological change

The lesions were mainly in the posterior segment of the small intestine, especially in the ileum and jejunum, and also in the cecum. The intestinal wall is fragile, dilated, and full of gas, with dark brown intestinal contents. Loose or dense yellow or green pseudomembrane is attached to the intestinal mucosa, and sometimes intestinal wall bleeding may occur. The lesions are diffuse and have various stages of formation. The experimental infection lesions showed that the duodenum showed thickening, swelling and congestion of intestinal mucosa 3 hours after infection; Intestinal mucosa necrosis occurred 5 hours after infection, and severe cellulosic necrosis appeared with the progression of the disease, followed by diphtheria Like pseudomembrane. The liver is congested and swollen with irregular necrotic foci.


Clinically, diagnosis can be made according to symptoms, typical autopsy and histological lesions. For further diagnosis, laboratory methods can be used to isolate and identify pathogens and serological tests.

differential diagnosis

This disease should be associated with ulcerative colitis It is different from coccidiosis. The characteristics of ulcerative enteritis have been described previously, Escherichia coli It is different from Clostridium welchii in culture characteristics. Coccidiosis and wei's disease Clostridiosis It can be complicated and can be distinguished by bacterial culture and coccidial examination.

prevention and cure

1. Prevention Strengthen feeding management and environmental sanitation, avoid dense feeding and bedding accumulation, store feed reasonably, reduce bacterial pollution, strictly control the impact of various internal and external factors on the body, which can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of this disease.
2. Bacitracin, Oxytetracycline, Penicillin, Shiterling, Virginamine Tylosin Lincolnmycin has good therapeutic and preventive effects on this disease, and is generally administered by drinking water or mixed feeding.
This is a kind of Clostridium perfringens Caused by small intestine and large intestine Inflammatory disease
In addition to food poisoning caused by Clostridium perfringens, occasionally Clostridium can cause small intestine And acute inflammatory or sometimes necrotic enteropathy of large intestine. This kind of clostridium enterotoxemia can be isolated sporadic cases or group outbreaks, and some seem to be caused (at least partially) by eating contaminated meat. Similar processes can also occur in patients with leukemia who receive treatment. Pig dysentery in New Guinea It may be caused by eating pork contaminated by Aerobacter perfringens type C. The severity of this disease varies from mild diarrhea to fulminant toxemia with dehydration, shock and even death. Newborns and infants are more likely to get sick than adults. Older children can be associated with anorexia nervosa. Experimental use has been developed Toxoid vaccine However, it has not yet been commercialized. Necrotizing enteritis can occur in people with protein deficiency, people with poor dietary hygiene, people who eat a lot of meat at banquets and people who enter large quantities of food containing trypsin inhibitors. This situation can be seen in New Guinea, Africa, parts of Central and South America and Asia
Occurs on Neonatal intensive care Compartmental Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) may be caused by Clostridium perfringens, Butyric acid Clostridium difficile and Clostridium difficile. However, the role of these bacteria needs further study.

The best diet for pregnant women to prevent necrotizing enteritis

Good soup protects the stomach. Stewed hen with chestnuts
Ingredients: 500g chestnuts, 1 firewood hen (free range breeding in rural areas), about 1000g weight, 3 spoons of cooking wine, 3 pieces of ginger, 1500ml water, and some salt.
Preparation method: First kill the hen, remove the hair, cut the abdomen to remove the intestines and impurities, cut off the tip of the claw, wash it, and cut it into pieces for use.
Then wash the chestnuts, cut them, put them into a boiling water pot and boil for 2 minutes. It is better to crack the mouth and swell the body, and peel off the skin.
Finally, put chicken pieces, chestnuts, ginger slices, cooking wine, and water into the pot to boil, and then stew it with warm fire for 2 hours. After the chicken is rotten, add some salt.
Efficacy: The combination of hen meat and chestnuts can help strengthen the spleen and kidney. It can be taken by patients with chronic gastroenteritis and those with kidney deficiency, frequent urination and weakness of waist and legs, with significant effect.
2. Longan Pine Nut Soup
Ingredients: 40g longan, 20g pine nut kernels, some white sugar.
Preparation method: remove the shell of longan and wash it, and then wash the pine nuts. Put both into a pot, add some water, boil it over medium heat, then boil it over warm heat for 10 minutes, add white sugar, and turn off the fire after about 10 seconds.
Efficacy: longan meat can nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish the blood and calm the nerves, and benefit the heart and qi. Pine nut kernel can nourish yin, quench wind and moisten lung. Both can nourish the stomach.
Formula of stomach protecting porridge. Have you ever thought that porridge cooked in different ways will not only have different taste, but also help us take good care of it stomach Yeah! Come on, follow our tips in this issue to cook new delicious porridge!
1. Mushroom porridge
Formula: 50g millet, 50g mushroom.
Preparation: first boil millet porridge, take its soup liquid, and then boil it with mushrooms.
Take it 3 times a day, and it is effective to take it continuously.
Efficacy: It can greatly benefit stomach qi. It is suitable for eating with less qi deficiency and appetizer ribs.
2. Pig spleen porridge
Formula: 1 pig spleen, 1 pig stomach, 100g japonica rice
Preparation: wash and cut the pig spleen and stomach, and cook them with rice as porridge
Efficacy: invigorate the stomach and qi. It is suitable for deficiency of spleen and stomach qi, not eating, and not melting rice and grain.
In addition, you can also try Nutrilite's B vitamins to help absorb them. B vitamins can help the human body convert food into energy and act as a catalyst in the process of food digestion [2]