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Korean monk
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All as, Korean Taizu Monks during the reign of Emperor Guangzong. The common surname is Bian. Originally from Huangzhou.
True name
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Vulgar surname
For example, when he was 15 years old, he studied in the Fuxing Society under the guidance of the Master Zhixian. Later, he practiced Buddhism under the door of Yishun in Lingtong Temple. He wrote the Song of Ten Wishes of Samantabhadra, which is composed of 11 folk songs. It is very simple and easy to understand, and has made great contributions to the popularization of Buddhism. He also contributed to the unification of different Buddhist sects. His books include 10 volumes of Sou Xuan Fang Gui Ji, 8 volumes of Kongmu Zhang Ji, 2 volumes of Answers to Fifty Yaomen, 2 volumes of Dharma Realm Map Ji, 1 volume of Ten Sentences, and 1 volume of Transcript of Entering Dharma Realm. [1]