
[dì dào]
Chinese vocabulary
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zero Useful+1
Authentic, pronounced d ì d à o, refers to the characteristics of the earth, the movement of the earth's crust, and the movement of everything on the earth general rule There are also Underground passage Means. When the pronunciation is di dao, it means standard. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Tunnel; subway; underpass, etc
dì dào,di dao
words whose meaning is similar
Tunnel [2]
Underground passage; really or standard


Tunnel Tunnel( Soft voice
[tunnel;subway; underpass ]An unnatural underground road or tunnel. [1]
Ex.: This tunnel is so large that two people can walk in parallel.
  1. one
  2. two
    [pure; typical]: no foreign matter; Pure, authentic and unmixed, mostly referring to food and life. Ex.: What I wrote was a genuine humorous article. [1]
  3. three
    [through; straight ahead] Completely limited to a specific music style; Without touch up...... Example: authentic swing dance music.
  4. four
    [every inch; one hundred percent] It is really produced in a famous place of origin. Example: authentic medicinal materials.
  5. five
    [work be up again standard]; It is up to standard. Ex.: He speaks authentic Mandarin. [1]


Easy to pass 》《 Copula The Book of Changes says, "It is a book that has been widely prepared. There are heavenly ways, authentic ways and humane ways." [2]

example sentence

1. Features and laws of the earth.
Easy to pass 》《 Copula The Book of Changes says, "The Book of Changes is a book, and we are well aware of it. There are ways of heaven, ways of the earth, and ways of humanity." The Book of Humility says, "Humility, prosperity. The way of heaven is downward and bright, and the way of the earth is downward and upward."
Guanzi Bayan: "When making policies and issuing orders, use humanity; Shi Jue, use the tunnel; when doing great things, use the heaven's way." Yin Zhizhang Note: "Authentic, flat and selfless."
The Book of Rites ·The Doctrine of the Mean: "People are sensitive to politics, and the trees are really sensitive."
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty· Yuan Shao Biography: "Shao is really trying to attack the drill, and the drill inside is a long pull to refuse it."
Northern Zhou Dynasty Yu Xin "The Annals of General Zhou Yixing Gongxiao Cemetery": "Listen to the sound of the bottle fou, and there is no defense in the tunnel; the crown rope and firewood knot, but there is no ladder."
The first and second chapters of the Water Margin written by Shi Naian in the Ming Dynasty: "One day, the emperor played in the inner palace and suddenly thought Master Li He came to his backyard with two small yellow gates through the tunnel. "
clear Lotus Screaming Pavilion Miscellaneous ·Calming down the background of the Hui tribe: "When the commander Ma Desheng offered a tunneling plan, he dug in a mile north of the city, and the city was already reached... The thieves and bandits used water to irrigate it from inside, and the soldiers and soldiers were all gone."
3. The skill, work or material quality is up to standard.
Qian Zhongshu A Town Besieged 》6: "Hung chien finally felt that her accent was not authentic enough."
Lao She "Dragon Whiskers Valley" Act II Scene 3: "It's not blowing. Our work is really authentic."
Lao She The first in Zhao Ziyue: "His fur robe runs from 'frost fall' to 'May 7th National Disgrace Memorial Day'. The half foot long white wheat ears are authentic old sheepskin in Xikou."
four moral
Chapter 11 I of Bi Fang et al.'s Thousand Heavy Waves: "Look at Secretary Guo Not much Tunnel. " [2]

Ideological origin

Chinese sages have long known that the universe is not in disorder, but in accordance with the law. from Humanistic Ancestor Fuxi At the beginning, I looked up at the astronomy, looked down at the geography, took all things near and far, found that everything in the world has the nature of yin and yang, and drew the Eight Diagrams for daily use. Age of Five Emperors People have discovered the law of the operation of heaven, earth and humanity Zhuan Xu , joint work war, Gonggong Anger Touches the Unsmooth Mountain In the background of myth, the law of "heaven leans to the northwest and the earth covers the southeast" is revealed, that is, the law of "heaven turns to the left, the tunnel moves to the right, and humanity moves in the middle". At this time, people only stay at the level of understanding that heaven, earth and people go their own ways. Here we are《 I Ching 》In the era, the people of Zhou Dynasty discovered the law of "the emperor has no relatives, but virtue is the auxiliary", discovered the Tianqu and geography, and put forward the idea of "He Tianqu" and following the geography, that is, the Tianqu, the tunnel and the humanity can be understood, and people can learn from the Tiandao and the tunnel, learn from the Tiandao and the tunnel, correct themselves, know the constant changes, respect the time and keep the position, create new things, and make achievements.
The so-called "authentic" thought is to call on people to learn from nature, actively participate in the cultivation of heaven and earth, and benefit mankind.

Historical allusions

Ranzhuang Tunnel
Tunnel warfare It has existed since ancient times in China. It was recorded in the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, but it was played to the extreme by the ancestors of the Chinese nation in the modern Anti Japanese War, probably around 1942, Central Hebei When some villages in China's plain began to use cellar To avoid the Japanese raids, until later it developed to cellar connection or even village connection, and finally used to wipe out the enemy.
Of course, knowledge is not just World War II We used tunnel warfare Pacific War Central Japan Soldiers have also been used to defend against the U.S Ue-kok Local attacks, such as Iwo Jima Campaign During this period, it caused heavy casualties to the US military.
Later US Vietnam War The Communist Party of China and Vietnam also used it to defend against foreign enemies. It can be seen that when the equipment of both sides in the war is quite different Favorable factors It can achieve unexpected results.