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[dì biǎo]
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The surface of the earth is pronounced d ì bi ǎ o. It means ① the ground, the surface of the earth. ② It refers to the margin of land. ③ Refers to the surface of the earth, the outermost layer of the crust.
dì biǎo
① The ground, the surface of the earth. ② It refers to the margin of land. ③ Refers to the surface of the earth, the outermost layer of the crust



① The ground, the surface of the earth. ② It refers to the margin of land. ③ Refers to the surface of the earth, the outermost layer of the crust.


① The ground, the surface of the earth.
The Moon Ode by Xie Zhuang of the Southern Song Dynasty: "The air is on the earth's surface, the clouds are gathering at the end of the sky, the Dongting starts to wave, and the wood leaves fall slightly."
The poem "Lushan Mountain" written by Li Zhong of the Southern Tang Dynasty: "The momentum is powerful beyond the earth's surface, and the emerald blossom meets the heart of heaven."
② The margin of land.
Xunzi of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote a poem "Presenting Yinliangzhou": "The sea is winding on the earth's surface, while the river is misty on the sky."
③ Refers to the surface of the earth, the outermost layer of the crust.