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Earth mass

Basis for determining the mass of other celestial bodies
The mass of the earth is based on Law of universal gravitation The measured value is about 5.965 × 10 ² ≮ kg.
The determination of the Earth's mass provides a basis for determining the mass of other celestial bodies. From the mass of the earth, the average density of the earth is about 5.52g/cm3. At the same time, the mass of the earth is also the unit for measuring the mass of planets, with the symbol "M ⊕".
Chinese name
Earth mass
Foreign name
Earth's mass
Mass of the Earth
About 5.965 × 10 ^ 24kg
Law of universal gravitation
Average density
About 5.52 g/cm ³

Measurement history

It is generally recognized that the earth mass is 5.965 × 10 ^ 24kg
[UK《 The Observer 》Report] The calculation results show that the earth's mass ratio Originally thought to be much lighter. The result of this calculation is far beyond physicists' expectations.
After four years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, University of Washington Dr. Merkowitz and Professor Gondrake, the physicists of American Physical Society announce.
The two physicists said that they had obtained the most accurate calculation result of the gravitational constant affecting each planet so far. Although people have long known the speed of light and the speed of sound, the scientific community has been unable to solve the gravitational constant. know Gravitational constant We can calculate the mass of the planet.
For astronomers and physicists, this breakthrough is of great significance. britain University of Birmingham Physicist Dr. Spike said that the calculation result "greatly exceeded the scientists' expectations".
The earth where humans live is a very huge sphere. Who was the first person to measure the mass of the earth? He's a British scientist Henry Cavendish (1731-1810). In 1798, he passed an ingenious experiment, Indirect measurement The huge mass of the earth is known as "the first person to call the earth".

Unable to overcome difficult problems

On October 10, 1731, Henry Cavendish Born in a noble family in England, this family has a very prominent position and is rich. But when he was young, he loved reading and was full of fantasy, Thirst for knowledge Strong. The solid foundation he laid in his youth played a great role in his achievements in science in his life.
Cavendish lived in the era of rapid development of natural science, but also faced many "problems", of which the most famous one was "weighing the mass of the earth". At that time, it was known through measurement and calculation that the radius of the earth was about 6400km; Earthly Surface area Through measurement and calculation, it is known that it is about 5.1 × 10 ¹ ∨ square meters; Through calculation, the volume of the earth is about 1.08 × 10 ² ¹ cubic meters, which is extremely huge. Therefore, people are eager to know: what is the mass of the earth?
At that time, many scientists tried to find a way to "call the earth". Someone proposed to use the calculation method: the earth volume has been known, then try to find out its average density, and then use the formula of mass=density * volume to find out the earth mass. This method of using the density formula of physics has some reasons. later Earth's atmosphere The mass of is measured and calculated by this method. The density of the atmosphere decreases with altitude, Air quality 90% is concentrated within 15 km above the surface. After careful measurement and calculation, we can know that the mass of the earth's atmosphere is about 5.3 × 10 ² ¹ g (accounting for about Total mass One millionth of).
However, this method of calculating physical density formula cannot calculate the mass value of the earth entity. Because the physical structure of the earth is very complex, the density of each part of the earth is different and very different, and the density of the earth's center cannot be known at all. So someone asserted: "Human beings will never know the quality of the earth!"

Bring hope

The first challenge to this sentence is young scientists Newton In 1687, he discovered Law of universal gravitation : "Any two objects attract each other, and the gravity is proportional to the product of the masses of these two objects, and inversely proportional to the square of their center distance." Newton was pleased to find that the mass of the earth can be calculated using this formula of the law of universal gravitation! You see: in the formula, M represents the mass value of the earth, and m represents a known value on the ground Mass of object Value, r is the distance between their centers (i.e Earth radius The value of the universal gravitation f is the value of the gravity on the object m. This can calculate the value of the earth mass M!
However, careful readers find that there is another condition for using the formula of "law of universal gravitation": the value of "coefficient of universal gravitation" G must be obtained. In other words, it must be on the ground direct measurement Find out the value of gravity between two objects.
Newton carefully designed several experiments to measure the gravity between two objects on the ground, but failed. After rough calculation, Newton found that the gravity between ordinary objects was so small that it could not be measured at all. Disappointed, Newton, who has become everyone's last hope for measuring the earth's mass, also announced publicly that it would be futile to try to use the law of universal gravitation to calculate the earth's mass on the ground by measuring gravity!
In 1750, French scientist Bouguer set up a movement to South America Of Ecuador , climb to the steep top of Qinbo Lacuo Mountain, and hang one along the cliff Plumb line He thought: the mass of the shot is known, and the mass of the mountain can be calculated. As long as the deviation angle of the shot due to the attraction of the mountain is measured, the gravity between the mountain and the shot can be known, and then the mass of the earth can be calculated. "Plumb line method" Experimental principle Yes, but I failed many times. because mountain breeze And the influence of various vibrations is far more than the micro gravity between the mountain and the shot put. The experiment did not obtain any meaningful data.
In 1774, British scientist Neville· Maskilin On a steep cliff in Perth County, the "plumb line method" was used to carefully measure and take some measures to avoid wind and vibration. However, the "plumb line method" failed.

Micro gravity is amplified

The scientific problem of "calling the earth" strongly attracted young Cavendish. Cavendish graduated from University of Cambridge From then on, we embarked on the road of scientific research. He was the first to find out hydrogen Element; By hydrogen and oxygen Spark discharge Getting water; Obtained by spark discharge of oxygen and nitrogen nitric acid ... known as "the most effective machine", joined at the age of 29 Royal Society And become an influential scientist. But Cavendish never forgot this famous scientific "problem": call the earth!
On the basis of previous research results, Cavendish began a new climb. What hard efforts did he make?
"If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.". In 1750, Cavendish, only 19 years old, heard a news that John Michel of Cambridge University used a new force measuring method when studying magnetic force: magnetic needle Lift it from the middle and use the torsion degree of the string to express the force. Cavendish made a special trip to ask for advice, carefully observed and carefully studied this device.
Cavendish used Michel's device to design a new method to measure the micro gravity. Two small shot balls were installed at both ends of a slender rod to make a "dumbbell" like thing. A thin wire was used to lift the "dumbbell" from the middle. During the experiment, two large shot balls were used to approach the small shot respectively. Due to the effect of universal gravitation between big and small shot put, the "dumbbell" will rotate slightly. By carefully measuring the degree of twisting of the filament, you can calculate the gravitation between big and small shot put, and then calculate the mass of the earth. But he failed in many experiments. Why? We know that when two 1kg shot put are 10cm apart, the attraction is only one billionth of a kilogram! It is not easy to measure such a tiny force.
Cavendish fell into a long-term depression. He thought that the filament must have twisted during the experiment, but it was too small to be observed by the naked eye. Can you amplify the tiny twist? In what way? Cavendish meditated. One day, he went royal society On the way to the activity, I saw several children playing games: reflecting with the small mirror in their hands sunlight , look at each other and play. As long as the small mirror is slightly rotated, the position of the distant light spot will change greatly. Cavendish's mind burst out a bright spark: "Small mirror! light spot Small mirror! light spot !” He let out a cry.
Cavendish immediately ran back to the laboratory and began to modify the instrument. He fixed a small mirror on the filament to reflect a beam of light onto a scale. In this way, as long as the filament has an extremely small rotation, a scale The light spot on the instrument will move obviously, and the sensitivity of the instrument will be greatly enhanced. Cavendish further managed to solve various interference problems of the instrument, such as the influence of air flow and vibration. This set of improved instrument that can measure micro force is named“ Torsion scale ”, still playing a role in precision experiments.

Weigh out the mass of the earth

Cavendish utilization“ Torsion scale ”Finally, he measured the mass of the earth. In 1798, he announced the huge mass value of the earth. At that time, he was already white haired and 67 years old. What is the mass of the earth? It is about 5.965 × 10 ^ 24kg, which is about 60 trillion tons.
When the mass of the earth is known, the average density of the earth can be calculated: the average density of the earth measured in modern times is about 5.517g/cm3; and Surface of the earth The density is only 2.5-3g/cm3, so we can calculate that the density in the center of the earth is 7-8g/cm3, which is much larger than the surface of the earth and may be composed of heavy materials such as iron and nickel.
Soon, the same method was used to measure the more huge mass of the sun, which is 300000 times the mass of the earth, 2 × 10 ³ º kg. next solar system The mass of other planets also gradually Measured Come out. Law of universal gravitation I keep getting physical experiment The value of the universal gravitation coefficient G is also measured more and more accurately, becoming one of the important physical parameters and playing an extremely important role in modern aerospace technology. Cavendish“ Torsion scale ”The experimental results have effectively promoted the development of science and technology.
On March 10, 1810, Cavendish was in England London He died and never married. He and the "torsion balance" designed by him were recorded in the history of science and technology, and were praised as "the first person to call the earth"! In memory of this Big scientist , specially erected a monument for him. University of Cambridge He also named the laboratory where Cavendish worked as Cavendish Laboratory This laboratory has produced many famous physicists. Cavendi was a scholar who lived and worked until he was 79 years old and the night before his death. He has won many nicknames in his life, such as "science geek", "science giant", "the richest scholar, the most erudite millionaire", etc. His spirit of diligent study, good thinking and bold exploration is always worth learning.