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Geothermal anomaly zone

Geographical terminology
The temperature change in nature depends on the light and heat of the sun. With the revolution of the earth, when the distance between the earth and the sun is shortened, the heat energy radiated by the sun to the earth will increase, making the earth hot and warm. In turn, the earth becomes cool. In this way, spring, summer, autumn and winter come into being. However, some strange lands have broken this natural law, and a miraculous phenomenon has appeared - warm in winter and cool in summer. Such zones are called geothermal anomaly zones.
Chinese name
Geothermal anomaly zone
application area

Huanren County, eastern mountainous area of Liaoning Province

When winter comes and summer comes, people who love fantasy always want a place that is warm in winter and cool in summer. Although the transformation of spring, summer, autumn and winter is a rule, the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things. There are some lucky people living in the "place" where the winter is warm and the summer is cool. This is the place in Huanren County, a mountainous area in the east of Liaoning Province, which is known as the "geothermal anomaly zone". This "geothermal anomaly zone" starts at Chuanying Valley, 1.5 kilometers south of the Manchu town government in Shajianzi on the left bank of the Hunjiang River, and ends at the foot of Niuti Mountain in Kuandian County on the right bank of the Hunjiang River. The whole "geothermal anomaly zone" is about 15 kilometers long and covers an area of about 106000 square meters.
When summer comes, the underground temperature of the "geothermal anomaly zone" begins to decline gradually. In the midsummer when the temperature is as high as 30 ℃, the temperature here is minus 12 ℃ at a depth of one meter below the ground, reaching the point where water drops into ice.
In autumn, the temperature here began to rise gradually. When the deep winter comes and the north wind is cold, the "geothermal anomaly zone" is steaming hot. People can see from the hill behind Renjia Mountain that although the earth has been frozen, the horned melon planted here is still strong and fat, and the grass around is still green. Ren's family leveled a piece of land in this place, covered it with a plastic shed, and planted green onions and garlic in the shed. After measurement, it is found that the temperature in this shed can be kept at 17 ℃, and the ground temperature can be kept at 15 ℃. There is no snow on this hill all winter and spring.
Half way up Taihang Mountain in the northwest of Shibanyan Township, Lin County, Henan Province
Another place with this characteristic is called "Ice Back", which is 1500 meters above sea level, halfway up Taihang Mountain in the northwest of Shibanyan Township, Linxian County, Henan Province. Here, ice begins to form in March, and the ice age lasts for 5 months; In the cold winter months, however, the heat waves are billowing. The spring water overflowing from the rubble is warm and pleasant. The strange flowers and plants on both sides of the stream are bright and green.


It is known that the temperature change in nature depends on the amount of solar heat obtained by the earth. With the revolution of the earth, the sun height of a hemisphere gradually increases, and the solar radiation energy obtained per unit area of the ground will increase, at the same time, the sunshine time will become longer, making the hemisphere hot and warm, entering the summer half year; The height of the sun in the other hemisphere gradually decreases, and the sunshine time shortens, entering the winter half year. Otherwise, the change is opposite. In this way, spring, summer, autumn and winter come into being. There is a geothermal anomaly zone in Huanren County, Liaoning Province, but this strange land has broken the aforementioned natural law, and a magical phenomenon has emerged, which has attracted the attention of many scientific researchers. Some of them believe that there are two cold and hot gas storage zones under the ground to release air flow at the same time. In case of cold, hot air will be released, and in case of heat, cold air will be released. They also believe that in this cold and hot abnormal zone, there may be a huge gas storage structure and special thermal insulation layer underground, and the atmospheric convection generated in this special geological structure has led to this strange phenomenon. Others believe that there is a special valve on the huge underground gas storage belt, which opens and closes automatically in winter and spring, thus causing this phenomenon. But these analyses are just inferences. How did this geothermal anomaly zone come into being? What's different about the geological structure here? It also needs further research by scientific workers.