Local government regulations

The general name of the normative documents formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with laws and regulations and in accordance with prescribed procedures and generally applicable to their own administrative regions
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Local government rules refer to the general term of the provisions, measures, detailed rules, rules and other normative documents that are generally applicable to their own administrative regions and are formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and larger cities in accordance with laws and regulations and in accordance with prescribed procedures. [1] The effectiveness of local regulations is higher than that of local government rules at the same level and lower levels. Departmental rules and local government rules shall have the same effect and shall be implemented within their respective limits of authority. In case of any inconsistency between the provisions on the same matter in departmental rules and local government rules, the State Council shall make a ruling. The State Council has the power to change or revoke inappropriate departmental rules and local government rules [2]
Chinese name
Local government regulations
Local People's Government Regulations [1]
primary coverage
Local government rules may provide for the following matters:
(1) For execution law Administrative regulations Local regulations Matters requiring the formulation of rules;
(2) Specific administrative matters belonging to the administrative region.
The people's governments of cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures shall formulate local government rules in accordance with the first and second paragraphs of this article, which shall be limited to urban and rural construction and management, ecological civilization construction, historical and cultural protection, grass-roots governance and other matters. The local government regulations that have been formulated shall continue to be effective if they are beyond the scope of the above matters.
Where local regulations should be formulated but the conditions are not yet ripe, local government regulations may be formulated first because of the urgent need of administrative management. If it is necessary to continue to implement the administrative measures provided for in the rules after two years of implementation of the rules, the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee shall be submitted to formulate local regulations.
Without the basis of laws, administrative regulations and local regulations, local government rules may not establish norms that impair the rights or increase the obligations of citizens, legal persons and other organizations.
Local government rules shall be decided by the executive meeting or plenary meeting of the government.
A local government regulation shall be promulgated by an order signed by the governor, the chairman of the autonomous region, the mayor or the governor of an autonomous prefecture.
After the local government rules are signed and published, they shall be published in the People's Government Gazette at the same level, the Legal Information Network of the Chinese Government and newspapers distributed within their own administrative regions in a timely manner.
Local government regulations shall be reported to the State Council for the record; Local government rules shall be simultaneously reported to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level for the record; The rules formulated by the people's government of a city divided into districts or an autonomous prefecture shall be simultaneously reported to the standing committee of the people's congress and the people's government of the province or autonomous region for the record. [2]