
[dì píng xiàn]
Celestial coordinates
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Horizon, a geographical concept, refers to the separation line between the ground and the sky, that is, the circumference of the boundary forming the part of the earth's surface seen from a point on the ground. In English, "horizon" is horizon, sky line. In English, horizon is also used to mean sea level, altitude 0, and the extended meaning is the starting point and beginning of "so and so".
Chinese name
horizon [1]
Foreign name
sky line
Similar statements
sea level Ground level
Basic definitions
The intersection line of the sky and the earth's surface in the field of vision
Ancient name
Modern Chinese Dictionary 》Explanation of horizon: looking horizontally, the line connecting heaven and earth.
1. Forming part of the earth's surface as seen from a point on the ground Clearance Of circumference
2. Looking horizontally, the place where heaven and earth intersect.
3. The large circle 90 ° from the zenith forms the horizontal coordinate system equator