
[dì zhǐ]
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In computer science, every data The basic unit of access is assigned a unique S/N , called address, also called memory address. Memory address refers to a specific location in the system RAM, usually in the form of hexadecimal Digital representation of. IP address refers to Internet Protocol Address (English: Internet Protocol Address, also translated as Internet Protocol Address) is the abbreviation of IP Address. MAC (Media Access Control or Medium Access Control) address, which means media access control, or physical address and hardware address, is used to define the location of network devices. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Part of speech
Computer terminology
BEng Computer Communications
IP address, memory address, etc

Basic explanation

1. Find a person or an organ or a designated place to communicate with it (such as residence or business place)
2. In the computer, identify register Storage unit And storage device number or name



Memory address

In computer science, every data Accessed Basic unit , are given a unique S/N , called address, also called memory address. Memory address refers to a specific location in the system RAM, usually in the form of hexadecimal Digital representation of. [1]
The stack segment in memory is a last in, first out queue. Its growth direction is exactly opposite to the growth direction of memory. If a program wants to store and run in memory, it must have a stack segment. [1]

IP address

IP address refers to Internet Protocol Address (English: Internet Protocol Address, also translated as Internet Protocol Address) is the abbreviation of IP Address. IP address is a unified address format provided by IP protocol. It assigns a logical address to every network and every host on the Internet to shield the difference of physical address. [2]
With the expansion of the Internet, the available public IP addresses are less and less. It is not easy to apply for a new public IP address. NAT technology can easily solve these problems. NAT (Network Address Translation) network address translation refers to the conversion of an intranet private IP address to an internet (public) IP address. Using NAT technology, the public IP address can represent one or more internal addresses externally. We can generally divide NAT technology into three types: static NAT, dynamic NAT and NAPT, among which NAPT can also be called PAT. [2]
The working principle of static NAT is very simple. NAT divides the network into internal network and external network. The internal network refers to the internal LAN of the company, and the external network refers to the public network, generally the Internet. Static NAT converts the internal local private IP address to the external legal public IP address one-to-one, and needs to specify the internal IP address and which legal address to convert, that is, a network address conversion table needs to be established; The internal address corresponds to the global address one by one. Whenever the internal node communicates with the outside world, the internal private IP address will be converted to the corresponding public IP address. [2]
Dynamic NAT is also a one-to-one conversion between private IP and public IP, but their relationship is not fixed, that is, when private IP accesses the external network, it also needs to be converted to public IP, but the conversion is not fixed to a certain IP, but random. [2]

MAC address

MAC (Media Access Control or Medium Access Control) address, meaning media access control, or Physical address , hardware address, used to define the location of network devices. [3]