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Groundwater microorganism

Bacteria, fungi and algae
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There are three types of bacteria, fungi and algae that are important microorganisms in groundwater. except Photosynthetic bacteria In addition, bacteria and fungi can be classified as microorganisms of consumers. They can decompose complex compounds into simpler substances and extract energy from them for their needs of reproduction and metabolism. Algae can use sunlight to convert light energy into chemical energy for storage. Therefore, algae are classified as a kind of microorganism of producers. However, in the absence of sunlight, algae can only use chemical energy to meet their metabolic needs.
Chinese name
Groundwater microorganism
Main types
Bacteria, yellows and algae
Microbes can reproduce in both phreatic water and deep circulating groundwater (up to 1000m deep or deeper). The temperature range for microorganisms is also very wide, and they can survive in the temperature range from minus to minus 85-90.7. The salinity of groundwater generally has no obvious impact on the reproduction of microorganisms, but too high mineralization will inhibit the activity of microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi and algae are known as living catalysts. Due to the catalytic effect of microorganisms, a large number of chemical processes in water and soil can be carried out. The important chemical reactions in water, especially those containing organics and redox processes, are mostly completed through the catalytic action of bacteria. Microbes in Chemical composition of groundwater It plays an important role in the formation and evolution of the. There are various kinds of bacteria in the groundwater, including nitrobacteria, sulfur bacteria, iron bacteria and other aerobic bacteria suitable for survival and reproduction in the oxidation environment, as well as de refolding bacteria, desulfurization bacteria, methane generating bacteria, ammonia generating bacteria suitable for survival and reproduction in the reduction environment. Due to the life activities of these bacteria, there may be denitrification, desulfurization, methane generation, ammonia generation, etc., and the opposite effect may also occur, such as sulfate radical generation [1] Formation, nitrate generation and iron oxidation, etc., which lead to corresponding changes in the chemical composition of groundwater.