
The sacrament established by Jesus to show that the life of the Lord is always with believers
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Holy Communion (also called breaking bread agape Lord's Supper It is a holy thing set up by Jesus himself to show that the life of the Lord is always with believers.
Chinese name
Basic interpretation
The Eucharist is a sacrament established by the Lord Jesus himself

Basic interpretation

The Eucharist is the Lord Jesus A sacrament instituted by oneself
According to many New Testament Bible records, on the night our Lord Jesus was sold, he took bread, gave thanks, and broke it, saying, "This is my body, which he gave up for you. You should do this to remember me." After dinner, he also took the cup and said, "This cup is a New Testament made in my blood. Whenever you drink, you should do this to remember me." (1 Cor. 11:23-25, see also Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20) Since then, the churches of all generations have followed the Lord's teaching and practiced the Holy Communion on the earth. Until the Lord Jesus promised him to come again and stay with us Kingdom of God In the new day. (Refer to 14:25)
Since the Eucharist is a sacrament established by the Lord Jesus himself. What special meaning does it have? What we must know is that the Eucharist is not an ordinary food and drink Early church People often hold the Holy Communion together with the gathering of believers, so the bad phenomenon of "this hunger, that drunkenness" occurs when holding the Holy Communion. The Apostle Paul After criticizing this phenomenon, he pointed out sternly: "Because if people eat and drink, if they do not distinguish the body of the Lord, they will eat and drink their own sins." (1 Cor. 11:29) Later churches finally separated the Holy Communion from the common believers' meals, forming a unique sacrament.
Therefore, the Eucharist has a unique spiritual significance. First, the Eucharist shows the death of the Lord and is set up in memory of him. Paul taught us, "Whenever you eat this cake and drink this cup, it is to show the death of the Lord until he comes." (1 Cor. 11:26) The bread in the Holy Communion represents the body of Jesus; In the Bible, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will not be hungry; whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.". I am the bread of life unleavened bread It was one of the staple foods of Jews at that time. Jesus last supper Then he took the bread, gave thanks, and broke it, saying, "This is my body, which he gave up for you. You should do this to remember me." The unleavened bread broken in the Holy Communion symbolizes that the body of Jesus gave up for us on the cross; Bright red in the cup Grape Juice It symbolizes the precious blood of Jesus for our sins, and he has made a new covenant with us that can never be broken. Therefore, the Westminster catechism Q&A is in question 96 Lord's Supper The answer after what is it is: "The Lord's supper is Christ It is stipulated to give and receive bread and cups to show the death of the Lord... Therefore, the Lord's Supper is because it is a feast set up by our Lord Jesus Christ, which can also be called the Holy Supper. Its external behavior is to eat bread and drink cup according to the stipulation of Christ; The inner meaning is the sacrifice of Christ - the broken bread represents his injured body; The poured grape juice represents his precious blood; It is worthless in itself, but once received by faith, it can accelerate our love for God, deepen our faith in Christ, and enhance our well-being. "
Second, the Holy Communion is to show that the life of the Lord has become the life supply and nourishment of church believers. We meet the Lord in the Holy Communion by faith. The Lord Jesus said, "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood are always in me, and I am always in him." (John 6:56) This shows that those who come to the Lord to receive the Holy Communion by faith Christ An apostle is also a Christian who shares the life of the Lord. Through this demonstration, let us see the fact that the Lord is with us, and that the Lord is truly present in each of us in the Eucharist. The hymn sings: "Devotion and worship together, the Savior's beauty is invisible, and the Lord's love is abundant in holy things." When we receive the Holy Communion by faith, we know that it is in such a wonderful holy thing that the Lord gives us his love and himself without reservation. A masterpiece of spiritual cultivation《 Imitate Christ 》It says, "The most wonderful thing is that you, my Lord God, the true God, and also the true man, completely offer yourself as our bread and wine, and become our endless help. This is really credible, but it is beyond our understanding to understand." Yes, many Christians, It was when they received the Holy Communion that they deeply felt the presence of the Lord and the strength and help the Lord gave them, and once again stood up with drooping hands and sour legs, looked up to the benchmark, and ran the spiritual journey ahead.
Third, the Eucharist also shows that Christ The fellowship and sharing of life in the same Lord. We all know that, The church is the body of Christ It is what is filled by the one who fills all. The Eucharist, as a sacrament for Christians to share the life of the Lord, shows that we are one in Christ and belong to the same body. Therefore, Paul exhorts Christians to say, "Isn't the cup we bless sharing the blood of Christ? Isn't the bread we break sharing the body of Christ? Although we are many, we are still one cake and one body, because we all share the same cake." (1 Cor. 10:16-17) Westminster Letter Sutra It's like this: "The Eucharist is also Christ secret The believers of the body have communication with Christ, and a kind of connection and guarantee of communication with each other. " Therefore, brothers and sisters who share the body of Christ at the Eucharist show that we belong to one body; It also shows that we are all under the same covenant. We are called by heaven together, we are running for the way of heaven together, and we belong to one body. How can we bite each other and swallow each other and distrust each other? So many believers have to confess their sins to each other before the Holy Communion and seek forgiveness from their brothers and sisters; Some churches also implement the "humility ceremony" according to the tradition, which is to imitate the humble love of the Lord Jesus, so that brothers and sisters can truly have the spirit of unity in the sacrament.
What kind of believers can come to receive the Eucharist
Because the Eucharist is a very solemn sacrament set up by the Lord Jesus himself, the church takes this sacrament very seriously. Paul exhorted in 1 Corinthians Corinthian Church Therefore, whoever does not eat the bread of the Lord and drink the cup of the Lord without reason is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. (1 Cor. 11:27) Paul next mentioned that people should examine themselves before eating this Lord's Supper Otherwise, it would be a sin to eat and drink yourself; In the previous chapter, he also warned the brothers and sisters not to eat the Lord's dinner at the same time Sacrificing ghosts The feast of. Therefore, churches of all ages have strict regulations on how to receive Holy Communion. In Westminster answer The 97th question says this: What must we do to receive the Lord's Supper properly? Answer: For To receive the Lord's dinner properly, you must examine yourself: whether you have spiritual knowledge to distinguish the body of the Lord, whether you can take the Lord as food by faith, whether you have a heart of repentance, love, and renewed obedience, so that you will not judge yourself because you eat and drink unreasonably. Here we are taught the correct conditions for the Lord's meal: (1) knowledge is enough to know the meaning of the Lord's meal; (2) Confidence is enough to believe that we can eat bread to maintain our body, as the food of life represented by it can maintain our soul; (3) Repent and confess all known sins; (4) Love God and people; (5) Determined to fulfill all duties. In many places of the Chinese church, due to the low quality of the believers, they mistakenly think that the Holy Communion is just a common religious ceremony or symbol, instead of being viewed as a "sacrament". When receiving the Holy Communion, they should be casual and careless, which is really wrong. On the other hand, some believers look at the Holy Communion with superstitious eyes and believe that more is more, more is more. So when they receive the Holy Communion, they are like a swarm of people snapping up some popular goods. This is not true and reasonable. They offended God and did not know it. Therefore, we urgently call such people to repent in fear of God and come back to God, Make yourself worthy to receive this wonderful holy thing. Usually, according to the tradition of the church, only one officially baptized believer who joins the church is eligible to receive the Holy Communion. Believers who live with serious stains and crimes cannot receive the Holy Communion unless they sincerely repent, live with true repentance, speak and act. Both the early church and Reformed faith advocated that it was effective and necessary to stop the Eucharist for believers who intentionally committed major crimes Church discipline On the other hand, for believers themselves, they should prepare their hearts well in front of God before they can receive the Holy Communion. Many churches have time to confess, examine and meditate before receiving the Holy Communion, which is the purpose.
The main materials of Holy Communion are unleavened bread and Grape Alcohol. unleavened bread Made of flour and water without yeast or other ingredients flavoring , because Christ The disciples believe that yeast represents sin (their basis is 1 Corinthians 5:6-8); No matter how many people are or how few people are, make only one unleavened cake to represent the unity of the assembly (1 Corinthians 10:17). Some Christians claim that grape juice must be made from grapes (Matt. 26:29) instead of wine, because wine is fermented, and a pol is used to represent the same cup. Christians believe that Blessing The latter bread and wine have become the body and blood of Christ, called the Body of the Lord and the Blood of the Lord. They no longer call these cakes and cups. The Orthodox Church : Use leavened cakes, red wine and water. These three things are to commemorate the appearance of water and blood gushing out on that day of Jesus. Catholicism: with many special small circles unleavened bread One person will receive one for the Holy Communion. Other white or Red Wine It is holy blood. In the more formal mass, Acolyte The priest will stand on the priest's side with a holy lord with holy blood. Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church): It can use bread and wine, whether it is made of barley, wheat or rice, leavened, unleavened, sweet or salty, or Knife cutting It doesn't matter whether you break it or not; The weight, nature and color of wine are all OK. Recently, the general users are generally non fermented Griddle Cake , and wine. Reformation Sect Ciyun Li And Calvin's theology, including Presbyterian , the Baptist Church, Sabbath meeting Pentecostalism And other sects): Some reformist sects advocate using ordinary bread and wine.
Received by believers after receiving the Eucharist spiritual help
When believers receive the sacrament, they show the invisible spiritual grace and help through the external visible ritual token. Our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of sheep, since he has set up such sacraments in the church, he will also use them to strengthen our faith and love in the church, so that we can better receive the grace he has given us. Now, I would like to share with you four aspects of spiritual help brought by Holy Communion to believers.
(1) Through receiving the Holy Communion, believers can enjoy the blessing of new life from the Lord. The Proverbs of the Old Testament said, "Come and eat my bread and drink the wine I mixed. You fools should abandon your foolishness, and live, and walk in a bright way." (Prov 9:5, 6) The Bible tells us that if anyone Christ He is a new man. The old things have passed and become new. A person who gets a new life because of his faith in the Lord Jesus depends entirely on Jesus' great salvation on the cross. The Holy Communion shows the achievement of this great salvation. Although we oppose the Catholic "metamorphism theory", we also know that in the Holy Communion, the Lord really comes to our lives, renews our lives, and blesses our lives. Therefore, every time we receive the Holy Communion, it is another time to remember the miraculous salvation of the Lord, and we often have the peace of forgiveness in our hearts.
(2) By receiving the Holy Communion, believers can enjoy the supply and nourishment of heavenly life. It is through faith that we receive the spiritual help of the Lord in the Holy Communion. This reformist Duote Sutra It is very clear: "In addition, spiritual and heavenly life is derived from the second life, which is generated by the truth of the gospel, and Christ Physical union of; This life is unusual and is specially given to God's elect. Similarly, God has given us earthly food to nourish our earthly life. As for maintaining our spiritual and heavenly life, he gave us the bread of life from heaven, Jesus Christ. He cultivated and strengthened the spiritual life of believers, that is, when they ate, they accepted it through spiritual faith. Christ represents the spiritual and heavenly bread of life, so he set up the Holy Communion, the visible bread, which is the bread of his body to sacrifice Wine is the sacrifice of his blood, which proves to us that when we accept this sacrament in our hands stutter When we drink, we take this opportunity to cultivate our life, and we truly accept our only savior in our soul by faith Christ Our true body and blood support our spiritual life. We do know that Jesus Christ did not set up his Holy Communion in vain. He works in our hearts through these holy signs. On the surface, we sometimes do not understand, because the work of the Holy Spirit is hidden and difficult to understand. "
(3) Through the Holy Communion, believers can enjoy the happiness and blessing of being with and having fellowship with the Lord. Jesus came into the world as a human being and brought the presence of God to us. He Resurrection after death , rise to the sky, become our high priest and China Insurance He promised to be with us until the end of the world. In the Holy Communion, through our spiritual eyes, we truly feel the presence of the Lord, his glory and his holiness. When the Reformer Heidelberg catechism explained that Christ was with us in the Holy Communion, he said: "According to the humanity of Christ, he is in heaven; but according to his divinity, he is omnipresent. But in the Holy Communion, he is with us, and he is not in a symbol. According to his divinity and the Holy Spirit, he uses these signs to strengthen his people.", I don't know how many saints who really love the Lord and believe in the Lord feel great comfort and joy when they see the glory of the Lord in the Holy Communion. Imitation Christ 》The author of "The Holy Feast" aptly described it as: "In this holy feast, they enjoy the joy of paradise, and even the angels come to eat together.". Therefore, a person who really loves the Lord must be happy to be close to the Lord in the Holy Communion.
Through Holy Communion, believers enjoy the blessing of brothers and sisters
Reformed Sect a theologian In his Introduction to Christian Theology, Bokfu pointed out: "The Eucharist is also a symbol, because we believers are all members of the body of the mystery of Christ, so there is unity between them." As we said above, the Eucharist also shows the communication and sharing of the lives of Christians in the same Lord. Unfortunately, many believers often ignore this point. There is a beautiful poem that sings: "Here is God's presence, here is God's word, here is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, here is another heaven and earth. Look at how good and beautiful brothers live together in harmony, like the dew of Hermon, falling on Zion The mountain, where love is, where peace is, where life is, Hope here Here are the blessings that the LORD has commanded. " I don't know if it's a poem sung by the Lord's Supper. However, brothers and sisters learn to forgive each other, humble each other and wait for each other when receiving the Holy Communion; What a blessing it is to reflect the harmonious atmosphere of the Lord's family!

Establishment of the Eucharist

The Eucharist is second only to baptism, Christ The important etiquette of an apprentice.
Christians believe that the direct basis of the Eucharist comes from the New Testament Bible, which records the night Jesus Christ died on the cross, and twelve apostles Coexistence Passover Seder While they were eating dinner, Jesus took bread, blessed them, broke it and handed it to his disciples, saying, "Take it and eat! This is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and handed it to them, "Drink from it, all of you! For this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is poured out for all to forgive sins. I tell you, I will not drink this from now on Grape Juice Until that day in the kingdom of my Father, when I drink with you New wine 。” Gospel of Matthew 26:26-29)

Collar method


The Orthodox Church

"When receiving the Holy Communion, mix the three things (bread, wine and water) and stir them with a spoon." It can be seen from this description that they always receive wine at the same time when receiving the bread.


Catholic Lord's Rite Integration )It is mainly held in the middle of mass (or Thanksgiving). Besides Mass, Holy Communion can also be sent to those who cannot participate Consecration The members of the church (such as those in hospitals and nursing homes). According to the Catholic law, believers can choose to receive only the Holy Communion and not the holy blood, because the Catholic Church believes that, cake Or after being blessed, the wine has contained the whole Christ In the past, only the priest of the main ceremony could receive holy blood in the mass, but the etiquette after the Second Vatican Episcopal Conference also allowed the participants to receive holy blood in some special celebrations. Different dioceses have different habits for this.
Hands: (Bishop's area recognized by the throne)
Believers receive the Holy Communion with their hands in the shape of a cross, and the priests or deacons who stand beside them or send the Holy Communion say "Christ Holy Communion", and the believers answer "Amen";
Mouth collar: The priest (or the person who sent the holy body) puts the holy body (or dips the holy body in the holy blood first) on the tongue of the believers, and the priest or deacon says“ Christ "Sacred Body" or "Sacred Blood of the Sacred Body of Christ", the believers answer "Amen". If the priest or deacon or the sacristy delivering the holy body and the holy blood, the holy body dipped in the holy blood shall not be put on the hands of believers, but on their mouths. After receiving communion, believers return to their seats to pray for "thanking the Holy Communion", and then "receiving the Holy Communion (after receiving the Holy Communion)" led by the Lord's Rite. In the old church altar In front, there is a row of railings, and believers kneel in front of the railings to receive the Holy Communion. This habit before the second Vatican Archdiocese pope benedict xvi When taking office, there seems to be a tendency to be restored.

Xinyi Sect

Lutheran believers believe that the effect of the Eucharist is eternal, the same as baptism, so they must kneel down to receive it on the altar.

Reformed Sect

Before receiving the Eucharist, the Lord will tell the story of Jesus; First we wish the bread, then the cup. Some churches claim to break the bread to receive it, but others Ordinary biscuit Replace.


On the eve of the crucifixion, the Lord Jesus spent a hard time with his disciples. At the dinner party, there were his entrustment, his love for them, and his earnest and innovative teachings. From the beginning to the end of the dinner party, sadness was the main melody in his mind. He could not let them go, nor could he leave them. The truth in the body was like a tiger and a wolf winding around them, threatening their thoughts and consciousness. I spent three years preaching with them day and night. He used his words and deeds to introduce physical service into the soul, and embodied his love, understanding, tolerance, compassion and forgiveness for human beings in his work. He was deeply afraid that they were young and could not understand his meaning. He was afraid that they would force their spirituality to be out of touch with reality, and turn living requirements and life into dead rules, They were afraid that they would drown the original mind of the Holy Spirit in words. In the end, he used cakes and cups at the dinner party to gain his meaning, so that they could combine the truth with reality, live the truth in reality, live the eternal life of God, and make the church human nature and social human nature have a reasonable adjustment.
When he took the cake and blessed it, he broke it off and said to his disciples, "This is my body, which was given up for you. You should do this in memory of me." He said this to tell his disciples that my whole people, including my speaking, doing and serving, are showing up for your survival in the world. These behaviors, these examples, These words will be the benchmark and model of your life and service. If you accept these words as well as this cake, your soul will not be hungry, and your environment will not be crushed by hardship. We must all go the way he has gone, and we must all suffer what he has suffered. He has taken all the responsibility for us, that is, he has left us accurate practices. He has first taken the responsibility for us for the difficulties we have encountered. His figure will be our strength, and his words and deeds will be our pillars. This is a shield and a rock before Satan's attack. He extended into the spirit through the bread of the body, so that they could sacrifice themselves and love others like the Lord, and go all out to achieve the eternal salvation plan of the world. He took the cup and told them, "This is my blood, which he gave up for you. You should do the same in memory of me.". He hoped that his disciples could fight with evil to the point of bleeding in order to save mankind, even if they risked their lives, they would defeat evil, dump their lives to sacrifice themselves for the road of the cross, and give up the happiness, glory, wealth and enjoyment of the world. It would be a memorial to the Lord if people could really understand these connotations, Break a cake It's not in vain. However, many people cover up this because of their emphasis on words Sacrament Later, the hidden mind of God turned the sacrament into a vulgar necessity and turned this great commitment into religious rites It is strange and strange to use thought to render. Many people who offer ordinary fire even pretend to be ghosts, turning a good sacrament into smoke and smoke. The call of evil wind makes many people die under the devil's claws, and it is difficult to extricate themselves. What people do to commemorate the Lord has nothing to do with the original intention of the Lord. People think that the ceremony of breaking bread and drinking cups is to commemorate the Lord. As a result, people have done the same. Over the past two thousand years, superstition has become increasingly strong. The secularization of holy things has become a common problem in religious circles, seriously devouring people's souls. Sacred things and sacred objects are a medium and bridge for the contact between human spirit and gods. The priest conveys God's mind through the sacraments and sacraments, and people understand God's mind through the sacraments and sacraments, and then respond. In this way, people's spirit will be aroused and driven, and they begin to cooperate, resulting in spiritual knowledge, which is an opportunity to equip spiritual wisdom and win God's favor. But what the priest conveys is not the mind of the Lord, but his own will, thinking or evil spirit, In this way, people's cooperation will be blind, detached and vague, and their actions will be full of interruptions and blasphemies. Therefore, those who carry out the Holy Communion in the words and regulations of grace are the enemies of God. Not only are they blind and have no spiritual knowledge, but they also throw others into the pit and live Demon Who is willing to repent as soon as possible so that the transgressions can be erased?



The Orthodox Church

Ordinary believers can lead together Holy Communion , baptized The Orthodox Church Children can also receive it. Non Orthodox Christ Tu To admire the Tao Those who are not teachers can not receive them in the ceremony.


The Sacrament of Redemption: 92. Every believer often has the right to choose to receive the Holy Communion by mouth. stay Bishop's regiment Obtained Suzerain If the recipient of the Eucharist wishes to receive the Eucharist by hand, he must send the Eucharist to the region where the Eucharist is approved. However, it should be noted that the recipient of the Holy Communion should immediately receive the Holy Communion in front of the giver of the Holy Communion, so that no one can take the Holy Communion away with their hands. If there is a danger of desecrating the Holy Communion, it should not be distributed by hand. Catholic children who have been baptized must go to the first communion class, and can receive the Holy Communion after doing practice and sacraments. Before that, they can participate in mass, but cannot receive the Holy Communion. The priest will bless them. Believers who commit serious crimes must first complete the sacrament of confession (reconciliation) before they can receive the Holy Communion. Canon law 》Article 844 (3) stipulates that if the Orthodox Christians voluntarily request and have appropriate preparation, the Catholic Church clergy Can legally perform penance, sacrament and The sacrament of applying oil to patients Therefore, Orthodox Christians can receive the Holy Communion of Catholicism. This provision also applies to people in other churches, but the sacraments of the church must be judged by the Pope. However, if the Orthodox was catholic ", that is, if his identity is transferred from Catholicism to Eastern Orthodox Church, he cannot receive it in Catholicism" Holy Communion Because he has clearly expressed his rejection of Catholicism. Non Catholic protestant (mainly refers to the Reform Clan) To admire the Tao Those who do not belong to the Holy Communion are not allowed to receive Holy Communion. Those who have received the Eucharist on the same day can receive the Eucharist again in another thanksgiving offering they participate in on the same day. Do not eat solids or Liquid food However, you can drink water and medicine, which is called Holy Communion fast. Elderly people, patients and those who take care of them may not observe Holy Communion fast. All believers who have received the Eucharist must receive the Eucharist at least once a year. Generally, receiving the Eucharist is in the thanksgiving offering, but believers can also request receiving the Eucharist outside of the thanksgiving offering, which requires reasonable reasons and following the relevant etiquette. Canon law 》Article 844 (2) stipulates: "If there is a need, or if there is a requirement of real divine interests, Catholics can legally receive confession, sacrament and patient anointing sacraments from non Catholic clergy when they cannot actually find or difficult to find Catholic clergy, as long as the danger of error and non discrimination of belief can be avoided, but the above sacraments must be valid in the church." A divorced and remarried parishioner and a parishioner married to a divorced person who has not yet received the previous engagement and the sacrament from the church may not receive the Eucharist sacrament. A parishioner who does not marry in the church without the approval of the church (even if only one of them is a parishioner) may not receive the Eucharist sacrament without making the sacrament and completing the relevant procedures