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Western traditional festivals
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An important Christian festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. It is also called Jesus Christmas, the Nativity Day, and the Catholic Church is also called Jesus Christmas Rite. The date of Jesus' birth is not recorded in the Bible. In 336 AD, the Roman Church began to celebrate this festival on December 25. December 25 was originally the birthday of the sun god stipulated by the Roman Empire. Some people think that the reason why they choose this day to celebrate Christmas is that Christians believe that Jesus is the just and eternal sun. Since the middle of the 5th century, Christmas, as an important festival, has become the tradition of the church and gradually spread in the Eastern and Western churches. Due to different calendars and other reasons, the specific dates and forms of activities held by different sects are also different. The spread of Christmas customs to Asia was mainly in the middle of the 19th century. Japan and South Korea were all affected by Christmas culture. Nowadays, it has become a common custom in the West to give gifts to each other, hold banquets, and add festive atmosphere with Santa Claus and Christmas trees. Christmas has also become a public holiday in the western world and many other regions.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Holiday time
December 25 (Gregorian calendar)
Festival type
Western traditional festivals, religious festivals
Holiday diet
Turkey, tree trunk cake, etc [1]
Festival significance
anniversary Jesus birth
Set location
to establish an institution
the roman catholic church
Set time


Christmas cards are very popular as Christmas gifts in the United States and Europe. Many families bring annual family photos or family news with the cards. The news generally includes the advantages and expertise of family members in the past year. To send Christmas cards on Christmas Day is not only to express the joy of celebrating Christmas, but also to bless relatives and friends and express the feeling of missing them. Especially for relatives and friends in loneliness, it is a kind care and comfort.

Festival decoration

Christmas decorations include: Christmas socks, which were originally a pair of large red socks, regardless of size. Because Christmas socks are used to hold gifts, they are children's favorite things. At night, they will hang their socks beside the bed, waiting for the next morning to receive gifts; Christmas hat is a red hat. It is said that in addition to sleeping soundly and a little warm at night, you will find some gifts from your beloved in the hat the next day; Christmas tree, usually people bring an evergreen plant (such as pine) into the house or put it outdoors before and after Christmas, decorate it with Christmas lights and colorful decorations, and place an angel or star on the top of the tree. The Christmas tree originated in Germany; Christmas ring, an ornament hung at home during Christmas in western countries, usually uses green branches and leaves or vines (pine wool, pine needles, etc.), silver metal and gold bells with red ribbons to form the main color. Green, white, yellow, and red represent joy and festivity, and the words MERRY CHRISTMAS or X'mas are also written on it, The Christmas ring first appeared in Finland.

Holiday diet

Christmas food includes turkey, tree trunk cake, almond pudding, gingerbread, seafood, glogi wine, beach feast, corn porridge, etc.

Character image

The character image of Christmas mainly refers to Santa Claus, whose prototype is the Bishop Saint Nicholas who lived in Mira City (now Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He has done a lot of charity work in his life, and he likes to help the poor secretly. Santa Claus is his nickname later, which comes from the story that he secretly sent money to help three girls. Nicholas was revered as a saint after his death. The image of Santa Claus is a white bearded old man wearing a red robe and a red hat. Every Christmas he drives a sleigh pulled by deer from the north, enters each house from the chimney, and hangs Christmas gifts in socks on the children's bedside or in front of the stove.