Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands

French Overseas Territories
zero Useful+1
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands belong to the overseas territory of France. It covers an area of 242 square kilometers. The population is 6300, mainly descendants of French immigrants. The official language is French 99% of residents believe Catholicism capital Saint Pierre Currency Euro. [1]
be located North America Canada Newfoundland 25 kilometers to the south North Atlantic Medium. The whole territory is composed of eight islands, including Saint Pierre, Miquelon and Langlard. Miquelon Island and Langlard Island are connected by a sandstone isthmus. The highest altitude is 241m. With 120 km coastline It is cold in winter, with the lowest temperature reaching minus 20 ℃, and the average temperature in summer is 10 ℃ - 20 ℃. The annual precipitation is 1400 mm.
Chinese name
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands
Foreign name
The Islands of st pierre and miquelon,Iles Saint pierre et Mique lon
area number
geographical position
North America
242 km²
population size
6300 persons (statistics in 2011)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
major city
Saint Pierre
official language
Time zone
West Fourth
Population density
28.495 persons/km2
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
GDP per capita
US $7690 (1998)
birth rate


Saint Pierre and Miquelon Flag
The official flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is French flag Informal flags are also used locally. The informal flag is blue, and there is a yellow sailboat on the waves Jacques Cartier The ship on which the place was found. There are Basque Brittany and normans The flag of.

the measure of area

Saint Pierre and Miquelon Logo
242 square kilometers, including 26 square kilometers of St. Pierre Island, 115 square kilometers of Miquelon Island and 91 square kilometers of Langlard Island. The population is 6300 (2011 statistics), the population density is 28.495 people/km2, the birth rate is 92 ‰, and the mortality rate is 51 ‰. Most of the residents are descendants of French immigrants. The official language is French. 99% of residents believe Catholicism [2]

Development history

In 1520, Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands were discovered by the Portuguese. In 1536, the French Jacques Cartier named the islands Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
In 1604, French fishermen established the first permanent settlement here. Over the next 200 years, Britain and France alternately occupied the island. It was occupied by France in 1816. In 1914, according to the Paris Peace Treaty, the islands were owned by France. It was changed into an overseas territory of France in 1946 and an overseas province of France in July 1976. In June 1985, it became an overseas collective territory of France. The French Government appoints a Chief Executive as its representative. France is responsible for defense. Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands French National Assembly and senate One member shall be elected from each. June 1988, March 1993, French Democratic Union Gerald Grignon was re elected to the French National Assembly. In 1995, the second round of French Senate elections was held, Union for the Defense of the Republic Candidate Victor Reuk was elected. In June 1997, Grignon was re elected with 52.34% of the votes in the second round of the French National Assembly election.
In June 2000, the French Parliament debated the bill on the social and economic development of overseas provinces, and decided to increase the island's financial autonomy. December 2000 French Constitutional Council The proposal was approved.




The local council is also called the provincial council. It is composed of 19 members, including 15 members from Saint Pierre Island and 4 members from Miquelon Island, elected by universal suffrage for a term of six years. Bernard Lesavec, Speaker of the Parliament.


It is composed of the chief executive appointed by the French government, 19 members of the local council, one representative of the French National Assembly and one representative of the Senate elected by Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands. In April 2001, the main members of the government were Jean Francois Tallec, the chief executive, Gerard Grignon, a member of the French National Assembly, French Senate Member Victor Reux (Victor Reux)。


The Court of First Instance and the High Court of Appeal are set up in Saint Pierre. Pascal Mathis, Judge of the Court of First Instance, and Francois Billon, President of the High Court of Appeal.


The main political parties are closely connected with French political parties, including the Socialist Party (the left-wing party, established in 1996), the Rassemblemen t pour la R é public (the Gaullist), the Union pour la D é mocratie Francaise (the middle) and the Centre des D é mocrates Sociaux.


Chief Executive: Patrice Latron took office on November 16, 2011.



executive summary

The economy cannot be self-sufficient, so it is subsidized by law.
The per capita GNP of Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands was US $7690 (1998).
Because the soil and climate conditions are not suitable for agricultural production, there is only a small amount of vegetable planting, pig raising and egg poultry production. The main traditional economy is fishery and its processing industry. Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands have developed potential shellfish resources, especially scallop resources. Providing supply services to ships, mainly trawlers, has been one of the important economic incomes, and has also been depressed due to poor fishery production. The government still regards the development of ports and the expansion of tourism as the main means to maintain economic development, and still relies on the French government for financial support. In 1999, the total working population was 3261, and the unemployment rate was 10.27%.
Industry: mainly fishery product processing industry. The employed population accounts for 41% of the total working population. In 1990, the total output was 5457 tons. There are two thermal power plants with generating capacity of 23 MW. In 2000, it is planned to build a wind power station, which can generate 40% of the required power.
Fisheries: mainly Traditional economy In 1996, the employed population accounted for 18.5% of the total labor population. In 1998, the fishing volume was 6108 tons.
Tourism: an important economic sector. There are 1 travel agency, 16 hotels (including 2 motels and 10 apartment hotels) and 193 rooms. In 1999, the number of tourists received was estimated at 10300. Tourists mainly come from the United States and Canada.


Sea transportation: mainly sea and air transportation. In 1997, there were 3876 cars. The port of Saint Pierre is 1200 meters long and has three steamships. From Port Saint Pierre to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and the United States boston There are container routes. In 1998, there were 883 ships entering the port, with a cargo volume of 578000 tons.
Air transportation: There is an airport in Saint Pierre, with flights to France and Canada. A new airport was built in 1999, which can take off and land large aircraft. There are two airlines: Saint Pierre Air routes from the islands to Sidney, Canada, and direct flights to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Quebec and other places; Local airlines route from the islands to Newfoundland. In 1998, the passenger volume was 33613 person times, with 1256 sorties taking off and landing international flight

Finance and trade

Capital Saint Pierre
The fiscal budget expenditure in 1997 was 244 million yuan franc , including 128 million francs of recurrent expenditure, Capital construction expenditure 116 million francs. In 1997, France donated 280 million francs.
The main banks are Banque des Iles Saint Pierre, which was established in 1889. As of December 1997, it had capital of 25 million francs, reserves of 2.7 million francs and deposits of 262 million francs. Guillaume de Chalus, Chairman and General Manager; Cr é dit Saint Pierre: established in 1962. As of December 1998, it had capital of 36.5 million francs, reserves of 3 million francs and deposits of 286 million francs. Guy Simon, Chairman, Pierre Spieth, General Manager.
Foreign trade: In 1999, the export volume was 504 million francs, and the import volume was 371 million francs. It mainly exports fish and fish meat, and mainly imports fuel, building materials, food, clothing and other daily necessities. The main trade partners are Canada, the United States, France and others european union country.

Culture and education



St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands Farm
The education system is the same as that of France, and free and compulsory education is provided to children aged 6 to 16. In 1997, there were more than 1600 students at school.

Press and Publications

The main newspapers and periodicals are: The Government Gazette, a monthly magazine, founded in 1866; The Wind of Freedom, a weekly magazine, with a circulation of 350; Echo, a weekly magazine, was founded in 1982 with a circulation of 2500; Ties, organ newspaper of the League for the Defense of the Republic, 6 issues a year.

TV station

French overseas radio and television station was founded for the government. The radio broadcasts 24 hours a day; The TV station has two channels and broadcasts 195 hours of TV programs every week. Andre Michel Besse, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

radio station

Radio Atlantic is a private station, broadcasting 24 hours a day. Roger Guichot, General Manager and Chairman.

People's life

Residents enjoy the same social welfare treatment as French citizens. From December 1991 to December 1996, prices rose by an average of 2.1%. 1991 price index (1981=100) is 196.5. In 1997, there was a comprehensive hospital, including a nursing home and a center for the disabled. In 1997, there were 5000 radios and 3500 television sets.