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Jewish and Christian religious festivals
According to the provisions of the Catholic Ritual Year, the 50th day after Easter every year is the "Advent of the Holy Spirit", also known as "Pentecost" (originally an important festival for Jews). Pentecost is the seventh Sunday after Easter. The New Testament says that Jesus ascended to heaven on the 40th day after his resurrection, and "sent" the Holy Spirit to come on the 50th day. At that time, the Holy Mother and her disciples prayed at the supper, and the Holy Spirit of God came by "the sound of the wind and the shape of the tongue of fire". The disciples received the Holy Spirit and began to preach, marking the beginning of the church era. Pentecost is a very important festival in Catholicism, which is often regarded as the festival next to Easter.
Chinese name
Holiday time
The 50th day after Easter
Festival type
religious festival
Festival activities
In the celebration of the coming day of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic mass is in red. According to Pope Innocent's explanation, red reminds us of the image of the tongue of fire full of magical power when the Holy Spirit comes.
Pentecost is a public holiday in some western countries. Religious speaking, the festival lasts for one week, but the public holiday is only 1-2 days.