
Historic city and religious shrine
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synonym Holy City (Holy City) generally refers to Jerusalem (a historic city and religious holy land)
Jerusalem is Israel and Palestine Common capital (Both sides have disputes) and the political, economic, cultural and transportation center Jerusalem District The capital of Palestine, formerly the largest city in Palestine. Jerusalem is Judaism Christianity (including Catholicism protestantism The Orthodox Church )、 Islamism (including Sunni Shiite )The Holy Land.
Jerusalem is in the Near East Levant Region, a city with a long history, is geographically located in Mount Judah , between mediterranean sea And dead sea between. In 1980, Israeli legislation recognized Jerusalem as the "eternal and indivisible capital" of the country. Then, in 1988, the Palestinian Autonomous Government declared Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian State. Jerusalem is under the effective control of Israel.
Jerusalem covers only 126 square kilometers. Famous scenic spots include Jewish Wailing wall and Temple Mount Muslim Of Dome mosque and Al-Aqsa Mosque , and Christian Of Holy Sepulchre Church and Bitter road Jerusalem has been destroyed and rebuilt by foreigners for many times in history, both attracting the attention of the world and Ill fated The city of. December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 305 on the list. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Arabic :القدس الشريف 、 English :Jerusalem, aL-Quds、 Hebrew :ירושלים 、 Latin : Yerushalayim or Yerushalaimm
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Central Israel and Palestine
126 km²
Government residence
West Jerusalem Israel
Area Code
nine hundred and seventy-two
Postal Code
three hundred and thirty-two
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
population size
801000 (2011)
Atalot Airport
train station
Jerusalem Station
License plate code
Actual control
Current Mayor
Yuri Luplinski
the United Nations (nominally)
790 m

Historical evolution

Jerusalem Holy Sepulchre Church
The exact origin of Jerusalem's name is still uncertain. stay Hebrew The name Yelushalaim can be understood as a compound word of yelusha (heritage) and sharom (peace). Another common explanation is that it will The Bible The names of the two cities are combined: Jebus (Jebus) and Sallow (Salem, meaning "peace"). The name Salem appears Genesis Chapter 14, the High Priest Melchizedek Where he came to live Abraham Blessings. Jerusalem means "cornerstone" or "city". Salem is peace, so Jerusalem is called "the city of peace".
stay Arabic Jerusalem is called قدد or يمقدد. قدددددددددددددددددددددددد158. Similarly, ييقددمقدددممقدددد means holy (person) and holy (person), and the two words together form يممقدددددمممققدددد.
Jerusalem means "the city of peace" in Hebrew, and Guz means "holy city" in Arabic. The most famous is the old city, which is 1km square. Its wall is 12m high and has 8 gates, including four districts of Christ, Arabia, Judea and Armenia. The Temple Mountain, 0.14 square kilometers southeast of the old city, is the holy city among the holy cities. [2]
Archaeological discoveries show that the development of Jerusalem can be traced back to 4000 BC. The earliest written records about the city can be found in the front nineteenth century The curse of Egypt A prayer And the Yamana clay tablets of the 14th century ago.
According to the Bible, before Israel came to Jerusalem, there were many nationalities (including Amorite and Hittites )Live together here. When the Israelites enter Canaan A Canaanite tribe—— Yebusian Living near Jerusalem (called Jebus )。 Israeli The tribe of Judah The city of Jerusalem was conquered by Tribe of Benjamin Occupy the city, and Yebusian Peaceful coexistence.
About 1000 years ago, King David Led the Israelites to conquer the city, expanded the city to the south, set its capital here and changed its name to Yelushalayim (Jerusalem). He put Ark of the Covenant Moved to Jerusalem and built the Ark Curtain He wanted to further build the temple, but was Jehovah The Prophet of Take the bill Blocked by.
The First Crusade War was the only battle that won against Muslims in the Eastern Crusade War in 200 years. It captured the Holy City of Jerusalem and the Holy Tomb of the Lord, which caused an unprecedented sensation in the Western Christian world at that time Urban II The perfect victory never imagined until death. Naturally, it has been preached by the whole Christian world for many generations. Many missionaries and church chroniclers of later generations are trying to record the battle, praise the power of Christ, and recite it like a miracle. At the same time, the war and the establishment of the Latin East after it affected the entire pattern of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, such as a stone stirring up a thousand waves, which attracted strong attention from all parties. Byzantine Armenian Turkic arab Historians of various religious backgrounds and origins are writing statements detailing the matter for reference and reflection. The First Crusade War is undoubtedly one of the most abundant historical events in the Middle Ages.
General History of Jerusalem
Around the 20th century BC, Semitic Of Canaanite Settle in Palestine The coastal and plain areas.
In the 13th century BC, the Philistines established their country on the coast.
Late 13th century BC Hebrew The tribes settled in.
11th century BC Israel Establishment of the Hebrew Kingdom, post Assyria Babylon Persia And other foreign nationalities have occupied Palestine.
1st century BC The Republic of Rome The vast majority of Jews went into exile around the world.
It became Arab Empire Part of. The Arabs constantly moved in and assimilated with the local indigenous people, gradually forming the modern Palestinian Arabs.
In 1099, the crusaders captured Jerusalem and founded a Frankish feudal country founded by feudal lords.
In 1174, the famous legendary king of Jerusalem Baldwin IV He ascended the throne in 1185 because Leprosy He died young at the age of 24.
On September 2, 1187 saladin Under the attack of Sky Climbing Festival Enter Jerusalem on this day to commemorate the Prophet Mohammed In Jerusalem Miraj
After World War II, a large number of Jews moved in from other regions and expelled Palestinians, changing the local population composition.
Before 1948, Jerusalem was dominated by Palestinians, and the city was also controlled by Palestinians. In the following years, the UK began to finance Israel The number of Jews in Jerusalem began to increase as they migrated to Palestine.
In 1948, Palestine was divided from Israel, and Jerusalem was divided into Palestinian territory. Then the war broke out, and Israel invaded and occupied West Jerusalem East Jerusalem be in Jordan Under the management of. The capital of Israel Tel Aviv
In 1967, The Third Middle East War Israel occupied the whole of Jerusalem and forced local Palestinians to leave Jerusalem.
In 1980, the Knesset of Israel legislated that Jerusalem was the "eternal and indivisible capital" of the country. But, except U.S.A Few other countries recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and believe that the final status of the city has not yet been determined, pending negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Most countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv. In 1988, the Palestinian Autonomous Government also announced that Jerusalem would be the future State of Palestine The capital of. So Jerusalem is still Palestine Israel conflict Center of.

Temple Period

David's rule ended in 970 BC, and his son Solomon succeeded to the throne. It is recorded in Chapters 5 to 6 of The Book of Kings that Solomon spent seven years to build the first building in the city from the fourth year after he ascended the throne Temple The location of Solomon's Temple is the last known Ark of the Covenant The location, later in Israel It has always played an important role in history (to a certain extent, it is also important for Christianity), and it is also the focus of Jewish worship. This temple was built by using Tyre (Tyle) rock and Cedar It was built to become the most important place of worship in the local area and replaced the altar in other places. At the end of the "First Temple Period", this temple became the only religious place and pilgrimage center in China.
400 years later (up to 586 years ago Temple of Solomon Destroyed), later known as the First Temple Period. This period began with the death of Solomon (930 BC), when 10 northern tribes split and established Kingdom of Israel (The capital is located in Samaria )。 Under the rule of the descendants of David and Solomon, Jerusalem remained in the south Kingdom of Judah The capital of Beijing has lasted for more than 300 years. In 722 BC, Assyria conquered the Kingdom of Israel in the north. In the first 597 years, Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar II Break Jerusalem, young king Jehoiachin And most of the nobles were captured in Babylon Babylonian Captivity )。 stay Xidijia Jerusalem revolted against the occupation of Babylon under the leadership of. In 586 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II occupied and destroyed the city, the city walls were destroyed, the temple was burned, and a large number of gold and silver vessels in the temple were brought to Babylon.
In 538 BC, after 50 years of imprisonment in Babylon, Persian Empire Cyrus the Great The destruction of Babylon allowed Jews to return to Judea to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, which was rebuilt 516 years ago( Darius I The sixth year of the reign), that is, 70 years after the destruction of the First Temple. next, Nihimi And the city wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt, making the city prosperous again. Over the next 600 years, the Jewish land was Persia Greece and Rome Jerusalem is a province of Jewish Province The capital of. In the early period of Roman rule, a deputy king was appointed Herod the Great Rule. Herod the Great enlarged the temple during his reign.
In AD 6, Judaism was directly under Roman rule. In 70 AD, after the failure of an uprising against Rome, the Roman army demolished the temple (only part of the wall base remained, namely Wailing wall )。 The Jews revolted again, and finally in 135, the Roman emperor Hadrian Send troops to encircle and seize the city; As a punitive measure, order Hebrew calendar On the ninth day of the month of Ebo, the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem by Babylonian and Roman soldiers (which happened to be the same day), Jerusalem was completely bulldozed, the Roman city Aelia Kapitolina was built on the original site, and another Roman temple was built on the Temple Mount; At the same time, all Jews were expelled from Palestine, and Jews were forbidden to live in Jerusalem.

Sacred Place

Jerusalem is located in three Abraham religions - Judaism , Christianity and Islamism And many other smaller religious groups. According to the 2000 Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook, the city has 1204 synagogues, 158 churches and 73 churches mosque However, Jerusalem is the harbor of peaceful coexistence among religions, which has also caused many disputes, especially about the Temple Mount.
Since the first 10 centuries, Temple of Solomon Built in Jerusalem, Jerusalem has always been the center of Jewish faith and the most sacred city. The symbolic value of Jerusalem for Judaism has remained unchanged. In the Temple of Jerusalem before the destruction Holy Place Hidden Ark of the Covenant It is the most sacred place of Judaism. Only the high priest is qualified to enter the holy place once a year. All Israeli men must come to Jerusalem three times a year for religious festivals. Worldwide Synagogue When praying, the building should still face Jerusalem. If possible, the building should also be designed to face Jerusalem and the place where the Holy Place is located. The west wall, as the remains of the second temple, is the most sacred place in Judaism except the Temple Mount.
Christianity respects Jerusalem not only for its role in the Old Testament, but also for its role in Jesus Meaning in life. According to the Bible, Jesus was brought to Jerusalem shortly after his birth, and later he purified the Second Temple. The address of Jesus' Last Supper is located on Mount Zion, next to the tomb of David. Another important Christian relic in Jerusalem is Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified. The Gospel of John only says that this place is outside Jerusalem, but recent archaeological evidence shows that Golgotha is located not far from the wall of the old city of Jerusalem, within the city limits. The place is Holy Sepulchre Church In the past 2000 years, Golgotha has always been a preferred place for pilgrimage in Christianity. Pilgrims often return to the "bitter road" (14 stops) on the streets of the old city before Jesus went to the cross.
Jerusalem is also often considered the third holy place of Islam. Before Mecca, Jerusalem was the direction of Muslim prayer. In 620, Muhammad's Climb the sky at night (Muslims believe that Mohammed miraculously came to Jerusalem from Mecca in one night Temple Mount Jerusalem has long been under Muslim control. the Koran 》17:1 recorded the story of Mohammed's night trip to Jerusalem. The two mosques on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem commemorate this event - what is mentioned in the Koran is Al-Aqsa Mosque Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended the sky at night Climbing the Sky Stone It's in the Dome of the Rock.
The city of Jerusalem is located at Mount Judea in the middle of Palestine, near the east dead sea , west mediterranean sea Coastal plain, with an area of 109 square kilometers (1967), an altitude of 720-790 meters, and a population of 567100 (at the end of 1993). Yecheng consists of the old city and the new city. Before 1860, the old city was surrounded by an equilateral quadrilateral wall. The city was divided into Jews, Muslims Armenian And four residential areas for Christians.
In 1028 BC, King Saul and his successor, King David, united all tribes into one nation. In 1004 BC, King David built the capital here and moved the Ark of the Covenant here, thus establishing the special status of the city in history. King Solomon, son of King David, built the first temple of the Jews here.
After that, in the long years of nearly 3000 years, under foreign occupation and rule, Jerusalem went through many hardships and vicissitudes, and experienced several ups and downs. Some rulers built a lot here, while others plundered and destroyed. Assyrian Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs Crusaders Mamluk The army, Turks, British, etc., as conquerors, exercised the power of rulers during this trip, ranging from decades to hundreds of years.
They actively established their own sphere of influence and tried to spread their cultural and religious influence. However, the historical wheel of progress crushed the dream of the invaders, and Yacheng gradually grew and expanded in the disaster, becoming a world-famous historical city.
Jerusalem is the birthplace of Judaism and the holiest place in the hearts of believers. It is a witness to the history of the nation and a symbol of national rejuvenation.
In the old city Mount Zion The west wall on the wall was damaged by Imperium Romanum The remains of the destroyed Second Temple, the wall on the west side of the original Second Temple courtyard, is a pilgrimage site for Jews. It is said that when the Romans occupied this city, the Jews the sabbath He often came to the west wall to weep and mourn, in order to express his grief for his hometown. Since then, Jews from all over the country have often come here to cry, so it is also called“ Wailing wall ”。 The wall has become part of the west courtyard wall of the Al Aqsa Mosque. In addition, there are famous David Tower Saint Anne Chapel St. Jakob Such as buildings with strong oriental color and numerous ancient synagogues.
Jerusalem is Christianity The Holy Land. It is said that after Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was betrayed by Judas, one of his 12 disciples, he was captured by the Jewish chief priests, temple guards and elders. After Pilate, the governor of the Jewish province of the Roman Empire, found himself free of death, he was forced by Jewish people and religious figures to crucify Jesus on the cross outside of Jerusalem. According to the Bible, Jesus went to Jerusalem only to follow God's will and die to save the world from sin. But after his death, he rose to heaven 40 days later and returned to God again. Jerusalem was the place where Jesus spent his life at the most critical moment.
For Christianity, Jesus is the son of God and the savior God gave to mankind. The crucifixion place where Jesus was crucified, the last dinner dining room, the Roman emperor constantine i Mother Helena The empress dowager built it on the cemetery of Jesus when she was touring the city in 335 A.D Holy Sepulchre Church They are holy places in the eyes of Christians all over the world.
Jerusalem has become the third holy place of Islam after Mecca and Medina since the 7th century. It is said that when Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was 52 years old, he was awakened from his dream by an angel one night, rode on a silver gray female horse with human head, followed the angel from Mecca to Jerusalem, climbed on a rock and ascended to the "Seven Heavens". After receiving the "apocalypse", return to Mecca at dawn. The mosque named after this holy stone, Sahel (Arabic means rock), is located in the 260000 square meter temple area on the Zion Mountain terrace in the east of the old city. The temple was built in 668-691 AD, with tight structure, gorgeous colors and beautiful shape. At the southern end of the Holy Land, there is a magnificent Al-Aqsa Mosque "Aksa" means "extremely far" in Arabic, which comes from the legendary Prophet Mohammed That spiritual journey. The architectural style of the temple is unique, and there is no minaret necessary for ordinary mosques. Among Islamic temples, this temple is second only to Mecca Holy Temple and Medina Prophet Temple It can be called the third largest holy temple.
In 1965, Israel built another one in Jerusalem National Museum of Israel The museum is composed of arts and crafts exhibition hall, Jewish and ethnic history exhibition hall and art exhibition hall. The famous《 Dead Sea Scrolls 》(also known as "Dead Sea parchment scroll", "Dead Sea scroll"). The David Tower Museum of Jerusalem History, established in 1988, has collected cultural relics since the first temple period, which is a reproduction of the history of Jerusalem for more than 4000 years since the Canaanites began.
"Jerusalem" means "the city of peace" in Hebrew. It is Palestinian area It is the largest metropolis in China, the political and economic center of the country, and the gathering place of various cultures and nationalities. The buildings here are the essence of eastern and western architectural art, and have architectural style spanning several historical times. The numerous historical relics, religious sites and various historic sites, through the exaggeration of modern literati, have given the city a strong religious magic. It seems that the stone, brick, wall and pillar here are telling the past visitors the story of the past years.
Today's Jerusalem has developed industries, advanced medical and scientific research institutions. The country's largest institution of higher learning, the library with the largest collection of books, and the newly built museum are also in Yecheng. In addition, there are many zoos of rare birds and animals, nature reserves and 800 hectares of forest in the city. In sharp contrast to the solemn holy land is the bustling business district, where a variety of goods are displayed in the shop windows on both sides of the street, attracting tourists and tourists from all over the world. This ancient and modern city is a city where eastern and western civilizations blend together. It is full of mysteries and makes people think repeatedly. I hope it can overcome disputes with the pace of the Middle East peace process and become a veritable city of peace.
In 1981, the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls were listed World Heritage List in

Transfer of control

In the 4th century, the Roman emperor constantine i During the period of control of the city, Jerusalem became a Christian center and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built. At that time, although Jews were still forbidden to live in Jerusalem, they began to cry in front of the West Wall every year on the ninth day of Ebo. After the split of the Roman Empire Byzantine Empire Under its rule, the city was well protected by Christian forces. At that time, they were relatively tolerant in religion. Since the 5th century, Jews were allowed to live in Jerusalem again.
In 638, the first target of the Arab Empire was Jerusalem. Although《 the Koran 》Jerusalem has never been mentioned in, but Islamic tradition believes that the Prophet Muhammad was born in Jerusalem to accept the Koran. So, in 691, the Arab caliph Abdul Malik built the Dome Mosque on the Dengxiao Stone, the original site of the Temple Mountain Temple( Sahra Mosque )。 It is said that Abraham planned to sacrifice his son in this place. Jews believed that he offered his youngest son Isaac, while Muslims believed that he offered his eldest son Ishmael Isimael. Three centuries later, they built the Aqsa Mosque here. In the early days of Muslim rule, Christians and Jews living in Jerusalem were more tolerant in religion. After paying poll taxes, they could gain autonomy. But at the beginning of the 11th century Caliph Order the destruction of all Christian churches and synagogues in Jerusalem.
1099, the first time Crusaders Jerusalem was surrounded. More than a month later, on July 15, Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders. After the Crusades entered the city, they massacred most Muslims and Jews in the city. Then, in 1291, the Crusaders were founded Kingdom of Jerusalem Muslims are not allowed to enter the city.
In 1173, a man who came to Jerusalem wrote that Jerusalem was a small city full of The Orthodox Church Christians, Armenians, Greeks and Georgia Only 200 Jews live in a corner of the city. In 1187, Saladin, the Muslim monarch of Egypt, reoccupied Jerusalem.
In 1219, Damascus The Sultan of, Holy Roman Empire emperor Friedrich II The sixth Crusade was organized and Jerusalem was acquired by signing a treaty with Egypt.
In 1239, he began to rebuild the city walls, but soon they were demolished. In 1243, Christians again occupied Jerusalem and rebuilt the city wall. In 1244, Khwarazimu, who was conquered by Mongolia, occupied Jerusalem on his way to exile Innocent IV The Seventh Crusade was launched, but Jerusalem could not be recaptured. In 1247, Khwarazm was expelled by the Egyptians, and in 1260, Egyptian slave cavalry Mamluk When the city was captured, the Jews in Jerusalem had to flee to the surrounding villages for refuge.
In 1482, a visitor Duoming, I will The priest said that Jerusalem is a "city where several different peoples live, and it is a collection of all evils". As a sin, he listed Saracen People, Greeks Syria People, Orthodox Christians Nestorianism Tu, Armenian Georgian , Maronites Bedouin , assassins, Muslims and the "most detestable" Jews. only Roman Catholic Church In their hearts, they look forward to the arrival of the Prince of Christ to include all countries the roman catholic church "
In 1517, the Ottoman Empire occupied Jerusalem, and they controlled the city until the 20th century. At this time, Jerusalem began to prosper again, the city walls and the old city were rebuilt, and any religion in the city could exist. However, the later incompetent ruling institutions of the Ottoman Empire plunged Jerusalem's economy into a slow decline.
By the early 19th century, Jerusalem had a population of less than 8000, but it was still an important city for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The urban residents are divided into four parts: Jews, Christians, Muslims and Armenians. Muslims mainly live near the Temple Mountain (northeast), Christians mainly live near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (northwest), Jews mainly live on the hillside above the Wailing Wall (southeast), and Asians mainly live in the southwest. Although this differentiation was not absolute, it was the basis for dividing the city into four districts during the British administration period (1917-1948). The major religions also include many sects, such as the Holy Sepulchre Church, which is also affiliated with the Greek Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church armenian church , the Egyptian Church and Ethiopia The church uses it, and the sects conflict with each other, so that the key of the altar should be kept by a "neutral" Muslim family.
In the 19th century, there were some changes in Jerusalem that had a long-term impact on the city. Their impact has been extended, and they are the root of the dispute between Palestinians and Israel over Jerusalem. First, from Czar Russia In Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Jews are constantly migrating here to escape religious persecution, which has changed the distribution proportion of urban population. The earliest immigrants were ultra orthodox Jews, some of whom were old people. They returned here to be buried in Olive Hill Upper; Others are young students who come here with their families and wait for the arrival of the savior. Meanwhile, while Ottoman Empire European colonial countries began to extend their influence to Jerusalem. This is also a period of Christian revival Christian Missionaries were sent to Jerusalem to transform Muslims and Jews. They believed that this would speed up the return of Jesus to the world. Finally, Europe Colonialism And religious zeal also aroused archaeologists' interest in the areas described in the Bible, especially Jerusalem. Some archaeological teams made some remarkable discoveries, which further aroused people's interest in Jerusalem.
By the 1860s, the area of Jerusalem was only 1 square kilometer, but it was already crowded. Residents began to build new towns outside the city walls. The Russian Orthodox Church built a building outside the city gate. The first local residents who started building outside the city were Jews. Others followed their example and began to build new residential areas in the west and north outside the city. Finally, these residential areas continue to expand and become new towns.
When the British army occupied Jerusalem on December 11, 1917, the new city had formed a complex residential area group, and each residential area had a different ethnic composition. Under British rule, this development continued, and finally, the old city evolved into a poor old residential area. The British stipulated that the building appearance of Jerusalem must be made of sandstone to protect the original appearance of the city.
stay the First World War Later in 1917, the commander in chief of the British army in the Middle East Allenby General (Edmund Allenby) launched a general attack on Turkey and obtained Battle of Jerusalem And captured the city. Ratified by the League of Nations in 1922 Balfour declaration , entrusted Britain with trusteeship of Palestine and helped to establish a Jewish state in the region. During the trusteeship period, new garden suburbs were built in the west and north of the city and Higher education institutions , such as Hebrew University It was founded in 1925.

Palestine Israel dispute

Jewish immigrants increased, and the conflict between Israel and Arabs gradually escalated.
On the eve of World War II in 1939, Britain announced the White Paper on the Question of Palestine to stop Jewish immigration, restrict Jews from purchasing Arab land, and prepare to gradually transfer Palestine to a local government dominated by Arabs, under which Jews can enjoy a high degree of autonomy. After the war, hundreds of thousands of Jewish prisoners freed in German concentration camps smuggled into Palestine, increasing pressure. Britain did not properly handle the Palestinian Israeli conflict and refused to accept the survivors of the Holocaust. The move was unanimously condemned by international public opinion and prompted the rapid escalation of Jewish violence against Britain.
On February 15, 1947, Britain announced that Question of Palestine Submit it to the United Nations. After the investigation, the United Nations General Assembly debated the question of Palestine on November 29, and passed the separation and statehood plan by 33 votes to 13. For Jerusalem, it is planned to establish a special international regime under the management of the United Nations, which does not belong to the Jewish state or part of the Arab state. However, this plan has not been realized.
On November 29, 1947, the second session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine, which stipulated that Jerusalem was an international city under the jurisdiction of the United Nations, and its attribution was to be determined.
On May 14, 1948, Israel announced its founding, The First Middle East War Burst. At the end of the war, West Jerusalem was occupied by the newly established State of Israel, and East Jerusalem (including the old city and the West Bank) was occupied by Outer Jordan (now Jordan). Except for Britain and Palestine, no other country has recognized Jordan's occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
In 1949, Israel and Jordan signed an armistice agreement, and the ceasefire line was drawn through the center of Jerusalem. From then on until 1967, East and West Jerusalem belonged to Jordan and Israel respectively. In 1950, Israel made West Jerusalem its capital.
1967 Six Day War Israel annexed the east of Jerusalem and immediately began to bring the whole city under Israeli control. Occupy 6.4 square kilometers of the original Jordan Jerusalem and 64 square kilometers of the West Bank and renamed this place "East Jerusalem". If the residents of the occupied area voluntarily gave up their Jordanian nationality, they could obtain Israeli nationality, which most people did not accept.
United Nations in 1967 and 1973 security council Resolutions 242 and 338, respectively, demanded that Israel withdraw from the occupied territories, including Jerusalem, but Israel ignored them.
In 1980, the Knesset of Israel formulated the Basic Law: Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, which defined Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal and indivisible capital" and was not recognized by the state. The Palestinian Autonomous Government also announced that Jerusalem would become the inalienable capital of the future Palestinian State, which was condemned by Arab countries.
In 1984, the special session of the Jerusalem Committee of the Islamic Conference decided that May 18 Jerusalem Day To protest the Israeli occupation. In November 1988 Algiers Held Palestinian National Committee The 19th special session announced the establishment of the Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as its capital, and was recognized by most countries in the world.
In 1988, the State of Palestine was proclaimed, including recognition by nearly 100 countries in China. One in Jerusalem Arafat In Arabic and Hebrew, he wrote in front of the portrait: "Jerusalem, my dream will not be complete without you!".
The Jerusalem issue is one of the most complex and sensitive issues in the Middle East peace process. According to the Palestinian and Israeli Norway capital Oslo According to the declaration of principles reached, the two sides will hold negotiations on the status of Jerusalem after May 1996, the final stage of the peace talks. Before that, neither party shall take measures such as changing the population structure to change the status quo of the Holy City. However, since Israel unilaterally declared Jerusalem as its permanent capital in May 1980, it has repeatedly expropriated the land of the Holy City and built Jewish settlements , attempting to create a fait accompli of Judaization of Jerusalem before the settlement of the Jerusalem issue through the land acquisition plan.
On April 28, 1995, the Israeli government decided to expropriate 53 hectares of Palestinian land, which was the largest land acquisition activity in the East Jerusalem in 15 years. This move was strongly opposed by Arab countries.
Israeli leaders have also repeatedly declared that Jerusalem's status as its capital cannot be changed. On January 30, 1995, the Foreign Minister of Israel Peres He said that "Jerusalem is the permanent capital of Israel, and Israel has never had a Palestinian state before its founding." Jerusalem is Israel's "unified, unique and permanent capital." In response to Israel's tough position, the Palestinian side also reaffirmed the Palestinian sovereignty over Jerusalem.
On December 6, 2017, the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump The public recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has aroused strong controversy and dissatisfaction around the world, leading to an increase in the level of conflict between Palestine and Israel. [3]
The final status of Jerusalem has always been one of the key issues that affect whether the Arab Israeli peace process can continue to move forward, and its final settlement still needs to go through a difficult process.
On October 18, 2022, AFP reported that Australia announced that it would no longer recognize Jerusalem as Israel“ Capital ". [6]

Status dispute

Because Jerusalem is of special significance to Jews, Muslims and Christians, its status remains unresolved.
In the 10th century, King David built his capital in Jerusalem, and Solomon built a temple in the city. Since then, Jerusalem has been Jewish nation The spiritual center of the Jewish people, the symbol of their national identity, always faces Jerusalem in worship no matter where they are scattered. Jerusalem is mentioned more than 700 times in the Old Testament. For a long time, the centripetal effect of Jerusalem on Jews and the degree of Jewish fascination with this city are so strong that it is impossible to imagine a State of Israel without Jerusalem.
From the 7th century to 1917, Islamic Arab Empire Jerusalem and the Ottoman Empire have dominated Jerusalem for more than 1000 years. As the place where Muhammad ascended the sky at night, Jerusalem was Sunni Muslims believe it is the third holy place. The most prominent buildings in Jerusalem are the two mosques on the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Lock and the Al Aqsa Mosque. For a long time, Muslim countries have regarded Jerusalem as a city with special religious and historical significance, and will never give up. Arafat even told the President of the United States Clinton He said that if he compromised with Israel on the East Jerusalem issue, he feared that he would be assassinated.
Before the establishment of the State of Israel, Jerusalem was the capital of the British Palestinian Trust Territory (including Israel and Jordan). The British Trusteeship Government caused many disputes in dealing with Jewish immigrants, and was finally forced to transfer the Palestinian issue to the United Nations. After the first Israeli Arab war in 1948, Jerusalem was divided by Israel and Jordan, West Jerusalem became the capital of Israel, and East Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan. After 1967, all Jerusalem was under Israeli control.
The status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem is uncertain. According to Israeli law, Palestinians living in East Jerusalem will automatically acquire Israeli nationality if they give up their Jordanian nationality; However, most Palestinians refuse to accept Israeli nationality (because they believe that this is recognition of Israeli occupation), so they only have the right to permanent residence. They can move freely in Israel, but if they move out of Israel (such as moving to the Palestinian area), they will lose this right and cannot move back. Therefore, they cannot visit their relatives and friends living in Palestinian areas, even if they live thousands of meters away in the West Bank.
Another controversial issue is the status of family members that were not recorded in the census before Israel occupied East Jerusalem. If they want to return to East Jerusalem to reunite with their families, they must obtain the approval of the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. The Palestinians complained that the Israeli authorities arbitrarily refused to apply because they wanted to restrict the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem. The Israeli authorities said that they treated the Palestinians fairly. These disputes are also frequently criticized by Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations.
In 1980, Israeli legislation established Jerusalem as its permanent and indivisible capital. The Palestinian National Authority also claimed that the future capital of the Palestinian State will be located in East Jerusalem. The most striking official presence of Palestine in the city is the Orient Building, the headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization at the end of the 20th century.
The proposal to make Jerusalem an international city was put forward by Christians. The number of Christians in Jerusalem is the smallest, but for them, Jerusalem is also a holy city. This suggestion has also been received the pontiff Support.
The most supported thing is to divide Jerusalem, Israel gains the Jewish area of the city and the wailing wall, and the rest of the old city and the Temple Mount return to a newly established Palestinian state. Some Israelis oppose any division based on cultural, historical or religious boundaries. Other Israelis believe that the old city, which is important to Jews, Christians and Muslims, can become an international city under multilateral control. The Palestinians supported Jerusalem as a free city, but the reliability of this support was doubted. Many Jewish buildings in Arab controlled areas were destroyed, such as Joseph's Tomb in Nablus not long ago. International organizations such as the United Nations cannot guarantee that Arabs will not destroy these places and provide physical security and freedom for pilgrims.
according to Oslo Accords The final status of Jerusalem will be determined by peace negotiations.
In 1950, Israel declared Jerusalem the capital. Since then, all departments of the Israeli government - the legislature, the judiciary and the executive, including the Presidential Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace - have been located in Jerusalem. At that time, Jerusalem was divided into two parts, which were administered by Israel and Jordan respectively. Only West Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel immediately annexed East Jerusalem, which was in fact acquired by Israel through armed means.
On July 30, 1980, the Knesset of Israel passed a bill ("Basic Law: Jerusalem, the capital of Israel"), declaring that Jerusalem (including West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem) is Israel's "eternal and indivisible capital"
UN Security Council Resolution 478 (14 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention from the United States) Declared the law invalid, and required its member states to withdraw diplomatic representatives from the city as a punitive measure. Prior to resolution 478, most embassies had been located in Tel Aviv. Most of the few countries that set up embassies in Jerusalem moved their embassies to Tel Aviv in accordance with the resolution. On August 16 and 26, 2006, the last two embassies established in Jerusalem Member States of the United Nations Costa Rica and El Salvador Announced to move the embassy to Tel Aviv However, Mevaselet Zion outside Jerusalem has Paraguay and bolivia Embassy of. There are consulates general of the United States, Britain, Italy and Greece in Jerusalem.
In 1988, Palestine announced its founding in Algiers, and its capital was Jerusalem, which was recognized by nearly 100 countries, including China.
The U.S. Congress has passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, deciding to U.S. Embassy in Israel Moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
It has long been the policy of the United States Government that the status of Jerusalem must be resolved through negotiations between Palestine and Israel. None of the successive US presidents since 1995 has moved the US embassy to Israel to Jerusalem. Although Trump promised to relocate his embassy to Israel during his election campaign, in order to cooperate with efforts to promote the resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, he signed a document on postponing the relocation in June 2017. However, the construction of the new embassy has repeatedly been postponed for various reasons. In order to attract pro Israeli American voters, Trump promised during his presidential campaign that he would move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after taking office. [4] On December 6, 2017, President Trump of the United States announced that Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel and would start the process of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
On December 13, 2017, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation issued a communiqu é after its special summit meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, announcing the recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian State.

administrative division

Jerusalem covers an area of 126 square kilometers and is divided into four districts. East of Jerusalem Muslim District, including the famous temple district. The holy places in the temple area include the rock top (Islam) of Mount Mori and the temple on the rock top (Islam) Al-Aqsa Mosque Wailing wall (Judaism). The northwest is a Christian area with Christian Holy Sepulchre Church The southwest is the Armenian region. The south is the Jewish parish. Southwest of the city Mount Zion It is another important holy place of Judaism. Chengdong Olive Hill There are Christian and Jewish holy places.
the Second World War Post Jerusalem was administered by the United Nations. From 1948 to 1949, Israel occupied the west of Jerusalem and established a new urban area, Jordan Then occupy the old area in the east of the city. The third time in 1967 Middle East War Later, Israel occupied the whole of Jerusalem and declared Jerusalem as Israel The capital of.
November 15, 1988 State of Palestine It was announced that the capital would be here. The urban area is 109 square kilometers, mostly to the west of the city circle.
Jerusalem is divided into Palestine , so Israel established its capital when it was founded Tel Aviv The First Middle East War After that, Israel occupied West Jerusalem The Third Middle East War After that, Israel occupied East Jerusalem
Jerusalem became an internationally administered city in 1948. At the beginning of the founding of Israel, most of the government institutions were set up in Tel Aviv However, since 1950, Jerusalem has become the capital of Israel. Since then, the presidential palace, most government agencies, the Supreme Court and the National Assembly of the country have all been located in the city. In 1980, the Knesset of Israel legislated that Jerusalem was the "eternal and indivisible capital" of the country. The Palestinian Autonomous Government also announced that Jerusalem will be the capital of the future Palestinian state. In the 21st century, Jerusalem is still Palestine Israel conflict Center of.
Since 1975, Jerusalem has exceeded Tel Aviv Become the largest city in Israel. In 2011, Jerusalem had an area of 126 square kilometers and a population of 801000, both of which ranked first among cities in Israel and Palestine. And whether Israel The number of non Jews is the same. Jerusalem ranks first in all cities in Israel.
Jerusalem is also Judaism , Christianity and Islamism The Three Abrahamic Religions Revelational Religions ”)The Holy Land.
Since the first 10 centuries King Solomon Since the completion of the Temple in Jerusalem, Jerusalem has always been the center of Jewish faith and the most sacred city. The west wall of the ruins of the former temple is still the most sacred place of Judaism. Christians also attach great importance to Jerusalem, because according to《 Bible 》Record, here is Jesus The place of suffering, burial, resurrection and ascension. Islam also lists Jerusalem as Mecca Medina (both located in Saudi Arabia The third holy place after the Muhammad Climb the sky at night And built two mosques on the Temple Mountain—— Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome mosque To commemorate this sacrament.
Map of the Old City of Jerusalem
The most special place is the old city of Jerusalem, which covers an area of only 1 square kilometers and is surrounded by a ring of walls. It was rated by UNESCO in 1981 World Cultural Heritage The old city is divided into four districts:
Jerusalem Old City
Old city zoning
City introduction
Christian Quarter
The largest area is located in the northwest of the old city. famous Jesus The martyr church is located in this district.
Jewish Quarter
Jewish Quarter
Located in the south of the old city, the famous Wailing wall Located in this area, it is the most sacred place of Judaism.
Muslim area
Muslim Quarter
Located in the east of the old city, including the famous Cobble Mosque (Legend has it that Mohammed Where you climb to the sky at night). The Pebble Mosque is adjacent to the Wailing Wall and built on the site of the Jewish Temple, so it has become the area with the most intense religious conflict between Jews and Muslims.
Armenian Quarter
Armenian Quarter
Located in the southwest corner of the old city, it is the smallest district.
The most important and controversial religious holy sites in Jerusalem are located here: including the Jewish wailing wall and the Temple Mount, the Muslim Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque , and Christian Holy Sepulchre Church and Bitter road

geographical environment


Location context

The geographical coordinates of Jerusalem are 31 degrees 47 minutes north latitude and 35 degrees 13 minutes east longitude; Sixty kilometers west of Jerusalem is Tel Aviv and mediterranean sea 35 kilometers to the east is the lowest point of buoyancy on the earth's surface dead sea

topographic features

Jerusalem is located in Mount Judah The plateau in the south, including Olive Hill And Lookout Mountain. The altitude of the Old City of Jerusalem is about 760 meters. The whole Jerusalem is surrounded by valleys and dry river beds, only the north side is not very obvious.
There are three obvious valleys in Jerusalem: the Kidron Valley Xinnenzi Valley And the Tharup River Valley, crossing south of Jerusalem. The Kidron Valley passes east of the old city, separating the Olive Mountain from the city. The valley of the son of Hinnom, on the west side of Jerusalem, is a symbol of hell in the eschatology of the Bible. The Talop River Valley is located in the northwest, near the Damascus Gate, and flows southeastward into the Siloa Pool. Most of the Talop Valley has been hidden by debris accumulated in the valley over the past thousands of years.

Climatic environment

The latitude of Jerusalem is located at the Tropic of Cancer To the north, near the Mediterranean Sea, like most of Israel, it belongs to Mediterranean climate The city is located in the subtropical zone, and it is warm in winter, but snow is not uncommon, and it usually snows at least once a year. January is the coldest month of the year, with an average temperature of 12 ℃ (53 ℃ Fahrenheit degree )The hottest months of the year are July and August, with an average temperature of 29 ℃ (84 degrees Fahrenheit). The annual average precipitation is nearly 590mm (23 inches), and there is little precipitation in summer from May to September.
The air pollution in Jerusalem mainly comes from traffic pollution, especially in East Jerusalem. Many main streets in Jerusalem cannot adapt to the growth of traffic volume, which means that drivers are forced to spend more time on the road carbon monoxide Release to air. There is little industrial pollution in the city, but the pollutants from factories along the Mediterranean coast of Israel may spread eastward to the city.


In 2011, the population of Jerusalem was 801000, of which 65% were Jews, 32% were Muslims and 2% were Christians. In 2005, Jerusalem received 2450 immigrants, three quarters of whom came from the United States, France and the former Soviet Union. In Israel, the number of people moving into Jerusalem is far lower than the number moving out of Jerusalem. In 2005, more than 10000 Israeli citizens moved into Jerusalem, and 16000 people left Jerusalem during the same period. Basically, the population of Jerusalem continues to rise due to the high birth rate, especially from Arab and ultra Orthodox groups (higher than the national average). The birth rate in Jerusalem reached 4.02, much higher than that in other cities in the region, and more than twice that in Tel Aviv (1.98). The national average birth rate in Israel was 2.90. The average size of 180000 families in Jerusalem reached 3.8 people.
In 2005, the total number of Jerusalem residents increased by 13000 (1.8%), which is also higher than the national average of Israel. The city is still growing and its religious and ethnic composition is changing. Although Jews still account for the majority of the population, only 31% of children under the age of 15 are Jews. This data proves that the proportion of Jews in Jerusalem and all Israel has declined in the past 40 years. In 1967, when the Six Day War broke out, Jews accounted for 74% of the population, 9 percentage points higher than in 2006. One possible reason is the upsurge in conservatism in the city. Many of those who left the city were young or belonged to less conservative Judaism; They were in Tel Aviv and Haifa Wait for coastal cities to settle down.
Demography and the Jewish Arab national rift are still the main topics of debate in Jerusalem. In 1998, the President of the Jerusalem Development Authority even proposed to expand the city boundary westward to include more Jews.


The Jerusalem City Council has 31 elected members, including a mayor (the current mayor, Yuri Luplinski) and six deputy mayors. The remaining members of the city council are unpaid volunteers. Most of the debates and consultations among the members of Parliament are held privately, but the Jerusalem City Council holds an open meeting every month. Among them, religious parties have formed a special power center, occupying the majority of seats.
On May 8, 2018, Palestine Liberation Organization Ahmed Majedani, member of the Executive Committee, said that the Palestinian leadership decided to reactivate the East Jerusalem Municipal Government, which was dissolved by Israel in 1967. [5]


Historically, Jerusalem was far away from Jaffa and Gaza The economy of the main port of Jerusalem is almost entirely dependent on religious pilgrimage. The religious holy places in Jerusalem are still the main destinations for foreign tourists. Most tourists will visit the West Wall and the Old City of Jerusalem. However, since 1967, Jerusalem has made great progress in its economy and is far more than just a religious shrine.
Many statistics show the growth of Jerusalem's economy. However, the development of East Jerusalem, which is dominated by Palestinians, lags far behind that of West Jerusalem. However, the percentage of Arab families with one employed person (76.1%) is higher than that of Jewish families (66.8%). The unemployment rate in Jerusalem (8.3%) is slightly lower than the national average (9.0%). The working population accounts for less than half of the population over 15 years of age, which is lower than Tel Aviv (58.0%) and Haifa (52.4%). The number of poor people in Jerusalem has soared. From 2001 to 2007, the number of people below the poverty line has increased by 40%. In 2006, the average monthly income of Jerusalem workers was 5940 new shekel (1410 dollars), 1350 shekels lower than Tel Aviv workers.
In order to protect the unique religious holy land of the city, Jerusalem is not allowed to develop heavy industry; Moreover, only about 2.2% of Jerusalem's land is used for industry and infrastructure. In contrast, the proportion of land used for industry and infrastructure in Tel Aviv is more than twice that in Jerusalem, while that in Haifa is more than seven times that. Although Tel Aviv is still the financial center of Israel, the number of global high-tech enterprises located in Jerusalem is increasing. Various types of large companies have entered Har Hotzvim in North Jerusalem, including Intel Terracotta tile Pharmaceutical (Teva Pharmaceutical) and ECI Telecom After completion, the industrial park will include more than 100 enterprises, a fire station and a school, covering an area of 53 hectares.
Since the founding of Israel, the central government has played an important role in Jerusalem's economy. The central government, which is concentrated in Jerusalem, not only provides a large number of jobs in the region, but also provides subsidies and incentives to potential companies.
The main industries in Jerusalem are diamond Chipping, furniture manufacturing, pharmacy, chemical agent manufacturing, shoemaking, pencil, textile and clothing (cloak), etc. Tourism is booming (including pilgrimage and religious activities).

social undertakings



Jerusalem has several prestigious universities that teach in the three most commonly used languages in Israel: Hebrew, Arabic and English. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Founded in 1925, it is still the university with the most complete disciplines in Jerusalem and Israel. The original board of directors of the school was composed of some outstanding Jewish intellectuals, including some world-famous scientists—— Albert Einstein And Sigmund· Freud This university has produced many Nobel Prize The recent Nobel Prize winners related to the university are Avram Hershko (Avlam Hershko) David Gross and Daniel Kahneman (Daniel Kahneman)。 One of the biggest assets of this university is the Jewish state and university library, which has more than 5 million books. Its library has been in operation since 1892, more than 30 years ago when the university was founded. It is one of the largest Jewish literature resources in the world, the national library of Israel, and the central library of universities.
University of Jerusalem It is another important higher education institution near Jerusalem. It was founded later (1984). This university is the highest Arab and Palestinian institution in the region, claiming to be the only Arab university in Jerusalem. The University of Jerusalem is located in the southeast of the city, with a campus area of 190000 square meters. Other universities in Jerusalem also have two art schools related to Hebrew University in Jerusalem: Jerusalem Music and Dance Institute and Bezalet College of Art and Design
The Jerusalem Institute of Technology, founded in 1969, offers engineering and other high-tech industries as well as Jewish education. Many schools in Jerusalem - from universities to primary schools - carry out religious education. Yeshiva and other Jewish schools are all over the city. Mir yeshiva, which originated in Belarus, is the largest school in Israel. In the academic year 2003 – 2004, there were nearly 8000 12th grade students Hebrew school. However, because a large number of people attend orthodox Jewish schools, only 55% of students can pass the college entrance examination (Baglut), and only 37% can graduate from college. Unlike public schools, most orthodox schools do not allow students to take standardized tests.
Palestinian schools in Jerusalem and most parts of Israel have been criticized as inferior in quality to Jewish schools. In East Jerusalem, where Arabs gather, many schools are overcrowded, with more than four or five thousand students, unable to carry out reasonable education. Since Palestinian students in public schools need to pass the Bagrut exam, many of their courses are on the same track as Israeli schools. Therefore, the focus is on Judaism, even though most Palestinian students do not accept this religion.

Cultural undertakings

Although Jerusalem is mainly known as a religious holy place in the world, it also has many cultural and artistic places.
Israel Museum It is the most important art museum in Jerusalem, attracting nearly 1 million tourists every year, one third of whom are from outside Israel.
The 80000 square meter museum includes several art institutions, mainly collecting archaeology, sculpture and traditional works of art from all over the world.
The most famous cultural collections of the Israeli Museum are Dead Sea Scrolls , found not far from Jerusalem in the middle of the 20th century. The Dead Sea scroll is collected in the "Holy Book Niche" of the museum.
The museum also plays an important role in children's education in the region. Every year, 100000 children visit the Youth Department of the museum.
The Israeli Museum has three affiliated art museums in Jerusalem - the Rockefeller Museum (the former Palestinian Archaeological Museum), the Tishaw Museum and the Perry Art Center. The Rockefeller Museum, opened in 1938 and located in East Jerusalem, houses prehistoric artifacts found in the first half of the 20th century. Located in the center of Jerusalem, the Tishaw Museum mainly collects the works of the Israeli artist Anna Tishaw.
Another prominent cultural institution in the city is the Yad Vashem, with an area of 4200 square meters. It has the world's largest library of Holocaust related information, estimated to have more than 100000 books or papers. The museum narrates the Holocaust from a Jewish perspective. Other museums collect works of art from survivors. In addition, there are memorial sites for the victims of the Holocaust; Every year, these places hold commemorative activities on the Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Ha Shoah). The Jewish martyrdom museum is a research and educational institution, where tourists can Holocaust Reflect on the event.
The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, a famous orchestra in the city, was founded in the 1940s. The band not only performs in Jerusalem, but also in cities around the world, including Vienna Frankfurt and New York Within walking distance from the old city of Jerusalem, there is a cultural area, including the Khan Theater, the only repertory theater in the city, and the Jerusalem Performing Arts Center, which holds more than 150 concerts every year. Jerusalem Music Center and other excellent facilities and the Palestinian National Theatre. The Palestinian National Theatre, founded in 1984, was originally the only art and cultural institution in East Jerusalem, and still only performed works from Palestinian perspectives.
Israel Day
Since 1961, a national "Israel Festival" has been held every summer, with many international artists and street performers. Jerusalem hosted performances for most of these festivals. In addition, after 2000, the gay community held a proud march in the local area, which aroused the unanimous dissatisfaction of Muslims, Jews and Christians, and worried about "desecrating the Holy Land"; There was even bloodshed, so that the police responsible for protecting the procession asked the authorities to cancel the march.


The two most popular sports in Jerusalem are Football and Basketball Jerusalem Bitar is one of the most popular teams in Israel. Many former and current political celebrities, such as Benjamin Netanyahu They are all fans of the team. Another major football team in Jerusalem Jerusalem Sharper Football Club , is one of Bittal's main rivals. Bittal won five times Israel National Cup The champion (1976, 1979, 1985, 1986 and 1989) and Sharper won it only once (1973). Similarly, more prestigious than Thar Israel Football Super League Sharper participated in the inferior Israeli First Division League. In terms of basketball, Jerusalem Sharper Basketball Club has advantages. Although it never won the championship in the league controlled by the Tel Aviv Makabi basketball team, Jerusalem Shapur has won three Israeli Cups (1996, 1997 and 2007) and one European Union Cup (2004). Teddy Coleck Stadium, opened in 1989, is the main football stadium in Jerusalem, with 21000 seats.

urban construction

Since the British Trusteeship of Palestine, the new building numbers have been all built using Jerusalem Stone. Although these numbers increase the cost of the building, the Jerusalem Stone gives the city a unique and ancient appearance.


The nearest airport to Jerusalem is Atalot Airport. It was founded in 2001 due to Ramallah And the conflict in the West Bank Israel Defense Forces Control, the air transportation in this area depends on David Ben Gurion International Airport , which serves both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv People. There are only two international airports in Israel, among which David Ben Gurion International Airport is the busiest airport in Israel, transporting 9 million passengers every year.
The transportation between domestic cities mainly depends on railways. By 2010, the Israeli railway system will transport 40 million passengers annually. Jerusalem Railway Station Most intercity trains to Jerusalem are a railway terminal. Although the Jerusalem Railway Terminal also sends intercity bus lines, the Jerusalem Central Bus Station is the main bus departure station, which is operated by Egged Bus, the world's second largest bus company. It is expected to be completed in 2011, and the high-speed railway line from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will also end at the central bus terminal in Jerusalem.
Beijing Expressway is one of the main north-south arteries in Jerusalem; It crosses the west of the city and then joins the Israeli 443 road to Tel Aviv. The Israeli Highway 60 crosses the green line near the city center, separating East Jerusalem from West Jerusalem. Israel is building a 35km long ring road, hoping to make this area richer by connecting the suburbs with the Central Business District. The eastern half of the project was planned for 10 years, but the response to this proposal is still divided. In addition to private cars, only taxis and buses can be used for urban transportation. However, things will soon change: a new rail rapid transit system is being built. This system was first proposed in 1995. Since then, due to the low cost, less damage and the need to protect the aesthetic value of the city center, we have chosen Light rail As an express mode of transportation. The first of the eight lines, the Jerusalem Light Rail, is estimated to be able to transport 200000 people every day, with 24 stations.