Saint Lucia

Mountain countries in the West Indies
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Saint Lucia (English: Saint Lucia), located in the East Caribbean Sea Windward Islands Midland Saint Lucia With a land area of 616 square kilometers, the capital is located in Castries By 2023, Saint Lucia has a population of 184000.
The earliest inhabitants of Saint Lucia were Indian 1639 Britisher Invade the island. The French occupied the island in 1651. Since then, Britain and France have been competing here for a long time. 1814 according to《 Paris Peace Treaty 》The island is officially classified as British colonies From January 1958 to 1962 West Indian Federation Members. In March 1967, Saint Lucia implemented internal autonomy and became a member of the British Commonwealth. The United Kingdom was responsible for foreign affairs and defense. [1] Saint Lucia declared independence on February 22, 1979 Commonwealth Member States. [3]
Saint Lucia's tourism and agriculture are the pillars of the national economy, and the COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on Saint Lucia's tourism. 2022 Saint Lucia GDP US $1.972 billion, Per capita GNP US $10762, GDP growth rate: 9.0%. [3]
Chinese name
Saint Lucia
Foreign name
Saint Lucia
major city
National Day
February 22, 1979
National anthem
Children of Saint Lucia
Country code
official language
Time zone
Political system
monarchical parliamentary system
National leaders
Cyril Erol Melchiades Charles (Acting Governor) Philippe Pierre
population size
184000 (2023)
Population density
301.0 people/km2 [2] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Black, mixed race [3]
Major religions
land area
616 km²
Total GDP
US $1.972 billion [2-3] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $10762 [3] (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the left
Human Development Index
zero point seven one four
geographical position
Central East Caribbean Windward Islands

Historical evolution

Saint Lucia originally Indian Residence of. In 1639, Britisher Invade the island.
In 1651, French Occupy the island. Since then, Britain and France have been competing here for a long time.
Scenery of Saint Lucia Island
At the beginning of the 17th century, Britain, France, the Netherlands and other countries began to occupy the island, which was resisted by local residents.
In 1814《 Treaty of Paris 》The island was officially classified as a British colony.
From January 1958 to 1962 West Indian Federation Members.
In March 1967, Saint Lucia implemented internal autonomy and became a British associated state. Britain is responsible for foreign affairs and defense.
On February 22, 1979, Saint Lucia declared its independence as a member of the Commonwealth. [1]

geographical environment


Regional location

Saint Lucia Location
Saint Lucia is West Indies A mountainous country in the eastern Caribbean Sea Windward Islands Midland Saint Lucia The central coordinate is 14 ° 01 ′ north latitude - 60 ° 59 ′ west longitude. There are Martinique , across the St. Vincent Strait to the south, and Saint Vincent Island Across the sea, the land area is about 616 square kilometers. [4]

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia


topographic features

Administrative map of Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia is an island country. The whole island is long and narrow from north to south, in the shape of an egg. There are many volcanoes, many short rivers and fertile valleys in China. The highest peak, Kimi Peak, is about 959 meters above sea level. [4]

Climatic characteristics

Saint Lucia Tropical marine climate Rainfall and temperature vary with altitude. The average annual rainfall is 1295mm in coastal areas and 3810mm in inland areas. The dry season is generally from January to April, and the rainy season is from May to November. The average temperature is about 27 ℃, sometimes the temperature can be as high as 39 ℃, and the low temperature can be reduced to 19 ℃.

natural resources

Saint Lucia has a small area, only some wetland resources, with a total area of about 239566 hectares. It consists of a coastal plain and continental shelf, including coral reefs, reeds, papyrus and other plants. [4]

National symbol


Country name

Saint Lucia, also known as Saint Lucia. [1]

national flag

Saint Lucia Flag
Saint Lucia Flag It was started on March 1, 1967 and updated on February 22, 2002. The national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. On the blue flag surface, the triangle pattern in the middle is composed of white, black and yellow figures, which is a black arrow with a white edge and a yellow isosceles triangle. The blue represents the sea around Saint Lucia, the black represents the volcano, the black and white borders represent the two main nationalities of the country, and the yellow represents the beach and sunshine of the island country. The triangle composed of white, black and yellow symbolizes the island state of Saint Lucia. [1]

national emblem

Saint Lucia National Emblem
Saint Lucia National Emblem The central pattern is Coat of arms The cross composed of bamboo sticks divides the shield into four grids; Top left and bottom right rose , the lower left and upper right are lilies; The bamboo stick cross represents the plants and religious beliefs of Saint Lucia, and the roses and lilies symbolize the traditional relationship between the country and Britain and France in history. In the corolla at the top of the coat of arms, a huge black hand holds a burning torch; There is a rare bird with local characteristics on both sides; "Land, people, light" is written on the lower ribbon in English. [1]

national anthem

Saint Lucia
Children of Saint Lucia
Main idea of lyrics: Saint Lucia's children love the land where we are raised. With beaches, hills and valleys, Saint Lucia is the most beautiful island in the world. No matter where you wander, love, love our home island. The western countries' struggle for it has passed, and the quarrel that impedes the rest of the people has passed. The new day after dawn is more beautiful, and the new road led out is joyful. May the good Lord bless our island and protect her children from pain and injury! May our people live together in unity, strong in body and mind! Justice, fraternity and truth, our ideals will never cease! [1]

Population Race

By 2023, Saint Lucia has a population of 184000. About 85% are black, about 10% are mixed race, and there are a few Indians and whites. English is the official language and the common language. Patois (also known as Creole) is widely spoken by local residents. Most residents believe in Roman Catholicism.




After independence, the Labour Party and the United Workers' Party came into power alternately. On July 26, 2021, Saint Labor Party won the parliamentary election held in St Philippe Pierre (Philip PIERRE) served as Prime Minister. At present, the political situation of Saint is stable. [3]


The current Constitution came into force at independence in 1979, stipulating that the head of state was the King of England, who appointed the Governor as his representative. Parliament has the power to amend the Constitution. [3]


The Saint Lucia Parliament is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives, both of which have five-year terms of office. The Senate has 11 seats, appointed by the Governor, of which 6 are nominated by the Prime Minister, 3 by opposition leaders, and 2 are independent persons. Alvina REYNOLDS, President of the Senate. The House of Representatives has 17 seats, which are elected. The ruling Saint Labour Party holds 13 seats in the parliament, the opposition United Workers' Party holds 2 seats, and there are 2 independent members. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is Claudius FRANCIS. [3]


From the bottom to the top, it is divided into the local court, the high court, the appeal court and the court of final appeal. The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court is equivalent to the High Court and the Court of Appeal. In February 2023, the Parliament of Saint Lucia passed a resolution that the Caribbean Court (CCJ) will replace the British Privy Council as the Court of Final Appeal of Saint Lucia. [3]


The current government will be formed in August 2021. The main members of the Cabinet are: Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Youth Economy, Justice and National Security Philip Pierre, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information Ernest HILAIRE, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation and Overseas Chinese Affairs Alva Baptiste, Equality Joachim HENRY, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Alfred PROSPERE, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development, Stephenson KING, Senior Minister of Infrastructure, Port, Transport and Urban Construction, and Stephen King, Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation Shawn EDWARD, Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training, Moses Baptiste, Minister of Health, Health and Elderly Affairs, Kenson CASIMIR, Minister of Youth Development and Sports, Emma HIPPOLYTE, Minister of Commerce, Manufacturing, Economic Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs Virginia ALBERT-POYOTTE, Minister of Civil Affairs, Labor and Gender Affairs, Wayne GIRARD, Internal Director of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy, etc. [3]


The main political parties are:
(1) Saint Lucia Labour Party (St. Lucia Labour Party): the ruling party. It was founded in 1946. Party leader Philippe Pierre
(2) United Workers' Party (The United Workers' Party): The opposition party. It was merged by the People's Progressive Party and the National Labor Movement in 1964. Party leader Alan Shatanae (Allen CHASTANET)。 [3]


Acting Governor Cyril Errol Melchiades CHARLES will take office on November 11, 2021.
Philippe Pierre : Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy. Graduated from the University of the West Indies, he has been engaged in education and finance for a long time. He joined the Saint Labour Party in 1985 and was elected as a member of the House of Representatives in 1997. During the ruling period of the Saint Labor Party, he successively served as the Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation and International Finance of Saint Labor, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport. In June 2016, he was elected as the leader of the Saint Labor Party. In July 2021, he led the party to win the parliamentary election and became Prime Minister. [3]




Tourism and agriculture are the pillars of the national economy. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on the tourism industry of Saint Vincent. The economy of St. Louis starts to recover. The main economic figures in 2022 are as follows:
gross domestic product : $1.972 billion
Per capita GNP : US $10762
GDP growth rate: 9.0%
exchange rate : 1 USD ≈ 2.70 EC dollars
(Source: International Monetary Fund) [3]


Saint Lucia mainly produces export-oriented light industrial products, such as soap, coconut oil, rum, beverages and electronic assembly, clothing, etc. In recent years, the construction industry has developed rapidly. In order to promote the industrial development, the southern part of St. Vitoria has been built into a free industrial zone. [3]


About one third of Saint Lucia's employed population is engaged in agriculture, mainly planting bananas, coconuts, cocoa, spices, etc. Bananas are mainly exported to the EU, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. [3]


Saint Lucia's tourism industry is an important source of foreign exchange for the country. Tourists mainly come from North America and Europe. [3]


Saint Lucia's financial industry plays an important role in the national economy. The government plans to establish an international financial service center. [3]


In 2016, the current account income reached EC $595.6 million, an increase of 7% over the previous year; Current account expenditure reached EC $512.7 million, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year. The fiscal deficit in 2016 was about 26.07 million dollars, and by the end of 2016 foreign exchange reserve It was 113 million US dollars, and the total external debt was 388 million US dollars. [2]

foreign trade

Saint Lucia mainly exports primary agricultural products and imports food, food, oil, machinery and other industrial products and daily necessities. The main trading partners are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and the member countries of the Caribbean Community. [3]

Foreign aid

Since its independence, Saint Lucia has received a total of 19.4 million yuan from the four Lom é Agreements European monetary unit (ECU). In March 2016, the Canadian government, through the Caribbean Economic Competitiveness Program (CPEC), headquartered in Saint Lucia, provided assistance of 143000 EC dollars to the four countries of the Windy Islands for vocational training of manufacturing personnel in the region. In 2017, the EU provided EC $61.1 million to Saint Vincent, Caribbean Development Bank It provided 68.3 million EC dollars to Saint Vincent and 1.2 million EC dollars to French development agencies, World Bank Provide a loan of EC $29.1 million. [1]

economic group

Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture), It was founded in 1884.
Saint Lucia Manufacturer Association
Saint Lucia Hotel Tourism Association Saint Lucia Hotel&Tourism Association, a non-profit organization established in 1963, aims to represent the interests of the tourism industry. As of 2016, there are more than 200 members of all kinds.




The official and common language of Saint Lucia is English. Patois (also known as Creole) is widely spoken by local residents.


More than half of the residents of Saint Lucia believe in Rome Catholicism


Independence Day: February 22
National Day (the anniversary of Columbus's discovery of Saint Lucia): December 13 [1] [4]


Saint Lucia is unprepared. There is a Royal Police Force of about 1000 people (including the Special Service Force and the Coast Guard). [3]


There are no railways in Saint Lucia. The total length of the road is about 1210km. The capital Castries and the southern city of Fort Viejo are important ports of entry and exit. It has two airports, North Virgil Airport, operating routes in the Caribbean; The southern Hewanola International Airport operates the Caribbean, the United States, Canada and other foreign routes. [3]




Saint Lucia implements compulsory education for adolescents aged 5 to 15. Adult literacy rate is 90.1%. There are two Nobel Prize winners: Arthur Lewis (1979 Economics Prize) and Drake Walcott (1992 Literature Prize). [3]


The main newspaper of Saint Lucia is The Voice, which was founded in 1885. Published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The circulation is about 2500 on weekdays and 7000 on weekends.
Saint Lucia
The Star, founded in 1986. Published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The circulation is about 8000 copies.
The Crusader, founded in 1934, was renamed in 1979. Weekly, published on Saturday. The circulation is about 2000 copies.
One Caribbean, first published in 1980. The current publisher is Dennis Dabrio. Weekly, published on Saturday. There are two versions: one is the Caribbean version, which is distributed in the eastern Caribbean region; The other is an international version, mainly distributed in London. The circulation is about 2500 copies.
The Mirror, founded in 1994. Weekly, published on Friday. The sales volume is about 2000 copies on weekdays and 3500~4500 copies on holidays.
Radio Saint Lucia: broadcast in English. Public private partnership: the radio station is managed by the board of directors appointed by the government, and its news coverage is mainly for the government.
Helen Television System (Helen Television System, referred to as HTS for short): Established in 1982, it is a private joint venture. TV programs mainly include news, special topics, advertisements, educational films, documentaries, etc.
Daha TV Station Daher Broadcasting System (DBS for short): It was established in 1989. It was established by Maha and his wife, who are Syrian saints, and is privately run by their families. TV programs include news, special topics, advertisements, educational films, etc.

People's livelihood

There are 2 general hospitals, 1 psychiatric hospital and 1 drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation center, 435 beds, 64 doctors and 256 nursing staff. There are 33 health centers, 1 joint clinic and 2 regional hospitals in the community. [1]

International Relations


foreign policy

Saint Lucia emphasizes that diplomacy serves economic growth and national development, advocates maintaining harmonious relations with all countries, deepening regional and subregional integration through bilateral and multilateral agreements, and calls on Caribbean countries to unite as a group and make their voices heard. It is a member of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and its secretariat, a member of the Caribbean Community, and a member of the Association of Caribbean States. We have maintained good relations with Cuba, Venezuela, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada and other countries. [3]

external relations

Relations with China
On September 1, 1997, China established diplomatic relations with Saint Lucia. On April 30, 2007, Saint Lucia resumed so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. On May 5 of the same year, China announced the suspension of diplomatic relations with Saint Lucia.
In 2023, Sino Saint bilateral trade volume will be 44.89 million US dollars, up 26.3% year on year, basically Chinese exports. [5]
Relations with the United States
Sao Tome and the United States have close relations, and the two countries have signed anti drug agreements, joint crime fighting treaties and extradition treaties. Saint allows US warships to enter Saint's territorial sea and exclusive economic zone to pursue and search suspected drug trafficking ships. [1] [3]
Relations with Cuba
On the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty, Saint Lucia has developed bilateral and multilateral relations with Cuba and strengthened cooperation in business relations and tourism with Cuba. He called for the lifting of the economic embargo against Cuba and for its return to the Pan American system. It advocates the admission of Cuba as a member of the Caribbean Community. In January 1999, Prime Minister Antony of Saint Lucia visited Cuba, and the two sides signed an agreement on visa exemption and economic cooperation. When Anthony visited Cuba in May 2006, Cuba offered to train 300 nurses for Saint Lucia free of charge. At the beginning of 2010, the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia Stephenson King Visit Cuba. [1]
Relations with other countries
Saint Lucia and britain , France and Venezuela Relatively close relationship. [1]
Relations with Caribbean countries
Saint Lucia is a member state of the Caribbean Community, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, the Association of Caribbean States and other regional organizations, and is the seat of the Secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.


Saint Lucia is a volcanic island with the only volcano in the world that can be seen by driving in—— Soufriere Eyre Volcano Abundant rainfall, mountainous island, dense forests; Most residents live in coastal and river valley areas. [1]