St. Lawrence Bay

Atlantic Gulf in southeastern Canada
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St. Lawrence Bay is located in Canada Southeast Atlantic gulf. In the southeast of the St. Lawrence estuary, there is a wide water area almost surrounded by land. Only the end of East St. Lawrence Bay is covered by Bell Island Strait And Cabot Strait are connected with the Atlantic Ocean.
The bay starts from the mouth of St. Lawrence River in the west, ends at Bell Island Strait in the north, and ends at the south Cabot Strait It covers an area of 238000 square kilometers. The average water depth is 127m, and the maximum water depth is 572m. The bay is Geological tectonic movement It is formed after sedimentation in the middle of the bay, so the bay shore is tortuous, with many reefs and shoals, which is not conducive to navigation. suffer Labrador Current The water temperature is very low. Salt content is about 12 ‰ - 32 ‰. From December to April of the next year, floating ice threatens shipping in the bay and the two straits. There are many islands. Coastal fisheries are flourishing.
Located in high latitude, the temperature has obvious seasonal changes. In winter, the air temperature drops below - 20 ℃, and the water temperature in the bay is about - 1.6 ℃, completely frozen. In summer, the water temperature in the bay rises to 11 ℃, and the bay ice begins to thaw at the end of May. From the North Atlantic and arctic ocean The sea water and drift ice from the bottom of the bay flow into the bay, forming a counter clockwise current in the bay and discharging through the Cabot Strait. A large number of floating ice in the bay is its outstanding feature. St. Lawrence Bay connection St. Lawrence River It has become an important waterway from the hinterland of Canada to the Atlantic Ocean.
Chinese name
St. Lawrence Bay
Foreign name
Gulf of St.Lawrence
geographical position
Southeast Canada
238000 km²
Average water depth

Shipping thoroughfare

St. Lawrence Bay is a gateway to the hinterland of the entire North American continent. It covers an area of 155000 square kilometers. Starting from Anticosti Island at the mouth of St. Lawrence River in the west and ending at the north Newfoundland Belle Island between the mainland and Newfoundland is bounded by Cabot Strait between Newfoundland Island and Nova Scotia Peninsula in the south. The deepest sea area is around Saint Lawrence Waterway, Mingan Waterway and Eskimo Waterway, accounting for about 1/4 of the total area; In the wide underwater platform, the depth is generally less than 50 meters. The northern end of the Appalachian Mountains and the southern part of the Canadian Shield, after subsidence, formed a tortuous and complex bay terrain. Due to the wide distribution of shoals and reefs, there are often thick fog and floating ice, making this a dangerous sea area prone to shipwreck accidents.


The water in the bay is not only recharged by local rainfall (the annual rainfall of Magdalen Islands is about 900 mm), but also supplemented by three waterways: first, a large amount of fresh water is injected from the estuary, reaching 14000 cubic meters per second; The second is the seawater flowing from the Bell Island Strait. The water temperature changes from minus 2 ℃ to 11 ℃, and the salinity is 27 ‰ - 34.5 ‰; Third, through Cabot Strait The Atlantic Ocean and polar waters poured in, and most of the sea water and drift ice leaked out. The ocean current in the bay circulates in a counterclockwise direction, entering the estuary along the northeast platform, reaching to Pointe des Monts, and sometimes even passing through Quebec It is 160 kilometers upstream, far from the confluence of Saguenay River. Hereafter referred to as Gaspe The current is divided into three branches between Honguedo and Cabot Strait.
The central water body of the bay can be divided into three levels: deep water temperature 3.5 ℃, salinity 33.5 ‰; The middle layer is about 50 meters deep, the water temperature is 0.5 ℃, and the salinity is 32.5 ‰; The surface salinity is low, and the water temperature varies with seasons. A large number of floating ice is a prominent feature of the bay, with the most floating ice in the middle of February. The thaw period of Cabot Strait is one month earlier than that of Bell Island Strait. The north wind pushed the ice floes to Prince Edward Island Between Nova Scotia Peninsula and here, the thaw was delayed until the end of May. The islands and sandbars in the bay are inhabited by various birds, among which the gannet is the most famous.

Human exploration

Cartier, a Frenchman, was entrusted and funded by the French naval commander to explore the northwest passage to China. On February 20, 1534, an expedition consisting of two 60 ton ships and 61 people set out from San Malo. The exploration team first headed to the northwest Newfoundland Beyond the northernmost promontory, it turned southwest from June 9 and slowly sailed into the Bell Island Strait. Cartier carefully examined the Labrador Peninsula The coast, then into a huge bay. This is the big bay, 400 kilometers long and 400 kilometers wide, surrounded by land, where Cabot and his son and French fishermen have come. It was August 10, 258 years ago Imperium Romanum On the day of the death of Saint Lawrence, the Christian saint who was executed, Cartier named this big bay Saint Lawrence Bay. Cartier went south along Newfoundland and explored almost all of its west coast. Then he drove to the southwest and successively found Magdalen Island and the larger Prince Edward Island (with an area of 5600 square kilometers), but he thought Prince Edward Island was a peninsula. The fleet sailed northwestward along the coast, and found the Jorriel Bay at 48 ° north latitude. The expedition met Indians for the first time, and the two sides exchanged. Then the fleet went north to Gaspe Bay, where they landed, held a ceremony of occupation, and took two Indians as guides and interpreters, as witnesses of their discovery. The fleet sailed to the northeast and found the largest Anticosti Island (with an area of 8150 square kilometers) in St. Lawrence Bay, but Cartier also regarded it as a peninsula. The fleet explored his southeast coast and northeast coast, and then returned to the southwest mouth of Bell Island Strait along the coast of Labrador Peninsula. At this time, with the repeated pleas of the captains of the two ships, Cartier stopped exploring the passage to China. They crossed the strait and returned to France in early September. When Cartier returned to China, he claimed that he had found the strait leading to the Pacific Ocean and China, and called it the St. Peter's Strait. Cartier also brought back rumors about three indigenous kingdoms, namely Montreal The surrounding Hochelaga, Canada around Quebec, and Saguenay in the Saguenay River basin seem to be as rich as the indigenous kingdoms of Mexico.

Tourism characteristics

Whale Show
Whale Show
St. Lawrence Bay is one of the five best whale watching sites in the world. From the west of the bay St. Lawrence River Estuary, south to Cabot Strait, north to Bell Island Strait It forms a wide water area of 238000 square kilometers, with an average water depth of 127 meters and a maximum water depth of 572 meters. This is where the river meets the sea. Because of its light weight, fresh water is located in the upper layer and flows to the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. The heavier seawater flows backward into St. Lawrence Bay in the lower layer.
People describe it like this: "The whale appears very close to the ship. When its huge body rises, it makes a rumbling sound that resembles the ancient heavy wooden gate being pulled up. People can't help but hold their breath when watching the water mist like a fountain formed when the whale breathes, and then watching its back bend and fall into the water again with the sound of splashing water."
These Pang Ran but not clumsy guys are active around the ship. They can dance alone, chase and play, sometimes fish in the air, sometimes hold the lute half hidden, and some brave people will ride the wind and waves to accompany the ship. Far and near, there are fountains of different shapes, large and small, high or low, thick or thin. Listen carefully, maybe you can enjoy their unique songs.