Mashed Potato

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Mashed Potato [1] Mashed Potato, also known as mashed potato, is a kind of food made from potatoes, with some corresponding seasonings added, cooked in a container, mashed with tools, or boiled potatoes, peeled and mashed, and then mixed with other accessories. Can be added according to personal taste milk , cooked eggs Salt and pepper pepper And so on.
Mashed potatoes in Western-style food It is popular in China and gives mashed potatoes a new taste. It not only tastes more fragrant, smooth, soft and glutinous, but also has more nutrition, which is more suitable for children's preferences and tastes.
Chinese name
Mashed Potato
Foreign name
Mashed Potato
Mashed potato
Main raw materials
Potatoes, shallots
Whether preservative is contained
Main nutrients
protein , lysine and tryptophan
Main edible effects
Lose weight, prevent stroke, harmonize stomach and strengthen spleen
Suitable crowd
Storage method
cold storage
Pregnant women should be cautious about eating
Snacks, home cooking

Food Introduction

Mashed Potato
Mashed potato, called mashed potato in mainland China, Hong Kong, China be called Mashed potato It is to mash the boiled potatoes, and then add milk cream And butter or Food oil Food. It is popular in the United States and Europe.
As one of the most common ingredients in life, potatoes are also the most widely used ingredients. From potatoes, various delicious foods about potatoes emerge in endlessly. The easiest way to eat potatoes is not to roast them, but to steam them. Steam the potatoes to a certain extent, press them into mud with a spoon, stir fry them, add some salt, and add some onions. Mashed potatoes are the simplest modern food.

basic ingredient

1 potato
Fresh meat 50g
Salt 1/2 teaspoon (5g)
Chicken essence 1 teaspoon (8g)
Pepper 1/2 teaspoon (3g)
1 teaspoon (2g) of oil


Traditional practices
1. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes first. Dice the fresh meat.
2. Put oil into the pan, and when the oil is 50% hot Potato nuggets and Diced meat Stir fry, add salt, pepper and some water.
3. About ten minutes, boil the pot, twist the soft potatoes into mud, and continue to stew until they are very soft and rotten Chicken essence Out of the pot.
Don't use too much oil. When the color changes, put water.
You can also boil the potatoes with the skin until the heart is full (such as Use chopsticks Easily insert into the inside of the potato, indicating that it has been cooked). Drizzle the boiled potatoes, shave the skin, put them in a bowl, and mash the potatoes with tools (recommended Whisk )。 As for different flavor practices, they are processed on this basis. Stir fry the mashed potatoes again (not recommended, but it will smell good), add salad dressing Or milk( butter Butter cheese All available), add points black pepper Minced meat The taste will be better.
varied [1] practice
(1) European style mashed potato
Materials: 3 potatoes, 1 small box of butter (bought in the supermarket), Milk 3 tablespoons, black pepper, salt, mustard
Mashed potato in oyster sauce
1. Wash the potatoes and put them in pressure cooker or rice cooker Boil for 40 minutes
2. Take out the potatoes, peel them, mash them with a spoon, add butter, fresh milk, pepper, salt, mustard, and mix them into butter.
First, dig the mashed potatoes into small balls, or knead them into small balls by hand, put them on a plate and place them. If you use your hands to make a ball, wet your hands with water, and your hands will not stick. Pour a small half bowl into the small pot Chicken soup , plus black pepper , filigree Ham Silk (or sausage Silk), after boiling, use Amylum thicken with starch. hold Sauce Fall on Potato balls Yes, it looks very cute and delicious mashed potatoes with chicken sauce. The chicken soup used has a salty taste, so no more salt is added. If there is no salty taste, you should add a little salt as appropriate.
Note: First, take a little starch and mix it with water. It is water starch. If you like thin sauce, put less starch. If you like thick sauce, put more starch.
Second, for mashed potatoes, you can use the ready-made mashed potato powder (it is said that Kentucky Fried Chicken Fast food restaurants use ready made mashed potatoes), mixed with milk, butter, etc., or made with potatoes.
Third, about broth prepared by steaming chicken Of course, it's good to cook it by yourself, but I bought canned chicken soup for trouble.
Ingredients: 21 large potatoes, frozen Corn grain green soya beans Granule Carrot Half bowl, salt, milk powder
Methods: 1. Peel and slice potatoes; Rinse vegetable grains
2. Put the vegetable grains into the pot, add a little salt, and boil the water Potato chips Steam the potatoes until they are steamed.
3. Drain the vegetables, grind the potatoes into mud, and then add the vegetables, milk powder and a little salt into the mashed potatoes. Or buy ready diced vegetables.
Method: 2 potatoes, 1 egg, 4 spoons of milk, milk powder, salt, pepper
Method: 1. Wash potatoes, peel and slice
2. Boil the eggs and steam the potato chips; Then mash the potatoes, separate the egg white from the egg yolk, mash the egg yolk and dice the egg white
3. Put mashed potatoes Egg yolk puree Add a little salt, pepper and milk to mix well (the amount of milk is optional, and you can add more if you like thin. Thick mashed potatoes, but you want milk flavor, so you add 2 spoons of milk powder). Finally, add diced egg white to mix well, and the mashed potatoes are simple and delicious. Milk (fresh milk, powdered milk), pepper, mustard cream Butter... all kinds of seasonings are delicious.
Ingredients: half carrot, 2 potatoes, dried meat floss 1 piece, 1/8 onions, 1 scoop of milk powder, pepper
Methods: 1. Wash, peel and slice carrots; Wash, peel and slice potatoes; Clean and dice onions
2 Carrot slice Steamed with potato chips and mashed
3. Boil the diced onion
4. Add diced onion, meat floss and milk powder to Mashed carrots and potatoes Stir well and sprinkle some pepper on it Baby Recipe , so the list is very good. There is no salt added, which is a little creamy
Material Science: Banana 1, 1 potato (2 small ones), 5 strawberries, honey
How to do it: 1. Peel the bananas and mash them with a spoon, then dice the strawberries
2. After the potatoes are washed and peeled, they are steamed in an electric rice cooker, and then mashed
3. Put mashed potatoes Banana puree Mix well with diced strawberries. Finally, pour honey on it. It can be regarded as a dish or a dessert. I don't know. It's delicious anyway
Material: 1 potato, Apple 1
1. Peel potatoes; Apple Peeling Denuclearization , everything in half, half of which is diced
2. Put the potatoes and half an apple in the pot and boil them until they become soft
3. Muddle the boiled potatoes and apples, mix well, and then Diced apple Mix it in too, and it will be fine. The taste is not very delicious, but it's OK. It's a little sweet. You can try it.
Material: one potato (more small potatoes can be used depending on your preference), Kelp Finely diced, boiled carrots, finely diced, salad dressing
How to do it: wash the potatoes and boil them in a pot. Boil to the point where one chopstick can easily go through the whole potato. Take it out and peel off the skin. Mash the potatoes with a spoon or rolling pin. When the sauce is almost mashed, add a little more salad sauce, and continue to mash. During the mashing, add kelp and carrot. In fact, you can add other things as you like, but cut it into small pieces. After mixing everything into mud, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate it. It's refreshing to eat after it's completely cold. Besides, the salad sauce mixed with potatoes has a strong flavor, which is suitable for mashed potatoes in summer.
1. Select 6 to 8 cute potatoes, peel and wash them, put them into water and boil for about half an hour, with a little salt in the water. Almost always use chopsticks to test. If you can easily poke into the interior, it means it is OK.
2. Take out the potatoes, drain the water, put them into a large bowl, stir them with proper tools, and crush the potatoes.
3. Then add proper amount of milk, butter or cheese (note that the milk should not be put too impulsively, which is easy to dilute the mashed potatoes), and continue to stir until it is well stirred and becomes muddy. Hey hey, then you can eat.
Main material:
Mashed Potato
2 potatoes Olive oil Proper amount of salt White pepper powder appropriate amount
1. Peel and boil the potatoes, remove them and press them into mud.
2. Stir in olive oil, salt and white pepper while hot.
Olive oil has a cleansing effect, because it is purely vegetable and can prevent skin diseases, so Sensitive skin Can also be used with confidence.
Three simple methods of mashed potato
Mashed potato is one of the staple foods on the table of westerners. It is rich in nutrition“ Underground apple ”It is called. The mashed potato tastes naturally light, with Personal preferences You can add some homemade meat and vegetable soup, or use it as breakfast Or add food.
(1)“ Green peas mixed with mashed potatoes ”: Put the wok on the fire and add Peanut oil Heat 15g, put in Chinese prickly ash, and shovel out the Chinese prickly ash after frying, then burn the oil on the mashed potatoes. Peel and rinse the peas, stir fry them in a hot oil pan, add a small amount of refined salt, mix them well, put them on the mashed potatoes, add sugar and MSG, and mix them evenly.
(2)“ Beef and mashed potatoes ”: beef Use after frying silver paper Wrap it, add some fried juice, and serve with cooked pears Meat slice , slice the cheese, cover it and melt it when heated. Heat butter, mix in mashed potatoes, season with salt and pepper. Put the beef tenderloin on top, and add some foreign beef Perilla leaf OK.
(3) "Acid Mashed potato with cheese ”: Add in mashed potatoes Yogurt And enough milk to make it liquid, add salt and pepper. Pour the mashed potatoes into a plate, heat until dry.
Food characteristics: brown color, crisp potatoes, refreshing eggplant strips, salty and delicious. Raw materials: main ingredients: eggplant auxiliary ingredients: potatoes, onions, ginger, garlic seasoning: salt, chicken essence, yellow sauce, soy sauce, sugar Balsam oil Soup Octagon make:
1. Wash the eggplant and cut it into strips. Wash the potatoes and steam them in a pressure cooker. Smear them into mud with a knife and put them on a plate for later use. Wash and cut the onion, ginger and garlic. 2. Set the pan on fire and pour in the oil. When the oil is 60% hot, add anise to stir up the flavor, then add onion, ginger and garlic powder. Add a little yellow sauce to stir up the flavor, then add eggplant, add some stock, and then add soy sauce, salt Chicken essence When the soup thickens, pour in mashed potatoes, stir fry a few times, and then out of the pot.
It only contains 0.1% fat, which is a typical diet food. Eating more potatoes every day can reduce fat intake and gradually metabolize excess fat.
(1) A little pork Shred a little Bean flour Adjust the salt.
(2) It can be used this time Clear oil It's hot. Let it go a sweet sauce made of fermented flour And sugar.
(3) Stir slowly over low heat. Be careful not to burn it until bubbles appear and the meat is broken.
(4) Stir fry until cooked, and pour on the potatoes.
(1) Heat oil (clear oil is OK), add mashed potatoes, salt and chicken essence, and mix well.
(2) Cover the pot and let it cool for 2 minutes, open it, sprinkle with chives, and let it cool for another 1 minute.
(13) Home mashed potatoes
Take one family with three members as the standard;
Ingredients: two potatoes (about one jin), Light milk (one box), Mixed vegetables (a little), shredded ham (a little), fresh shrimp (optional), Cheese (two pieces). Butter (moderate)
In the first process, put the washed potatoes with their skins in a pot to cook, put a little salt in the boiling water, and cook until the potatoes can be inserted with chopsticks
In the second process, peel off the potatoes. If possible, use a blender to break the potatoes or use a wooden spoon to twist them flat
The third process is to mix vegetables, fresh shrimps, shredded ham and other ingredients Flying water To be used
In the fourth process, use a beautiful container to put the mashed potatoes into it, pour in the light milk and mix it well, and then use the silk to master it, and then put the prepared materials into it and mix it well to prepare condiments and butter
In the last process, put the cheese in the mixed Bean paste Top, put Microwave Oven Six to eight minutes.
Main ingredients: potatoes Bacon
Accessories: milk, salt, black pepper, cheese
1. Peel and cut potatoes into small pieces, add salt and roll them in water for about 15 minutes until chopsticks can easily penetrate.
2. Take it out, add milk, press it into mud, add chopped bacon, salt, black pepper, and mix well.
3. Put cheese in the oven at 200 ℃ for 15 minutes.
Oven baked potato
Mashed Potato
Main ingredients: potatoes Bacon
Accessories: onion, salt, black pepper, olive oil
1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut them into small pieces, and put them in Cage drawer Moderately steamed until it can be pierced through with chopsticks
2. Chop the bacon and dice the onion
3. Place the steamed potatoes a chopping board Press it into mashed potatoes with a kitchen knife
4. Pour a little olive oil into the pot and heat it
5. Put in chopped bacon to make it fragrant
6. Add chopped onions and stir fry them thoroughly
7. Put mashed potatoes, fried chopped bacon and chopped onions into a bowl, add a little salt and black pepper, and mix well
(16) Volcanic mashed potato
Main ingredients: potatoes, meat
Accessories: onion, ginger, garlic, red pepper
1. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into blocks, steam them in a drawer until they can be pierced with chopsticks
2. Chop the meat into mince, add some salt and stir
3. After the potatoes are steamed, put them on the cutting board, press them into mashed potatoes with a kitchen knife, and then pile them into a volcanic shape
4. Heat the oil, stir fry the minced meat until cooked, and release the raw soya sauce, soy sauce, ginger powder, garlic powder Pepper Mint and salt, then add cornflour to thicken
Mashed Potato
5. After the pot is cooked, pour it onto the mashed potatoes, add a little green onion, and then start.
Other practices
The method of mashed potatoes is very simple, and you can choose different methods according to your taste.
1. The first step of the same method
2. Same as above.
3. Prepare diced meat, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes.
4. Pour the oil into the pan, heat the oil, pour the diced meat and mushrooms, stir fry, then pour the stirred mashed potatoes into the pan, stir fry with a small amount of soy sauce, pour the diced cucumber and tomato into the pan 5 minutes later, continue to stir fry until the ingredients are well mixed.
Remove the skin, cut it into small pieces about 2cm, and put it in water
Ten minutes later, it was boiled over high heat, and then it was boiled over medium heat. About half an hour later, the potatoes were almost crisp
Drain, add salt, Sesame oil , stir with a spoon, because it is very crisp, it becomes mud. Put it in if you like mayonnaise It tastes good. That's it Potato salad , very convenient.
Buy small round potatoes or white potatoes, wash them and boil them with their skins. When they are boiled to the point where the skin is raw, take them out when it is easy to insert them with forks or chopsticks, pass them with cold water, peel them, and use Bowl Pack the peeled potatoes, mash them into mud, add an egg, a little butter, cream or milk, and finally add a little banana flour, and then mash them. Stir it well for use, put it into an oil pan (less oil), add a small amount of salt, add some scallions when the oil is 6-7% hot, add mashed potatoes to stir fry after the flavor is obtained, generally use a low heat, 5-7 minutes, add some scallions when starting the pan, load the plate, and you can eat it.
Peel and cut the potatoes, put some salt in the water and boil them over medium heat until soft, drain the water and put them into a large bowl or soup pot. Add a little black pepper. Add milk (add a little at first, and then add more if you feel too dry when mixing). Add melted butter (if afraid High cholesterol , can be replaced by MARGARINE. How much to add depends on personal preference. A little more fragrant. I usually add 4 or 5 medium potatoes and 1/2 cup butter. The commercially available butter is usually four pieces in a box, 1/2 cup each).
Next, stir. It is better to use FOOD MIXER. The simplest kind of portable Electric iron The shape will do. You can get it for 10 dollars cheaper. No, it's OK to stir it manually, but it's hard and not necessarily delicate. Stir the potatoes until they are completely muddy.
To eat mashed potatoes, you must pour GRAVY. GRAVY MIX is available in supermarkets. Americans eat mashed potatoes with meat. At home Roast turkey , or Roast beef Chicken wings , there will be soup. Add salt to thicken the soup, which is a delicious homemade GRAVY. Like to eat Green vegetables You can boil frozen peas (sweet pea) with a little sugar, add them to mashed potatoes, and then pour GRAVY on them.
Method of mashed potatoes
1. Clean the potatoes, boil them and peel them (microwave high fire is acceptable), and then put them in a container and mash them (acceptable steak Hammer crushing).
2. Prepare some minced meat (1-2 pairs of minced meat are needed for potatoes the size of 5 eggs), some carrots and cucumbers, and cut them into minced meat.
3. Heat a small amount of oil, stir fry the minced meat, then add carrots and cucumber in turn, stir fry for one minute, then put the rough mashed potatoes into the mixture, and add appropriate salt (less).
4. Eat while hot. Refrigerate if you can't finish eating, and heat it in the microwave before eating next time.
Two potatoes (smaller, round); One egg; A little carrot, celery, onion; Milk; salad dressing
To save fire, you can boil potatoes and eggs together. When the eggs are cooked, take them out first. When the potatoes are very rotten, take them out, peel them, and make them muddy.
Chop up carrots, celery, onions and eggs, and put them into mashed potatoes. Because the mashed potatoes are dry, pour some milk to moisten them. Then mix in salad sauce (not sweet), and sprinkle black pepper. If you like your own taste, you can put something on your own. As long as you like it.

nutritive value

1. Rich nutrition
Delicious mashed potatoes
Potatoes are rich protein , even better than soybeans, the closest animal protein Potatoes are also rich in Lysine and Tryptophan This is incomparable with ordinary grains. Potatoes are also rich in potassium, zinc and iron. Potassium contained can be prevented Cerebrovascular rupture Its protein vitamin C , which is 10 times of that of apples, and the content of vitamin B1.B2, iron and phosphorus is also much higher than that of apples. In general, its nutritional value is 3.5 times that of apples.
2. Good for weight loss
Compared with rice, potatoes produce less calories and contain only 0.1% fat. If you insist on eating only potatoes for one meal every day, it will be very effective to reduce excess fat.
3. Prevention apoplexy
Eating five to six potatoes per week on average can reduce the risk of stroke by 40% without any side effects.
4. Harmonize the stomach and invigorate the spleen
Potatoes have the functions of harmonizing the stomach, regulating the middle, strengthening the spleen and benefiting qi gastric ulcer Habitual constipation Hot cough And skin eczema It also has therapeutic effects. The cellulose contained in potatoes is delicate and has no effect on gastrointestinal mucosa Irritant effect , pain relief or reduction gastric acid Secretion. Eating potatoes has become a prevention gastric cancer Adjuvant therapy.
Medical value
According to traditional Chinese medicine, potatoes have the function of harmonizing the stomach, regulating the middle, strengthening the spleen and supplementing qi; It can improve gastrointestinal function gastric ulcer , twelve grease Intestinal ulcer chronic cholecystitis hemorrhoids The constipation caused has certain curative effect. Potatoes are also rich in potassium Element, which can effectively prevent hypertension When the human body takes too much salt, the sodium element in the body will be on the high side, and the potassium will be insufficient, which will cause hypertension. Therefore, eating potatoes regularly can timely supplement the potassium needed by the body; Vitamin C in potatoes has health care effect on brain cells.
Potato silk : Fresh and delicious, salty, sour and spicy are all delicious. It is a versatile dish. The knife is not very exquisite, and the temperature is not strictly controlled. It is simple and easy to make, but it is most popular.

Cuisine Features

Mashed Potato
The price is low, and the content is more abundant, which is also very simple.

Food nutrition

Food name Mashed Potato
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 89 kcal
protein 1.6 g
Fat 2.8 g
Saturated fatty acid 0.6 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 1.3 g
carbohydrate 14.6 g
sugar 0.5 g
dietary fiber 1.3 g
folic acid 9 μg
sodium 306 mg
magnesium 15 mg
phosphorus 59 mg
potassium 286 mg
calcium 18 mg
iron 0.3 mg
zinc 0.22 mg
vitamin A 43 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.01 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.01 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.08 mg
Vitamin B6 0.12 mg
Vitamin B12 0.07 μg
vitamin E 0.42 mg
vitamin K 5.9 μg