
The capital of Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany
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Germany Baden Wuerttemberg One of the four districts and its capital. Tubingen was founded in 1231, be situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream , relying on seven mountains, Rhine Its tributary, the Naika River, crosses the city.
Chinese name
Foreign name
German: T ü bingen
Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany

brief introduction

city It is a famous university town in Germany, where buildings are strewn at random, streets are winding, ancient and distinctive, and celebrities gather. The emblem of Tubingen is composed of three red flags in one, with two hollow lantern sleeves holding two black antlers, which shows the city's ancient deer hunting tradition. University of Tuebingen It is one of the oldest universities in Germany, founded in 1477. This is a veritable university town: more than 26000 students out of a population of 86000. Tubingen is located in Baden Wuteng Castle Stuttgart, the capital of the state, is 40 kilometers south. Before the opening of the railway in the 19th century, it was a major thoroughfare from south to north. In the railway era, it became a remote place. Because it is remote and far away from the crowd, its classical charm can be preserved, and its elegant and quiet academic environment can be carried forward. Tubingen is Germany Schwaben region It is a traditional city that believes in Protestantism. The local people combine these two characteristics and are famous for being serious, diligent and thrifty.


In 1570, the famous German poet Friedrich Schilling taught poetry and history here. Two hundred years later, in the 18th century, a generation of literary and philosophical masters were created here: Hegel , Hoff, Ulande , Schubart, Schelling , Merrick, Holdrin ... Oh, Holderlin! Who is the most famous German poet? Goethe, Schiller What else? Holdrin. Holderlin was a poet at the same time as Goethe Schiller. It is said that his poetry level should not be inferior to Goethe and Schiller, but he was in the shadow of two literary giants, so he looked bleak. He spent the rest of his life in poverty, sickness and loneliness. He died almost unknown. A hundred years later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, people realized the value of his poetry. From then on, his former residence, Hordrinta, became German Literature And even the lighthouse of world literature. It's no exaggeration to say that Tubingen has outstanding people and places. He once worked as an apprentice in an ordinary bookstore here Hesse Later became The Nobel Prize in Literature Winner. Famous litterateurs, philosophers and historians all regard it as a kind of honor to give speeches here. Goethe, Schiller , Paul· Celan martin heidegger Juntergrass has visited here. later bloch He also taught here and entrusted himself to the land here.
The bridge across the Naika River in the southeast of the city passes through Naika Street. On both sides of the stone paved street are wooden truss structures with typical German classical architectural style. The walls are highlighted with black beams and diagonal brackets, which are both decoration and support for the whole house. Such buildings can be found everywhere in the city. At the top of the old city is the wood market. Across the Church Street is the municipal government square, which is the cultural center of Tubingen. The buildings around this area are so old that people feel they are in the Middle Ages.
The building is ancient, but the people who lived in it are immortal: in 1787, the famous romantic poet of Swaben Ulande Born at 24 Naikapo Street. In the 19th century, another famous German romantic literary genius, Hauf, lived with his mother at No. 15, Hack Street. From 1819 to 1824, when he went to college in Tubingen, he was often punished by the school for not going to church, being late for class, and being poorly dressed. He lived only 25 years old, but left us outstanding works such as "Fairy Tales Collection" and the novel "Richtenstein" (meaning "Brilliant Stone"). According to his“ Pyroxene ”According to the description in, a beautiful fairy tale castle was built on the Richtenstein Mountain, 30 kilometers away from Tubingen, and became a famous scenic spot in Swaben, southern Germany. Merrick, a famous German late romantic poet, studied theology here for four years since 1822. He often violated the school rules and was not allowed to graduate because of his love for Muses. Later, he was awarded the honorary doctor title of Tupingen University. He wrote in a letter in 1828: "Tupingen in the holiday is like a glove that has been opened." In the first semester of 1826, Merrick lived at the tailor's house at No. 4, Colline Lane. During the four years he studied theology here, he spent a lot of time at No. 22, Naika Lane. In 1895, a famous litterateur and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Hesse I am an apprentice to the bookstore here, and I live at No. 5 Timber Market. 1961, 76 year old philosopher bloch Escaped East Germany and accepted University of Tuebingen At the invitation of German classical philosophy The last representative in Speculative. J ü rgen Moltmann and other German theologians visited him Philosophy of hope Seeking theoretical resources in the, which made him famous internationally; His unique views on Christianity promoted the dialogue between Christianity and Marxism, and even affected Latin America's liberation theology Exercise. In the 1960s, he actively supported the student movement and believed that the strength of western anti capitalism came from middle class Son, he and Herbert Marcuse There are similarities. In Tubingen, bloch I sorted out my rich works and manuscripts. His representative work is the Three Volume Principle of Hope. His works were translated into Persian arabic In 1975, the famous Sorbonne University awarded him Honorary doctorate Blinded in his later years, Bloch kept working until he died in the summer of 1977 at the age of 92. Hanskun, a famous theological philosopher, has taught here since 1960.


Tubingen's number one figure is Holdrin (1770-1843), he was born in Nutingen, not far from here. His father died early. He grew up under his mother's care and was diligent. In 1788, he won the Tubingen Theological Seminary Scholarship. Among his classmates Hegel Schelling , Schubert et al. At that time, he was in the same room with Hegel and Schelling, and often violated the strict church rules of the seminary and discussed privately Schiller "The Robber", discussing the French Revolution, the thoughts of Kant and Rousseau, forged a deep friendship. They often gather in the Lamb Hotel on the municipal government square, drinking and reveling. One of Holderlin's classmates, Magnus, recalled that one night, they gathered there again. Holderlin proposed to raise a glass and sing Schiller's poems together. When Holderlin sang "This cup is for the good god", tears came to his eyes. He raised the glass out of the window and roared toward the sky. The whole Naika Valley was full of his voice. After graduation, they did not become priests, but chose to work as tutors. Later, Hegel and Schelling Have become a generation of philosophy masters, and Holdrin He concentrated on poetry creation. Xu Perion "Or Greek hermit" is his early masterpiece, which was first published in 1794 Schiller The magazine "Talia" hosted by the organization published a fragment, namely "Xu Perion fragment". We read the two volumes he completed from 1797 to 1799. The novel is a self description written by a Greek named Xu Perion to his German friend, which is a letter style novel similar to "Victor". Interlude in the novel“ Xu Perion's Song of Destiny ”It is Holdrin's most famous poem. This poem was composed by several composers Brahms His choral music is the most famous. In fact, many of his poems were written after suffering from mental illness. They were written in his apartment, which is called Holderlin Tower today.
Holdrintha In the famous buildings on the bank of the Naika River, there are egg yellow walls, ivy climbing on the walls, and dark spires. Since 1807, the poet suffering from mental illness was declared dead, and was kept here by carpenter Zemel, until his death here in 1843. This tower was first built in the 13th century. As part of the city's fortifications, it is octagonal. At that time, when Holderlin lived here, the tower body was octagonal. A fire broke out at the end of the 18th century, and after that, the owner transformed the tower into a round one. Holdrin Museum is a small museum. It was established in 1985 and is located in the tower. It is divided into three spaces. Holdrin's documents, letters and poems are kept, as well as the correspondence, prescriptions and bills between the landlord Zemel and Holdrin's mother. Some of the poems were copied by the poet's friend Merrick. During Holderlin's illness, most of his friends almost forgot about him, and only a few of them visited him occasionally. Merrick was one of them. He is sometimes very sober, and will say: "Now, when I am away from human beings and live alone in seclusion, I can really understand them." The museum also shows visitors that people have Holdrin Evaluation of works. Sappho Lansky called Holderlin“ Germany Poet, a poet completely controlled by the power of poetry, the midwife of the new god, the cross-border person and the loser. This was what people thought of Holderlin at that time. martin heidegger He is also deeply infatuated with Holderlin. "
What attracted so many students to this small town by the Neckar River? It is Tubingen's special atmosphere that has been well preserved for 500 years. Tubingen, with its winding, narrow and steep alleys and poetic truss buildings, became the perfect embodiment of Germany's romantic ancient city. People like to take pictures of Tubingen, which is lined with gable buildings and Holderlin Tower along the Neckar River Insanity Friedrich, the poet of? Holderlin spent the last days of his life there.
The Renaissance style Tubingen Highland Palace majestically dominates the whole city, where some departments of the university are located. Evangelical Protestantism founded in 1536 Charity school It is located under the palace. Its architecture is no inferior to the palace. When people mention this school, they will think of some famous German poets and thinkers, such as the astronomer Johannes? Kepler has studied here since 1587, like a poet Holdrin , Hough, Merrick, philosopher Hegel and Schelling They were all students here.


The idyllic scenery of the old town of Tubingen is so beautiful that people can't help asking: "Do people really live here?" Or do everyone belong to a part of an elaborate museum - "an ancient and respected university town"? Sometimes the town is so quiet and comfortable, as if time really doesn't go away. As early as 150 years ago, professors of Tubingen used to call Tubingen a "university village" contemptuously. To some extent, Tubingen is still what they said until now.
Contrary to the postcard like pastoral scenery of Tubingen, the future of Tubingen has begun at the southern edge of the city. A new community has emerged in a place that used to be a barracks. Futurist glass and metal buildings have sprung up, and modern houses, shops and office buildings are everywhere - a trace of urban atmosphere on the edge of the "University Village". I walked around the city for hours, but I didn't see anyone wearing a shirt. Don't speak English, that is, Latin. You may speak it if you pull one on the road. This is where German universities rank first - University of Tuebingen City. Kepler Hegel Razinger and Qiao Guanhua have studied or taught here. The green Neckar River runs through the city, and the old castle is built along the mountain. The flowers and birds are full of philosophers. It's really a good place for a person to be outstanding! My friend drove me to the city center bridge. There are a long row of flowers on the bridge and a long row of pleasure boats under the bridge. Leave the noisy World Cup for a while, as if entering land of idyllic beauty There is no yellow Brazil, red Portugal , white England, or green Mexico. There are only rivers, castles, boys and girls, old professors, and of course, thoughts. Looking for a mountain path across the bridge, you will find Tubingen Castle. This castle was built by Count Tubingen in the 11th century and is called "Tvvingia". This is the origin of the city's name. First there was the castle, then there was the university built in 1477, and finally there was the city, all sharing the same name - Tubingen. The castle is now the theology department and archaeology department of the university. The two scenes seen in the castle are quite interesting. First, on the high roof of the main gate of the city wall, there are two students, one male and one female. At noon, they must not be studying the sky; Second, the view from the back door of the castle Neckar River On the steps of, there were several theology students sitting. In front of them was a barbecue stove with a shovel inserted on it, which was quite Zen like. The University of Thuringia ranks first in Germany, and its theology department and medical department are outstanding and world-famous. Nobel Prize winners are not big people here. There are a lot of giants in Optimus Prime. For example, Kepler was a mathematician here, but due to his outstanding contributions to astronomy, his official title is "legislator in the sky". If you haven't heard his name, at least you have Kepler telescope Right? such as Hegel He was originally a theology student here, whose purpose is that the human mind can acquire all the knowledge about reality. The reason is that what is reasonable is realistic, and what is realistic is reasonable, thus overthrowing Kant's claim that metaphysics is impossible. If you haven't heard of his system of thinking about reality, at least you have hegelian dialectics Right? For example, Ratzinger, who was originally a theology teacher here, whose main idea is to rise from the mud without contamination, is a criticism of the world of mortals. In his own words, "We are in the midst of a relativistic dictatorship, which does not admit that anything is absolute, and the highest value of this independence is personal self and desire." If you have never heard of Ratzinger's name, But at least I've heard pope benedict xvi This badge, right? Benedict XVI to the late Pope Paul II "He gave himself up without reservation until the end." I wrote here, and somehow I remembered Huang Jianxiang, the commentator of CCTV who caused great trouble. If you are disrespectful, please forgive me. At noon, I pretended to be a student in the student canteen to eat lunch, with chicken thigh and half cooked rice for 1.95 euros. After dinner, pretend to be a scholar and drink coffee in a street full of Italian flavor. Iced cocoa coffee costs 5 euros. Just like the Italian team against the Australian team, they earned a penalty, lost a red card, and even it, but they still earned it as a whole, because it added a touch of emotion. Drink and eat, get off the boat and enjoy the famous Neckar River. The rower is a handsome, shy, but a bit bad guy. There were a large group of women from other places on the same boat, all dressed up as farmers, who were extremely sturdy. Before the boat started, the women shouted that the boat was about to turn over and accused the boys of spoiling it. The young man didn't explain, but arranged the ladies to sit down on both sides of the boat evenly, and then went up the river pole by pole. But the two banks are green, and the top of the tree shows a little dark red or yellow roof. I can't understand the laughter between the young man and the old women. I can only vaguely hear several key words, such as "Aachen", "girlfriend" and "no more reading". The sailing time is one hour. At a bridge opening, the boat turned around and sailed back downstream. When the boat turned around, I didn't know what tricks the ladies had done, but the boy turned over into the river! The boy was not angry after falling into the water, but smiled. He grabbed the side of the boat, jumped forward and got on the bow. Looking at the boys' sweatshirts and jeans, the ladies clapped and laughed happily one by one! The boy simply stopped punting the boat and sat down at the bow, chatting with the ladies in a low voice. The current is very fast, and it will arrive at the dock soon. After paying the six euro shipping fee (no invoice, no reimbursement), he glanced at the smart Tubingen again and hurried to the railway station. It's getting late. It's time to go back to Stuttgart.