World Day

World wide event days
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synonym International Day (International Day) generally refers to World Day
World (International) Day the United Nations Recommended by the specialized agencies and other international organizations of United Nations General Assembly Some of them were determined through discussion as individual activity days carried out internationally by specialized agencies of the United Nations and other international organizations in accordance with their own mandates. Its purpose is similar to that of the International Year. It aims to promote governments and all sectors of society to pay more attention to some social problems and solve some problems for society through various activities.
Chinese name
World Day
Foreign name
Earth Day
shì jiè rì
the United Nations
Promote governments to attach importance to some social issues
around the world

Detailed introduction


historical background

earth It is the common home of mankind. However, with the development of science and technology and the expansion of economic scale, the global environmental situation has continued to deteriorate in the past 30 years. Data shows that since 1860, when meteorological instruments were recorded, the global annual average temperature has increased by 0.6 ℃, and the warmest 13 years occurred after 1983. In the 1980s, the number of people affected by disasters in the world averaged 147 million every year. By the 1990s, the number had risen to 211 million. About 40% of the world's population is seriously short of water. If this trend is not curbed, more than 55% of the world's population will face water shortage within 30 years. The deterioration of the natural environment also seriously threatens the wild species on the earth. Today, 12% of the world's birds and a quarter of mammals are endangered, while overfishing has led to the depletion of one third of the fish resources.
On April 22, 1970, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean U.S.A In order to solve the problem of environmental pollution, people spontaneously launched a massive mass environmental protection movement. On that day, more than 20 million people from 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 colleges and universities, 2000 communities and major groups took to the streets in the United States. People hold high polluted earth models, giant paintings and charts, and shout slogans to protect the environment. They hold parades, rallies and speeches, and appeal to the government to take measures to protect the environment. This grand event shocked the government and the public, prompted the US government to pass amendments to the Water Pollution Control Act and the Clean Air Act in the early 1970s, and established the US Environmental Protection Agency. Since then, American civil society organizations have proposed to designate April 22 as "Earth Day". With the development of environmental protection, its influence has expanded and exceeded the US borders, which has received positive responses from many countries in the world.
In the 20 years since the birth of Earth Day, great progress has been made in environmental protection worldwide. In June 1972, the United Nations held a landmark conference on human environment. In 1973 United Nations Environment Programme Many countries have established environmental protection management institutions and scientific research institutions. Environmental protection has been put on the important agenda of many national governments, and environmental issues have received widespread public attention. In many major international conferences, environmental protection has also become one of the important topics, such as the 44th General Assembly held in 1989 Summit of Non Aligned Countries Commonwealth Summit Summit of the Seven Western Countries They discussed environmental issues and adopted resolutions or declarations on environmental protection. This shows that environmental protection has become a "hot spot" in international politics and international relations. More and more politicians, scientists and people of insight are strongly aware that environmental pollution and ecological deterioration will greatly hinder the progress of social civilization.
Since environmental protection has become a hot issue in international politics, the organizers of Earth Day 1990 decided to make Earth Day 1990 the first international Earth Day, so as to encourage millions of people around the world to actively participate in environmental protection. To this end, the organizer of the Earth Day event sent a letter to the leaders of China, the United States and the United Kingdom Secretary General of the United Nations And called for the high-level environmental meeting to be held on April 22, 1990 as the target date to lay the foundation for the conclusion of multilateral treaties. Call on all countries to take positive steps and reach an agreement to prevent and reverse the development of the global environmental deterioration trend. At the same time, we call on governments all over the world willing to work hard to protect the environment and carry out international cooperation to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Earth Day in their own countries.
The call to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Earth Day has received warm responses and active support from countries and various groups on five continents. President Bush of the United States announced that April 22 is the legal Earth Day of the United States, and called on citizens to actively participate in actions to improve the environment. Chairman of the Coordination Committee for Earth Day 1990 Dennis Hayes Visited London, Paris, Rome bonn Brussels The activity teams from other places received a clear answer and agreed to commemorate Earth Day in 1990 as the International Earth Day. Many countries and regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas also responded positively and organized commemorative activities. Numerous international organizations, such as International Student Union , Youth Development and Cooperation Association, etc. also expressed their strong support and active participation in the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. On April 22, 1990, more than 100 countries around the world held various environmental protection publicity activities, involving hundreds of millions of people. Since then, Earth Day has become an international event“ World Earth Day ”。
The activities of World Earth Day aim to arouse the awareness of human beings to love the earth and protect their homes, and promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection. Since the 1990s, China has held World Earth Day on April 22 every year.
Since the 1990s, China has held "World Earth Day" propaganda activities on April 22 every year, and determined the theme of the activities according to the situation of that year. In 2008, the theme of "World Earth Day" determined by China“ International Earth Year ”The slogan of China's action is the same, that is, "Know the earth and develop harmoniously". Its purpose is to popularize geoscience knowledge to the public, strengthen the whole society's understanding and effective use of geoscience, improve the public's understanding of the national conditions of resources, and realize the harmonious development of man and nature.

Establishment process

The first "Earth Day" in human history was April 22, 1970 Harvard University Dennis Hayes, a student of Law School who has just turned 25, initiated and organized it on campus. He is known as the "Father of Earth Day". But in fact, the earliest initiator of "Earth Day" was not him, but Gaylord Nelson, an American political celebrity. 1962, USA Wisconsin Democratic Senator Gallo Nelson, trying to convince Kennedy President, take a trip to protect wild animals to draw public attention to protecting the environment. The President very much agrees with this constructive opinion. In the autumn of the next year, Nelson and three other senators took part in the President's "very meaningful" trip, which was a good start. Nielsen also planned to establish "Earth Day". In the summer of 1969, Nielsen and his colleagues in the Senate established an organization to formulate a plan to commemorate the National Earth Day, and announced the event at the beginning of September of the same year, including holding lectures on environmental protection issues in major campuses across the United States. The response of the American people was extremely enthusiastic, which surprised Nielsen.
In 1969, Gallo Nielsen proposed to hold environmental protection lectures on the campuses of universities across the country. After hearing this proposal, Hayes assumed that cambridge Hold a lecture on environmental protection. So he went to Washington to meet Nelson. Young Hayes talked about his ideas. Nielsen was overjoyed. He immediately expressed his willingness to appoint Hayes, and even encouraged him to suspend his studies and concentrate on the environmental protection movement. So Hayes resolutely went through the suspension procedures. Soon, he expanded Nielsen's idea and launched a large-scale community activity across the United States. The idea of holding "Earth Day" was thus formed.
He chose Wednesday, April 22, 1970, as the first "Earth Day". On April 22 of that year, about 20 million people across the United States participated in demonstrations and lectures.
The year 1970 in the United States was an eventful year, when optical fiber fabrics were invented“ Apollo 13 ”The tragedy of South Carolina When a nuclear plant near the Savannah River leaked, Americans at that time were breathing leaded exhaust from luxury cars all day long. The factory discharges smoke and sewage recklessly, but never worries about being prosecuted or condemned by public opinion. "Environmentalists" are rare. They are only words listed in the dictionary, but they are rarely valued by people. It is against this background that the first "Earth Day" has achieved great success. In view of the public's concern for environmental protection, the United States Congress adjourned on Earth Day, and nearly 40 members of the House of Representatives addressed local gatherings respectively. Lunt Dubes, Paul Ehrlich and Ralph Nader And other celebrities in the United States made speeches to clarify the significance of the rally. 250000 people gathered in Washington, D.C., and 100000 people marched on Fifth Avenue in New York City to support the event.
According to statistics, more than 20 million people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 colleges and universities, 2000 communities and major groups participated in the "Earth Day" activity in the United States on that day. People held rallies, parades and other forms of publicity activities, held high polluted earth models, giant paintings and charts, shouted slogans and asked the government to take measures to protect the environment. The first "Earth Day" activity in 1970 was very popular, and it was praised as the largest social activity in the United States since World War II. This event marked the rise of the US environmental movement and prompted the US government to take some measures environmental pollution Measures.
The "Earth Day" activity on April 22, 1970 was the first large-scale mass environmental protection movement in human history. As the beginning of modern environmental protection movement, it promoted the establishment of environmental laws and regulations in western countries. For example, the United States has introduced the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Animals Protection Act; Earth Day in 1970 also contributed to the establishment of the National Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, and to some extent contributed to the establishment of the first United Nations Conference on Human Environment in 1972 Stockholm The convening of the World Environmental Protection Conference strongly promoted the development of the world environmental protection cause. 1973 Establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme, an international environmental organization—— Greenpeace "Earth Day" has played an important role in the creation of, and the increasing number of government agencies and organizations protecting the environment in the world. Therefore, Earth Day has become a global event.
After the first "Earth Day" was successfully held, government environmental protection departments and non-governmental environmental protection organizations of all countries have been established, and "Earth Day" has become a common environmental protection anniversary for many countries. On April 22, 1990, "Earth Day" became the first "International Earth Day", with 141 countries and 200 million people participating. Thousands of activities were carried out around the world. Participating groups hold symposiums, parades, cultural performances, clean environment and other activities to advocate the spirit of "Earth Day", and further pressure the government, hoping to attract more attention and policy formulation. According to the International Coordinator of Earth Day Megra Shang said that organizations in 140 countries have formulated activities related to Earth Day. The scale of this event is much larger than the first "Earth Day" event held 20 years ago. Many countries set Sunday (April 22, 1990) as the climax of the week's activities.
On April 22, 1990, hundreds of millions of people around the world wore blue and green clothing to participate in the "Earth Day" activities. In order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "Earth Day", they carried out the activities of picking up waste paper and plastic bags, and prohibiting dumping anywhere. The purpose of these activities is to remind people to pay attention to protecting the earth environment, stop the ecological deterioration, and make every inhabitant of the earth contribute to safeguarding the earth environment and improving the earth environment. Wearing blue and green clothing is a sign of determination to protect the earth's environment.
On Earth Day, about 100 million people in the United States leave their cars at home to prevent the exhaust gas and other harmful emissions from cars from being emitted into the air. In China, at that time Li Peng On April 21, 1990, the Premier delivered a speech on environmental issues on television, and CCTV also broadcast a special report on "Only One Earth". Since then, our country has carried out the commemoration and publicity activities of "Earth Day" every year.
At the end of February 2000, Hayes accepted China's invitation and came to China to participate in the launching ceremony of the "China Action on Earth Day 2000".
In the late 1990s, Gallo Nelson and Bruce Anderson (solar architect, writer New Hampshire The organizers of "Earth Day" jointly founded the "American Earth Day" organization to make "Earth Day" an annual and high-level event. The "Earth Day" website was launched in 1995. In 1999, the "Earth Day of America" organization was renamed“ Earth Day Network ”And become an organization that promotes the international activities of "Earth Day" every year. The "Earth Day" in 2000 was led by Gallo Nielsen and Dennis Hayes again. The difference is that on the basis of the "Earth Day" in 1970, they joined the global public movement and made full use of the network, a new information means, to gather the wisdom and enthusiasm of people from all countries. Thanks to the efforts of Gallo Nielsen, Dennis Hayes and his comrades in arms, today's "Earth Day" has truly become a festival for the whole earth, reminding people to protect and treat the earth well.

Environment related World Day

1、 World Wetlands Day ——February 2
Wetland refers to "permanent or temporary marshland, peatland or water area, with static or flowing water, or fresh water, brackish water, salt water, including water not more than 6 meters at low tide". Wetlands play an important role in protecting biodiversity, especially the survival and migration of birds. In order to protect wetlands, on February 2, 1971, more than 10 countries signed a global intergovernmental convention on wetland protection in Ramsar, Iran (RAM&Snail) - "On the International Importance of Wetlands as Waterfowl Habitat Convention on Wetlands (i.e《 Ramsar Convention 》)。 The main purpose of this convention is to protect wetlands and their biodiversity through joint cooperation among governments around the world. Especially waterfowl and its living environment. The related "World Wetlands Day" was the sixth in Australia in 1996“ International Convention on Wetlands ”Established by the Conference of the Parties. February 2 was chosen because the International Convention on Wetlands was signed in Ramsar, Iran, on February 2, 1971. The signing of the Ramsar Convention has aroused widespread concern in the international community. China applied to join the Ramsar Convention in 1992. Since then, 118 countries have become parties to the Convention.
2、 World Water Day ——March 22
On January 18, 1993, the 47th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to designate March 22 as the "World Water Day" Earth's water resources The increasing shortage of water and the increasing water pollution have sounded the alarm bell. The determination of Water Day aims to make the whole world care about and solve these problems. On this day, all countries carry out various activities on the development and protection of water resources according to their own national conditions, in order to raise public awareness of water.
3、 World Meteorological Day ——March 23
world meteorological organization It was founded on March 23, 1950. In order to commemorate this special day, in June 1960, the World Meteorological Organization decided to take March 23 every year as the "World Meteorological Day". Since 1961, we have been carrying out activities around the world every year around a theme to promote and educate the governments and the public of member states on meteorology, so that people can understand the impact of meteorology on society and realize that the atmosphere is a common resource of mankind. All mankind must work together to protect atmospheric resources.
4、 World Earth Day ——April 22
In 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin proposed to hold lectures on environmental issues on the campuses of American universities. Soon, Dennis Hayes, a student of Harvard Law School in the United States, expanded Nelson's proposal to hold large-scale community environmental protection activities in the United States, and selected April 22, 1970 as the first "Earth Day". On the same day, more than 20 million people in the United States, including members of Congress and people from all walks of life, participated in this large-scale environmental movement. Across the United States, people are chanting the slogan of protecting the environment. The government is required to take measures to protect the environment through parades, rallies, speeches and propaganda in the streets and on campus. This is the first large-scale and grand mass environmental protection activity since human beings have officials, which has effectively promoted the development of environmental protection in the world. Subsequently, the influence gradually expanded beyond the US borders and received positive responses from many countries in the world, eventually forming a worldwide environmental protection movement. Later, April 22 became the "World Earth Day" all over the world.
5、 World No Tobacco Day ——May 31
Smoking is harmful to health. It is an important cause of many respiratory diseases and lung cancer, and makes people around suffer from "passive smoking". 1987 world health organization It is suggested to set up "World No Tobacco Day" to warn people that smoking is not only harmful to their own health, but also makes people around them, especially women, children and adolescents, suffer from "passive smoking". We call on all smokers around the world to voluntarily stop or give up smoking on World No Tobacco Day, and call on tobacco dealers to voluntarily stop sales activities and advertising of all kinds of tobacco on this day. Since 1989, World No Tobacco Day has been celebrated on May 31 every year.
6、 World Environment Day ——June 5
From June 5 to 16, 1972, the United Nations held the Human Environment Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Government representatives and private figures from 113 countries discussed contemporary world environmental issues and strategies for protecting the global environment, issued the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment, formulated an "action plan" for protecting the global environment, and put forward 7 common views and 26 common principles, In order to encourage and guide people around the world to protect and improve the human environment, it is suggested that the opening day of this conference, June 5, be designated as "World Environment Day". In October 1972, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to designate June 5 as "World Environment Day". The United Nations formulates the theme of the "World Environment Day" in accordance with the major environmental issues and environmental hotspots in the world every year.
Since the increasingly serious global desertification problem is constantly threatening the survival of mankind, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution that since 1995, June 17 of each year has been designated as the "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought", calling on all governments to pay attention to the increasingly serious land desertification Global environmental issues
8、 World Population Day ——July 11
According to population experts, the 5th billion person on the earth will be born in 1987. On July 11, 1987, the world population broke through the 5 billion mark with the birth of a Yugoslav baby. The United Nations proposes to hold the "World's 5 Billion Population Et" event on this day to further promote people's attention to population issues, create an environment conducive to controlling population growth, and promote family planning. At the same time, in 1990, the United Nations designated July 11 El as "World Population Day".
As we all know, the ozone layer can protect the life on the earth from the strong radiation of the sun's ultraviolet rays. However, some chemicals discharged into the atmosphere during human production activities have led to the destruction of the ozone layer, forming huge ozone holes over the poles, and have posed a threat to the normal survival of life on Earth, including human beings. In order to arouse people's awareness of protecting the ozone layer, coordinated actions should be taken to protect the earth environment and human health. On September 16, 1987, 46 countries signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Montreal, Canada, and began specific actions to protect the ozone layer. At the same time, September 16 of each year was designated as the "International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer".
10、 World Animal Day ——October 4
More than 100 years ago, the Italian missionary Saint Francis established a close relationship with animals in the forest on the island of Assisi. He advocated "giving thanks to animals who have given love to human beings" on October 4. In order to commemorate him, people designated October 4 as "World Animal Day".
11 、 World Food Day ——October 16
With the increasingly single variety of crops and the explosive growth of the world population, the world's food supply is becoming increasingly scarce. The United Nations General Assembly has decided to designate October 16 as the "World Food Day" to arouse the world's attention to food issues and agricultural production.
12、 International Biodiversity Day ——December 20
Biodiversity is human beings The foundation for survival and development. The accelerated extinction of species, the loss of biological genetic diversity, and the large-scale destruction of ecosystems will directly endanger the survival of human beings.
In November 1994, the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was held in the Bahamas. The meeting recommended that December 29, the date when the Convention entered into force, should be "International Biodiversity Day". In December 1994, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution approving this proposal.
On December 20, 2000, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolution 55/201, declaring May 22, the date on which the text of the Convention was adopted, as the International Day for Biological Diversity. [1]
The determination of this International Day shows that. Human beings have awakened. Biodiversity is the basis for human survival and development. At the same time, the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity has become the central topic in the field of human and environment.