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China National Committee of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program

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Subordinates of the Bureau of Resources and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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IGBP (INTERNATIONAL GEOSPHERE-BIOSPHERE PROGRAMME) - International Geosphere Biosphere Program (Research on Global Change) is a major international scientific program initiated and organized by the International Council of Science Union (ICSU) in the 1980s. IGBP is a super international scientific program, whose scientific objectives mainly focus on the research of the physical, chemical and biological processes that dominate the interaction of the entire earth system, especially those interaction processes and major changes that are most sensitive to human activities with a time scale of about decades to hundreds of years. The ultimate goal of the plan is to improve mankind's ability to predict major global changes.
Chinese name
China National Committee of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program
Foreign name
National Committee of China for the international geosphere-biosphere programme
In view of the significance of IGBP, a cutting-edge international scientific program, in 1987, the Bureau of Resources and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences applied to the Chinese Association of Science and Technology for the establishment of the IGBP China National Committee and joined the international IGBP. In accordance with the spirit of the document [1987] Fa Wai Zi No. 281 of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, "about agreeing to establish the IGBP National Committee of China and suggesting that the Committee should be affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences", a preparatory committee meeting of the IGBP National Committee of China was held on November 12, 1987 in the conference room 86 on the second floor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the chairmanship of Sun Honglie, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Eleven representatives from the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Water and Electricity, the National Foundation Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Forestry, the National Environmental Protection Administration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units attended the meeting. The meeting introduced the origin and development of IGBP, discussed the preparation for the establishment of CNC-IGBP, and according to the results of the discussion, the Preparatory Committee submitted a written report to the Chinese Association for Science and Technology on the preparation for the establishment of IGBP, which was approved by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology ([1987] KEXIEFAWZ No. 484). The CNC-IGBP founding meeting was held in Beijing from May 28 to 29, 1988, It also joined the international IGBP in the name of the Chinese National Committee for the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (CNC-IGBP), also known as the National Committee of China on Global Change. Taiwan is also a member of the international IGBP.
CNC-IGBP is an academic institution that promotes and organizes China's participation in IGBP under the direct leadership of the China Association for Science and Technology. Its tasks are: (1) to participate in IGBP related activities on behalf of China and promote international cooperation and exchange; (2) to promote and coordinate the research and academic exchange activities of relevant domestic units on global change; (3) to provide scientific advisory services for the national deployment of global change research, resources, environmental management and sustainable development strategies; and (4) Assist in the demonstration of major domestic projects and international cooperation projects entrusted by relevant departments, (5) strengthen science popularization and promote the public's awareness of environmental protection.
CNC-IGBP is composed of representatives of relevant institutes, government management departments and public institutions. CNC-IGBP sets up committees and advisory committees, and has a secretariat and working groups. The committee is composed of the chairman, vice chairmen, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general, standing members and members; The Advisory Committee is composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Advisory Committee members. The members of CNC-IGBP are appointed for a term of four years, and at least one fourth of the total number of members will be replaced in each term.
Ten working groups and one information center under CNC-IGBP are respectively: GAIM working group, PAGES working group, JGOFS/LOICZ working group, RS/DIS working group, GCTE working group , Global Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and International Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Integration Research (GLOBEC/IMBER) Working Group, Water Cycle Biology Program (BAHC) Working Group, Qinghai Tibet Plateau and Global Change (TPGC) Working Group, Global Change Research (IC/GCS) Information Center, Land Use and Land Cover Plan (LUCC) Working Group and Upper Ocean Lower Atmosphere Research (SOLAS) Working Group. Except for the JGOFS/LOICZ working group and GLOBEC/IMBER working group in Qingdao and the IC/GCS information center in Lanzhou, the rest of the working groups are in Beijing.
For more than 10 years, as one of the initiators of global change research, China has made international contributions with Chinese characteristics in the field of global change. In the early 1980s, Chinese scientists had long participated in the feasibility study of major international plans for global change science. The state invested hundreds of millions of yuan in scientific research, which covered all areas of the atmosphere, land and ocean, There are more than 40 national and departmental key open laboratories available for global change research, which has created a large number of global change research scientists. According to incomplete statistics, since the Ninth Five Year Plan and the Tenth Five Year Plan, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and relevant national ministries and commissions have supported more than 240 global change projects, and more than 150 scientists and professors from more than 50 scientific research departments and colleges and universities have served as project leaders. By the end of 2003, 44 projects had been completed, making great contributions to international global change research and national needs.
Global change is the most urgent and profound environmental and social problem in the 21st century. Faced with the challenges of global environmental change and the common needs of sustainable development of human society, the research direction of global change science has shifted from pure basic research to applied research, with special attention to regional response to global change, This paper puts forward the problem of human society's adaptation to global change, and advocates the methods and approaches of integrated research. [1]