international status

Chinese vocabulary
zero Useful+1
International status refers to a country stay International system The location of the country and its relationship with other countries international The state in the structure of international power balance formed by the interaction of actors.
Chinese name
international status
Foreign name
international prestige; international statu
Evaluation factors
Comprehensive national strength, external world
Politics, economy, science and technology

Measurement and evaluation


comprehensive national strength

The development of society represents politics, economy, science and technology, diplomacy and other aspects, and the comprehensive national strength is the comprehensive performance and overall reflection of these aspects.
People have different views on how to view the comprehensive national strength and why we must pay attention to it. There is a view that observing the development and changes of a country can only focus on one or two major aspects, and it is unnecessary to be complicated; Comprehensive measurement is necessary, but difficult to achieve. This view cannot be said to be unreasonable, but it is not comprehensive enough. Using one or two main indicators, for example, the economic aggregate is the main symbol of social and economic development. It is important to see a country's economic aggregate and the overall situation of economic development through the gross national product.
However, social development is very complicated, involving politics, economy, culture population quality People's life ideology , domestic and foreign relations, natural resources and other aspects, these factors influence and restrict each other, and jointly determine the development of society. Some factors, such as national cohesion and the ideals and beliefs of the broad masses of the people, do not seem to have much to do with the national strength. In fact, they are important components of the comprehensive national strength and play a major role in the development of the country and society. Some factors, such as ecological environment and natural resources, may not directly determine the current economic development, but are closely related to the long-term development of society. The quality of the population, the educational and cultural level of the workers, the educational structure, etc., have an even greater impact on social development.
The study of comprehensive national strength is actually the study of the overall development of society, and the study of the status, role, relationship and development trend of various main factors with internal links. The all-round development of society requires us to observe it comprehensively and study it prospectively. It is important for those who command the overall situation to have the overall situation in mind. With a holistic view, only when we see all aspects of things and their interrelationships can we stand high, see far, grasp the overall situation, grasp the center, strategize in the tent, look up to heaven and earth, and make good moves in social development.
The strength of China's army, navy, air force and second artillery has significantly improved compared with that of the 1990s, and the scope of military activities has expanded. In science and technology, the space activities have made breakthrough progress, making Chinese people around the world proud and the whole world impressed. In terms of soft power, China's development model has been recognized by more and more developing and developed countries, and has become a model that many countries are trying to emulate. The emergence of a certain degree of Chinese fever in the world also shows that China's status has risen.
The essence of modern international competition is the competition of comprehensive national strength based on economy and technology. Comprehensive national strength is closely related to international status.

External world

Economic comparison
Economy ranks first in international status. Generally, economic development is used to rank the position of countries in the world. Mark whether a country is developed or developing.
Since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, China's strength has not been fundamentally damaged, and the world generally hopes that China will take the lead in coming out of the crisis and leading the world to recover. China $2 trillion foreign exchange reserve And the sufficient capital of the banking system, making China a minority of the backbone of the world in the crisis. Bank of China And the strength and international status of enterprises have risen significantly, and overseas acquisitions are very active.
Political comparison
Politics is the main political propositions in the international status, such as: the United States constantly puts forward new political propositions on human rights, international security, anti-terrorism, nuclear threat, emission reduction, etc. China has always emphasized the right to life, the right to development, the five principles of peaceful coexistence, the settlement of international disputes through peaceful consultations, and the opposition to armed confrontation.
Diplomatic comparison
Diplomatic comparison is different from political comparison. Diplomatic comparison is mainly about the size of the international impact of political propositions. In this regard, the US's hegemonism has weakened its political influence in the international arena. So that they had to raise a stick (military threats, economic sanctions) and a carrot (economic support, preferential policies) to enhance their diplomatic influence. This has once again weakened the political influence of the United States. China practices the principle of independent diplomacy.
Military comparison
Military affairs are an important condition of international status. In addition to the economic wealth of the world, the strong military power of the United States is an important pillar for the United States to become the world hegemon. The "peaceful development" strategy proposed by the Chinese government has weakened the views and concerns of countries around the world about the "China threat", and strengthened their trust, affirmation and confidence in China. China's foreign relations have continued to improve and develop, and its actions and performance in United Nations affairs, international economic and financial reform, United Nations peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and anti piracy have been recognized and recognized worldwide.
Comparison of science and technology
The achievements and contributions of scientific research in various high-end scientific and technological fields have a profound impact on the country's image and position in the world. The competition in this field is the most harmonious, elegant, fair, long-term and valuable competition in the world. China's science and technology are developing with the development of China's economy.

China's international status

China's international status is different from 55 years ago. Contemporary China is undergoing extensive and profound changes. Objectively speaking, China has become the fastest growing and most dynamic force in the world. Vertically, China is in the period of fastest development in the past few centuries; From a horizontal perspective, China's development and changes are having a broad and profound impact on the world. General Secretary Hu Jintao's 17th Party visit National Congress It was pointed out in the report on "Contemporary China's relations with the world have undergone historic changes, and China's future and destiny are increasingly closely linked to the future and destiny of the world". After China successfully hosted the Olympic Games, especially international financial crisis Since its inception, China's close and in-depth interaction with the world has become more evident.
China is the largest developing country in the world with the strongest comprehensive strength. Its position in the world is constantly improving, and its influence in international affairs is growing. China has become an important force on the international stage.
The foundation for the improvement of international status is the enhancement of comprehensive national strength
(1) China has found a correct development path. In the process of reform and opening up, China has organically combined the laws of modernization with its own national conditions, and has gone out of China Socialism with characteristics road. In the first eight years of the 21st century, China's economy has almost reached a higher level in the world. In 2008, its GDP reached 4.4 trillion US dollars, ranking the third largest economy in the world, and may become the second largest economy in the world. The enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength has laid the foundation for China's international status.
(2) China's connection with the world has never been stronger. China's extensive participation in global and regional cooperation has become an important driving force for world economic growth. In 2007, China's contribution to world economic growth exceeded that of the United States for the first time, ranking first in the world. In 2008, China contributed nearly 22% to world economic growth. China has established inextricably linked links with the international community, actively participated in international and regional affairs, fulfilled its due international obligations, played a responsible and constructive role in international affairs such as counter-terrorism, non-proliferation and combating piracy, and became an important force in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.
China becomes an important force to deal with the financial crisis
China's response to the financial crisis has had a positive impact not only on its own economy, but also on the regional economy and even the world economy. The once-in-a-century international financial crisis has caused global economic recession. In order to cope with the impact of the crisis and maintain steady and rapid economic development, China has adjusted its macroeconomic policies in a timely manner, resolutely implemented proactive fiscal policies and moderately loose monetary policies, and formed a package plan to further expand domestic demand and promote economic growth. These measures have achieved initial results and played an important role in easing prominent contradictions in economic operation and enhancing confidence. China's in-depth participation in the adjustment of the international system will move the world pattern towards today's world, which is undergoing major changes and adjustments. Affected by the financial crisis, western countries are in deep recession. Emerging countries, represented by China, have begun to make their own voices. From the rapid rise of the BRIC countries to the Group of 20 (G20) where developing countries have a place, an obvious trend is: as the largest economy among the BRIC countries, China is moving closer to the center of the world stage from a position that is not too central or even once marginal. As the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country, the second largest importer and exporter, the third largest economy, and also the country with the largest contribution to world economic growth, China's role and influence in the reform of the international financial system and the reform of the international order have attracted much attention. Western countries such as the United States and Europe have taken the initiative to deepen cooperation with China. Emerging powers hope to strengthen coordination with China, The developing countries hope that China will safeguard their interests, and the countries' borrowing from China has increased significantly. The "China Model" and other soft forces have been greatly improved, promoting the diversification of development models. This financial crisis has highlighted the vitality and influence of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improved China's voice in international affairs. Socialism with Chinese characteristics not only breaks through the traditional planned economy, but also does not blindly copy the western capitalist model. Instead, it combines the basic socialist system with the operating mode of the market economy. With the strong support of the state-owned economy, the government conducts effective regulation and supervision by the market, so that China has a strong ability to avoid and respond to crises.
The international financial crisis has caused neo liberalism to run into a wall. The western mainstream media believe that the current crisis is the biggest challenge faced by capitalism after the rise of the West and its dominance of the world. It focuses on exposing the deep defects of liberal capitalism, and calls for major reform of capitalism in the 21st century. The United States, Europe and Japan have fallen into simultaneous recession, and China's economy has become the biggest bright spot in global economic development. International public opinion is generally concerned about the continuous recovery of China's economy, and believes that the 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus plan adopted by the Chinese government is fast and effective. Newsweek commented that China is a big country that has no credit crisis or trust crisis in this crisis, which demonstrates the strong adaptability and competitiveness of the "China model". Goldman Sachs praised China as "the first important country to create an economic transition by virtue of its own policies in the current crisis, and has drawn a blueprint for the world economy".
Some public opinions believe that in the 1990s, Soviet model Latin American model East Asia model After successive failures, the "China model" provides a truly feasible "alternative" for developing countries to achieve modernization in the context of globalization. Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Joseph Nye and other scholars believe that the "China model" represents the future trend of the world development model. If the European "Rhine Model" and the American "Anglo - Saxon The "Chinese model" will dominate the 21st century. China's response to the financial crisis has been recognized by more and more countries, and more and more developing countries want to learn from China's development experience. The impact of the "China model" is increasingly evident globally.
In general, the international financial crisis has further highlighted China's international status and influence, and the world has gradually focused on China, paying more and more attention to what attitude China will take to deal with the relationship with the outside world.