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Military industry

Quartermaster units mainly serving national defense construction
synonym national defense industry (National defense industry) generally refers to military industry
Military industry: in China, it mainly refers to National defense construction Service, directly for troops Provide weapons, equipment and others quartermaster materiel Of industrial sector and factory And other military supplies units.
Chinese name
Military industry
And army Or war related industries

Weapons products

Mainly including Ordnance industry , aviation industry, shipbuilding industry, electronics industry, nuclear industry, aerospace industry, etc. The main products include guns, ammunition, tanks, military vehicles, military aircraft, military ships, military electronic equipment, rockets, missiles, military aerospace equipment, nuclear weapons and military clothing. [1]

Development history

The development level of the national defense industry is directly related to the modernization of military weapons and equipment. The national defense industry is formed and developed with the progress of science and technology and the development of large industry.
Military industry
As early as the end of primitive society, weapons production appeared. In ancient times, the production of weapons and equipment was based on handicrafts. In ancient Greece, Babylon and Egypt, there were official or private workshops to manufacture weapons and warships.
In the Middle Ages, there were some handicraft workshops in Western Europe that had a certain division of labor to manufacture weapons and armor. Since the 1860s industrial revolution Which provides a new material and technical basis for weapons manufacturing. With the rise of steel industry and machine manufacturing industry, the national defense industry is gradually established. In the middle of the 19th century, Britain established factories specializing in manufacturing guns, ammunition and warships.
From the end of the 19th century to the First World War New science and technology have been widely applied to the military field, including radio transceiver, TNT explosive loading ammunition, dual propulsion system submarines, aircraft, chemical poisons, tanks, etc., which have increased the types of weapons and their power unprecedented. some capitalist country For the needs of capital export, resource plundering, foreign aggression and expansion, the production capacity of weapons and equipment was vigorously strengthened, and the proportion of national defense industry in industry was rapidly increased. In 1917, the proportion of workers directly engaged in military production in the total number of workers was 58.3% in Germany, 76% in Russia, 57% in France, 64.2% in Italy, 46% in Britain and 31.6% in the United States. During the First World War, the main participating countries produced more than 180000 planes, about 150000 guns, 1 million machine guns, 1 billion shells and 9200 tanks.
Japanese "Rixiang" helicopter carrier
the Second World War During the period, the national defense industry has achieved great development. From 1941 to 1944, the main participating countries produced an average of 91000 tanks, 130000 aircraft, 350000 guns and 1.66 million machine guns every year. During the Second World War, Nazi Germany invented the missile, and the United States invented the atomic bomb. In 1946, the United States successfully developed the first electronic computer. This has led to major changes in military technology and combat style, strategy and tactics, military organizational system, military thinking, etc., and has also brought tremendous impact on all aspects of social life.
After the end of the Second World War, although no new world war broke out, the factors of war still existed. Local wars continued to break out, especially the arms race of superpowers, which greatly stimulated the development of the defense industry. For example, the industrial enterprises participating in defense research and production in the United States accounted for more than 1/3 of the total number of industrial enterprises; There are many large military enterprises in the Soviet Union, and there are systematic management organizations. The characteristics of the development of the world's defense industry are as follows: technically, with rockets, missiles, nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles as the center, many new fields have gradually emerged, such as precision guidance, jet propulsion, automatic control, electronic countermeasures, stealth, bionics, laser, ultrasound, remote sensing, aerospace, and so on; There have been many new breakthroughs in new materials and new processes, and the development, testing and production of weapons have taken on a new look. With the development of science and technology, the structure of the national defense industry has undergone major changes, and the proportion of high-tech industries has increased significantly.
The handicraft industry of making weapons in ancient China was relatively advanced. In the Xia and Shang dynasties, there were workshops for smelting and casting copper, which could produce weapons such as spears, swords, axes, etc. The craftsmanship was already skilled and exquisite. During the Spring and Autumn Period, iron smelting technology was mastered and iron weapons appeared. After the Qin Dynasty, iron weapons gradually replaced copper weapons, and specialized weapons manufacturing institutions appeared. In the 1960s and 1990s, in order to maintain feudal rule and strengthen military strength, the Qing Dynasty set up a number of military factories (bureaus) through the Westernization Movement, and a number of weapons and equipment manufacturing institutions emerged.
Military industry
During the period of the Republic of China, the national defense industry of the National Government developed slightly. Before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, 68 military factories were accepted, which could produce some weapons, equipment and ammunition; In the revolutionary base areas and the liberated areas, a number of gun factories, explosive factories, and ordnance repair factories with rudimentary equipment have also been established. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the defense industry has developed rapidly;
Around 1950, the military factories left by the Kuomintang government and those in the liberated areas were restructured into 72 new military factories, with about 93000 employees and 1900 engineering technicians;
In May 1953, China and the Soviet Union signed the Agreement on the Assistance of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China for the Development of China's National Economy in Moscow, which stipulated that the Soviet Union would help China build and rebuild 156 projects, about 1/3 of which were defense industrial projects, including factories such as guns, ammunition, tanks, artillery, and aircraft, At the same time, they also started the research on missile and nuclear weapons;
Around 1960, the Soviet Union suddenly tore up 600 contracts and withdrew all experts, which caused great difficulties for China's economy and defense industry. In the early 1960s, China implemented the policy of "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement", which enabled the defense industry to get out of the predicament and embark on the road of independent development, and made great achievements: in October 1964, the first atomic bomb exploded successfully;
In October 1966, a missile nuclear weapon test was conducted;
In June 1967, the first hydrogen bomb exploded successfully;
In April 1970, it successfully launched the first Artificial earth satellite Significant progress has also been made in the development of conventional weapons; Electronic computers, semiconductors and laser technology have also begun to take off. From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, large-scale "three front" construction was carried out, which improved the strategic layout of China's defense industry.
Since 1978, under the guidance of the policy of reform and opening up, China's defense industry has entered a new period of development. According to the characteristics of the situation at home and abroad, the policy of "military civilian integration, peacetime and wartime integration" is re emphasized, and the national defense industry is required to obey the overall situation of national economic construction. While ensuring the military production task, large-scale production of civilian products is carried out, and some military technology is transferred to civilian use. Although China has established a relatively complete range of defense industries, there is still a big gap between China and developed countries in terms of both technical level and production capacity. In view of China's economic situation, the development of China's national defense industry adheres to the principle of highlighting key points, and puts very limited economic costs to the most needed aspects; In the development of weapons and equipment, the principle of independence, capability, gradual improvement and gradual improvement shall be followed.
Entering the 21st century, with National defense science and technology With the development of China's national defense industry, great progress has been made. The old national defense industry foundation has been gradually transformed with new technologies. High tech construction projects have increased. The technical content of military production has been continuously improved. The work of military to civilian conversion has been further deepened. The structure and scale of the national defense industry have become increasingly reasonable. [1]

Different characteristics

The main task of the national defense industry is to produce weapons, equipment and other military products. Weapons and equipment are special consumer goods, and their direct use is to meet the military needs, which determines that the national defense industry has different characteristics compared with the civil industry:
① The state plays an important role. The state is the maker of the production plan of the national defense industry and the consumer of the national defense industrial products, which are generally ordered and consumed directly by the military.
② Capital and technology intensive. The establishment of the national defense industry and the production of weapons and equipment require huge investment. In the national defense industry, there are generally the most advanced science and technology and many outstanding scientific and technological talents.
③ The product cost is high and expensive.
④ The alternation of peace and war has a direct impact on the planning and production of the national defense industry. The demand for military products is small in peacetime and large in wartime.
⑤ High confidentiality and stricter management.
⑥ Major enterprises are distributed in strategic depth areas to ensure wartime security. [1]

Development trend

With the progress of science and technology, the renewal of weapons and equipment and the change of national defense consumption structure, the development trend of national defense industry is mainly as follows:
① Under the promotion of the new technological revolution and high-tech competition, many countries have constantly adjusted their industrial structure, developed high-tech industries, and focused on the development of electronics, aerospace, new material industries, etc., so that the national defense industrial structure has changed from a traditional one that mainly consumes a lot of manpower, materials, and energy to a high-tech industrial structure.
② The transformation of the traditional national defense industry is mainly through the vigorous development of electronic technology, automatic control technology and various flexible technologies, the transformation of the traditional production process, the reduction of costs, and the improvement of the tactical and technical performance of military products. The management means of the national defense industry enterprises are also developing in an efficient and scientific direction.
③ Deepen the combination of military and civilian, integrate military and civilian, and technically promote the development of the national economy and enhance the mobilization potential of wartime military production by expanding the universality and standardization of military and civilian products. ④ Develop international cooperation and strengthen international economic and technological cooperation through joint research and development of military products. [1]