National competitive advantage

Books published by CITIC Press in 2007
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The National Competitive Advantage was published in 2007 China Citic Press Published by Michael Porter Translator Li Mingxuan and Qiu Rumei. This book mainly tells the basis HO theory , most countries are bound to have Comparative advantage [1]
Chinese name
National competitive advantage
Michael E. Porter
Original works
The Competitive Advantage of Nations
Li Mingxuan, Qiu Rumei
Publication time
Number of pages
Page 775
128 yuan
16 ON
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion five hundred and eight million six hundred and nine thousand six hundred and fourteen

content validity

If a country's comparative advantage in a product is not sustainable, then this comparative advantage is not the competitive advantage of the country. Based on the research of 10 major developed countries“ National Competitive Advantage Theory ”According to the competitive productivity , gave the theoretical explanation for the first time. Traditional comparative advantages such as natural resources and labor force, baud It explains how they are replaced as the source of wealth, and the macro economic explanation of competitiveness is insufficient.
The theory of national competitive advantage has four points, forming a quadrilateral, which is commonly called Porter's "diamond theory of national competitive advantage", as follows:
A, Element conditions Land (including natural resources), capital, labor, labor education level, national infrastructure quality, etc. Some of these factors are natural factors, while others are places where the government can play a role.
B, Requirements: Whether the domestic market is large enough. The first goal of most companies is to focus on meeting the needs of the domestic market. If the domestic market is small, it is difficult for the company to develop new products.
C, Related and supporting industries. baud clustering Natural formation, industry and correlation Upstream industry Whether it has international competitiveness.
D, Corporate strategy, structure and confrontation performance: Domestic Competitive environment It has created the company's international competitiveness.

Edit recommendation

It is rich in the reasons for the success and failure of industries, regions and countries, as well as experience and lessons.
——《 Business Week
This book is bound to provide academic, managerial insight and public policy Has a positive and far-reaching impact.
——Management Science Quarterly
National Competitive Advantage is destined to become a classic in this field.
——Contemporary Business
This book is the first book to study the process of national economic development in the early period after World War II. It aims to create a basic theory of national economic development, and is also one of the earliest ways to think about development policies in recent years.
——Journal of Economic Development
The publication of this profound and remarkable masterpiece has enabled enterprise managers, economists, policy makers and ordinary readers to get what they need.
——Publishers Weekly

About the author

One of the international authorities in the field of competitive strategy and international competitiveness, Harvard Business School C Professor Roland Christensen. In 1983, he was appointed Reagan The members of the President's Industrial Competition Commission began to trigger the discussion on the competitiveness of the United States. He has consulted state heads, governors, mayors and CEOs from all over the world, and won the Welles Economics Award Adam Smith Award , three Mycomp Tin Award, and honorary doctorates from Stockholm and six other universities. Professor Porter has 14 books, including Competitive Strategy, Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategy Cases, all of which are published by Free Press. Professor Porter now lives in Massachusetts brooklyn [1]

Catalogue of works

Reprint Introduction
Self order
Chapter I New Model Era
Contradictory interpretations
Ask the right questions first
Traditional theory of industrial success
Desire for a new model
Why can they, we can't
Cross border exploration of competitive advantages
Competitive advantage in broad sense
Chapter I Theory
Chapter II The Road to a Dominant Country
Starting from competitive strategy
Global competition
National environment boosts the situation
Chapter III Four Elements of Diamond System
Diamond system creates national advantages
Factors of production: the essence of mutual exchange
Subdivide resource categories
Related and supporting industries: a network of advantages for the community
Enterprise strategy, enterprise structure Horizontal competition ——The final triangle exercise
Role of opportunity - available but not desirable
The Role of Government: the Balance between Intervention and Laissez faire
Anatomy of "key elements"
Chapter IV Start of Competitiveness
Relationship lines within the diamond system
Make up dynamic system
Industrial cluster phenomenon
Concentration due to geographical location
Birth and growth of competitive industries
Looking at the "diamond system"
Part II Industry
Chapter V Case Analysis
Case 1: Germany Printing machine
Case 2: Medical testing instruments in the United States
Case 3: Italian ceramic tile industry
Case 4: Industrial robots in Japan
Chapter VI Rise of Service Industry
The rise of the service industry
Everywhere is a good place for service
Service and manufacturing are interdependent
The service industry is in a fierce battle
Part III Country
Chapter VII Winners after the War
The United States: Dominant after the war
Switzerland: a country as stable as Mount Tai
Sweden: Resources, Opportunities and Choices
Germany: indomitable rebirth
Chapter VIII Emerging Countries in the 1970s and 1980s
The Rise of Japan
Italy, a rising power
Emerging South Korea
Chapter IX Declining Powers
Britain: Once The sun never sets
America: turbulence
Chapter X Four Stages of Economic Development
Chapter IV Application
Chapter XI Enterprise Strategy
Chapter XII Government Policies
Chapter XIII Guidelines for National Action
Conclusion - Enjoy the success
Appendix I - Methods for Defining Industrial Clusters
Appendix II - Supplementary data on trade types of countries