National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

Science Foundation
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The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars supports young scholars who have made outstanding achievements in basic research to independently select research directions and carry out innovative research, promote the growth of young scientific and technological talents, attract overseas talents, and cultivate and cultivate a group of outstanding academic leaders who have entered the world's scientific and technological frontier.
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars was established by the state council The establishment was approved. By 2014, the "Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars" had funded 3004 people in 20 batches. The number of disciplines supported by the "Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars" had expanded from 36 at the beginning to 67 later.
The number of "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund" grants has increased significantly from 50 people a year at the beginning of its establishment to about 200 people later, and then to about 300 people in 2019. The number of grants and the number of disciplines covered by the Fund has increased significantly. The scope of funding is nationwide, not for a particular field or department, but covers all fields of natural science; Because of the credibility of the selection of "Outstanding Youth" and the remarkable achievements of scientists who have received "Outstanding Youth" funding, the competition for the application of "Outstanding Youth" has been very fierce. [8-11] [15]
In 2018, 199 "outstanding youth" projects were approved, including 25 in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, 30 in the Department of Chemical Sciences, 25 in the Department of Life Sciences, 21 in the Department of Earth Sciences, 38 in the Department of Engineering and Materials Science, 29 in the Department of Information Science, 7 in the Department of Management Science, and 24 in the Department of Medical Sciences, with an average funding rate of 6.69%; In 2019, 296 items were approved, including 35 items from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, 45 items from the Department of Chemical Sciences, 38 items from the Department of Life Sciences, 32 items from the Department of Earth Sciences, 56 items from the Department of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 43 items from the Department of Information Sciences, 10 items from the Department of Management Sciences, and 37 items from the Department of Medical Sciences, with an average funding rate of 9.37%. [12-13]
The "Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars" has become the leader of China's high-end talent funding program, and is one of the sources and symbols of the success of scientists' scientific research. "Distinguished Young Scholars" has also become the second level high-end talent in China, second only to academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an authoritative yardstick for judging innovation potential and academic level in the scientific field. [7] [14]
Chinese name
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Foreign name
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Nature of the Fund
National Science Foundation
Purpose of the Fund
Support the independent innovation research of outstanding young scholars
Fund establishment

historical background

National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. In the eyes of scientific researchers, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars still enjoys a high reputation. The significance of obtaining the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" is not only reflected in the amount of the fund, but also because the fund has a very strict evaluation system. Obtaining the fund means that the academic level of applicants has been recognized by peers.
As the historical "witness" of this fund, China Agricultural University principal Chen Zhangliang The professor gave a detailed account of the establishment of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars [1]

Establishment proposal

Chen Zhangliang recalled: "On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1994, I was informed to go to Zhongnanhai to attend a symposium hosted by Comrade Li Peng, then the Premier of the State Council, at which some experts in the scientific and technological circles discussed the revision of the government work report. At the symposium, others were invited to speak Yang Le Wait for 5 young and middle-aged scientists, each of whom will speak for 10 minutes. Maybe I was the youngest, so I was only given 5 minutes. "
In the early 1990s, the situation of China's scientific research team was worrying, and the problem of aging talents and lack of successors was quite serious. At that time, the academic leaders at the forefront of scientific research were basically over 50 years old. According to statistics, in 1992, the average age of researchers in the Chinese Academy of Sciences was 53 years old, and 80% of professors in universities and colleges across the country were over 56 years old. Many experts in the scientific and technological circles are worried about the situation of "shortage" of scientific and technological talents.
Chen Zhangliang recalled: "At that time, not only was the problem of aging of talents serious, but it was also difficult to introduce talents. Many successful overseas students also considered returning to the motherland to work, but what they were most worried about was that domestic research funds could not be guaranteed."
In his speech at Zhongnanhai that day, Chen Zhangliang said, "We should learn from some practices of the United States, for example, the United States uses the Presidential Fund to fund outstanding young scientists and invites them to White House be a guest. Can we also allocate 50 million yuan from the Premier's Fund every year to support 100 young scholars studying abroad to return to China? If possible, 10 years later, 1000 young scientists will be funded, Nobel Prize Winners may emerge from them. "
The young man's words amused everyone. Because then National funds General items The annual funding is only 20000 to 30000 yuan, and everyone thinks that Chen Zhangliang's proposal is a bit unrealistic.
Li Peng also smiled and said, "My Premier's Fund doesn't have much money, but everyone is interested in it [1] 。”

Premier's response

It will soon be the Lantern Festival. Chen Zhangliang was invited to attend the Lantern Festival reception attended by party and state leaders. When Li Peng saw Chen Zhangliang, he said to him, "I think your suggestions are feasible. Write a report to the Science and Technology Commission (Ministry of Science and Technology) as soon as possible, not too long, just two pages."
Through the joint efforts of various parties, about the beginning of March 1994, Li Peng stay National Natural Science Foundation The report submitted gave instructions, approved the allocation of special funds, established this fund to support young scientists, named the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", and was managed by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee. The purpose is to promote the growth of young scientific and technological talents, encourage overseas scholars to return to work, Accelerate the cultivation of a group of outstanding academic leaders who have entered the world's scientific and technological frontier. In that year, 49 young scholars were supported by the fund. Chen Zhangliang was also invited to serve as the first judge of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Chen Zhangliang said that during the review process, experts focused on examining applicants' past work performance, scientific literacy, style of study and academic ethics, whether they had innovative research ability, and implemented the objection period system. The whole review process fully reflected the principle of "openness, fairness, and impartiality", so that the fund always maintained a good reputation [1]

Fund input

In September 2019, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang When presiding over the symposium on the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, he pointed out that exploring the use of the "Outstanding Young Scholars" Fund as the national "venture capital fund" not only promotes innovation, but also tolerates failure, encourages more scientific and technological personnel, especially young talents, to venture into the "no man's land" of scientific research, promotes more scientific and technological "strange fruits and fragrance", and makes greater contributions to building an innovative country. [7]
This fund has become one of the effective ways to promote the emergence of high-level outstanding young scientific and technological talents in China Bai Chunli Chen Zhu Li Jinghai Li Jiayang Wang Zhixin Liu Depei Tian Gang Luco And other outstanding scientists, who have become the pillars of China's scientific and technological community [1]
In 2020, there will be 300 new "outstanding youth", 270 men and 30 women, from 124 units; Among them, University of Science and Technology of China and Tsinghua University The number of people selected is the largest, 15; Peking University and Nanjing University Followed by 14 people; Shanghai Jiaotong University 12 people, Zhejiang University 8 people, Fudan University 8 people, Sun Yat-sen University 7 people, WuHan University 7 people, Xi'an Jiaotong University 6 people, Beijing University of Technology 4 people, Tongji University 4 people, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 3 people, Nankai University 3 people, Dalian University of Technology 2 people, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1 person, see the publicity for the specific list.

Achievements and influence



Over the past 25 years, most of the young scientific and technological talents funded by the "Outstanding Youth" Fund have grown into academic leaders in their respective fields and become the main force in building an innovative country. Among the 12 additional groups of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (excluding foreign academicians) elected between 1995 and 2017, 228 were once supported by the "Outstanding Youth" Fund, accounting for 36.36% of the total; 86.41% of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who are under 60 years old (inclusive) have won the "Outstanding Youth" Fund; All academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the age of 50 have been supported by the "Outstanding Youth" Fund. Among the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the proportion of "those who have won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" has increased year by year. Among the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017, the proportion of "those who have won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" has reached 72.13%. Of the 13 additional batches of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (excluding foreign academicians) elected between 1995 and 2017, 88 were once supported by the "Outstanding Youth" Fund; 38.62% of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who are under 60 years old (inclusive) have received funding from the "Outstanding Youth" Fund. Among the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in each session, the proportion of "those who have won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" has also shown a significant growth trend. Among the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017, the proportion of "those who have won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" has reached 26.87%. Moreover, most of the representative achievements of the academicians applying for the "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund" came from the funding period or the deepening of the research work of the "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund". The "Outstanding Young Scholars" Fund has also helped a number of high-level research teams emerge in the field of basic research, such as high-temperature superconductivity, topological insulation quantum states, brain science, molecular imaging, primate models, etc.
From 2000 to 2018, National Natural Science Award A total of 636 awards were awarded. Among them, 511 "Winners of Outstanding Young Scholars Fund" participated in and completed, accounting for 80.35% of the total awards; As the first person to win 388 awards, "Winners of Outstanding Young Scholars Fund" accounted for 61.01% of the total awards. From 2013 to 2018, a total of 7 first prizes of the National Natural Science Award were awarded, all of which were participated by the "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Funders" as core members, of which the "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Funders" as the first person to win 4 prizes. In addition, a large number of "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Funders" were awarded important international academic awards such as the "World Outstanding Female Scientist Award".
From 2000 to 2018, 3196 National Technological Progress Awards were awarded, mostly by enterprises. Among the 213 special awards and first prizes, 61 of them were funded by the Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars. In the grand prize, the participation of "those who won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" accounted for 38%, and in the first prize, the participation of "those who won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" accounted for 28%. From 2000 to 2018, 717 National Technological Invention Awards were awarded. "Winners of Outstanding Young Scholars Fund" participated in 292 projects, accounting for 40.73% of the total awards; As the first person to win 217 awards, accounting for 30.26% of the total awards; In particular, among the 16 first prizes of the National Technological Invention Awards awarded from 2000 to 2018, there are 8 "winners of the Outstanding Young Scholars Fund" as the first winners.
Over the past 25 years, the "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Funders" have actively participated in international major scientific programs and major scientific projects, and gradually realized the transformation from learning and tracking to parallel development in basic theoretical research, major key technological breakthroughs and other aspects, including the Large Hadron Collider, the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, the Comprehensive Ocean Drilling Program The Chinese participants in international major scientific programs and major scientific projects, such as the square kilometer array radio telescope, are mainly "funded by the Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars" and continue to contribute Chinese wisdom to solving major scientific problems in the world.
The influence of the "Fund Winners" in the international academic community continues to increase, and China's role and status in the international academic community has been enhanced in mathematics, chemistry, physics and other disciplines. In the list of Chinese highly cited scholars released by Elsevier, an international academic publishing group, from 2016 to 2018, 1971 scientists were selected successively, including 719 "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Winners", accounting for 36.48% of the total number, and 640 "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund Winners" were selected for three consecutive years. From 2014 to 2018, 529 Chinese mainland scientists were included in the list of "Global Highly cited Scientists" of Kerui Weian, including 193 "Distinguished Young Scholars Fund funders", accounting for 36.48% of the total.
Most of the young scholars elected by foreign academies of science/engineering are "funded by the Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars". as National Academy of Sciences /At present, the Academy of Engineering has 15 foreign academicians under the age of 70 in mainland China, all of whom are "funded by the Outstanding Young Scholars Fund". From 1994 to 2019, a total of 210 people from mainland China were selected Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries Among them, 91 were "funded by the Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars", accounting for 43.33%, and showing an upward trend year by year, of which the proportion in 2014 and 2016 was as high as 90%.


The scientific and technological talents selected and cultivated by the "Outstanding Youth" Fund have become the main resources of China's high-end talents, providing talent reserves and important support for the construction of a century old scientific and technological power. At the same time, the "Outstanding Young Scholars" Fund has not only trained leading talents in the frontier fields of scientific research, built a high-end talent pool for basic research in China, but also trained a number of management talents in the scientific and technological community, and strategic experts leading China's scientific development.
"Winners of the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" have led the development of China's forward-looking basic science and constantly provided new ideas and methods for the scientific frontier. As the leading talents in scientific research and academic leaders, they play an increasingly prominent role and are an important force to promote the original innovation of basic research in China.
Through independent technological innovation, the "Fund Winners" have achieved many domestic or international initiatives, effectively solved important scientific problems in economic and social development, and produced significant economic and social benefits in the transformation process of some achievements. Based on the international frontier of basic research and focusing on the strategic needs of national economic and social development, the "Fund Winners" effectively use international (regional) scientific and technological resources to carry out substantive international cooperative research, and constantly improve China's scientific research level and international influence.

development planning

In 2019, Li Keqiang, then member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, presided over the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars working forum. According to the introduction of the relevant responsible person of the National Natural Science Foundation, after the forum, the party group of the National Natural Science Foundation quickly carried out research and actively deployed specific implementation work.
First, increase support in key areas. We should study in depth how to target the key constraints of China's innovation and development, increase support for basic research, and strive to "stand firm" in some strategic imperatives and important fields, so as to promote technological innovation and industrial development to stand firm, stand firm and have a foundation. And encourage young scientific and technological talents to devote themselves to basic research.
Second, we should give full play to the role of the "outstanding youth" fund as a pilot field. We will continue to promote the reform of funding management for "outstanding youth" funds, actively implement the "lump sum system" for the use of funds, promote reform integration, and form a joint force; We will explore and establish a commitment system for young researchers to use funds independently and rationally, fully trust scientists, and create conditions for them to focus on research, work hard and continue to work hard, and climb scientific peaks without hesitation.
Third, we should vigorously promote the spirit of scientists. We should earnestly summarize and carry forward the fine tradition of the team of "those who have won the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars", and give full play to its leading and exemplary role. We should respect the laws of science and research in the management of NSFC funding, encourage scientists to be down-to-earth, hard working, bold in exploration, and not afraid of failure. We should guide scientists to strictly abide by scientific research integrity and ethical standards.
Fourth, improve the talent funding mechanism. We should consider talent funding as a whole and implement it carefully in the reform task of the "talent funding system upgrading plan". We should be committed to solving the two problems existing in talent plans: the reasonable continuation of talent plans for different age groups; Prevent the "single log bridge" problem caused by a certain type of talent plan. We should focus on supporting younger scientific and technological innovation talents, strengthen support for high-level foreign talents, promote innovation and tolerate failure, encourage more scientific and technological personnel, especially young talents, to venture into the "no man's land" of scientific research, promote more scientific and technological "exotic fruits and fragrance", and make greater contributions to building an innovative country and a world science and technology power.

Fund Guide

National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

Application conditions

(1) Having the nationality of the People's Republic of China;
(2) The applicant is under 45 years old on January 1 of the current year;
(3) Have good scientific morality;
(4) Having a senior professional technical post (title) or a doctor's degree;
(5) Having the experience of undertaking basic research projects or other basic research;
(6) No formal employment relationship with overseas units;
(7) It is guaranteed that the research work in the supporting unit will last for more than 9 months every year during the funding period.
Young Chinese scholars who do not have the nationality of the People's Republic of China and meet the above conditions 2 to 7 may apply. Personnel who are engaged in research and studying for graduate degree in post doctoral workstation shall not apply; Those who have been supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars shall not apply again.

matters needing attention

(1) The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars examines the academic level and innovation potential of the applicant himself, and does not fill in the "main participants" when writing the application form;
(2) In the abstract part of the application form, fill in the applicant's "main academic achievements";
(3) Fill in the "research field" in the project name column of the application form instead of the specific research topic name;
(4) Only statistical tables are required for the inclusion and citation of papers in the application [2]

General rules for publication

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Management of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the list of applicants for the proposed funding projects of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in XXXX is published.
The applicant for the proposed funded project has violated《 Regulations of the National Natural Science Foundation of China 》Any unit or individual may raise a written objection to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) within 15 days (from August 8 to August 22) if the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (NSFC) Program Management Measures or other academic misconduct occurs. [3-6]