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Circular of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Implementation of Preferential Railway Freight Policy for Agricultural Fertilizers such as Slow release Fertilizers

Notice issued by the National Development and Reform Commission
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The notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the implementation of preferential railway freight policy for agricultural fertilizer, such as slow release fertilizer, is issued by the Development and Reform Commission.
Chinese name
Circular of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Implementation of Preferential Railway Freight Policy for Agricultural Fertilizers such as Slow release Fertilizers
Issued by
Development and Reform Commission
full text
In order to implement the relevant policies of preferential railway freight rates for agricultural fertilizer, promote the production and circulation of agricultural fertilizer, and support agricultural production, the relevant issues are notified as follows:
1、 The operation lines of national railways that implement uniform freight rates continue to implement the current preferential freight rates for agricultural fertilizers, and are exempt from railway construction funds.
2、 Eight new types of fertilizers, such as slow release fertilizer and water-soluble fertilizer, will enjoy preferential railway freight rates. See the appendix for the Catalogue of Agricultural Fertilizer Varieties with Preferential Railway Freight Rates (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue), which will be adjusted according to the actual situation in the future.
3、 All enterprises with legal production and operation qualification of agricultural chemical fertilizer and agricultural chemical fertilizer listed in the Catalog through the above railway transportation shall be subject to preferential transport rates of agricultural chemical fertilizer. When consigning agricultural fertilizers, the copies of the business licenses of the consignor and the consignee must be issued at the same time. The copies should be stamped and confirmed by the licensed enterprise. The column of "business scope" should include "fertilizer" (or "fertilizer"). Export fertilizers and chemicals used for industrial production do not enjoy preferential policies for agricultural fertilizer freight rates.
4、 All railway transport enterprises must strictly implement preferential freight rates for agricultural chemical fertilizers that meet the above requirements. If the consignor uses fraudulent means such as issuing false certificates and licenses to enjoy preferential tariff policies for agricultural chemical fertilizers, or changes the use of agricultural chemical fertilizers, the railway transport enterprise shall investigate the liability for breach of contract in accordance with relevant regulations.
This Circular shall be implemented as of September 20, 2021. [1]