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domestic market

Field of goods and services exchange within a country
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The domestic market is within the scope of a country commodity and labour services The field of exchange. It was formed with the emergence of commodity economy and expanded with the development of commodity economy. In the pre capitalist stage, the commodity economy was underdeveloped, and exchange did not dominate the social economy. Different ethnic groups and regions were isolated from each other to varying degrees, so there was no unified domestic market. The formation of the domestic unified market was in the transition period from feudal society to capitalism. Thereafter, the domestic market scale further expanded, and international market It is inseparable. Many countries connect their domestic markets with the international markets through developed foreign trade. [1]
Chinese name
domestic market
Foreign name
domestic market
commodity economy
Formation process
The leadership of the commercial bourgeoisie


With the development of domestic market commodity economy Formed by the production of. The domestic market dates back to slave society It has already appeared and expanded with the development of commodity economy. But in feudal society, there was no unified domestic market until the feudal society capitalist society During the transitional period, it came into being as a necessity of historical development. Capitalist economy is a highly developed commodity economy, and its products cannot be accommodated by local and small-scale markets. Therefore, in the transition to the capitalist mode of production, it is inevitable to break the limitations of local markets and find broad markets for commodity production with increasing scope and scale. This requires not only a near neighbor market, but also a distant market; There should be not only a local regional market, but also a national unified market; We should not only expand the influence of the national economy (essentially capitalist economy at that time) in the domestic market, but also eliminate foreign economic forces from the domestic market. Therefore, the establishment of a national, unified and broad domestic market is a necessary condition for the formation and development of the capitalist mode of production. of course, capitalist economy It is not a closed economy and cannot be limited to the domestic unified market. After the formation of the domestic unified market, it will inevitably develop abroad and establish a capitalist world market.

Domestic unified market

The domestic unified market was established under the leadership of the commercial bourgeoisie. Its formation depends first on complete disintegration natural economy , widely develop the commodity economy, and then promote the polarization of small producers. Lost in a large number of small producers Means of production Degenerate into Employee , a large number of means of production are centralized and completed primitive accumulation of capital On the basis of capital goods market Means of living market and labour market With the transformation of the market from the former capitalist nature to the capitalist nature, the products produced by capitalism gradually go beyond the local area, and then go beyond the region to the whole country; And what it needs Production conditions The achievement of ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ". Some of this process is domestic capitalism The process in which a force seizes its own market (including sales market and raw material market) from foreign aggressors. Therefore, the formation process of the domestic unified market is essentially the process of the development of the capitalist production relations in the country, and the process of capitalist forces establishing their own advantages and even ruling in the country. At the same time, this process is accompanied by the process of the bourgeoisie gradually seizing the dominant position in politics by relying on the growth of economic strength. It is manifested in that the bourgeoisie expels the feudal forces politically and establishes a unified and independent country. bourgeois class Relying on the political power gained by oneself, in turn, it serves its own economic foundation, implements the policy of protecting trade externally, implements the policy of free trade domestically, eliminates the feudal separatist forces, breaks regional blockades, dismantles feudal checkpoints and abolishes feudal taxes and levies , unify the currency and weights and measures, and create the necessary environment and conditions for the formation of a unified domestic market. The formation of a unified domestic market integrated the economies of all regions of the country through the circulation of capitalist goods, established the rule of capitalist production relations nationwide, made the capitalist economy based on the broad domestic market, and opened up a broad market for the expansion of capitalist competition, capitalist accumulation and capitalist reproduction.

Formation process

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the development of commodity economy The rudiments of capitalism The emergence of has revealed the clue of a unified domestic market. However, after the Opium War, China did not generally develop a commodity economy and transform into a capitalist society. On the contrary, imperialist forces occupied the dominant position and maintained a strong natural economy and feudal forces, resulting in Semi colonial and semi feudal society because China National bourgeoisie Being weak, they have no strength to lead and complete the historical mission of establishing a unified domestic market. In 1949, with the victory of the People's Democratic Revolution throughout the country, the imperialist forces in China were expelled and confiscated Bureaucratic capital , implemented land reform (See China's land reform )The feudal landlord class was eliminated. At the same time, on this basis, extensive material exchanges between urban and rural areas have been carried out, promoting the development of the commodity economy. In 1956, the whole country basically completed Ownership of means of production Of socialist transformation (See China's socialist transformation ), basically established Public ownership of means of production A socialist domestic unified market based on. The formation of this market has integrated the economies of all parts of the country through socialist commodity circulation, established the rule of socialist relations of production nationwide, and enabled the socialist economy to build on the broad domestic market Socialist accumulation and Socialist reproduction The expansion of has opened up a broad market. However, because old China was a semi colonial and semi feudal society, the productivity was very low, and the commodity economy and capitalism were very underdeveloped. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, although the commodity economy has developed somewhat, it is very inadequate countryside China's self-sufficient production still accounts for a large proportion, so the unified socialist market has not finally taken shape. It needs to continue to develop the commodity economy extensively in urban and rural areas, especially in rural areas to completely eliminate the remnants of natural economy, so that the vast rural economy can be commercialized. Completely building a unified socialist market is necessary for China to realize socialized production and socialist modernization.

Consolidation and development



The socialist unified market is not the market of a single socialist economy or an economy owned by the whole people, but is based on the means of production Socialist public ownership Basic Socialist relations of production A market in which various economic sectors, dominated by the socialist economy, participate. Externally, it protects socialism interest Independence of nation The market, internally, is a unified market serving the socialist economic construction of the whole country.


The full functioning of the unified socialist market depends on a variety of conditions. The key condition is the continuous development of social productivity and commodity economy. At the same time, we need to rely on the growth of the socialist economy, establish an economic system that adapts to the development of productive forces and conforms to China's national conditions, and give play to the role of the country's superstructure. The role of superstructure is mainly to implement protective policies (such as protecting the domestic market and protecting everything in line with the socialist direction Trade Freedom and protection compete ), Open policy (such as opening up between regions), invigorating the domestic market policy, maintaining the normal order of the market and reasonably coordinating the trade activities of various economic forces participating in the market.